10 research outputs found

    Aspectos patológicos de enfermidades do sistema nervoso central de mamíferos silvestres diagnosticados no SPV-UFRGS

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    A ocorrência de doenças em populações de animais de vida livre atualmente é considerada uma importante ameaça a conservação dessas espécies, uma vez que mais de 60% das doenças infecciosas emergentes tem sua origem em patógenos de animais. Nesse sentido é consenso entre os pesquisadores, que o conhecimento da distribuição geográfica de diversos agentes é, ainda, insuficiente, necessitando de mais estudos. Não obstante, o desconhecimento da epidemiologia das doenças pode aumentar o risco da transmissão de enfermidades a novos hospedeiros (infecção por transbordamento ou spillover) com impactos sérios na saúde pública. As afecções do Sistema Nervosos Central (SNC) em animais silvestres podem ter diversas etiologias e as populações de vida livre podem servir de sentinela para doenças potencialmente zoonóticas. Dentre as etiologias estão doenças de origem parasitária, virais, bacterianas, degenerativas, traumáticas, neoplásicas e tóxicas. O principal acometimento do SNC em mamíferos silvestres é associado a causas traumáticas, principalmente os causados por atropelamentos. Em relação às encefalites de origem parasitária zoonóticas diagnosticadas no Brasil citam-se meningoencefalite eosinofílica por Angiostrongylus cantonensis em Didelphis albiventris (gambá-de-orelha-branca) e graxaim-do-mato (Cerdocyon thous). Já as doenças de origem viral citam-se principalmente os casos de meningoencefalite herpética em primatas não-humanos, raiva em animais silvestres e cinomose em graxains. Desordens isquêmicas e degenerativas são consideradas raras na medicina veterinária quando comparadas com seres humanos sendo que os acidentes vasculares cerebrais são descritos somente em cães, gatos e lhamas. O objetivo do presente estudo é descrever as principais desordens do sistema nervoso central em animais silvestres recebidos no Setor de Patologia Veterinária, assim como reportar um surto associado a Alphaherpesvirus tipo 1 em Bugios (Alouatta sp.), além de descrever os achados patológicos em um Acidente Vascular Cerebral (AVC) em urso de óculos cativo (Tremarcos ornatus).The occurrence of diseases with spillover potential in wild range animal populations is currently considered an important threat to species conservation, since more than 60% of emerging infectious diseases have their origin in animals. In this sense, there is a consensus among researchers that knowledge of the geographical distribution of different agents is still scarce, requiring further studies. However, epidemiology unawareness of those diseases can increase the risk of transmission to new hosts (spillover) with serious impacts on public health. Diseases of the Central Nervous System (CNS) in wild animals can have a wide range of etiologies and wild populations can serve as bio sentinels for potentially zoonotic diseases. Among the etiologies are parasitic, viral, bacterial, degenerative, traumatic, neoplastic and toxic diseases. The main involvement of the CNS in wild mammals is associated with traumatic causes, mainly those caused car run over and blunt force trauma. Regarding zoonotic parasitic encephalitis diagnosed in Brazil, eosinophilic meningoencephalitis caused by Angiostrongylus cantonensis in Didelphis albiventris (white-eared opossum) and crab-eating fox (Cerdocyon thous). Regarding viral CNS diseases, cases of herpetic meningoencephalitis in non-human primates, rabies in wild animals and distemper in crab-eating fox are mentioned. Ischemic and degenerative disorders are considered rare in veterinary medicine when compared to humans and strokes are described only in dogs, cats and llamas. The objective of this thesis is to describe the main disorders of the CNS in wild animals received at the Setor de Patologia Veterinária, as well as to report an outbreak associated with Alphaherpesvirus type 1 in Howler monkeys (Alouatta sp.), in addition to describing the pathological findings in a vascular accident in a captive spectacled bear (Tremarcos ornatus)

