54 research outputs found

    Oczekiwania młodzieży wobec współczesnej szkoły

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    The constant process of globalization, the rapid civilizational and technological advances confront the modern school with many difficult tasks, like preparing youth for a changing world. Does the modern school deal with these challenges? What are the expectations of current youth in relation to the 21st century school, especially in relation to the teacher, organization and the tasks of the school? This article is devoted to the analysis of diagnostic research on the expectations of 7th grade primary school students towards a modern school.Nieustający proces globalizacji, gwałtowny postęp cywilizacyjny, technologiczny stawia przed współczesną szkołą liczne, bardzo trudne zadania związane z przygotowaniem młodego człowieka do zmieniającego się świata. Czy współczesna szkoła radzi sobie z tymi wyzwaniami? Jakie są oczekiwania dzisiejszej młodzieży wobec szkoły XXI wieku, zwłaszcza w odniesieniu do nauczyciela i organizacji oraz zadań szkoły. Artykuł ten poświęcony jest analizie badań diagnostycznych dotyczących oczekiwań uczniów klas VII szkół podstawowych wobec współczesnej szkoły

    Modelling of cycles in the residential real estate market

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    Analysing the real estate market, the authors focused on the modelling of short-term housing market, instead of a long-term residential space market. In this perspective, even a slight change in the factors affecting the real estate market, due to the multiplier effect leads to strong shocks on the demand side, and consequently, to an excessive reaction of the supply side. These shocks, depending on the demand and supply price elasticity, may disappear or explode. The article presents the modelling cycles in the real estate market. The analysis takes into account changes in prices and the number of dwellings on the primary and secondary market. As calculations indicate, in order to smooth the housing cycle the demand for housing should be mitigate, what can be achieved using fiscal policy, prudential regulation and housing policy – the authors suggest.Analysing the real estate market, the authors focused on the modelling of short-term housing market, instead of a long-term residential space market. In this perspective, even a slight change in the factors affecting the real estate market, due to the multiplier effect leads to strong shocks on the demand side, and consequently, to an excessive reaction of the supply side. These shocks, depending on the demand and supply price elasticity, may disappear or explode. The article presents the modelling cycles in the real estate market. The analysis takes into account changes in prices and the number of dwellings on the primary and secondary market. As calculations indicate, in order to smooth the housing cycle the demand for housing should be mitigate, what can be achieved using fiscal policy, prudential regulation and housing policy – the authors suggest

    Housing market cycles – a disequilibrium model and its application to the primary housing market in Warsaw

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    This paper presents a simple disequilibrium model in the primary housing market, calibrated to the Warsaw market. Our aim is to point out that the primary housing market, due to the long construction process is always in disequilibrium, which has important policy implications. We discuss the last housing cycle and show how a combination of slight demand shocks with short-term rigid supply leads to strong fluctuations of house prices and new construction. The primary market can create a significant distress to the economy, because when house prices rise, this sector attracts capital and workers and is able to generate excessive supply, which finally can lead to the burst of the price bubble. The cyclical character is a permanent feature of the property market and can be explained by the inelasticity of supply. Market participants form price and demand expectations based on past observations. This causes frequent cycles that, under specific conditions, can lead to economic crises. We believe that the model describes the reality of the primary housing market better than equilibrium models do, so it can be useful for central banks and financial supervision institutions in the analysis of the impact of fiscal and monetary policy and regulations on the real estate market

    Cykle na rynku nieruchomości mieszkaniowych i komercyjnych, ryzyko dla inwestora oraz potrzeba adekwatnej i ostrożnej wyceny

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    This article explains why the housing and commercial real estate market are in a permanent disequilibrium. The real estate market converges towards the equilibrium, but it changes due to credit constraints, expectations and the long investment process. The cycles on this market are much more volatile than those of the whole economy. Moreover, the market is very local. Often, one can observe the accumulation of different factors, which lead to herding and speculations and finally result in a crisis. Because the market is strongly financed by banks, problems on the market affect the whole financial system. Thus, an appropriate and prudent valuation of the property is needed, which helps to smooth the demand and also reduces the risk for the investor and the bank

    Application of Magnetically Assisted Reactors for Modulation of Growth and Pyocyanin Production by Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a producer of desired secondary metabolites, including pyocyanin. Potential uses of this pigment urge a search for improved production methods. Recent trends in bioprocessing show the potential of the use of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) to influence the growth of microorganisms and even modulate the concentration of bioproducts. Here, we aimed at assessing the influence of rotating magnetic field (RMF) and static magnetic field (SMF) on pyocyanin production, growth rate, and respiration of P. aeruginosa. Moreover, exposure time to EMFs (2, 6, and 12 h) and culture volume (10 and 50 ml) were initially assessed. P. aeruginosa was cultivated in magnetically assisted reactors with 5 and 50 Hz RMF (magnetic induction of 24.32 and 42.64 mT, respectively) and SMF (−17.37 mT). Growth kinetics was assessed with Gompertz equation. The viability was tested using resazurin assay, whereas pyocyanin production by chloroform-HCl methodology. The growth of P. aeruginosa was slightly stimulated by exposure to a RMF with 50 Hz (108% related to the control) and significantly by SMF (132% related to the control), while RMF 5 Hz exposure prolonged the time of inflection (in comparison to RMF 50 Hz and SMF). The 6-h exposure to EMFs resulted in the highest pyocyanin production in comparison to the control, indicating a relationship between exposure time and product concentration. Moreover, cultures led in smaller volumes produced more pyocyanin. Our findings show that the use of different EMF types, frequency, and exposition time and volume could be used interchangeably to obtain different bioprocess aims

