9 research outputs found

    Superoxide dismutase polymorphisms in wild populations of herb Paris (Paris quadrifolia L., Trilliaceae)

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    Polymorphism of superoxide dismutase (SOD) was investigated in leaves of herb Paris (Paris quadrifolia L., Trilliaceae). The plants were collected during the summer and autumn of 2001 from different natural locations in Lithuania and Norway. Crude extracts from leaves were analyzed using electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel for SOD polymorphism detection. By means of analysis of plants from different locations, some differences in the electrophoretic mobility and the phenotypes of SOD bands were detected. Differences appeared between the Lithuanian and Norwegian samples and among the Lithuanian samples from different locations as well as inside them. These findings indicate a polymorphism in plants from Lithuania and Norway. Analysis of the results revealed five types of SOD isozyme spectra in both countries. SOD isozyme spectra also differed in leaves, seeds, roots and rootlets

    Globodera spp. monitoringas Lietuvoje taikant morfometrinę analizę ir polimerazinės grandininės reakcijos metodą

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    A total of 11,406 soil samples from 2,742 ha were collected in 10 administrative regions of Lithuania during the year 2006. A total of 672 cysts were selected and species were morphologically identified as Globodera rostochiensis. Of these cysts, 117 from 5 administrative regions of Lithuania were identified using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis. Two pairs of species-specific primers were used to distinguish G. rostochiensis from G. pallida. This is the first application of a PCR method for identification of Globodera species in Lithuania

    Nuo baudžiamosios intervencijos link puoselėjančios globos: tarpdisciplininis žvilgsnis į vaiko apsaugą ir gerovę : monografija

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    Recenzentai: prof. dr. Liuda Radzevičienė (Šiaulių universitetas); doc. dr. Lijana Gvaldaitė (Vilniaus universitetas); doc. dr. Dalija Snieškienė (Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas)Experiences of childhood accompany people throughout their lives. Some of them are imprinted deeper while others slip unnoticed. It is important that childhood experiences are nurturing and not harmful. The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), the concept of which has been described by Vincent J. Felitti and colleagues, impact a person negatively for the entire life and without effective interventions are passed on to future generations528. Early childhood and adolescent years are especially important. Recently, early childhood development has received global political attention. The sustainable development goals include early childhood development as the key to global change by 2030529. The UN Secretary-General’s global strategy for women’s, children’s, and adolescent health (2016–2030) generalises a new vision that aims at survival, wellbeing, and transformation. Moreover, world institutions such as UNICEF, the World Bank, UNESCO, and WHO have prioritised early childhood in their programs. In May 2018, Nurturing Care Framework, developing policy guidelines to enable the development of nurturing care, including health, nutrition, protection and security, responsive caregiving, and early learning opportunities, was introduced530. An increasing number of researches emphasise the importance of adolescence alongside early childhood and look for science-based interventions that effectively contribute to the well-being of children and adolescents rather than just their survival or reliance on their ability to survive. Scientific breakthroughs from various disciplines highlighting neurodevelopment, the importance of environment and relationships, and the adverse childhood consequences for a human-being, future generations, and the development of society have made a significant contribution to the inclusion of the childhood development in the global political agenda.[...]Politikos mokslų ir diplomatijos fakult.Socialinių mokslų fakultetasSociologijos katedraViešojo administravimo katedraVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Analysis of DNA polymorphism in wild populations of herb-Paris (Paris quadrifolia L., Trilliaceae) from Lithuania and Norway.

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    Analysis of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) was used to determine genetic diversity within the populations of herb-Paris plant from Lithuania and Norway. RAPD analyses have shown 21.9 ± 5.2% of polymorphic loci in the total sample. Polymorphism level in Norwegian sample was 20.3 ± 5.0%, and in the Lithuanian one was 21.9 ± 5.2%. The proportion of distinguishable RAPD phenotypes in Lithuania was 0.52 ± 0.03 and in Norway 0.24 ± 0.03. For the total sample, Shannon?? Information Index was 0.59 and Nei?? gene diversity 0.41. The estimated total proportion of diversity among populations (GST) and gene flow (Nm) were 0.67 and 0.245, respectively. In Norway GST was 0.64 and Nm was 0.28, whereas in Lithuania GST was 0.42 and Nm was 0.68. The UPGMA analyses have revealed that Lithuanian and Norwegian populations of herb-Paris are clearly separated into two clusters. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed that the majority of molecular variation (41%) was due to variation between geographical regions (Lithuania and Norway), 37% of molecular variation was due to variation among individuals within the populations, and only 22% of variation was estimated to be due to variation between populations. In Lithuania, 68% of molecular variation was due to variation within populations, 32% due to variation between populations (ФPT = 0.32), whereas in Norway the proportions were 49% and 51% (ФPT = 0.51), respectively. Thus, the estimated parameters indicated a higher genetic diversity in Lithuanian populations of herb-Paris than in Norwegian ones

    Alkoholio vartojimo sąlygojamas žalos Lietuvoje skaičiavimo metodikos parengimas ir žalos įvertinimas 2015 m. ir 2016 m. [elektroninis išteklius]

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    Projektas „Alkoholio vartojimo sąlygojamas žalos Lietuvoje skaičiavimo metodikos parengimas ir žalos įvertinimas 2015 m. ir 2016 m.”, finansavimo sutarties Nr. S-320/PRM17-171Alkoholio vartojimo sąlygota žala – grynoji išteklių, kurių visuomenė neteko dėl ankstesnio ir dabartinio alkoholinių gėrimų vartojimo, vertė ir neapčiuopiama žala, patirta dėl svaiginimosi šia psichoaktyviąja medžiaga. Paprastai socialinė ir ekonominė žala sistemiškai skirstoma į tris pagrindines rūšis – tiesioginę, netiesioginę ir neapčiuopiamą. Alkoholio vartojimo sukeliamą žalą patiria ne tik pats geriantysis, bet ir aplink jį esantys, o kartais ir tiesioginio ryšio neturintys, asmenys ar asmenų grupės ir galiausiai visa visuomenė. Šio metodinio leidinio tikslas – apžvelgti ir apibendrinti alkoholio vartojimo sąlygojamos žalos vertinimo metodus bei, remiantis atlikta metodų analize, sukurti Lietuvai tinkančią alkoholio vartojimo sąlygojamos žalos skaičiavimo metodiką ir pagal šią metodiką bei prieinamus duomenis įvertinti alkoholio vartojimo sąlygojamą žalą Lietuvoje 2015 ir 2016 m. Metodai. Šis tyrimas atliktas taikant ligos kaštų vertinimo metodą, paremtą alkoholio vartojimo paplitimu, ir atskirai vertinant tiesiogines ir netiesiogines su alkoholio vartojimu siejamas išlaidas. Taip pat tyrimas apima alkoholio žalos kitiems nei geriantysis kaštus ir nusikalstamų veikų, padarytų neblaivių asmenų, bei alkoholio vartojimo sąlygotus teisėsaugos sistemos kaštus. Siekiant apskaičiuoti alkoholio vartojimui priskiriamą mirtingumą, ligotumą ir netektą darbingumą bei su tuo susijusius valstybės patiriamus kaštus, vertinti kaštai pagal alkoholio vartojimo sąlygotas ligas ir sveikatos būkles, suskirstytas į 3 stambias grupes: I) būklės, visiškai sąlygojamos tik alkoholio vartojimo; II) iš dalies alkoholio vartojimo sąlygojamos būklės (daugiausiai onkologinės, lėtinės, širdies ir kraujagyslių sistemos ligos); ir III) išorinės sužeidimų ir mirties priežastys...[...]Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų universitetasLietuvos sveikatos mokslų universitetas. Medicinos akademijaPolitikos mokslų ir diplomatijos fakult.Viešojo administravimo katedraVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Benzenesulfonamides with pyrimidine moiety as inhibitors of human carbonic anhydrases I, II, VI, VII, XII, and XIII

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    Two groups of benzenesulfonamide derivatives, bearing pyrimidine moieties, were designed and synthesized as inhibitors of carbonic anhydrases (CA). Their binding affinities to six recombinant human CA isoforms I, II, VI, VII, XII, and XIII were determined by the thermal shift assay (TSA). The binding of several inhibitors was measured by isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC). Direct demonstration of compound inhibition was achieved by determining the inhibition constant by stopped-flow CO2 hydration assay. The most potent compounds demonstrated selectivity towards isoform I and affinities of 0.5nM. The crystal structures of selected compounds in complex with CA II, XII, and XIII were determined to atomic resolution. Compounds described here were compared with previously published pyrimidinebenzenesulfonamides.(1) Systematic structure-activity analysis of 40 compound interactions with six isoforms yields clues for the design of compounds with greater affinities and selectivities towards target CA isoforms

    Monoclonal antibodies raised against 167–180 aa sequence of human carbonic anhydrase XII inhibit its enzymatic activity

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    Abstract Human carbonic anhydrase XII (CA XII) is a single-pass transmembrane protein with an extracellular catalytic domain. This enzyme is being recognized as a potential biomarker for different tumours. The current study was aimed to generate monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) neutralizing the enzymatic activity of CA XII. Bioinformatics analysis of CA XII structure revealed surface-exposed sequences located in a proximity of its catalytic centre. Two MAbs against the selected antigenic peptide spanning 167-180 aa sequence of CA XII were generated. The MAbs were reactive with recombinant catalytic domain of CA XII expressed either in E. coli or mammalian cells. Inhibitory activity of the MAbs was demonstrated by a stopped flow CO2 hydration assay. The study provides new data on the surface-exposed linear CA XII epitope that may serve as a target for inhibitory antibodies with a potential immunotherapeutic application

    Intrinsic thermodynamics of high affinity inhibitor binding to recombinant human carbonic anhydrase IV

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    Membrane-associated carbonic anhydrase (CA) isoform IV participates in carbon metabolism and pH homeostasis and is implicated in the development of eye diseases such as retinitis pigmentosa and glaucoma. A series of substituted benzenesulfonamides were designed and their binding affinity to CA IV was determined by fluorescent thermal shift assay and isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC). Compound [(4-chloro-2-phenylsulfanyl-5-sulfamoyl-benzoyl)amino]propyl acetate (19) bound CA IV with the K d of 1.0 nM and exhibited significant selectivity over the remaining 11 human CA isoforms. The compound could be developed as a drug targeting CA IV. Various forms of recombinant CA IV were produced in Escherichia coli and mammalian cell cultures. Comparison of their temperature stability in various buffers and salt solutions demonstrated that CA IV is most stable at slightly alkaline conditions and at elevated sodium sulfate concentrations. High-resolution X-ray crystallographic structures of ortho-Cl and meta-thiazole-substituted benzene sulfonamide in complex with CA IV revealed the position of and interactions between the ligand and the protein. Sulfonamide inhibitor binding to CA IV is linked to several reactions—the deprotonation of the sulfonamide amino group, the protonation of CA–Zn(II)-bound hydroxide at the active site of CA IV, and the compensating reactions of the buffer. The dissection of binding-linked reactions yielded the intrinsic thermodynamic parameters, characterizing the interaction between CA IV and the sulfonamides in the binding-able protonation forms, including Gibbs energy, enthalpy, and entropy, that could be used for the characterization of binding to any CA in the process of drug design