60 research outputs found

    Challenges for policy mix in the context

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    The aim of this article is to present the essence of policy mix and the extraordinary actions undertaken by the monetary and fiscal authorities in Poland in response to the recent financial crisis. In the article, the hypothesis has been put forward that the challenges faced by monetary and fiscal authorities have contributed to carrying out coordinated actions, especially in support of economic growth during the recent financial crisis. As a result, in Poland during the last financial crisis, it seemed to observe greater cooperation between monetary and fiscal authorities

    Policy mix in the context of the competitiveness of the Polish economy

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    Monetary policy and fiscal policy have instruments to adjust the market mechanism. This combination is called policy mix 1 . Coordination of monetary policy and fiscal policy has special importance in emergency (crisis) conditions, although it is equally important in a stable economic situation of the country. Policy mix is also a common topic of many works on state strategies used to stimulate or stabilize 2 the economy and thus "create" competitive conditions for economic development. As Kuttner emphasizes, the combination in the IS-LM model is less crucial, but the overall level of aggregate demand is important and it can be shaped by fiscal policy, monetary policy or a combination of both policies, monetary and fiscal ones 3 . Proper monetary and fiscal policy conditions can have a significant positive impact on the country's economic development, as it is possible to stabilize and "improve" macroeconomic indicators. These indicators can influence the competitiveness of a given economy as a result of coordination of monetary and fiscal policy. The coordination of both policies contributes to greater stability of the financial system. Hence, the purpose of this article is to characterize selected macroeconomic indicators from the policy mix in the context of the competitiveness of the Polish economy.The aim of the article is to characterise selected macroeconomic indicators from the policy mix area in the context of the competitiveness of the Polish economy. In order to achieve this aim, the following research methods are used: a review of the literature and statistical analysis method. The study includes an analysis of macroeconomic data for the years 2000-2016 on the policy mix and the competitiveness of the Polish economy. The results of the conducted analysis indicate that in the discussed period there was a statistically significant correlation between monetary and fiscal policy indicators in the background of improving indicators measuring the competitiveness of the Polish economy

    Selected trace elements concentrations in pregnancy and their possible role — literature review

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    The aim of this study was to review the role of selected trace elements in pregnancy and fetal development. Citations related to the role of iron (Fe), zinc (Zn), manganese (Mn), copper (Cu) and selenium (Se) during pregnancy were searched in PubMed, Medline, Web of Science, using keywords and MeSH terms. Inadequate supply of trace elements can cause abnormalities of fetal development and predispose a child to disorders later on in life. Trace elements are the key elements of complex enzymes responsible for the modulation of the antioxidant defense system of the organism. It has been suggested that there is a correlation between reduced levels of trace elements essential for antioxidant function in the body of pregnant women, and an increased risk of developing preeclampsia. Trace elements are components of numerous regulatory enzymes and hormones essential to the division and differentiation of fetal cells and their further development. Mineral deficiencies in pregnant women can cause birth defects of the central nervous system, and growth disorders. Future research should be directed to explain the interaction between trace elements, and establish the optimum levels of macro and micronutrients supplementation, as well as determine the reference values for trace elements in the maternal serum, umbilical cord blood and amniotic fluid

    Holland’s personality types versus preferences in accounting

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    Holland’s personality types versus preferences in accounting The article presents the results of research on the relationship between personality according to the typol-ogy of Holland with preferences in accounting. In his theory, Holland distinguished six personality types: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional. The authors formulated a general hypothesis that these different personality types have different preferences and views on certain issues in accounting. They also formulated several detailed hypotheses related to two personality types: Conven-tional and Enterprising. In order to verify the hypotheses, the authors carried out quantitative research (a questionnaire survey) and focus interviews. Generally speaking, these hypotheses were confirmed

    Dodatek Kwartalny

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    Dodatek kwartalny

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    Microbial community changes along the Ecology Glacier ablation zone (King George Island, Antarctica)

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    In recent years glacial surfaces have received much attention as microbial habitats of diverse photoautotrophic and heterotrophic cells. Supraglacial ecosystems are annually covered and uncovered by snow. The aim of this study was to investigate the microbial community response to changing environmental conditions in a transect following the receding snow line on the surface of Ecology Glacier (King George Island, Antarctica). Parameters of surface ice and cryoconite holes included chemical composition of ice and sediment, Bacteria diversity by denaturating gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE), microbial functional diversity (Biolog Ecoplates), and microbial counts (epifluorescence microscopy, colony forming units - CFU). Data demonstrated profound differences between surface ice and cryoconite holes. Changing environmental factors along the transect influenced composition and abundance of the microbiocenosis in both habitat types. Several parameters correlated positively with distance from the glacier edge, including the cell morphotype Shannon Index, chlorophyll a, nitrogen and seston concentrations. Suspended solids content positively correlated with microbial 2 abundance and diversity. Nitrogen and phosphorus were limiting factors of microbial growth as amounts of organic nitrogen and phosphorus positively correlated with the cell numbers, fission rates and photoautotroph contribution. Our findings indicate that microbial community shows a response in terms of abundance and diversity to exposure of the glacial surface as snow-cover melts. To our knowledge this is the first study to recognize a microbial development pattern on a glacier surface in connection with the receding snow line. This may help better understand variability within supraglacial habitats, correct sampling procedures and inform biocenotic development models

    The Impact of Brain Breaks Classroom-Based Physical Activities on Attitudes toward Physical Activity in Polish School Children in Third to Fifth Grade

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of the Brain Breaks® Physical Activity Solutions in changing attitudes toward physical activity of school children in a community in Poland. In 2015, a sample of 326 pupils aged 9–11 years old from 19 classes at three selected primary schools were randomly assigned to control and experimental groups within the study. During the classes, children in the experimental group performed physical activities two times per day in three to five minutes using Brain Breaks® videos for four months, while the control group did not use the videos during the test period. Students’ attitudes toward physical activities were assessed before and after the intervention using the “Attitudes toward Physical Activity Scale”. Repeated measures of ANOVA were used to examine the change from pre- to post-intervention. Overall, a repeated measures ANOVA indicated time-by-group interaction effects in ‘Self-efficacy on learning with video exercises’, F(1.32) = 75.28, p = 0.00, η2 = 0.19. Although the changes are minor, there were benefits of the intervention. It may be concluded that HOPSports Brain Breaks® Physical Activity Program contributes to better self-efficacy on learning while using video exercise of primary school children