1,263 research outputs found

    Managing HIV as a chronic disease: Using interactive data collection to improve clinical care

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    As South Africa and the rest of the developing world respond to the AIDS crisis, a critical task will be to develop scalable systems for sustainable and effective delivery of antiretroviral (ARV) drugs in a variety of resource-restricted settings. With the emergence, from national governments, the World Health Organization (WHO) and major international donors, of the political will and funding to support treatment programmes, it has become urgent that we consider how ARVs will be delivered. In this review, we consider how ARVs allow us to manage HIV/AIDS as a chronic disease, and the data systems that are required to support this approach to therapy. Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine Vol. 5(4) 2004: 7-1

    Optoelectronic, Aggregation, and Redox Properties of Double-Rotor Boron Difluoride Hydrazone Dyes

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    We develop the chemistry of boron difluoride hydrazone dyes (BODIHYs) bearing two aryl substituents and explore their properties. The low-energy absorption bands (λmax = 427–464 nm) of these dyes depend on the nature of the N-aryl groups appended to the BODIHY framework. Electron-donating and extended p-conjugated groups cause a red shift, whereas electron-withdrawing groups result in a blue shift. The title compounds were weakly photoluminescent in solution and strongly photoluminescent as thin films (λPL = 525–578 nm) with quantum yields of up to 18% and lifetimes of 1.1–1.7 ns, consistent with the dominant radiative decay through fluorescence. Addition of water to THF solutions of the BODIHYs studied causes molecular aggregation which restricts intramolecular motion and thereby enhances photoluminescence. The observed photoluminescence of BODIHY thin films is likely facilitated by a similar molecular packing effect. Finally, cyclic voltammetry studies confirmed that BODIHY derivatives bearing para-substituted N-aryl groups could be reversibly oxidized (Eox1 = 0.62–1.02 V vs. Fc/Fc+) to their radical cation forms. Chemical oxidation studies confirmed that para-substituents at the N-aryl groups are required to circumvent radical decomposition pathways. Our findings provide new opportunities and guiding principles for the design of sought-after multifunctional boron difluoride complexes that are photoluminescent in the solid state

    Agricultural productivity in past societies: toward an empirically informed model for testing cultural evolutionary hypotheses

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    Agricultural productivity, and its variation in space and time, plays a fundamental role in many theories of human social evolution. However, we often lack systematic information about the productivity of past agricultural systems on a scale large enough to test these theories properly. The effect of climate on crop yields has received a great deal of attention resulting in a range of empirical and process-based models, yet the focus has primarily been on current or future conditions. In this paper, we argue for a “bottom-up” approach that estimates potential productivity based on information about the agricultural practices and technologies used in past societies. Of key theoretical interest is using this information to estimate the carrying high quality historical and archaeological information about past societies in order to infer the temporal and geographic patterns of change in agricultural productivity and potential. We discuss information we need to collect about past agricultural techniques and practices, and introduce a new databank initiative that we have developed for collating the best available historical and archaeological evidence. A key benefit of our approach lies in making explicit the steps in the estimation of past productivities and carrying capacities, and in being able to assess the effects of different modelling assumptions. This is undoubtedly an ambitious task, yet promises to provide important insights into fundamental aspects of past societies, enabling us to test more rigorously key hypotheses about human socio-cultural evolution

    A robust prognostic signature for hormone-positive node-negative breast cancer

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    BACKGROUND: Systemic chemotherapy in the adjuvant setting can cure breast cancer in some patients that would otherwise recur with incurable, metastatic disease. However, since only a fraction of patients would have recurrence after surgery alone, the challenge is to stratify high-risk patients (who stand to benefit from systemic chemotherapy) from low-risk patients (who can safely be spared treatment related toxicities and costs). METHODS: We focus here on risk stratification in node-negative, ER-positive, HER2-negative breast cancer. We use a large database of publicly available microarray datasets to build a random forests classifier and develop a robust multi-gene mRNA transcription-based predictor of relapse free survival at 10 years, which we call the Random Forests Relapse Score (RFRS). Performance was assessed by internal cross-validation, multiple independent data sets, and comparison to existing algorithms using receiver-operating characteristic and Kaplan-Meier survival analysis. Internal redundancy of features was determined using k-means clustering to define optimal signatures with smaller numbers of primary genes, each with multiple alternates. RESULTS: Internal OOB cross-validation for the initial (full-gene-set) model on training data reported an ROC AUC of 0.704, which was comparable to or better than those reported previously or obtained by applying existing methods to our dataset. Three risk groups with probability cutoffs for low, intermediate, and high-risk were defined. Survival analysis determined a highly significant difference in relapse rate between these risk groups. Validation of the models against independent test datasets showed highly similar results. Smaller 17-gene and 8-gene optimized models were also developed with minimal reduction in performance. Furthermore, the signature was shown to be almost equally effective on both hormone-treated and untreated patients. CONCLUSIONS: RFRS allows flexibility in both the number and identity of genes utilized from thousands to as few as 17 or eight genes, each with multiple alternatives. The RFRS reports a probability score strongly correlated with risk of relapse. This score could therefore be used to assign systemic chemotherapy specifically to those high-risk patients most likely to benefit from further treatment

