1,249 research outputs found


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    Uno de los principales componentes de la Base Monetaria es el Crédito del Banco de la República al Gobierno Nacional. En este artículo se desarrolla un marco contable que permite visualizar los determinantes fiscales del impacto monetario de las operaciones de la Tesorería General de la República. Con base en el mismo, se extraen algunas conclusiones sobre el manejo de la política fiscal en Colombia en el período 1982-1988.OPERACIONES DE TESORERIA,

    Exploring the Role of Phenylalanine Residues in Modulating the Flexibility and Topography of the Active Site in the Peroxygenase Variant PaDa-I

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    © 2020 by the authors.Unspecific peroxygenases (UPOs) are fungal heme-thiolate enzymes able to catalyze a wide range of oxidation reactions, such as peroxidase-like, catalase-like, haloperoxidase-like, and, most interestingly, cytochrome P450-like. One of the most outstanding properties of these enzymes is the ability to catalyze the oxidation a wide range of organic substrates (both aromatic and aliphatic) through cytochrome P450-like reactions (the so-called peroxygenase activity), which involves the insertion of an oxygen atom from hydrogen peroxide. To catalyze this reaction, the substrate must access a channel connecting the bulk solution to the heme group. The composition, shape, and flexibility of this channel surely modulate the catalytic ability of the enzymes in this family. In order to gain an understanding of the role of the residues comprising the channel, mutants derived from PaDa-I, a laboratory-evolved UPO variant from Agrocybe aegerita, were obtained. The two phenylalanine residues at the surface of the channel, which regulate the traffic towards the heme active site, were mutated by less bulky residues (alanine and leucine). The mutants were experimentally characterized, and computational studies (i.e., molecular dynamics (MD)) were performed. The results suggest that these residues are necessary to reduce the flexibility of the region and maintain the topography of the channel.This work was supported by PAPIIT IN209116 and IN214619 and by the Comunidad de Madrid project Y2018/BIO4738-EVOCHIMERA. J.R. was granted the scholarship 404380 awarded by CONACYT-Mexico for his Ph.D. studies.Peer reviewe

    Non-integrability of some few body problems in two degrees of freedom

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    The basic theory of Differential Galois and in particular Morales--Ramis theory is reviewed with focus in analyzing the non--integrability of various problems of few bodies in Celestial Mechanics. The main theoretical tools are: Morales--Ramis theorem, the algebrization method of Acosta--Bl\'azquez and Kovacic's algorithm. Morales--Ramis states that if Hamiltonian system has an additional meromorphic integral in involution in a neighborhood of a specific solution, then the differential Galois group of the normal variational equations is abelian. The algebrization method permits under general conditions to recast the variational equation in a form suitable for its analysis by means of Kovacic's algorithm. We apply these tools to various examples of few body problems in Celestial Mechanics: (a) the elliptic restricted three body in the plane with collision of the primaries; (b) a general Hamiltonian system of two degrees of freedom with homogeneous potential of degree -1; here we perform McGehee's blow up and obtain the normal variational equation in the form of an hypergeometric equation. We recover Yoshida's criterion for non--integrability. Then we contrast two methods to compute the Galois group: the well known, based in the Schwartz--Kimura table, and the lesser based in Kovacic's algorithm. We apply these methodology to three problems: the rectangular four body problem, the anisotropic Kepler problem and two uncoupled Kepler problems in the line; the last two depend on a mass parameter, but while in the anisotropic problem it is integrable for only two values of the parameter, the two uncoupled Kepler problems is completely integrable for all values of the masses.Comment: 33 page

    Effect of Simulated Microgravity on the Activity of Regulatory Enzymes of Glycolysis and Gluconeogenesis in Mice Liver

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    Gravity supports all the life activities present on earth. Microgravity environments have effect on the biological functions and physiological status of an individual. The present study was undertaken to investigate the effect of simulated microgravity on important regulatory enzymes of carbohydrate metabolism in liver using HLS mice model. Following hind limb unloading of mice for 11 days the animal’s average body weights were found to be not different, while the liver weights were decreased and found to be significantly different (p < 0.05) from control mice. Further, in liver the specific activity of hexokinase enzyme was reduced (p < 0.02) and the phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase activity was significantly increased in simulated microgravity subjected mice compared to control (p < 0.003). Immunoblot analysis show decreased phosphofructokinase-2 activity in HLS mice compared to control. Liver lactate dehydrogenase activity significantly reduced in simulated microgravity subjected mice (p < 0.005). Thus in our study the rodents have adapted to simulated microgravity conditions, with decreased glycolysis and increased gluconeogenesis in liver and reciprocally regulated

    Obtención de abono orgánico de lodos residuales de la planta de tratamiento de agua de la Universidad Nacional de Piura

