33 research outputs found

    Support of Decision in Buildings Refurbishment with a Change of Utility

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    Construction objects, including buildings, are characterized by a long period of use resulting from the properties of structural and material solutions properly designed, constructed and operated. Practice shows that functional aging of buildings is faster than technical. Therefore, for these reasons and taking into account current socio-economic concepts (sustainable development, preservation of cultural heritage, economic, location reasons, etc.) buildings that have ceased to perform their current function are subject to renovation and / or refurbishment, enabling them to perform new functions compatible with social needs: public and commercial. The choice of new functions cannot be accidental. The decision-making process regarding the refurbishment of a building with a change of utility function is subject to high economic risk, which is why it should be carried out using a methodology that ensures a holistic approach. The paper proposes a methodology of functional and functional programming in the pre-investment phase of project preparation using multi-criteria analysis of the utility function selection. The methodology is illustrated by an example of the choice of function in the adaptation of a post-production building from public resources

    Analiza fazy przygotowawczej rozbiórki obiektu budowlanego

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    Demolition can be a stand-alone construction project or its initial phase. As ach project consists of several stages, including the planning and preparation of demolition. In the paper the analysis of activities in the preparatory phase of the demolition, based on the requirements of legal acts, including the Construction Law.Rozbiórka może stanowić samodzielne przedsięwzięcie budowlane lub jego etap początkowy. Jak każde przedsięwzięcie składa się z wielu etapów – w tym zaplanowania i przygotowania robót rozbiórkowych. W artykule przeprowadzono analizę działań w fazie przygotowawczej rozbiórki, bazując na wymaganiach aktów prawnych, w tym Prawa budowlanego

    Key determinants of autonomous building development

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    The construction and operation of buildings is characterized by resource intensity in the form of massive consumption of raw materials and products, large financial and human labor expenditures, energy consumption, water consumption, long term, and significant environmental impacts, especially during their use. The currently implemented concept of sustainable development and circular economy influences the directions of development of construction industry and increases interest in self-sufficient buildings, especially in terms of energy, use of closed water circuits, use of waste materials. The aim of the article is to analyse the key determinants for the development of autonomous buildings. The general idea is that an autonomous building is designed to function without the support and services provided by public facilities, such as power, water, gas and sewage networks, waste management, and even the provision of food. On the basis of literature analysis and expert interviews, the factors characterizing this type of construction were determined. Their analysis by means of the DEMATEL method allowed to assess and indicate the most significant cause-and effect relationships conditioning the development of autonomous buildings

    Th17 responses are not altered by natural exposure to seasonal allergens in pollen-sensitive patients

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    Background: Allergic rhinitis affects 10–30 % of the global population and this number is likely to increase in the forthcoming years. Moreover, it commonly co-exists with allergic asthma as a chronic allergic respiratory syndrome. While the involvement of Th2 cells in allergy is well understood, alterations of pro-inflammatory Th17 responses remain poorly characterized. The aim of our study was to determine whether natural seasonal allergen exposure causes changes in T cell subset characteristics in patients with allergic rhinitis and asthma. Methods: Sixteen patients with allergic rhinitis/atopic asthma (9M, 7F; age 31.8 ± 12.1) and 16 healthy controls were recruited into the study (9M, 7F; age 31.2 ± 5.3). Blood samples were collected from the patients 1–3 months before pollen season (visit 1), within 7 days of the appearance of pollen/initiation of allergic symptoms (visit 2) and 2 weeks after visit 2 following the introduction of symptomatic treatment with antihistamines (visit 3). Flow cytometry was used to assess major T cell subsets (naïve, central memory, effector memory and CD45RA+ effector) and key T cell cytokine production (IFNγ, IL-17A, TNF and IL-4) using intracellular staining. Data were analyzed using repeated measures ANOVA and paired t test. Results: As expected, an increase in the percentage of IL‐4+ CD4+ cells was observed during natural pollen exposure in patients with allergic respiratory syndrome. No significant changes were observed in the production of other cytokines, including Th17 cells, which tended to be lower than in the control population but unchanged during pollen exposure. Introduction of antihistamine treatment led to only moderate changes in cytokine production from CD4 and CD8 T cells. Selective changes in CD8+ T cells were observed during natural pollen exposure including a decrease in transient cells (with features of CD45RA+ and CD45RO+ cells) and a decrease in the percentage of central memory cells in the peripheral circulation. Within the CD4 cell group the total percentage of CD45RA positive CD4 cells was increased during pollen exposure. Conclusions: Th1 and Th17 responses are not altered during pollen season but allergen exposure affects T cell activation and memory cell status in patients with allergic respiratory syndrome

