10 research outputs found

    Fluorescence Spectroscopy of Collagen in Several Solvents

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    Introduction. Research was carried out into the influence of microenvironment created by 6 solvents on the spectroscopic characteristics of four types of collagen protein. The solvents were selected on the basis of polarity, pH, the presence of a functional group, as well as their application in fixing biological material for histopathological and spectroscopic examinations. As an amino acid with the highest light-absorbing capacity, tryptophan exhibits the spectral properties of whole protein agglomerates. Protein conformation changes occurring in different environments and changes in functional groups surrounding tryptophan allowed to register protein spectra. The aim of the study was to find out whether changing the collagen microenvironment using six selected solvents allows to differentiate four types of collagen by means of stationary fluorescence spectroscopy. Material and methods. The research material consisted of four types of human collagen: I, II, III, and IV. The classification of collagen types was based on the spatial arrangement of α chains of each collagen type as adopted by Bornstein and Traub. The emission spectra were recorded with the use of a Hitachi F-7000 spectrofluorimeter and analysed with Origin 8.0 Pro software. Results. Preliminary tests allowed to determine the most optimal excitation wavelength of polar (λ = 270 nm) and non-polar (λ = 350 nm) solvents. The observed spectra shapes and maxima at a specific excitation wavelength were characteristic for the corresponding solvent. Differences among the fluorescence spectra of the four types of collagen were not observed. Conclusions and discussion. Stationary fluorescence spectroscopy does not allow to differentiate four collagen types using the selected solvents. A major hindrance of this method consists in its high sensitivity to environment changes which may preclude the optimisation of research and in consequence render the approach inferior to techniques using electrophoretic devices, mass spectrometry, or chromatography.Wstęp. Przeprowadzono badania wpływu mikrośrodowiska wybranych sześciu rozpuszczalników na właściwości spektroskopowe czterech typów białka kolagenowego. Rozpuszczalniki zostały wyselekcjonowane na podstawie polarności, pH, obecności grup funkcyjnych, a także wykorzystania ich do utrwalania materiału biologicznego do badań histopatologicznych, jak również badań spektroskopowych. Tryptofan, jako aminokwas o najsilniejszej zdolności absorbowania światła odwzorowuje spektralne właściwości całych aglomeratów białkowych. Zmiany konformacyjne białka w różnym środowisku oraz zmiany otaczających tryptofan grup funkcyjnych pozwoliły na zarejestrowanie widm białek. Celem badania było sprawdzenie, czy zmiana mikrośrodowiska kolagenu z wykorzystaniem sześciu wybranych rozpuszczalników pozwoli na różnicowanie czterech typów kolagenu metodą stacjonarnej spektroskopii fluorescencyjnej. Materiały i metody. Materiał do badań stanowiły cztery typy kolagenu ludzkiego: I, II, III i IV. Podział typów kolagenu opierał się na przyjętym przez Bordsteina i Trauba ułożeniu przestrzennym łańcuchów α każdego z typów kolagenu. Widma emisji rejestrowane były przy użyciu spektrofluorymetrumetru Hitachi F-7000 i opracowane z wykorzystaniem programu Origin 8.0 Pro. Wyniki. Badania wstępne pozwoliły na wyznaczenie najbardziej optymalnych długości fali wzbudzenia dla rozpuszczalników polarnych (λ = 270 nm) i niepolarnych (λ = 350 nm). Obserwowany kształt oraz maksimum widm przy określonej długości fali wzbudzenia był charakterys-tyczny dla odpowiedniego rozpuszczalnika. Nie zaobserwo-wano różnic w widmach fluorescencji pomiędzy czterema typami kolagenu. Wnioski i dyskusja. Stacjonarna spektroskopia fluorescencyjna nie pozwala na rozróżnienie czterech typów kolagenu z zastosowaniem wybranych rozpuszczalników. Dużym utrudnieniem w pomiarach fluorescencyjnych stanowi jej wysoka czułość na zmiany środowiska, która niestety może powodować uniemożliwienie optymalizacji badań, dlatego ustępuje miejsca metodom z użyciem aparatury elektroforetycznej, spektrometrii mas lub chromatografii

