204 research outputs found

    The efficiency of the road transport sector in Poland and other member states of the European Union

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    Transport drogowy ma największy udział w przewozach towarów w Unii Europejskiej. W 2010 r. wielkość przewozu ładunków, mierzona pracą przewozową, w krajach Unii Europejskiej wyniosła 3831 mld t.km, a blisko połowa tych przewozów (45,9%) odbywała się transportem drogowym. Z perspektywy całej gospodarki, jak i podmiotów działających w sektorze transportu kluczową kwestią staje się ocena efektywności działalności transportowej. Ocenę tę można wykonać bazując na tradycyjnych, jednowymiarowych wskaźnikach finansowo-ekonomicznych lub stosując metody wielowymiarowe pozwalające porównać relację kilku nakładów i kilku efektów. W artykule określono efektywność transportu drogowego towarów w Polsce na tle krajów Unii Europejskiej w oparciu o metodę Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Jako zmienne do modelu DEA przyjęto: liczbę pracujących, przychody przedsiębiorstw transportu drogowego towarowego oraz wielkość przewozów ładunków. Najwyższą efektywnością sektora transportu drogowego towarów wśród 24 badanych krajów UE charakteryzowało się 5 państw (Niemcy, Holandia, Luksemburg, Austria, Słowacja).Transport is one of the most essential sectors of EU Member State economies. Road transport has the highest share of freight transport in the European Union. In 2010 the volume of goods transported, measured by transport performance in EU countries, amounted to 3831 billion t.km, and road transport accounted for nearly half the transport (45.9%). From the perspective of the whole economy as well as companies operating in the transport sector it is crucial to measure the efficiency of transport operations. This measurement can be made based on traditional, one-dimensional financial and economic indicators or using methods which allow to compare the relationship of several inputs and outputs. The purpose of this article is to determine the efficiency of road freight transport in Poland and in other countries of the European Union based on the Data Envelopment Analysis method. The calculated DEA model uses the following variables: number of employees, turnover of road transport undertakings and the volume of freight transport of goods by road. The highest efficiency of the transport sector was achieved by 5 countries (Germany, Netherlands, Luxemburg, Austria, Slovakia)

    Multiple Criteria Evaluation of Transportation Performance for Selected Agribusiness Companies

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    AbstractThis paper presents the analysis of transportation activities carried out in different agribusiness entities and resulting in the overall ranking of transportation units operating in the considered agribusiness companies. It is assumed that all these units utilize their own fleet and thus arrange transportation services, by themselves, as the company's internal activities. The data for analysis is obtained from the survey research carried out on a sample of transportation units operating in 10 agribusiness companies. The authors define a consistent family of criteria that allows to evaluate transportation activity in an agribusiness industry, including both universal merits and industry specific transportation features. The evaluation matrix is constructed and the ranking of 10 transportation units is generated. It is based on a subjective model of preferences defined by the decision maker (DM) - the management teams of the analyzed agribusiness companies. The defined model of preferences includes the interests of different stakeholders, such as: customers, employees (in particular drivers) and the society. In the computational phase a multiple criteria ranking procedure called Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method is applied. A series of computational experiments is carried out. As a result a company featured by the most desirable transportation performance is selected

    Porównanie wykorzystania zasobów małych, średnich i dużych przedsiębiorstw przemysłu mleczarskiego w latach 1998–2005

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    Artykuł przedstawia analizę porównawczą zmian w zakresie sytuacji ekonomicznej spółdzielni mleczarskich na tle innych form prawnych przedsiębiorstw działających w przemyśle mleczarskim. Analizie poddano wyposażenie w zasoby i stopień ich wykorzystania

    Wydatki publiczne na rolnictwo w Polsce w latach 2001-2008 w ujęciu regionalnym

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    Wydatki ponoszone przez państwo na rozwój rolnictwa i obszarów wiejskich zależą z jednej strony od prowadzonej polityki rolnej, z drugiej zaś od możliwości finansowych  krajowego budżetu. Podobna sytuacja istnieje w przypadku polityki w regionie, gdyż każdy z wojewodów ma do dyspozycji ściśle określone środki budżetowe. Celem artykułu było przedstawienie zmian w wielkości i dynamice wydatków budżetowych przeznaczanych w latach 2001 – 2008 na rozwój wsi i rolnictwa w Polsce. Określono także poziom zróżnicowania regionalnego występującego w rozkładzie publicznych środków finansowych na poszczególne województwa Polski.