    Neurofibroma orbital em um suíno

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    Para a conclusão e obtenção do certificado de Residência em Saúde Animal e Coletiva pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), todos os discentes devem apresentar, como pré-requisito, um trabalho de relato de caso, relato de pesquisa ou revisão bibliográfica. O presente trabalho visa descrever os achados clínicos, macroscópios, histológicos e de imuno-histoquímica de um neurofibroma orbital em uma matriz suína. Foi remetida ao Setor de Patologia Veterinária da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul uma cabeça de uma matriz suína para análise patológica. A matriz apresentava expansão acentuada das pálpebras esquerdas associada à perda de visão. Macroscopicamente observava-se marcado ectrópio com avermelhamento da mucosa conjuntival e o olho apresentou pthiasis bulbi. Na superfície de corte as massas eram homogêneas, de coloração castanho-claro e brilhante medindo 9 x 7 x 7 centímetros em seus maiores eixos. Microscopicamente observou-se proliferação neoplásica pobremente celular de células alongadas, não delimitadas e não encapsulada, sustentadas por matriz levemente mixoide. Entremeando o tumor havia fascículos nervosos, adipócitos e musculatura esquelética bem diferenciados. As células neoplásicas exibiam imunomarcação para GFAP, neurofilamento, S-100, Sox-10 e vimentina no exame imuno-histoquímico, ao passo que as células tumorais forma negativas na IHQ para citoqueratina e desmina, que somente exibiu marcação ao redor de vasos e feixes musculares neoformados no interior do tumor. O neurofibroma orbital, apesar de ser comum em humanos, não tem sido descrito em suínos domésticos e deve ser considerado como diagnóstico diferencial para afecções palpebrais tumoriformes nessa espécie.In order to complete and obtain the specialist certificate in Animal and Public Health from the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), all residents must present, as a prerequisite, a case report, research report or scientific review. This work aimed to describe clinical, gross, histological and immunohistochemical findings of an orbital neurofibroma in a sow. A sow head was submitted to Veterinary Pathology Laboratory of UFRGS. The sow presented marked expansion of left eyelids associated with blindness. Grossly, a severe ectotrope with conjunctival mucosal reddening was observed associated with pthiasis bulbi at ipsilateral eye. The masses were homogeneous, light tan and shiny, measuring 9 x 7 x 7 centimeters. Microscopically, a paucicellular, non-delimited, non-encapsulated neoplastic proliferation of elongated cells was noted. It was supported by an accentuated myxoid matrix. Intermixing the tumor were well-differentiated nervous bundles, adipocytes and skeletal musculature. Neoplastic cells immunolabeled for GFAP, neurofilament, S-100, Sox-10 and vimentin, while negative for cytokeratin and desmin. Neoformed vessels were positive for cytokeratin and muscle cells for desmin. Although frequent in humans, orbital neurofibroma has not been reported in swines and should be considered as a differential diagnosis for eyelid disorders regarding this species

    Fungal colonization on body surfaces of dead south American Sea lions on sandy beaches, and an evaluation of risk of contamination to humans at southern Brazil/ Colonização fúngica em superfícies corporais de leões marinhos mortos da América do Sul em praias arenosas, e uma avaliação do risco de contaminação para os seres humanos no sul do Brasil

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    At the interface between public health and marine ecology, there is a knowledge gap concerning the extent to which the carbon that enters sandy sediments when large biomass marine mammals decompose changes the sediment, bringing risks to human health. This study aimed to: 1) identify the fungal microbiota present in decomposing carcasses of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens) found on beaches on the coast of southern Brazil, and 2) verify the extent to which the fungal microbiota are dispersed in the sandy sediment around the carcasses, presenting risks to human health. Samples of the corporal surface of 10 carcasses of O. flavescens deposited on beaches along the southern coast of Brazil, in a moderate decomposition state, as well as of the sand around the carcasses, were collected for analysis. Fungal microbiota was identified to genus level based on their macro- and micro- morphological characteristics.From carcasses were identified: Trichoderma, Aspergillus, Penicilium, Cladosporium and Fusarium.  Aspergillus and Cladosporium were the most frequently taxa in the sand around the carcasses and in the control samples. Furthermore, their distribution around the carcasses was not compatible with the findings of fungi from the respective parts of the body, suggesting that these microorganisms were of a marine origin, and that their presence in the sand is not exclusively associated with the presence of the carcasses. The presence of Aspergillus in the carcass and sandy sediment reaffirms its regional distribution and the human risk due to dispersion of the spores from carcasses caused by wind