    A π-conjugated inorganic polymer constructed from boron difluoride formazanates and platinum(II) diynes

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    The first example of a π-conjugated polymer incorporating boron difluoride (BF2) formazanates is introduced. The film-forming properties, controllable reduction chemistry, and low optical band gap (ca. 1.4 eV) of the polymer make it an excellent candidate for use as a light-harvesting n-type semiconductor in organic electronics. Comparison of the polymer to model compounds confirmed that its unique optoelectronic properties can be directly attributed to the presence of the BF2 formazanate repeat unit and that the [Pt(PBu3)2]2+ unit must also be present to achieve the narrow band gaps observed

    Redox Polymers Incorporating Pendant 6-Oxoverdazyl and Nitronyl Nitroxide Radicals

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    Polymers comprised of redox-active organic radicals have emerged as promising materials for use in a variety of organic electronics, including fast-charging batteries. Despite these advances, relatively little attention has been focused on the diversification of the families of radicals that are commonly incorporated into polymer frameworks, with most radical polymers being comprised of nitroxide radicals. Here, we report two new examples prepared via ring-opening methathesis polymerization containing 6-oxoverdazyl and nitronyl nitroxide radicals appended to their backbones. The polymerization reaction and optoelectronic properties were explored in detail, revealing high radical content and redox activity that may be advantageous for their use as semiconducting thin films. Initial studies revealed that current-voltage curves obtained from thin films of the title polymers exhibited memory effects making them excellent candidates for use in resistive memory applications

    Uniqueness Typing for Resource Management in Message-Passing Concurrency

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    We view channels as the main form of resources in a message-passing programming paradigm. These channels need to be carefully managed in settings where resources are scarce. To study this problem, we extend the pi-calculus with primitives for channel allocation and deallocation and allow channels to be reused to communicate values of different types. Inevitably, the added expressiveness increases the possibilities for runtime errors. We define a substructural type system which combines uniqueness typing and affine typing to reject these ill-behaved programs

    The road less travelled: oligopoly and competition policy in general equilibrium. In:

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    Abstract I review previous approaches to modelling oligopoly in general equilibrium, and propose a new view which in principle overcomes their deficiencies: modelling firms as large in their own market but small in the economy as a whole. Implementing this approach requires a tractable specification of preferences. Dixit-Stiglitz preferences (which imply iso-elastic perceived demand functions) could be used, but "continuum-quadratic" preferences (which imply linear perceived demand functions) are more convenient. To illustrate their usefulness, I construct a simple closed-economy model of oligopoly in general equilibrium and derive some surprising implications for competition policy. JEL: D50, L13, L4

    Modeling precision treatment of breast cancer

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    Background: First-generation molecular profiles for human breast cancers have enabled the identification of features that can predict therapeutic response; however, little is known about how the various data types can best be combined to yield optimal predictors. Collections of breast cancer cell lines mirror many aspects of breast cancer molecular pathobiology, and measurements of their omic and biological therapeutic responses are well-suited for development of strategies to identify the most predictive molecular feature sets. Results: We used least squares-support vector machines and random forest algorithms to identify molecular features associated with responses of a collection of 70 breast cancer cell lines to 90 experimental or approved therapeutic agents. The datasets analyzed included measurements of copy number aberrations, mutations, gene and isoform expression, promoter methylation and protein expression. Transcriptional subtype contributed strongly to response predictors for 25% of compounds, and adding other molecular data types improved prediction for 65%. No single molecular dataset consistently out-performed the others, suggesting that therapeutic response is mediated at multiple levels in the genome. Response predictors were developed and applied to TCGA data, and were found to be present in subsets of those patient samples. Conclusions: These results suggest that matching patients to treatments based on transcriptional subtype will improve response rates, and inclusion of additional features from other profiling data types may provide additional benefit. Further, we suggest a systems biology strategy for guiding clinical trials so that patient cohorts most likely to respond to new therapies may be more efficiently identified

    Status Report of the DPHEP Study Group: Towards a Global Effort for Sustainable Data Preservation in High Energy Physics

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    Data from high-energy physics (HEP) experiments are collected with significant financial and human effort and are mostly unique. An inter-experimental study group on HEP data preservation and long-term analysis was convened as a panel of the International Committee for Future Accelerators (ICFA). The group was formed by large collider-based experiments and investigated the technical and organisational aspects of HEP data preservation. An intermediate report was released in November 2009 addressing the general issues of data preservation in HEP. This paper includes and extends the intermediate report. It provides an analysis of the research case for data preservation and a detailed description of the various projects at experiment, laboratory and international levels. In addition, the paper provides a concrete proposal for an international organisation in charge of the data management and policies in high-energy physics