490 research outputs found

    Building audiences: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander arts

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    Building Audiences examines the barriers to and the strategies for increasing audiences in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander arts sector. This research investigates the attitudes, beliefs and behaviours of current and potential audiences. What is in the report? The findings reveal the key barriers facing audience attendance include: uncertainty about how to behave at cultural events and fear of offending lack of awareness with audiences not actively seeking information about Indigenous arts and outdated perceptions of the sector – that it is only perceived as ‘serious or educational’. Building Audiences also considered several strategies to build audiences for Indigenous arts: providing skills development, advice and resourcing to Indigenous practitioners within the arts sector; increasing representation of Indigenous artists in the main programing of arts companies by including more Indigenous people in decision making roles; promoting relationships between Indigenous arts and non-Indigenous companies to present their work to wider audiences; introducing children and young people to Indigenous arts through schools and extracurricular activities; allowing audiences to feel comfortable engaging by creating accessible experiences; implementing long-term strategies to change negative perceptions of Indigenous arts. The project was commissioned by the Australia Council for the Arts and funding partners include Australia Council for the Arts; Faculty of Business and Law and Institute of Koorie Education, Deakin University; Melbourne Business School, The University of Melbourne

    Analisis Komparatif Daya Dukung Tanah & Penurunan Pondasi Menggunakan Metode Analitis Dan Metode Elemen Hingga (Studi Kasus : Borehole 1 Proyek Apartment Mega Techno City Di Kota Batam)

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    Batam City is a city with high attractiveness for tourists, both local and foreign tourists. In an effort to support and accommodate tourists visiting the city of Batam, the construction of hotels and apartments has been intensively carried out. Due to limited land, the high rise building model is one of the most effective building models to build. To guarantee high rise building performance, it is necessary to plan well in design from a structural point of view. In this case foundation as one of the elements of the structure is also an important part, so it needs to be planned well too. The bearingXcapacity of theXfoundation and the settlement in the foundation areXtwo important things that need to beXconsidered in foundation planning. In this study, an analysis of the bearing capacity of the foundation using the Meyerhof method and the finite elementXmethod (Plaxis 2D) and foundation settlement analysis using the elastic reduction method and the finite elementXmethod (Plaxis 2D) was carried out on the Mega Techno City Apartment construction project in Batam. The results of this analysis are in the form of bearing capacity based on the Meyerhof method is 3.330,8 kN and 3.351,6 kN based on the finite element method, as for the settlement, 53,1 mm is obtained for the elastic settlement method and 9,64 mm for the finite element method, the settlement still meets the SNI 8640 – 2017 standard. Based on these external differences, it can be used as a reference in conservative design

    Optimalisasi Rencana Anggaran Biaya pada Perumahan Central Raya Tiban Menggunakan Perhitungan SNI dan Kontraktor

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    In the construction project, construction management is needed in order to get results that are in accordance with the objectives of the development. One of the elements of project management is cost management. Poor cost management can lead to cost overruns or over budgets to the detriment of project owners and contractors. One of the methods that can be used in preparing the project cost budget is the SNI calculation and the contractor's calculation. The purpose of this study was to determine the comparison of the budget plan using the SNI method and the contractor's calculation. The research was conducted by collecting data on the Central Raya Tiban housing development project. Furthermore, an analysis using the SNI and contractor is carried out and compares the results of the calculations of the two methods. The results of the study obtained that the estimated cost budget plan from the calculation of the contractor was Rp. 283,827,332, while the results with the SNI were Rp. 330,333,371. From these data, it can be seen that the contractor's calculation is more optimal when compared to the calculation of SNI with a difference of Rp. 46,506,039 or 14.08% of the total value of the estimated cost budget based on the SNI calculation method. This can be used as a reference in preparing a cost budget in order to reduce development or project costs so that they become optimal and in accordance with the wishes of the project owner

    An epithelial cell destined for apoptosis signals its neighbors to extrude it by an actin- and myosin-dependent mechanism

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    AbstractBackground: Simple epithelia encase developing embryos and organs. Although these epithelia consist of only one or two layers of cells, they must provide tight barriers for the tissues that they envelop. Apoptosis occurring within these simple epithelia could compromise this barrier. How, then, does an epithelium remove apoptotic cells without disrupting its function as a barrier?Results: We show that apoptotic cells are extruded from a simple epithelium by the concerted contraction of their neighbors. A ring of actin and myosin forms both within the apoptotic cell and in the cells surrounding it, and contraction of the ring formed in the live neighbors is required for apoptotic cell extrusion, as injection of a Rho GTPase inhibitor into these cells completely blocks extrusion. Addition of apoptotic MDCK cells to an intact monolayer induces the formation of actin cables in the cells contacted, suggesting that the signal to form the cable comes from the dying cell. The signal is produced very early in the apoptotic process, before procaspase activation, cell shrinkage, or phosphatidylserine exposure. Remarkably, electrical resistance studies show that epithelial barrier function is maintained, even when large numbers of dying cells are being extruded.Conclusions: We propose that apoptotic cell extrusion is important for the preservation of epithelial barrier function during cell death. Our results suggest that an early signal from the dying cell activates Rho in live neighbors to extrude the apoptotic cell out of the epithelium