    Neurofibroma orbitofacial espontâneo em uma matriz suína

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    Neurofibromas are neoplasms derived from nerve bundles and are frequent in humans but not common in animals. This report described the macroscopic, histologic, and immunohistochemistry findings of an orbitofacial neurofibroma in a sow. The sow presented left eyelids with marked expansion, associated with severe ectropion and reddening of both conjunctival mucosae. The mass on the cutting surface was homogeneous, with a light tan, and shiny, measuring 9.0 x 7.0 x 7.0 cm in width, compressing the eyeball. Microscopically, there was paucicellular neoplastic proliferation of elongated cells amid the accentuated myxoid matrix. There were multifocal areas where welldifferentiated nervous fascicles and skeletal musculature were seen. Neoplastic cells were immunostained positive for GFAP, neurofilament, S-100, Sox-10, and vimentin. Cytokeratin showed immunolabeling around primitive nerve bundles and desmin around neoformed vessels and muscle bundles within the tumor. Orbitopalpebral and orbitofacial neurofibroma, despite being common in humans, have not been described in domestic pigs and should be considered as a differential diagnosis in eyelid tumors in pigs.Neurofibromas são neoplasias derivadas dos feixes nervosos e são frequentes em humanos, mas incomuns em espécies animais domésticos. Esse relato tem como objetivo descrever os achados macroscópicos, histológicos e imuno-histoquímicos de um neurofibroma orbitofacial em uma matriz suína. O animal apresentava as pálpebras esquerdas acentuadamente expandidas, associada a severo ectrópio e avermelhamento de ambas as mucosas conjuntivais. A tumoração palpebral, na superfície de corte, era homogênea, levemente acastanhada e brilhante, medindo 9,0 x 7,0 x 7,0 cm, e comprimia o globo ocular. Microscopicamente foi observada uma proliferação neoplásica pobremente celular de células alongadas no meio de uma acentuada quantidade de matriz mixoide. Havia áreas intratumorias multifocais onde fascículos nervosos bem diferenciados e musculatura esquelética foram observados. As células neoplásicas foram positivas na imuno-histoquímica para GFAP, neurofilamento, S-100, Sox-10 e vimentina. Citoqueratina mostrou uma imunomarcação ao redor de feixes nervosos primitivos e desmina ao redor de vasos neoformados e feixes musculares dentro do tumor. O neurofibroma orbitofacial, apesar de comum em humanos, nunca foi descrito em suínos domésticos e deve ser considerado um diagnóstico diferencial para neoplasias palpebrais em suínos

    Lontra longicaudis de vida livre infectada por parvovirus canino e parasitada por Dioctophyma renale

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    This study describes a case of parvovirus infection in a river otter (Lontra longicaudis) assisted at the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center and Wildlife Screening Center, Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel), Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil. Clinical signs included apathy, dark and fetid diarrhea, and crusted lesions on the palmar pads of the fore and hind limbs. The animal died after undergoing support treatment with antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, and fluid therapy. At necropsy, the intestines were reddened and edematous and the right kidney was diminished by one third of its normal size and covered with whitish, spongy material. A female Dioctophyma renale was found free in the abdominal cavity. Histologically, dilatation of the intestinal crypts and fusion and blunting of the intestinal villi were observed. In addition, moderate, multifocal lymphocytic enteritis with lymphoid depletion in Peyer’s patches and mesenteric lymph nodes were present. Immunohistochemistry with anti-canine parvovirus monoclonal antibody (anti-CPV) was strongly positive in the bone marrow cells and enterocytes of the intestinal crypts, confirming the diagnosis of parvovirus infection. The peritoneum on the right kidney was expanded with a cuboidal cell border, forming multiple papillary projections associated with eggs of D. renale and severe inflammatory infiltrate (giant cells, macrophages, lymphocytes, eosinophils, and plasma cells). Areas of necrosis and mineralization were also observed. Due to fragmentation and degradation of its natural habitat, the otter approached the urban area and was contaminated with the virus, which is hosted and disseminated by domestic animals. Infection with D. renale can be associated with the large population of parasitized domestic animals, which eliminate the helminth eggs through urine, contaminating the environment where the parasite intermediate and paratenic hosts co-inhabit. The diseases of these animals can be a decline factor of wild populations that inhabit the region and are an alert to spillover risk.O animal estava debilitado, apático, apresentava diarreia escura e fétida e lesões crostosas nos coxins palmares dos membros torácicos e pélvicos, morrendo após tratamento de suporte com antibiótico, anti-inflamatório e fluidoterapia. Na necropsia os intestinos estavam edematosos e avermelhados e o rim direito estava recoberto de material brancacento e esponjoso, com comprometimento de cerca de um terço do órgão. Foi observado, também, um exemplar de Dioctophyma renale, fêmea, livre na cavidade abdominal. Histologicamente havia fusionamento das vilosidades, dilatação das criptas intestinais com enterite linfocítica moderada multifocal e depleção linfoide nos linfonodos mesentéricos. Na técnica de imuno-histoquímica (IHQ) com anticorpo monoclonal anti-Parvovírus canino (Anti-CPV) houve marcação positiva nos enterócitos da base das vilosidades intestinais e na medula óssea, confirmando o diagnóstico de parvovirose. O peritônio sobre o rim direito estava espessado e revestido por células cuboides, formando múltiplas projeções papilares, nas quais observava-se acentuado infiltrado de células gigantes, macrófagos, linfócitos, eosinófilos e plasmócitos. Entre as projeções papilares havia ovos de Dioctophyma renale, áreas de necrose, calcificação e células gigantes. Conclui-se que a lontra, em função da fragmentação e degradação de seu habitat natural, aproximou-se do centro urbano e contaminou-se com o vírus, o qual é mantido e disseminado por animais domésticos. Por sua vez, a infecção por D. renale pode estar relacionada com a presença de animais domésticos parasitados, os quais eliminam ovos do helminto através da urina contaminando o ambiente, onde coabitam hospedeiros intermediários e paratênicos do parasito. As doenças desses animais podem ser um fator de declínio das populações de animais silvestres e alerta para o risco de spill-over na região

    Verminotic pneumonia in South American fur seal (Arctocephalus australis) in Southern Brazil

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    Verminotic pneumonia caused by Parafilaroides spp. nematodes is an underreported disease in beached South American fur seals, with scant literature available on the characteristics of parafilaroidiasis, the nematode itself, as well as its occurrence in pinnipeds in Brazil. The present work aims to identify, describe and detail the histological features of the infection and molecular characteristics of verminotic pneumonia in the South American fur seal. Twenty-six specimens of Arctocephalus australis, found dead on the northern coast of Rio Grande do Sul in 2021, were analysed. These animals were identified and submitted to necropsy and histology. For the molecular identification of metastrongylids, lung fragments were subjected to DNA extraction, polymerase chain reaction targeting the Internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS-2) gene and subsequent sequencing. In total, 12 animals presented with parasites in the lung parenchyma on histological evaluation, and only 1 showed a granulomatous lung lesion at necropsy. Microscopically, the nematodes were found mainly in the alveoli, associated with little or no inflammatory response, and they had morphological characteristics compatible with metastrongylids. Six ITS-2 gene quality sequences were obtained; after comparative analysis via BLAST, they showed similarity with sequences obtained from Parafilaroides sp. Therefore, verminotic pneumonia caused by Parafilaroides represents an important differential diagnosis of lung disease in South American fur seals found on the northern coast of Rio Grande do Sul

    Broncopneumonia por Streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus em um equino com inalação de grimpa de Araucaria angustifolia

