46 research outputs found

    Workforce planning in a lotsizing mail processing problem

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    The treatment of mail objects in a mail processing centre involves many operations, in particular sorting by destination. Out of the batching problem that we can identify in such a process, there are also staff planning concerns. In this paper, we analyse a treatment area (registered mail) belonging to a mail processing center, where mail objects are treated in a chain production process. The production quantities and the transfer amounts among machines are required to be determined along the daily work period. The objective is to minimize the costs with human resources needed in the process, linked with the lotsizing production plan, by matching staff to work requirements. This leads into a lotsizing and workforce problem, for which we propose an integer programming formulation. A case study of a particular treatment area is also discussed. The formulation is adjusted to the specific constraints of this case study and some computational results are included, considering average, small and high daily amounts of mail arrived to that particular treatment area.http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6VC5-4CK7RXK-4/1/5986796334d7e593786cb5bf5b7dc4a

    Algorithm 774: Fortran subroutines for generating box-constrained optimization problems

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    We describe a set of Fortran routines for generatig box-constrained nonlinear programming test problems. The technique, as described by Facchinei et al. (this issue), allows the user to control relevant properties of the generated problems

    A Class of Mathematical Programs with Equilibrium Constraints: A Smooth Algorithm and Applications to Contact Problems

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    We discuss a special mathematical programming problem with equilibrium constraints (MPEC), that arises in material and shape optimization problems involving the contact of a rod or a plate with a rigid obstacle. This MPEC can be reduced to a nonlinear programming problem with independent variables and some dependent variables implicity defined by the solution of a mixed linear complementarity problem (MLCP). A projected-gradient algorithm including a complementarity method is proposed to solve this optimization problem. Several numerical examples are reported to illustrate the efficiency of this methodology in practice

    Copositivity and constrained fractional quadratic programs

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    Abstract We provide Completely Positive and Copositive Optimization formulations for the Constrained Fractional Quadratic Problem (CFQP) and Standard Fractional Quadratic Problem (StFQP). Based on these formulations, Semidefinite Programming (SDP) relaxations are derived for finding good lower bounds to these fractional programs, which can be used in a global optimization branch-and-bound approach. Applications of the CFQP and StFQP, related with the correction of infeasible linear systems and eigenvalue complementarity problems are also discussed

    On the Quadratic Eigenvalue Complementarity Problem

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    Abstract We introduce several new results on the Quadratic Eigenvalue Complementarity Problem (QEiCP), focusing on the nonsymmetric case, i,e, without making symmetry assumptions on the matrices defining the problem. First we establish a new sufficient condition for existence of solutions of this problem, which is somewhat more manageable than previously existent ones. This condition works through the introduction of auxiliary variables which leads to the reduction of QEiCP to an Eigenvalue Complementarity Problem (EiCP) in higher dimension. Hence, this reduction suggests a new strategy for solving QEiCP, which is also analyzed in the paper. We also present an upper bound for the number of solutions of QEiCP and exhibit some examples of instances of QEiCP whose solution set has large cardinality, without attaining though the just mentioned upper bound. We also investigate the numerical solution of the QEiCP by exploiting a nonlinear programming and a variational inequality formulations of QEiCP. Some numerical experiments are reported and illustrate the benefits and drawbacks of using these formulations for solving the QEiCP in practice


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    A Mathematical Program with Linear Complementarity Constraints (MPLCC) is an optimization problem where a continuously differentiable function is minimized on a set defined by linear constraints and complementarity conditions on pairs of complementary variables. This problem finds many applications in several areas of science, engineering and economics and is also an important tool for the solution of some NP-hard structured and nonconvex optimization problems, such as bilevel, bilinear and nonconvex quadratic programs and the eigenvalue complementarity problem. In this paper some of the most relevant applications of the MPLCC and formulations of nonconvex optimization problems as MPLCCs are first presented. Algorithms for computing a feasible solution, a stationary point and a global minimum for the MPLCC are next discussed. The most important nonlinear programming methods, complementarity algorithms, enumerative techniques and 0 - 1 integer programming approaches for the MPLCC are reviewed. Some comments about the computational performance of these algorithms and a few topics for future research are also included in this survey


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    A Mathematical Program with Linear Complementarity Constraints (MPLCC) is an optimization problem where a continuously differentiable function is minimized on a set defined by linear constraints and complementarity conditions on pairs of complementary variables. This problem finds many applications in several areas of science, engineering and economics and is also an important tool for the solution of some NP-hard structured and nonconvex optimization problems, such as bilevel, bilinear and nonconvex quadratic programs and the eigenvalue complementarity problem. In this paper some of the most relevant applications of the MPLCC and formulations of nonconvex optimization problems as MPLCCs are first presented. Algorithms for computing a feasible solution, a stationary point and a global minimum for the MPLCC are next discussed. The most important nonlinear programming methods, complementarity algorithms, enumerative techniques and 0 - 1 integer programming approaches for the MPLCC are reviewed. Some comments about the computational performance of these algorithms and a few topics for future research are also included in this survey

    Algorithms for linear programming with linear complementarity constraints

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    Abstract Linear programming with linear complementarity constraints (LPLCC) is an area of active research in Optimization, due to its many applications, algorithms, and theoretical existence results. In this paper, a number of formulations for important nonconvex optimization problems are first reviewed. The most relevant algorithms for computing a complementary feasible solution, a stationary point, and a global minimum for the LPLCC are also surveyed, together with some comments about their efficiency and efficacy in practice

    On the solution of the symmetric eigenvalue complementarity problem by the spectral projected gradient algorithm

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    Abstract This paper is devoted to the eigenvalue complementarity problem (EiCP) with symmetric real matrices. This problem is equivalent to finding a stationary point of a differentiable optimization program involving the Rayleigh quotient on a simplex (Queiroz et al., Math. Comput. 73, 1849–1863, 2004). We discuss a logarithmic function and a quadratic programming formulation to find a complementarity eigenvalue by computing a stationary point of an appropriate merit function on a special convex set. A variant of the spectral projected gradient algorithm with a specially designed line search is introduced to solve the EiCP. Computational experience shows that the application of this algorithm to the logarithmic function formulation is a quite efficient way to find a solution to the symmetric EiCP