    Denture-related stomatitis is associated with endothelial dysfunction

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    Oral inflammation, such as periodontitis, can lead to endothelial dysfunction, accelerated atherosclerosis, and vascular dysfunction. The relationship between vascular dysfunction and other common forms of oral infections such as denture-related stomatitis (DRS) is unknown. Similar risk factors predispose to both conditions including smoking, diabetes, age, and obesity. Accordingly, we aimed to investigate endothelial function and major vascular disease risk factors in 44 consecutive patients with dentures with clinical and microbiological features of DRS (n = 20) and without DRS (n = 24). While there was a tendency for higher occurrence of diabetes and smoking, groups did not differ significantly in respect to major vascular disease risk factors. Groups did not differ in main ambulatory blood pressure, total cholesterol, or even CRP. Importantly, flow mediated dilatation (FMD) was significantly lower in DRS than in non-DRS subjects, while nitroglycerin induced vasorelaxation (NMD) or intima-media thickness (IMT) was similar. Interestingly, while triglyceride levels were normal in both groups, they were higher in DRS subjects, although they did not correlate with either FMD or NMD. Conclusions. Denture related stomatitis is associated with endothelial dysfunction in elderly patients with dentures. This is in part related to the fact that diabetes and smoking increase risk of both DRS and cardiovascular disease

    Possibilities of integration of monitoring requirements by other EU and national legislation

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    Deliverable 1.3 provides inventory of legal regulations, initiatives, developed projects and technologies having potential influence on sensors design processes. Report focus on possible integration of monitoring requirements by other EU and national legislation. Structure of the report consist of: 1. Inventory of EU directives bringing legal regulations providing requirements for having potential influence on sensors design and measurement methodology in reference to parameters demanded, spatial and temporal resolution of data and availability of information for potential users, 2. Inventory of conventions adopted by European Countries, approaching to reach and keep Good Environmental Status, having impact on monitoring processes and fostering development of technical infrastructure, 3. Analysis of national legislation implementing EU directives and representing approach to develop appropriate infrastructure for monitoring duties 4. Inventory of projects developing technologies having potential influence on sensors design, measurement and monitoring methodologies. 5. Inventory of innovative technologies, initiatives and ongoing policy developing processes as source of requirements for perspective technology development These identified items are drivers of new technologies development processes. Sensors, as a part of bigger systems and infrastructures interoperating each other have to conform regulations formulated in legal acts in the context of parameters measured, condition of operation, interaction with environment as object of examination, transmission protocols and data collections terminating data acquisition, processing, storage and information extraction and exchange processes. Objectives The objective of the report is to provide inventory of regulations, directive and conventions having potential influence on sensors design, measurement and monitoring methodologies development having potential influence on sensors design processes. Rationale New developments in the field of technology, measurement and monitoring methodologies, policy and law regulations, possibilities and demands for integration of monitoring requirements by other EU and national legislation, and interoperability challenges are factors determining perspectives of sensors development. Report on regulations, directive and conventions having potential influence on sensors design will include the analysis of possibilities of integration sensor's functionality to meet monitoring requirements and to help to distinguish sensitive or vulnerable areas where monitoring is necessary according to identified ecosystem properties

    Sports commentary of cycling races( based on coverage of the Tour de France)

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    Tematem pracy jest analiza komentarza do kolarstwa, mająca na celu jak najbardziej kompletny opis jego stylu, składników i uwarunkowań.Teoretyczna część rozważań opiera się na problematyce gatunków dziennikarskich, zagadnieniu ironii oraz stylu wypowiedzi. Część praktyczna pracy zawiera charakterystykę kolarstwa jako dyscypliny, opis specyfiki komentarza do kolarstwa, porównanie komentarza do kolarstwa i koszykówki, a także szczegółowe omówienie relacji z Tour de France prowadzonych przez Tomasza Jarońskiego i Krzysztofa Wyrzykowskiego. Efektem prac było stworzenie szczegółowego schematu powadzenia relacji z wyścigów kolarskich oraz ustalenie, że za wyjątkowość komentarza do kolarstwa odpowiada jego improwizowany charakter i mnogość chwytów retorycznych.The main subject of thesis is critical analysis of cycling commentary and complete description of its style and functional conditions. Theoretical part is based on 3 problems: issue of genre, irony and style of language. Practical part of thesis presents characteristic of cycling, commentary to cycling, its comparison to the basketball commentary and the description of the Tour de France coverage. In effect of analysis, we can present detailed scheme of cycling coverage and conclude then cycling commentary is full of digressions and rhetorical