148 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Safety Climate Level in a Production Facility

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    AbstractThe article presents the problem of evaluation of safety climate in a production facility. It shows selected, most popular and available tools for measuring its level. On the basis of that there has been presented author's questionnaire for evaluation of safety climate level which includes, among other, the following issues: I. Knowledge of work safety, II. Values and beliefs regarding work conditions, III. Clear communication regarding health and safety at work, IV. Attitudes towards health and safety services - personal influence on health and safety at work, V. Superiors’ approach to health and safety problems, VI. Evaluation of training in the area of health and safety, VII. Stress resilience, VIII. Motivation to safe behavior, IX. Making use of cultural offer. To each of the issues there have been assigned five-question modules, to achieve clarity and legibility of the questionnaire. There has also been used five-point Likert scale. To confirm the validity of the above assumptions there has been carried out a piloting research which allowed to simplify and modify the questionnaire. The obtained results can be referred to age, education and job experience of workers. The final result is a collective comparison in a form of a radar chart, which shows general level of safety climate in the analyzed production facility, and allows for an indicator approach to the problem

    Motivation for learning and school anxiety among adolescents

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    This article characterizes motivation for learning and school anxiety among pupils of the last two grades of primary school and junior high school students. The research method is the “I and My School” test by E. Zwierzyńska and A. . Matuszewski. The research pinpoints low motivation for learning and an average level of anxiety among the tested adolescents. The gender does not diversify the motivation level. Girls are characterized by a higher level of school anxiety than boys. The motivation level rises in junior high school and the level of anxiety decreases. Good students have an equally low motivation level as poor ones but at the same time good students have a higher level of school anxiety. The following factors influence the low level of motivation among the tested students: general reluctance towards learning, low interest as far as the lesson is concerned and the teacher’s behaviour

    Oxidation and degradation of polyethylene in hip implants

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    The infrared absorption spectra of polyethylene samples from 13 used acetabular cups of hip prostheses retrieved from patients after different periods of use were studied. The presence of carbonyl compounds was observed in exploited polyethylene samples, confirming progressive oxidative degradation of polyethylene in biological environment

    The effect of macrophages on the process of poly (L-Lactic acid) degradation

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    Badano proces degradacji kwasu poli(L-mlekowgo) w obecności makrofagów (Mf) oraz biozgodność układu PLLA+Mf. Postęp degradacji oceniano na podstawie pomiarów lepkości polimeru, analizy widm w zakresie podczerwieni oraz oznaczenia ilości uwalnianego kwasu mlekowego. Porównano żywotność makrofagów oraz sekrecję cytokin w hodowlach makrofagów w nieobecności biomateriału oraz w układach zawierających filmy PLLA i makrofagi. Stwierdzono wzrost szybkości degradacji PLLA w obecności makrofagów oraz zadowalającą biozgodność polifkwasu L-miekowego) i komórek linii makrofagowej.The process of degradation of poly(L-lactic acid) (PLLA) in the presence of macrophages (Mf) and the biocompatibility of the system PLLA+Mf was studied. The progress of the degradation was monitored by the measurements of polymer viscosity and IR spectra of the films as well as the concentration of the released lactic acid. The viability of macrophages and the secretion of cytokines were compared for the systems containing PLLA films immersed in macrophage suspension and macrophages cultured without the polymer. The results confirm the increase in the rate of PLLA degradation in the presence of macrophages as well as the satisfactory biocompatibility of poly(Llactic acid) and macrophage cells

    Collections d’échantillons biologiques autochtones et cryopolitique de la vie congelée

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    In the mid-twentieth century, scientists began to collect and freeze blood samples for a range of purposes. This article considers the broader implications of scientific freezing for time and life by drawing on interviews with scientists associated with a large collection of samples collected from Indigenous Australians in the 1960s. We first review some key critiques of cryopreservation posed by Indigenous scholars and by science and technology studies. We then propose “cryopolitics” as a concept to express the various political, ethical and temporal conundrums presented by the practice of freezing. We frame cryopolitics as a mode of Michel Foucault’s biopolitics. If biopolitical assemblages make live and let die, cryopolitical ones reveal the dramatic consequences of mundane efforts to make live and not let die. In our case study, we argue that frozen blood vacillates between two cryopolitical states, “latent life” and “incomplete death”.  Samples seen as latent life contain infinite potential and cannot be destroyed; samples understood as incomplete death demand destruction

    Zastosowanie Skali Ustosunkowań Interpersonalnych (SUI) w diagnozie niedostosowania społecznego nieletnich dziewcząt i chłopców : (analiza porównawcza)

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    Pojęcie „społeczne niedostosowanie” nie jest w literaturze przedmiotu definiowane jednoznacznie. W zależności od stanowiska i poglądów doty­czących etiologii, przejawów i motywacji społecznego niedostosowania zmie­nia się sposób jego interpretowania. Zgodnie z podejściem opartym na czyn­nikach socjologicznych niedostosowanie społeczne to „nieumiejętność do­stosowania swego działania do własnej pozycji, roli i statusu w grupach społecznych, niedostosowanie się do norm i postaw akceptowanych przez te grupy (Szewczuk, red., 1985, s. 175). W takim rozumieniu, podzielanym także przez O. Li pkowsiego (1977, s. 106), niedostosowanie społeczne jest ogólną postacią (syndromem) zachowania negatywnego wobec norm społecznych[...

    Zachowania agresywne młodzieży w środowisku szkolnym i rówieśniczym (analiza porównawcza form i uwarunkowań agresji młodzieży szkół podstawowych i policealnych)

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    Celem badań autorek było wyodrębnienie agresywnych form zachowań młodzieży w środowisku szkolnym i rówieśniczym oraz analiza ich psycho­logicznych uwarunkowań[...