    Classical Out-of-Distribution Detection Methods Benchmark in Text Classification Tasks

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    State-of-the-art models can perform well in controlled environments, but they often struggle when presented with out-of-distribution (OOD) examples, making OOD detection a critical component of NLP systems. In this paper, we focus on highlighting the limitations of existing approaches to OOD detection in NLP. Specifically, we evaluated eight OOD detection methods that are easily integrable into existing NLP systems and require no additional OOD data or model modifications. One of our contributions is providing a well-structured research environment that allows for full reproducibility of the results. Additionally, our analysis shows that existing OOD detection methods for NLP tasks are not yet sufficiently sensitive to capture all samples characterized by various types of distributional shifts. Particularly challenging testing scenarios arise in cases of background shift and randomly shuffled word order within in domain texts. This highlights the need for future work to develop more effective OOD detection approaches for the NLP problems, and our work provides a well-defined foundation for further research in this area.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, Association for Computational Linguistic

    Does Twitter know your political views? POLiTweets dataset and semi-automatic method for political leaning discovery

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    Every day, the world is flooded by millions of messages and statements posted on Twitter or Facebook. Social media platforms try to protect users' personal data, but there still is a real risk of misuse, including elections manipulation. Did you know, that only 13 posts addressing important or controversial topics for society are enough to predict one's political affiliation with a 0.85 F1-score? To examine this phenomenon, we created a novel universal method of semi-automated political leaning discovery. It relies on a heuristical data annotation procedure, which was evaluated to achieve 0.95 agreement with human annotators (counted as an accuracy metric). We also present POLiTweets - the first publicly open Polish dataset for political affiliation discovery in a multi-party setup, consisting of over 147k tweets from almost 10k Polish-writing users annotated heuristically and almost 40k tweets from 166 users annotated manually as a test set. We used our data to study the aspects of domain shift in the context of topics and the type of content writers - ordinary citizens vs. professional politicians

    Seaport efficiency and productivity based on Data Envelopment Analysis and Malmquist Productivity Index

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    "jats:p" Seaport efficiency and productivity are the critical factors for handling of goods in the international supply chains and plays an important role in trade exchange with other countries. It is important to evaluate efficiency and productivity of seaports to reflect their status and reveal their position in competitive environment. The main purpose of this article is to use Data Envelopment Analysis and Malmquist Productivity Index to measure the technical efficiency and total factor productivity of container ports. DEA analysis enables one to assess how efficiently a seaports uses the available inputs to generate a set of outputs relative to other units in the data set. This article presents the use CCR and BCC DEA model, to determine overall technical efficiency, pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency of container ports. The analysis gives a possibility to create a efficiency ranking of seaports. The study also applies the Malmquist Productivity Index (MPI), which was used to analyze changes in seaports productivity. The study indicated that technological progress had a greater impact on the change in productivity of container ports than changes in technical efficiency. Document type: Articl

    Efficiency of Polish metallurgical industry based on data envelopment analysis

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    The main purpose of this paper is to compare the technical efficiency of 12 sectors manufacturing basic metals and metal products in Poland. This article presents the use of Data Envelopment Analysis models, to determine overall technical efficiency, pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency of metallurgical branches in Poland. The average technical efficiency of metallurgical industry in Poland was quite high. The analysis gives a possibility to create a ranking of sectors. Three branches were found to be fully efficient: manufacture of basic iron and steel and of ferroalloys, manufacture of basic precious and other non - ferrous metals and manufacture of tubes, pipes, hollow profiles and related fittings, of steel. The results point out the reasons of the inefficiency and provide improving directions for the inefficient sectors.Web of Science55224824