224 research outputs found

    QTM: computational package using MPI protocol for quantum trajectories method

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    The Quantum Trajectories Method (QTM) is one of {the} frequently used methods for studying open quantum systems. { The main idea of this method is {the} evolution of wave functions which {describe the system (as functions of time). Then,} so-called quantum jumps are applied at {a} randomly selected point in time. {The} obtained system state is called as a trajectory. After averaging many single trajectories{,} we obtain the approximation of the behavior of {a} quantum system.} {This fact also allows} us to use parallel computation methods. In the article{,} we discuss the QTM package which is supported by the MPI technology. Using MPI allowed {utilizing} the parallel computing for calculating the trajectories and averaging them -- as the effect of these actions{,} the time {taken by} calculations is shorter. In spite of using the C++ programming language, the presented solution is easy to utilize and does not need any advanced programming techniques. At the same time{,} it offers a higher performance than other packages realizing the QTM. It is especially important in the case of harder computational tasks{,} and the use of MPI allows {improving the} performance of particular problems which can be solved in the field of open quantum systems.Comment: 28 pages, 9 figure

    The Entanglement Level and the Detection of Quantum Data Transfer Correctness in Short Qutrit Spin Chains

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    The quantum entanglement is an important feature of many protocols in the field of quantum computing. In this paper we evaluate a level of entanglement in short qutrit chains. This evaluation is carried out with use of the CCNR criterion and the concurrence measure. We also present some explicit formulae describing the values of CCNR criterion and concurrence for exemplary short spin chains. Utilizing the obtained results, we indicate that analyzing the level of entanglement allows to detect the noise or deviation in the transfer process, in comparison to the perfect transfer where only operation realizing transfer is present.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, small typos fi

    The Features and Categorization of Agribusiness Networks on the Example of the Polish Fruit and Vegetable Industry Enterprises

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    This paper contributes to the foregoing discussion on networks in agribusiness. It is grounded in business network approach. The aim of the paper is to recognise and evaluate distinguishing features of agribusiness networks. The eighteen Polish fruit and vegetable producers, processors and traders were investigated. Their network activities have been recognised as non-transactional exchange of knowledge and information, mutual adaptations, adjustments and standardizations. They are preceded by strong transactional relationships in the supply chain which are based on pricing conditions and terms of payments, cooperation as well as formal contracts. The network activities are reinforced by common aims, reciprocal trust and commitment, mutual benefits and stability. The main aim of networking is to increase profits and it is correlated with optimization of supplies and provisions, building of community and relationships and sustainable development. The study classifies five categories of agribusiness networks in the queried sample. They are: very strong operational, strong sustainable, moderate social, weak innovative and very weak shared resource. The paper concludes that the studied networks are characterized by strong actor and activity ties and weak resource bonds. Principally, non-appearance of shared resources may influence the weak innovative ability of networks in the fruit and vegetable industry

    Bimetallic platinum-silver catalysts based on silica and metalosilicate supports – preparation, characterization and application in oxidation processes.

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    Wydział ChemiiCelem badań była synteza bimetalicznych katalizatorów platynowo-srebrowych, bazujących na krzemionce amorficznej i mezoporowatej piance komórkowej (MCF, NbMCF i TaMCF) aktywnych w procesach utleniania metanolu i propenu, oraz ich charakterystyka. Wykorzystanie mezoporowatych nośników sprzyjało większej efektywności wprowadzania oraz dyspersji platyny i srebra. W otrzymanych katalizatorach, metale występowały w postaci Ag0, Pt0, Ag2O, PtxOy oraz cząstek bimetalicznych. Udział poszczególnych form metali zależał od warunków obróbki katalizatora po syntezie. Nadmiar srebra w stosunku do platyny był warunkiem koniecznym dla tworzenia bimetalicznych cząstek Pt-Ag. Aktywacja prowadziła do segregacji cząstek bimetalicznych . Połączenie srebra z platyną skutkowało otrzymaniem katalizatorów wysoce aktywnych w niskotemperaturowym utlenianiu metanolu. Selektywność katalizatorów zależała od dominującej formy cząstek bimetalicznych. Cząstki stopu faworyzowały tworzenie mrówczanu metylu, struktura posegregowana – aldehydu mrówkowego. Dominacja oddzielnych cząstek platyny i srebra prowadziła do całkowitego utleniania substratu. Katalizatory platynowo-srebrowe wykazały niewielką aktywność w procesie utleniania propenu. Mimo to analiza obecnych form faz aktywnych pozwoliła lepiej zrozumieć zmiany zachodzące w układach platynowo-srebrowych w trakcie aktywacji i kontakcie z reagentami.The aim of the studies performed within the Ph.D. thesis was the synthesis and characterization of new bimetallic Pt-Ag catalysts supported on different silicas (amorphous SiO2) and Mesostructured Cellular Foams (MCF, NbMCF, TaMCF), active in selected oxidation processes. The higher surface area of mesoporous silica MCF contributes to more efficient loading of metals on the support and higher dispersion of active phases. In bimetallic samples metals were present as Ag0, Pt0, Ag2O, PtxOy and bimetallic particles. The contribution of each species strongly depended on the pre-treatment conditions of materials. The excess of silver in relation to platinum was necessary for formation of Pt-Ag bimetallic particles. The activation of samples caused partial segregation of bimetallic structures. Bimetallic Pt-Ag catalysts were active and selective in the low-temperature methanol oxidation. Alloy particles favoured formation of methyl formate, whereas ensemble structure – formation of formaldehyde. Separated particles led to total oxidation of methanol. Bimetallic Pt-Ag catalysts were not very active in the oxidation of propene. However, the study of samples after activation and propene oxidation helped to understand the possible changes in platinum-silver catalysts under different conditions.Wsparcie finansowe badań w ramach projektu Preludium (2015/19/N/ST5/00501

