448 research outputs found

    A Study of Preprofessional Grade Point Average as a Predictor of Success for Physical Therapy Majors at Langston University

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    Admission criteria for allied health programs have been studied to determine the success a student will have in a given program. Program admissions committees seek students who will perform the best, didactically and clinically, completing the program and demonstrating the potential to pass the professional exams. In an effort to determine which students will successfully complete professional health programs, studies have been conducted to help predict which tools of selection are of most value. Included as variables in these studies to predict success in allied health programs are prerequisite grade point average (pre-GPA), science grade point average (sci-GPA), interview scores, Allied Health Professions Admission Test (AHPAT), ACT scores, and other non-cognitive variables. This study seeks to determine which variables or combination of variables has been the best predictor of academic success in the professional physical therapy program at Langston University. Various studies of this 1 2 type point to pre-professional grade point averages (PPGPA) and pre-science grade point averages (Pre-Sci GPA) as significant predictors of academic success

    The French party system

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    This book provides a complete overview of political parties in France. The social and ideological profiles of all the major parties are analysed chapter by chapter, highlighting their principal functions and dynamics within the system. This examination is complemented by analyses of bloc and system features, including the pluralist left, Europe, and the ideological space in which the parties operate. In particular, the book addresses the impressive capacity of French parties and their leaders to adapt themselves to the changing concerns of their electorates and to a shifting institutional context. Contrary to the apparently fragmentary system and increasingly hostile clashes between political personalities, the continuities in the French political system seem destined to persist. Drawing on the expertise of its French and British contributors, 'The French party system' forms a benchmark study of the state of party politics in France. It will be an essential text for all students of French politics and parties, and for students of European politics more generally

    The shock of Sunday’s French municipal elections was the Socialist defeat, not Front National success

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    France held municipal elections on 23 and 30 March. As Jocelyn Evans and Gilles Ivaldi write, François Hollande’s governing Socialist Party (PS) endured a particularly disappointing result, losing many of the gains it had made in the 2008 elections. They argue that while much of the media coverage centred on the success of the Front National; the PS’s defeat, and the subsequent reshuffle in the government with Manuel Valls becoming the new prime minister, will have important ramifications for the French left

    With the centre-right ahead, is next year’s French presidential battle already over?

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    France will hold presidential elections in 2017, which have taken on renewed significance in the aftermath of the UK’s decision to leave the European Union. Jocelyn Evans and Gilles Ivaldi present a comprehensive look at the state of play ahead of the elections. They write that with the Socialist Party in disarray, the presidential election is the centre-right’s to lose, with Alain Juppé or Nicolas Sarkozy likely to win the nomination. Meanwhile Marine Le Pen is well placed to secure a record share of the vote in the first round of the election, but will be hard pressed to beat the centre-right candidate in the second round

    Another Communal Headcount: The Election in Northern Ireland

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    The Westminster election in Northern Ireland attracted more interest beyond the region than is normally the case. This was not because of healthy new attention being paid to the polity's regular communal (to critics, sectarian) bloc headcount. Rather, it was because the contest's outcome might influence the formation of a minority government at Westminster. This possibility was actively discussed even into election night results programmes, after the exit poll predicted the Conservatives to fall just short of an overall majority, with 316 seats. As that seat tally rose, Northern Ireland's election slid back to its default positions of obscurity and parochial communalism. Religious community background remained easily the most important voting determinant. Unionist electoral pacts in four constituencies heightened the prevailing sense of a traditional Orange versus Green contest, one in which the Alliance Party, aligned to neither bloc, lost its solitary representative. Turnout was a very modest 58%, well below the UK average. Only Sinn Fein, the Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP) and Alliance contested all 18 constituencies. Nonetheless, the contest was not entirely bereft of interest. There were significant arguments over a disparate array of topics ranging from welfare reform to that of same-sex marriage, still banned in Northern Ireland. Four seats changed hands and the once-dominant Ulster Unionist Party (UUP) recovered some recent lost ground to regain Westminster representation