    Spektroskopia fluorescencyjna kolagenu w różnych rozpuszczalnikach

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    Introduction. Research was carried out into the influence of microenvironment created by 6 solvents on the spectroscopic characteristics of four types of collagen protein. The solvents were selected on the basis of polarity, pH, the presence of a functional group, as well as their application in fixing biological material for histopathological and spectroscopic examinations. As an amino acid with the highest light-absorbing capacity, tryptophan exhibits the spectral properties of whole protein agglomerates. Protein conformation changes occurring in different environments and changes in functional groups surrounding tryptophan allowed to register protein spectra. The aim of the study was to find out whether changing the collagen microenvironment using six selected solvents allows to differentiate four types of collagen by means of stationary fluorescence spectroscopy. Material and methods. The research material consisted of four types of human collagen: I, II, III, and IV. The classification of collagen types was based on the spatial arrangement of α chains of each collagen type as adopted by Bornstein and Traub. The emission spectra were recorded with the use of a Hitachi F-7000 spectrofluorimeter and analysed with Origin 8.0 Pro software. Results. Preliminary tests allowed to determine the most optimal excitation wavelength of polar (λ = 270 nm) and non-polar (λ = 350 nm) solvents. The observed spectra shapes and maxima at a specific excitation wavelength were characteristic for the corresponding solvent. Differences among the fluorescence spectra of the four types of collagen were not observed. Conclusions and discussion. Stationary fluorescence spectroscopy does not allow to differentiate four collagen types using the selected solvents. A major hindrance of this method consists in its high sensitivity to environment changes which may preclude the optimisation of research and in consequence render the approach inferior to techniques using electrophoretic devices, mass spectrometry, or chromatography.Wstęp. Przeprowadzono badania wpływu mikrośrodowiska wybranych sześciu rozpuszczalników na właściwości spektroskopowe czterech typów białka kolagenowego. Rozpuszczalniki zostały wyselekcjonowane na podstawie polarności, pH, obecności grup funkcyjnych, a także wykorzystania ich do utrwalania materiału biologicznego do badań histopatologicznych, jak również badań spektroskopowych. Tryptofan, jako aminokwas o najsilniejszej zdolności absorbowania światła odwzorowuje spektralne właściwości całych aglomeratów białkowych. Zmiany konformacyjne białka w różnym środowisku oraz zmiany otaczających tryptofan grup funkcyjnych pozwoliły na zarejestrowanie widm białek. Celem badania było sprawdzenie, czy zmiana mikrośrodowiska kolagenu z wykorzystaniem sześciu wybranych rozpuszczalników pozwoli na różnicowanie czterech typów kolagenu metodą stacjonarnej spektroskopii fluorescencyjnej. Materiały i metody. Materiał do badań stanowiły cztery typy kolagenu ludzkiego: I, II, III i IV. Podział typów kolagenu opierał się na przyjętym przez Bordsteina i Trauba ułożeniu przestrzennym łańcuchów α każdego z typów kolagenu. Widma emisji rejestrowane były przy użyciu spektrofluorymetrumetru Hitachi F-7000 i opracowane z wykorzystaniem programu Origin 8.0 Pro. Wyniki. Badania wstępne pozwoliły na wyznaczenie najbardziej optymalnych długości fali wzbudzenia dla rozpuszczalników polarnych (λ = 270 nm) i niepolarnych (λ = 350 nm). Obserwowany kształt oraz maksimum widm przy określonej długości fali wzbudzenia był charakterys-tyczny dla odpowiedniego rozpuszczalnika. Nie zaobserwo-wano różnic w widmach fluorescencji pomiędzy czterema typami kolagenu. Wnioski i dyskusja. Stacjonarna spektroskopia fluorescencyjna nie pozwala na rozróżnienie czterech typów kolagenu z zastosowaniem wybranych rozpuszczalników. Dużym utrudnieniem w pomiarach fluorescencyjnych stanowi jej wysoka czułość na zmiany środowiska, która niestety może powodować uniemożliwienie optymalizacji badań, dlatego ustępuje miejsca metodom z użyciem aparatury elektroforetycznej, spektrometrii mas lub chromatografii

    Fluorescence lifetime of collagen degradation products in plasma of patients with left ventricular remodeling

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    Background. The concentration of collagen degradation products in plasma may reflect the process of left ventricular remodeling in patients after acute myocardial infarction. The aim of this study was to confirm that mean fluorescence lifetime of plasma is decreased in patients with left ventricular systolic dysfunction. Patients, materials and methods. The study group consisted of patients treated with primary percutaneous coronary intervention for acute myocardial infarction admitted to the Department of Cardiology and Internal Medicine at the University Hospital in Bydgoszcz. The overall group comprised of 65 patients. From each patient 8 mL of blood was taken to obtain plasma that was used for further examination. The time-resolved spectrometer Life Spec II with the sub-nanosecond pulsed 360 nm EPLED® diode was used in order to measure fluorescence lifetime of samples. Results. Significant differences were observed in mean fluorescence lifetime of plasma between groups of patients divided according to brain natriuretic peptide levels. Statistical analysis showed that the increase in brain natriuretic peptide level is an independent factor resulting in the decrease in mean fluorescence lifetime. Conclusions. It seems that plasma concentration of collagen degradation products is closely related to brain natriuretic peptide level. However, this experiment confirmed that plasma of patients with potential high probability of developing left ventricular remodeling is characterized by the decrease in mean fluorescence lifetime