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    Respiratory problems due to tracheobronchial foreign bodies (FBs) are unusual in horses; although equines kept in pastures eventually inhale FBs, as conifer twigs of Araucaria angustifolia. A 1,5-year-old Criolle foal was presented with hemoptysis, dyspnea, restlessness and fever (40.9 ºC rectal temperature). Complete blood count showed intense neutropenia, monocytosis, thrombocytopenia and hypoproteinemia. Treatment was carried out but no clinical improvement was observed. At the post-mortem examination, marked amount of dark red liquid was observed in the thoracic cavity (hemothorax). The lung parenchyma was diffusely consolidated, predominantly in the cranioventral area, associated with mild pleural fibrin deposition. The right primary bronchus was obliterated by a Araucaria angustifolia pine branch measuring 18 cm in length, with adjacent darkened areas (lung consolidation). Microscopically, there was diffuse necrosis with severe hemorrhage in the lungs, associated with marked neutrophilic inflammatory infiltrate, numerous coccoid bacterial aggregates, and fibrinous pleuritis. Additionally, there was diffuse alveolar edema and multifocal thrombosis. Lung fragments were submitted for bacterial culture and mixed bacterial growth was observed with a predominance of Streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus. Inhalation of branches is not commonly reported in horses, but it must be included in the differential diagnoses of pneumonia, and attention should be taken when allowing horses to graze in areas where the plant occurs.Problemas respiratórios devido a corpos estranhos (CEs) traqueobrônquicos são incomuns em equinos, embora cavalos em pastagem possam eventualmente aspirar CEs, como galhos de Araucaria angustifolia. Um potro Crioulo, 1,5 anos, apresentou hemoptise, dispneia, inquietação e temperatura retal de 40,9 ºC. O hemograma revelou intensa neutropenia, monocitose, trombocitopenia e hipoproteinemia. O tratamento foi realizado, mas sem sucesso. Na cavidade torácica, foi observada grande quantidade de líquido avermelhado livre (hemotórax). Os pulmões estavam difusamente consolidados, predominantemente cranioventral e com discreta deposição de fibrina sobre a superfície pleural. O brônquio principal direito estava obliterado por um ramo de pinheiro de Araucaria angustifolia com 18 cm de comprimento. Microscopicamente, notou-se necrose de coagulação pulmonar difusa com hemorragia severa, infiltrado inflamatório neutrofílico marcado, numerosos agregados bacterianos cocoides e pleurite fibrinosa. Fragmentos de pulmão foram submetidos ao isolamento bacteriológico e abundante crescimento misto com predominância de Streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus foi observado. A inalação de grimpas de pinheiro não é comumente relatada em equinos, mas deve ser incluída nos diagnósticos diferenciais de pneumonia e deve-se ter atenção ao introduzir cavalos no campo com a presença da planta