    L'extrême-droite à la dérive : rééquilibrage du système partisan et recomposition à droite

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    Les élections présidentielle et législatives de 2007 ont témoigné d'un profond recul de l'extrême-droite : au soir du 22 avril, Jean-Marie Le Pen recueille un maigre 10.4 % des suffrages qui le place loin derrière ses principaux concurrents ; au premier tour des législatives, son mouvement s'effondre avec 4.3 % des voix. Dépourvu de capacité de nuisance, le FN est aujourd'hui plus que jamais confronté à la difficile gestion de son positionnement au sein d'un système politique en profonde recomposition

    L'extrême-droite à la dérive : rééquilibrage du système partisan et recomposition à droite

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    Les élections présidentielle et législatives de 2007 ont témoigné d'un profond recul de l'extrême-droite : au soir du 22 avril, Jean-Marie Le Pen recueille un maigre 10.4 % des suffrages qui le place loin derrière ses principaux concurrents ; au premier tour des législatives, son mouvement s'effondre avec 4.3 % des voix. Dépourvu de capacité de nuisance, le FN est aujourd'hui plus que jamais confronté à la difficile gestion de son positionnement au sein d'un système politique en profonde recomposition

    Why Trade Credit Financing is More Important than Developing Large Customer Relationships for Video Game Suppliers

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    Trade credit extended to suppliers in the video game industry does not serve as a commitment device for large customers in determining which vendors to make relationship-specific investments in. Suppliers of video games are better off investing in relationships with trade creditors than seeking out large customers. The costs of large customer relationships are lower sales growth and less long-term debt leverage. Also, large customers don’t form relationships with suppliers in this industry, which has high research and development expenditures nor do they facilitate economic viability with regard to continued independent operational performance or listing on a stock exchange

    The Pedagogical Value of Polling: A Coordinated 2012 Exit Poll Project Across Diverse Classrooms

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    Several previous studies have demonstrated that student exit polling has educational value and promotes civic engagement (Berry and Robinson 2012, Evans and Lagergren 2007, Lelieveldt and Rossen 2009, and others). The authors of this paper have created assignments and an instructor\u27s manual on running student exit polls in undergraduate courses. Three institutions used these assignments during the fall 2012 semester. Working together, these instructors created an opportunity for their students to participate collaboratively with others in survey design and data analysis. This effort further provided assessment data on the effectiveness of this pedagogical approach for student engagement outside of the classroom in different communities and course contexts. Student surveys measured the impact that this experience had on their understanding of their own community, their relationship to the national community, their understanding of survey methodology, and descriptive statistics. Do students learn more about their community or the scientific process? Does it matter whether the course is designed primarily around politics, statistics, or public opinion? This paper addresses these questions and how these effects vary across different types of students and classrooms

    Encosi Africa 2014 Service Learning Design Build Internship

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    Encosi Africa 2014 will be a multifaceted service learning design/build internship. This trip will give us the opportunity to exercise Cal Poly’s learn by doing motto on an international stage. We will engage in service learning projects that will build on work done by previous Cal Poly student groups in the past as well as manifest new projects to benefit various local communities. This will combine classroom instruction with meaningful community service. We will work at three different project sites in South Africa, one urban and two in rural settings. The urban project involves revisiting a playground in Alexandra built by Cal Poly students last summer to evaluate its condition and make improvements. We will visit Baviaanskloof, a rural landscape reclamation project where we will partner with graduate students working on water security issues for the South African government. The third site is in Elliot, a small village in rural South Africa in need of a central gathering area and the ability to collect clean water. We will conduct community workshops and design charrettes with the residents to gain information to inform future work trips. We will also build some playground pieces for the local school before leaving. Encosi Africa will be an invaluable experience that will shape our professional lives in the future, and give us the opportunity to give back meaningful service, and gain extensive real world experiences
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