    Penilaian Simpang Tak Bersinyal Bundaran Jalan Duyung dan Jalan Raja Ali Haji Kota Batam Menggunakan Manual Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia (MKJI)

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    Good transportation system can encourage economic growth and support development. Therefore, the success of development in the economic sector must be supported by the development of a good transportation system, because a bad transportation system can cause a slow pace of the economy of a region. One of the transportation problems that often occurs is congestion. Batam City currently has a high rate of increase in motorized vehicles making it possible for congestion to occur. The purpose of this study was to assess the traffic performance of unsignalized intersections on Jalan Duyung and Jalan Raja Ali Haji Batam City. The reference used in this research is MKJI 1997. The research was conducted by conducting a traffic survey to obtain traffic data and road geometry. Furthermore, capacity analysis and traffic behavior are carried out. The result of this research is a capacity of 2422 pcu/hour and Qtotal of 1966 pcu/hour so that the obtained DS is 0.812 which means more than 0.75, so it can be said that this intersection is slightly ineffective. At the intersection traffic delay, the value is 9.3, DTMA is 6.8, DTMI is 23.4 pcu/hour, DG is 4.072 sec/pcu, D is 13,372 sec/pcu, and the queue probability is 26% - 50% where This queue probability slightly exceeds the standard limit of 23% - 45% so that this intersection has a slightly high level of traffic queue probability. The results obtained from this study can be used as a reference for improving the performance of unsignalized intersection traffic

    Structure and stereochemistry of the base excision repair glycosylase MutY reveal a mechanism similar to retaining glycosidases.

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    MutY adenine glycosylases prevent DNA mutations by excising adenine from promutagenic 8-oxo-7,8-dihydroguanine (OG):A mismatches. Here, we describe structural features of the MutY active site bound to an azaribose transition state analog which indicate a catalytic role for Tyr126 and approach of the water nucleophile on the same side as the departing adenine base. The idea that Tyr126 participates in catalysis, recently predicted by modeling calculations, is strongly supported by mutagenesis and by seeing close contact between the hydroxyl group of this residue and the azaribose moiety of the transition state analog. NMR analysis of MutY methanolysis products corroborates a mechanism for adenine removal with retention of stereochemistry. Based on these results, we propose a revised mechanism for MutY that involves two nucleophilic displacement steps akin to the mechanisms accepted for 'retaining' O-glycosidases. This new-for-MutY yet familiar mechanism may also be operative in related base excision repair glycosylases and provides a critical framework for analysis of human MutY (MUTYH) variants associated with inherited colorectal cancer

    Tinjauan Kelancaran Arus Lalu Lintas pada Area Bundaran Simpang Barelang di Wilayah Batu Aji Batam dengan Menggunakan Metode Manual Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia 1997

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    Smooth transportation conditions can improve population mobility services and other resources that can support economic growth. However, in densely populated cities like Batam, congestion often occurs and causes road users to feel stressed, the pace of the economy is hampered, and a lot of time is wasted. Therefore, it is necessary to review the performance of transportation. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the traffic performance at the Barelang intersection roundabout has been effective against the existing traffic situation in the area. The research was conducted by conducting a traffic survey on the road at the Barelang intersection, Batam to obtain the number of vehicles passing through the Barelang intersection. The reference used in this study is MKJI 1997 with the analysis carried out on road capacity, traffic volume, and degree of saturation. The results obtained at the Barrelang intersection for the road segment from SP Plaza to Muka Kuning has a degree of saturation value of 0.72. As for the road from Muka Kuning to SP Plaza, the degree of saturation is 1.08. Based on MKJI it is determined that the value of the degree of saturation of a road segment should not be more than 0.75, it can be concluded that the road from SP Plaza to Muka Kuning is considered effective and for the road segment from Muka Kuning to SP Plaza it is not effective. The results of this study can be used as a reference in an effort to improve transportation performance

    Dress Like Me: An Exploration of Rural Graduate Social Work Attire

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    During graduate school internship training, some students wear more formal attire and others casual attire. This study’s purpose was to explore rural areas clients’ preference for graduate social work interns’ attire. Clients from internship sites located in a rural southern location were asked their attire preferences based on comfort and confidence levels, degree of warmth, returning appointments, and during a crisis. One hundred and twenty-six subjects participated in the study and responded that casual dress was preferred in terms of specific impressions. The results of the study were to build rapport; graduate social work interns should consider their clientele when deciding on attire
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