    Wild birds’ diseases in southernmost Rio Grande do Sul

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    Several infectious and parasitic diseases that can spread to different domestic species with unpredictable consequences affect wild birds. Based on this, the objectives of this dissertation were to determine the main diseases that affect wild birds that inhabit the southernmost region of Rio Grande do Sul; and establish the risk of transmission of a pathogenic agent adapted to a population (reservoir) to a new host population (spillover). It was also aimed to describe seven cases of oral trichomoniasis in birds of prey in the south of Rio Grande do Sul, establishing their relationship with the deterioration of their natural habitat. A retrospective study of the diagnoses of causes of death and lesions in wild birds in the southern most region of Rio Grande do Sul between 2000 and 2018 was carried out. Three hundred eighty three cases of necropsy, 25 refrigerated and/or formalin and eight biopsies were received in that period totaling 416 materials. Most of the cases came from municipalities with in the Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico da Faculdade de Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Pelotas (LRD/UFPel) influence area. Of the 416 cases, 55 (13,22%) corresponded to metabolic / nutritional diseases; 50 (13,22%) to traumas; 34 (8,17 %) to bacterial diseases / toxiinfections; 31 (7,45%) to parasitic diseases; 30 (7,21%) fungal diseases; 9 (2,16%) viral diseases and 13 (3.12%) other diseases that did not fit into the categories. In 194 (46,63%) cases, it was not possible to determine the etiology or there was severe autolysis or were inconclusive. Metabolic / nutritional diseases were the main cause of death in wild birds’ and Passeriformes being the most affected order. Metabolic/nutritional diseases were the main cause of death, being Passeriformes the most affected order. Also, seven cases of oral trichomoniasis in birds of prey diagnosed in the LRD / UFPel between 2014 and 2017 were described. The animals were all of periurban zones. Falconiformes and Strigiformes orders were affecte. Half of the birds were adults and there was no predisposition for sex. Clinical signs included dysphagia, regurgitation, and anorexia. The lesions were characterized by multifocal to coalescent yellow nodules/plaques that were adhered to oral cavity, which extended to the esophagus entrance. Histologically the lesions were characterized by severe focally extensive granulomatous stomatitis. Trichomonas gallinae was isolated in modified Diamond media from all birds’ samples. It is believed that the contamination has occurred by the predation of domesticated pigeons (Columbia livia domestica) by the birds of prey. It is also believed that the contamination and spreading of T. gallinae by those pigeons can happen by the agglomeration in patios of grain processing complexes. This situation high lights a case of spill-over in the southern most region of Rio Grande Sul.Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPqAs aves silvestres são acometidas por diversas enfermidades infectocontagiosas e parasitárias que podem disseminar-se para diferentes espécies domésticas com consequências imprevisíveis. Com base nisso, os objetivos desta dissertação foram determinar as principais enfermidades que afetam as aves silvestres que habitam a região sul do Rio Grande do Sul; e estabelecer os riscos de ocorrência de transmissão de um agente patogênico adaptado a uma população (reservatório) para uma nova população hospedeira (spill-over). Objetivou-se, também, descrever- se sete casos tricomoníase oral em rapinantes no sul do Rio Grande do Sul, estabelecendo sua relação com a deterioração de seu habitat natural. Para isso foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo dos diagnósticos de causas de morte e de lesões em aves silvestres na região Sul do Rio Grande do Sul entre 2000 e 2018. Foram recebidos 383 cadáveres para necropsia, 25 órgãos refrigerados e/ou em formol e oito biopsias, totalizando 417 materiais. A maioria dos casos era proveniente de municípios da área de influência do Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico da Faculdade de Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Pelotas LRD/UFPel). Dos 416 casos 55 (13,22%) corresponderam a doenças metabólicas/nutricionais 50 (12,01%) a traumas; 34 (8,17 %) a doenças bacterianas/toxiinfecções ;31 (7,45%) a doenças parasitárias; 30 (7,21%) doenças fúngicas; 9 (2,16%) doenças virais e 13 (3,12%) outras doenças que não se encaixavam nas categorias. Ainda em os casos em que determinar a etiologia, apresentaram autólise acentuada ou foram inconclusivos somaram 194 (46,63%). As doenças metabólicas/nutricionais foram a principal causa de morte, sendo a ordem mais afetada a Passeriformes. Foram descritos, também, nesta dissertação sete casos de tricomoníase oral em rapinantes diagnosticados no LRD/UFPel entre 2014 e 2017. Os animais eram todos de zonas periurbanas e foram afetadas a ordem Falconiformes e a ordem Strigiformes. A metade das aves eram adultas e não houve predisposição por sexo. Os sinais clínicos incluíram disfagia, regurgitação e anorexia. As lesões se caracterizaram por nódulos e placas amareladas multifocais a coalescentes aderidos a cavidade oral, que se estendiam até a entrada do esôfago. Histologicamente as lesões caracterizaram-se por estomatite granulomatosa focalmente extensiva acentuada. Foi isolado em meio Diamond modificado Trichomonas gallinae de todas as amostras coletadas das aves. Acredita-se que a fonte de contaminação tenha ocorrido a partir da predação por estes rapinantes de pombas domésticas (Columbia Lívia domestica) contaminadas com T. gallinae que se aglomeram em pátios de complexos de beneficiamento de grãos. Isto sugere a ocorrência de um caso de spil-lover no sul do Rio Grande Sul

    Leukoencephalomalacia in horses associated with immature corn consumption

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    ABSTRACT: Horse leukoencephalomalacia (ELEM) is a disease caused by the ingestion of mycotoxins (fumonisins) produced by fungi of the genus Fusarium that infect corn and/or its byproducts. This disease has been described by ingestion of mature corn with humidity above 15% at temperatures below 20°C. The aim of this paper was to report an outbreak of leukoencephalomalacia in horses fed with immature corn. Two horses out of three showed neurological signs approximately seven days after eating immature corn in its reproductive phase (R2, milky grains). Corn was harvested and administered directly to the animals, with no storage. Deaths occurred approximately 24 hours after the onset of clinical signs. Grossly, there were multifocal dark red to brown areas in the white matter of the telencephalon and hyppocampus and thalamus. Histologically, there was edema and hemorrhage in several areas of the telencephalon white matter, which corresponded to dark red to brown areas observed in the macroscopy. There was also foci of malacia with presence of reactive astrocytes with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm and inflammatory cells. Diffuse capillary wall degeneration and endothelial cell swelling were also observed. Two ppm of fumonisin were detected by immunoaffinity column method (VICAM) in the immature corn sample. The water activity in this cereal, when the grain is still milky, is 0.98 and can predispose it to growth of mycotoxin-producing fungi. In the present case, fumonisin was found in milky grains in the beginning of the reproductive phase (R2), which suggested that even immature corn may be infected by Fusarium spp. and should not be administered to horses