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    El objetivo principal de la investigación fue producir abono orgánico mediante la reutilización de lodos residuales de la planta de tratamiento de agua potable de la Universidad Nacional de Piura. Para la población se utilizó 100 Kilogramos de lodo residual para los 4 tratamientos, los cuales se distribuyeron en 30 kilogramos por bloque, teniendo 4 tratamientos, donde a cada tratamiento se le añadió diferentes componentes para optimizar su valor en nutrientes, donde se le añadió al tratamiento 1, 20 kilogramos de poda de césped adicional de 10 kilogramos de puño de algarrobo, tratamiento 2, 20 kilogramos de residuos orgánicos (naranja y piña) adicional 10 kilogramos de puño de algarrobo, tratamiento 3, 20 Kilogramos de estiércol con un adicional de 10 kilogramos de puño de algarrobo. El diseño de la presente investigación es experimental, los resultados experimentados fueron sometidos a un análisis organolépticos, toxicidad química e higienización, donde se obtuvieron como mejor resultado del tratamiento (T2) en cuanto a las características fisicoquímicas cumple con los sólidos volátiles (SV) menor o igual al 60 % (600,000 Mg/Kg) solidos totales (ST) con un resultado de 58,4 % (583.746 Mg/Kg) siendo 58,4%< 60%, con una determinación de PH equivalente a 7.2, conductividad eléctrica de 1305 Us/Cm, Humedad 50.6 %, temperatura 31°C. Cumpliendo con los requisitos organolépticos y microbiológicos según esta norma, también cumple con los valores necesarios para el uso de abono orgánico, los tratamientos 1, 2, 3 y la muestra testigo donde el tratamiento 2 llega a las normas necesarias establecidas en el RM N° 128 – 2017 VIVIENDA

    Presence of mycorrhizal fungi and a fluorescent iPseudomonas /i sp. in the rhizosphere of cacao in two agroecosystems and their effects on cacao seedling growth

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    In recent years the cultivation of cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) in Colombia has been growing up, resulting in the need to develop a sustainable production system. In this regard, beneficial soil microorganisms are an alternative for improving plant productivity, but this requires knowledge of their ecology and functioning. This study had the objective of identify and quantify arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and fluorescent Pseudomonas sp. associated with the soil and rhizosphere of cacao plants in two agroecosystems, one of them was in a tropical dry forest (TDF) and the other in a tropical moist forest (TMF). In a second stage of the study, native strains of Glomus sp., Acaulospora sp., and fluorescent Pseudomonas sp. were selected and multiplied in the lab. Subsequently, the effectiveness of these strains to promote cacao seedling growth was tested in a greenhouse experiment. The results indicate that there was a significant (P≤0.05) greater mycorrhizal colonization and diversity associated to the roots of cacao growing in agroecosystems of the tropical moist forest. However, not significant differences were detected regarding the presence of fluorescent Pseudomonas sp. in the two agroecosystems. Otherwise, in the greenhouse experiments, the inoculation with the mycorrhizal fungus Glomus sp. was the only treatment that promoted the cacao seedling growth

    Functional Strategies to improve the Perception of the Peruvian Brand Lubricantes X, B2C Market (Sector A and B)

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    En este Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional (TSP), se ha llevado a cabo un estudio de caso centrado en mejorar la Percepción de Marca de una Empresa Peruana de Lubricantes en los niveles socioeconómicos A y B. Utilizando un nivel descriptivo y un enfoque mixto de investigación que involucró encuestas, entrevistas y observación directa, se identifican tres estrategias clave: la Estrategia 1, enfocada en el cliente y el marketing directo, la Estrategia 2, centrada en el recurso humano mediante la capacitación continua, y la Estrategia 3, orientada a la mejora de procesos. Adicional a estas estrategias, se tomó en consideración la ejecución de un proyecto para mejorar la presencia de la marca. El Proyecto X, diversificó y amplio la presencia de la marca. Los resultados revelaron que la Estrategia 1 fortaleció significativamente la relación con los clientes y la confianza en la marca a través de promociones ingeniosas y opciones de crédito flexibles, aumentando las ventas y la satisfacción del cliente. La Estrategia 2 mejoró la fidelización del cliente en nichos específicos al invertir en el desarrollo del equipo de ventas, estableciendo relaciones sólidas a largo plazo. La Estrategia 3, optimizó la producción y distribución, consolidando la reputación de la empresa en el mercado mediante entregas más rápidas y precisas. Concluyendo, todas las estrategias aplicadas, más el Proyecto X, han llevado a un aumento notable en las ventas y la consolidación de relaciones comerciales valiosas para Lubricantes X, lo cual se viene implementando y evaluando con KPI de rendimiento.In this Professional Sufficiency Work (TSP), a case study has been carried out focused on improving the Brand Perception of a Peruvian Lubricants Company at socioeconomic levels A and B. Using a descriptive level and a mixed research approach which involved surveys, interviews, and direct observation, three key strategies are identified: Strategy 1, focused on the client and direct marketing, Strategy 2, focused on human resources through continuous training, and Strategy 3, oriented to process improvement. In addition to these strategies, the execution of a project to improve the presence of the brand was taken into consideration. Project X diversified and expanded the brand's presence. The results revealed that Strategy 1 significantly strengthened customer relationships and brand trust through clever promotions and flexible credit options, increasing sales and customer satisfaction. Strategy 2 improved customer loyalty in specific niches by investing in sales team development, establishing strong long-term relationships. Strategy 3 optimized production and distribution, consolidating the company's reputation in the market through faster and more accurate deliveries. Concluding, all the strategies applied, plus Project X, have led to a notable increase in sales and the consolidation of valuable business relationships for Lubricantes.Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesiona