338 research outputs found

    Cerebrovascular reactivity measurements using 3T BOLD MRI and a fixed inhaled CO2 gas challenge: Repeatability and impact of processing strategy

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    Introduction: Cerebrovascular reactivity (CVR) measurements using blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are commonly used to assess the health of cerebral blood vessels, including in patients with cerebrovascular diseases; however, evidence and consensus regarding reliability and optimal processing are lacking. We aimed to assess the repeatability, accuracy and precision of voxel- and region-based CVR measurements at 3 T using a fixed inhaled (FI) CO2 stimulus in a healthy cohort.Methods: We simulated the effect of noise, delay constraints and voxel- versus region-based analysis on CVR parameters. Results were verified in 15 healthy volunteers (28.1±5.5 years, female: 53%) with a test-retest MRI experiment consisting of two CVR scans. CVR magnitude and delay in grey matter (GM) and white matter were computed for both analyses assuming a linear relationship between the BOLD signal and time-shifted end-tidal CO2 (EtCO2) profile.Results: Test-retest repeatability was high [mean (95% CI) inter-scan difference: −0.01 (−0.03, −0.00) %/mmHg for GM CVR magnitude; −0.3 (−1.2,0.6) s for GM CVR delay], but we detected a small systematic reduction in CVR magnitude at scan 2 versus scan 1, accompanied by a greater EtCO2 change [±1.0 (0.4,1.5) mmHg] and lower heart rate [−5.5 (−8.6,−2.4] bpm]. CVR magnitude estimates were higher for voxel- versus region-based analysis [difference in GM: ±0.02 (0.01,0.03) %/mmHg]. Findings were supported by simulation results, predicting a positive bias for voxel-based CVR estimates dependent on temporal contrast-to-noise ratio and delay fitting constraints and an underestimation for region-based CVR estimates.Discussion: BOLD CVR measurements using FI stimulus have good within-day repeatability in healthy volunteers. However, measurements may be influenced by physiological effects and the analysis protocol. Voxel-based analyses should be undertaken with care due to potential for systematic bias; region-based analyses are more reliable in such cases

    Relationships between brain and body temperature, clinical and imaging outcomes after ischemic stroke

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    Pyrexia soon after stroke is associated with severe stroke and poor functional outcome. Few studies have assessed brain temperature after stroke in patients, so little is known of its associations with body temperature, stroke severity, or outcome. We measured temperatures in ischemic and normal-appearing brain using (1)H-magnetic resonance spectroscopy and its correlations with body (tympanic) temperature measured four-hourly, infarct growth by 5 days, early neurologic (National Institute of Health Stroke Scale, NIHSS) and late functional outcome (death or dependency). Among 40 patients (mean age 73 years, median NIHSS 7, imaged at median 17 hours), temperature in ischemic brain was higher than in normal-appearing brain on admission (38.6°C-core, 37.9°C-contralateral hemisphere, P=0.03) but both were equally elevated by 5 days; both were higher than tympanic temperature. Ischemic lesion temperature was not associated with NIHSS or 3-month functional outcome; in contrast, higher contralateral normal-appearing brain temperature was associated with worse NIHSS, infarct expansion and poor functional outcome, similar to associations for tympanic temperature. We conclude that brain temperature is higher than body temperature; that elevated temperature in ischemic brain reflects a local tissue response to ischemia, whereas pyrexia reflects the systemic response to stroke, occurs later, and is associated with adverse outcomes

    Designing a physical activity parenting course : parental views on recruitment, content and delivery

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    Background Many children do not engage in sufficient levels of physical activity (PA) and spend too much time screen-viewing (SV). High levels of SV (e.g. watching TV, playing video games and surfing the internet) and low levels of PA have been associated with adverse health outcomes. Parenting courses may hold promise as an intervention medium to change children’s PA and SV. The current study was formative work conducted to design a new parenting programme to increase children’s PA and reduce their SV. Specifically, we focussed on interest in a course, desired content and delivery style, barriers and facilitators to participation and opinions on control group provision. Methods In-depth telephone interviews were conducted with thirty two parents (29 female) of 6–8 year olds. Data were analysed thematically. An anonymous online survey was also completed by 750 parents of 6–8 year old children and descriptive statistics calculated. Results Interview participants were interested in a parenting course because they wanted general parenting advice and ideas to help their children be physically active. Parents indicated that they would benefit from knowing how to quantify their child’s PA and SV levels. Parents wanted practical ideas of alternatives to SV. Most parents would be unable to attend unless childcare was provided. Schools were perceived to be a trusted source of information about parenting courses and the optimal recruitment location. In terms of delivery style, the majority of parents stated they would prefer a group-based approach that provided opportunities for peer learning and support with professional input. Survey participants reported the timing of classes and the provision of childcare were essential factors that would affect participation. In terms of designing an intervention, the most preferred control group option was the opportunity to attend the same course at a later date. Conclusions Parents are interested in PA/SV parenting courses but the provision of child care is essential for attendance. Recruitment is likely to be facilitated via trusted sources. Parents want practical advice on how to overcome barriers and suggest advice is provided in a mutually supportive group experience with expert input

    Proton spectroscopic imaging of brain metabolites in basal ganglia of healthy older adults

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    Object: We sought to measure brain metabolite levels in healthy older people. Materials and methods: Spectroscopic imaging at the level of the basal ganglia was applied in 40 participants aged 73–74 years. Levels of the metabolites N-acetyl aspartate (NAA), choline, and creatine were determined in "institutional units" (IU) corrected for T1 and T2 relaxation effects. Structural imaging enabled determination of grey matter (GM), white matter (WM), and cerebrospinal fluid content. ANOVA analysis was carried out for voxels satisfying quality criteria. Results: Creatine levels were greater in GM than WM (57 vs. 44 IU, p < 0.001), whereas choline and NAA levels were greater in WM than GM [13 vs. 10 IU (p < 0.001) and 76 versus 70 IU (p = 0.03), respectively]. The ratio of NAA/cre was greater in WM than GM (2.1 vs. 1.4, p = 0.001) as was that of cho/cre (0.32 vs. 0.16, p < 0.001). A low voxel yield was due to brain atrophy and the difficulties of shimming over an extended region of brain. Conclusion: This study addresses the current lack of information on brain metabolite levels in older adults. The normal features of ageing result in a substantial loss of reliable voxels and should be taken into account when planning studies. Improvements in shimming are also required before the methods can be applied more widely

    Relationship Between Venules and Perivascular Spaces in Sporadic Small Vessel Diseases

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    Background and Purpose— Perivascular spaces (PVS) around venules may help drain interstitial fluid from the brain. We examined relationships between suspected venules and PVS visible on brain magnetic resonance imaging. Methods— We developed a visual venular quantification method to examine the spatial relationship between venules and PVS. We recruited patients with lacunar stroke or minor nondisabling ischemic stroke and performed brain magnetic resonance imaging and retinal imaging. We quantified venules on gradient echo or susceptibility-weighted imaging and PVS on T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging in the centrum semiovale and then determined overlap between venules and PVS. We assessed associations between venular count and patient demographic characteristics, vascular risk factors, small vessel disease features, retinal vessels, and venous sinus pulsatility. Results— Among 67 patients (69% men, 69.0±9.8 years), only 4.6% (range, 0%–18%) of venules overlapped with PVS. Total venular count increased with total centrum semiovale PVS count in 55 patients after accounting for venule-PVS overlap (β=0.468 [95% CI, 0.187–0.750]) and transverse sinus pulsatility (β=0.547 [95% CI, 0.309–0.786]) and adjusting for age, sex, and systolic blood pressure. Conclusions— Despite increases in both visible PVS and suspected venules, we found minimal spatial overlap between them in patients with sporadic small vessel disease, suggesting that most magnetic resonance imaging-visible centrum semiovale PVS are periarteriolar rather than perivenular

    Dynamical Mass Measurement of the Young Spectroscopic Binary V343 Normae AaAb Resolved With the Gemini Planet Imager

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    We present new spatially resolved astrometry and photometry from the Gemini Planet Imager of the inner binary of the young multiple star system V343 Normae, which is a member of the beta Pictoris moving group. V343 Normae comprises a K0 and mid-M star in a ~4.5 year orbit (AaAb) and a wide 10" M5 companion (B). By combining these data with archival astrometry and radial velocities we fit the orbit and measure individual masses for both components of M_Aa = 1.10 +/- 0.10 M_sun and M_Ab = 0.290 +/- 0.018 M_sun. Comparing to theoretical isochrones, we find good agreement for the measured masses and JHK band magnitudes of the two components consistent with the age of the beta Pic moving group. We derive a model-dependent age for the beta Pic moving group of 26 +/- 3 Myr by combining our results for V343 Normae with literature measurements for GJ 3305, which is another group member with resolved binary components and dynamical masses.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures. Accepted to A