    Lontra longicaudis de vida livre infectada por parvovirus canino e parasitada por Dioctophyma renale

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    This study describes a case of parvovirus infection in a river otter (Lontra longicaudis) assisted at the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center and Wildlife Screening Center, Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel), Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil. Clinical signs included apathy, dark and fetid diarrhea, and crusted lesions on the palmar pads of the fore and hind limbs. The animal died after undergoing support treatment with antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, and fluid therapy. At necropsy, the intestines were reddened and edematous and the right kidney was diminished by one third of its normal size and covered with whitish, spongy material. A female Dioctophyma renale was found free in the abdominal cavity. Histologically, dilatation of the intestinal crypts and fusion and blunting of the intestinal villi were observed. In addition, moderate, multifocal lymphocytic enteritis with lymphoid depletion in Peyer’s patches and mesenteric lymph nodes were present. Immunohistochemistry with anti-canine parvovirus monoclonal antibody (anti-CPV) was strongly positive in the bone marrow cells and enterocytes of the intestinal crypts, confirming the diagnosis of parvovirus infection. The peritoneum on the right kidney was expanded with a cuboidal cell border, forming multiple papillary projections associated with eggs of D. renale and severe inflammatory infiltrate (giant cells, macrophages, lymphocytes, eosinophils, and plasma cells). Areas of necrosis and mineralization were also observed. Due to fragmentation and degradation of its natural habitat, the otter approached the urban area and was contaminated with the virus, which is hosted and disseminated by domestic animals. Infection with D. renale can be associated with the large population of parasitized domestic animals, which eliminate the helminth eggs through urine, contaminating the environment where the parasite intermediate and paratenic hosts co-inhabit. The diseases of these animals can be a decline factor of wild populations that inhabit the region and are an alert to spillover risk.O animal estava debilitado, apático, apresentava diarreia escura e fétida e lesões crostosas nos coxins palmares dos membros torácicos e pélvicos, morrendo após tratamento de suporte com antibiótico, anti-inflamatório e fluidoterapia. Na necropsia os intestinos estavam edematosos e avermelhados e o rim direito estava recoberto de material brancacento e esponjoso, com comprometimento de cerca de um terço do órgão. Foi observado, também, um exemplar de Dioctophyma renale, fêmea, livre na cavidade abdominal. Histologicamente havia fusionamento das vilosidades, dilatação das criptas intestinais com enterite linfocítica moderada multifocal e depleção linfoide nos linfonodos mesentéricos. Na técnica de imuno-histoquímica (IHQ) com anticorpo monoclonal anti-Parvovírus canino (Anti-CPV) houve marcação positiva nos enterócitos da base das vilosidades intestinais e na medula óssea, confirmando o diagnóstico de parvovirose. O peritônio sobre o rim direito estava espessado e revestido por células cuboides, formando múltiplas projeções papilares, nas quais observava-se acentuado infiltrado de células gigantes, macrófagos, linfócitos, eosinófilos e plasmócitos. Entre as projeções papilares havia ovos de Dioctophyma renale, áreas de necrose, calcificação e células gigantes. Conclui-se que a lontra, em função da fragmentação e degradação de seu habitat natural, aproximou-se do centro urbano e contaminou-se com o vírus, o qual é mantido e disseminado por animais domésticos. Por sua vez, a infecção por D. renale pode estar relacionada com a presença de animais domésticos parasitados, os quais eliminam ovos do helminto através da urina contaminando o ambiente, onde coabitam hospedeiros intermediários e paratênicos do parasito. As doenças desses animais podem ser um fator de declínio das populações de animais silvestres e alerta para o risco de spill-over na região