    Innowacyjność w kulturze organizacyjnej zespołów nauczycielskich

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    The phenomenon of organizational culture requires a systematic penetration due to its role in efficient implementation of tasks imposed on educational institutions, especially in times of widely understood changes, including the educational change. One of the conditions of survival and attractiveness of the organization in a changing environment is the ability to generate and introduce innovations. The school as an organization may play an active role in the innovation process. The background for the innovative activity of school is the organizational culture, especially one of its levels – assumptions about: human nature, interpersonal relationships, the nature of the environment, the organization itself and the interaction of an organization with the environment. Organizational culture is the factors responsible for introducing changes, therefore, the process of becoming an innovative organization should be started by shaping the appropriate culture. Innovation culture, which can be considered as a part of the organizational culture but also as its type, is highly flexible, self-critical, dynamic, able to take risks, open to the needs of the environment which are a signpost for the organization’s activities. The main objective of this article is on the one hand, showing mutual relations between the organizational culture of the school and its innovative activities and on the other hand, the answer to the question, based on the results of the study, whether the organizational culture of teaching teams – as one of the subcultures in organizational culture – school creates a friendly environment for innovative activity.Zjawisko kultury organizacyjnej wymaga systematycznej penetracji ze względu na  jego rolę w sprawnym realizowaniu zadań nałożonych na instytucje edukacyjne, zwłaszcza w czasach szeroko rozumianych przemian, w tym zmiany edukacyjnej. Jednym z warunków przetrwania oraz atrakcyjności organizacji w zmiennym otoczeniu jest zdolność do wytwarzania i wprowadzania innowacji. Szkoła jako organizacja może pełnić czynną rolę w procesie innowacyjnym. Podłożem dla działalności innowacyjnej szkoły jest kultura organizacyjna, zwłaszcza jeden z jej poziomów – założenia odnośnie: natury człowieka, relacji międzyludzkich, natury otoczenia, samej organizacji oraz relacji organizacji z otoczeniem. Kultura i struktura organizacyjna to czynniki odpowiedzialne za wprowadzanie zmian, dlatego proces stawania się organizacją innowacyjną należy zacząć od kształtowania odpowiedniej kultury. Kultura innowacyjna, która może być rozpatrywana jako element kultury organizacyjnej, ale także jej typ, to kultura w wysokim stopniu elastyczna, samokrytyczna, dynamiczna, zdolna do podejmowania ryzyka, otwarta na potrzeby otoczenia, które są drogowskazem dla działalności organizacji. Zasadniczym celem artykułu jest z jednej strony: pokazanie wzajemnych zależności między kulturą organizacyjną szkoły a jej działalnością innowacyjną oraz teoretyczna weryfikacja pojęć kluczowych w dyskusji nad tym problemem, a z drugiej: odpowiedź na pytanie, w oparciu o wyniki badań własnych, czy kultura organizacyjna zespołów nauczycielskich jako jedna z subkultur w kulturze organizacyjnej szkoły tworzy środowisko przyjazne dla działalności innowacyjnej

    The Role of Inter‐Organisational Relations and Networks in Agribusiness: The Case for the Polish Fruit and Vegetable Industry

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    This paper contributes to the ongoing discussions on the benefits of inter‐organisational networks (IONs) in agribusiness. It is based on the field of inter‐organisational relations (IORs) and network approaches that are applied in the framework of the Activities‐Resources‐Actors (ARA) model. The aim of this paper is to recognise and evaluate the distinguishing features of network relationships, which lead to better defined networks in agribusiness. Polish fruit and vegetable producers, processors and traders were investigated in this study. The study reveals that the main objectives of network relationships are to increase profits, this is linked to the optimisation of supplies and provisions, the building of communities and relationships and sustainable development. The outcomes of network relationships have been recognised as the non‐transactional exchange of knowledge and information, mutual adaptations, adjustments and standardisations. They are led by strong transactional relationships in the supply chain, which are based on pricing conditions, terms of payments, formal contracts and cooperation. This study distinguishes five categories of inter‐organisational network relationships they are: very strong operational, strong sustainable, moderate social, weak innovative and very weak shared resources. The paper concludes that the studied networks are characterised by strong activity and actor ties and weak resources bonds. Specifically the lack of shared resources might negatively influence the networks innovation and sustainability in the future