    On the dynamics of the primary housing market and the forecasting of house prices

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    This article discusses and explains the dynamics of the primary housing market, focus-ing on housing supply, demand, price and construction costs dynamics. We focus our attention on the primary housing market, because it can create an excessive supply, which can cause distress to the economy. Due to multiplier effects, even small changes in fundamental factors, such as a minor changes in the interest rate, result in demand shocks. Positive demand shifts cannot be easily satisfied, as supply is rigid in the short run. This usually makes house prices grow and developers increase their production, which will be delivered to the market with a lag. Housing developers have the marketing tools to heat up the market for a prolonged period of time. Rising prices can lead to further demand increases, because housing is a consumer and an investment good. When demand moves back to its long run level, the economy is left with excessive supply, falling prices and bad mortgages. We create a simple four-equation model, which is able to replicate the dynamics of the Warsaw primary housing market. Our model replicates historical data in an appropriate way and we apply it to forecast house prices in the next two years on quarterly basis

    On the dynamics of the primary housing market and the forecasting of house prices

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    This article discusses and explains the dynamics of the primary housing market, focus-ing on housing supply, demand, price and construction costs dynamics. We focus our attention on the primary housing market, because it can create an excessive supply, which can cause distress to the economy. Due to multiplier effects, even small changes in fundamental factors, such as a minor changes in the interest rate, result in demand shocks. Positive demand shifts cannot be easily satisfied, as supply is rigid in the short run. This usually makes house prices grow and developers increase their production, which will be delivered to the market with a lag. Housing developers have the marketing tools to heat up the market for a prolonged period of time. Rising prices can lead to further demand increases, because housing is a consumer and an investment good. When demand moves back to its long run level, the economy is left with excessive supply, falling prices and bad mortgages. We create a simple four-equation model, which is able to replicate the dynamics of the Warsaw primary housing market. Our model replicates historical data in an appropriate way and we apply it to forecast house prices in the next two years on quarterly basis

    Analysis of genes involved in response to doxorubicin and a GD2 ganglioside-specific 14G2a monoclonal antibody in IMR-32human neuroblastoma cells

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    Neuroblastoma is the most common extra-cranial solid tumor of childhood and it is characterized by the presence of a glycosphingolipid, GD2 ganglioside. Monoclonal antibodies targeting the antigen are currently tested in clinical trials. Additionally, several research groups reported results revealing that ganglioside-specific antibodies can affect cellular signaling and cause direct cytotoxicity against tumor cells. To shed more light on gene expression signatures of tumor cells, we used microarrays to analyze changes of transcriptome in IMR-32 human neuroblastoma cell cultures treated with doxorubicin (DOX) or a mouse monoclonal antibody binding to GD2 ganglioside 14G2a (mAb) for 24 h. The obtained results highlight that disparate cellular pathways are regulated by doxorubicin and 14G2a. Next, we used RT-PCR to verify mRNA levels of selected DOX-responsive genes such as RPS27L, PPM1D, SESN1, CDKN1A, TNFSF10B, and 14G2a-responsive genes such as SVIL, JUN, RASSF6, TLX2, ID1. Then, we applied western blot and analyzed levels of RPS27L, PPM1D, sestrin 1 proteins after DOX-treatment. Additionally, we aimed to measure effects of doxorubicin and topotecan (TPT) and 14G2a on expression of a novel human NDUFAF2 gene encoding for mimitin protein (MYC-induced mitochondrial protein) and correlate it with expression of the MYCN gene. We showed that expression of both genes was concomitantly decreased in the 14G2a-treated IMR-32 cells after 24 h and 48 h. Our results extend knowledge on gene expression profiles after application of DOX and 14G2a in our model and reveal promising candidates for further research aimed at finding novel anti-neuroblastoma targets

    Przydatność biotestów ekotoksykologicznych do oceny stanu biologicznego wód na przykładzie zbiornika zaporowego w Goczałkowicach

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    Implementation of ecotoxicological biotests for monitoring of water quality in water reservoirs is one of the aims of the project “Integrated system supporting management and protection of water reservoir (ZiZOZap)”. The project is executed within The Programme Innovative Economy under National Strategic Reference Framework as a part of introducing Water Framework Directive. The model object of the Project is Goczalkowice Water Reservoir. The main purposes of the Project are maintaining a good condition of the Reservoir for future and prevent processes of its aging and degradation. The final product of the Project will be an informational system based on the results of environmental monitoring, numerical models of reservoir and relative management scenarios. The system will allow permanent assessment of current reservoir condition as well as prediction of its short time and long time alterations. In consequence, these may lead to rationale decisions referring to reservoir management. Since July 2010 a battery of standardized commercial biotests is applied for water quality monitoring in Goczalkowice Reservoir. The obtained results are referred to the standards set by governmental and EC ordinances. We assume the biotests would be useful in constructing detailed scenarios of the reservoir management.