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    Background: Schizophrenia is a serious public health problem and is ranked among the most disabling diseases in the world. The sub-study presented here was part of a larger project to characterize the burden of schizophrenia on healthcare systems and on individuals living with the disease in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). Aims: This sub-study aimed to assess and analyze the impact of schizophrenia on many aspects of the lives of patients and caregivers. Methods: Psychiatrists from selected centers in seven Central and Eastern European countries were asked to complete a questionnaire in order to collect information about the disease history, characteristics, treatment protocols and resources used for each randomly selected patient. All data were statistically analyzed and compared between countries. Results: Data from 961 patients with schizophrenia (mean age 40.7 years, 45.1% female) were included in the analysis. The mean number of days spent in hospital per patient per year across all seven countries was 25.3 days. Hospitalization occurred on average once per year, with psychiatrist visits 9.4 times per year. Of the patients in the study, 61% were single, 12% divorced and 22% married or cohabiting. Almost 84% were living with relatives or a partner; only 17% lived alone and, on average, 25% of patients received support from social workers. Relatives provided care for approximately 60% of patients and 4% of them had to stop working in order to do so. Twenty-nine percent of the patients were unemployed, and 56% received a disability pension or were retired, with only 19% in full-time employment or education. Conclusion: Schizophrenia has a significant effect on the lives of patients and caregivers and impacts their social integration

    Epidemiology and Treatment Guidelines of Negative Symptoms in Schizo-phrenia in Central and Eastern Europe: A Literature Review

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    AIM: To gather and review data describing the epidemiology of schizophrenia and clinical guidelines for schizophrenia therapy in seven Central and Eastern European countries, with a focus on negative symptoms. Methods : A literature search was conducted which included publications from 1995 to 2012 that were indexed in key databases. Results : Reports of mean annual incidence of schizophrenia varied greatly, from 0.04 to 0.58 per 1,000 population. Lifetime prevalence varied from 0.4% to 1.4%. One study reported that at least one negative symptom was present in 57.6% of patients with schizophrenia and in 50-90% of individuals experiencing their first episode of schizophrenia. Primary negative symptoms were observed in 10-30% of patients. Mortality in patients with schizophrenia was greater than in the general population, with a standardized mortality ratio of 2.58-4.30. Reasons for higher risk of mortality in the schizophrenia population included increased suicide risk, effect of schizophrenia on lifestyle and environment, and presence of comorbidities. Clinical guidelines overall supported the use of second-generation antipsychotics in managing negative symptoms of schizophrenia, although improved therapeutic approaches are needed. Conclusion : Schizophrenia is one of the most common mental illnesses and poses a considerable burden on patients and healthcare resources alike. Negative symptoms are present in many patients and there is an unmet need to improve treatment offerings for negative symptoms beyond the use of second-generation antipsychotics and overall patient outcomes

    Nielekowe koszty leczenia pertuzumabem i trastuzumabem pacjentów z HER2- dodatnim rakiem piersi w Polsce

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    Introduction HER2-positive breast cancer represents 10-20% of all breast tumors. This study aimed to create a model-based cost-minimization analysis that compared non-drug related costs of different therapies used in the treatment of HER2-positive breast cancer in Poland: Pertuzumab SC + Trastuzumab SC (Pert/TrasSC) vs Pertuzumab IV + Trastuzumab IV (PertIV+TrasIV) vs Pertuzumab IV + Trastuzumab SC (PertIV+TrasSC). Materials and methods The cost-minimization analysis was based on the results of a questionnaire addressed to leading oncology centers in Poland. The model was broken down into three categories of cost savings generated from nurses 'work, pharmacists' work, non-drug related consumables, and two categories of time savings: impact on the occupation of infusion chair and the duration of hospital stay. Data on resources used and costs were collected in the first half of 2022 Results Data were obtained from four oncology centers. The savings generated per patient from the healthcare providers work and from non-drug consumables for Pert/TrasSC arm were 178 PLN compared to PertIV+TrasIV and 168 PLN compared to PertIV+TrasSC. A full adaptation of Pert/TrasSC was estimated to result in an average of 8-fold savings in healthcare providers worktime per patient and in a treatment capacity increase of 241 patients. Conclusions Our model shows that Pert/TrasSC treatment is associated with significantly lower labor costs for nurses and pharmacists and lower costs of non-drug consumables compared to the other treatment options. Moreover, it reduced patients' chair time due to shorter administration/observation time and released capacity in chemotherapy infusion sites.Wprowadzenie. HER2-dodatni rak piersi stanowi 10–20% wszystkich nowotworów piersi. Celem badania było przeprowadzenie opartej na modelu decyzyjnym analizy minimalizacji kosztów, porównującej koszty nielekowe różnych terapii stosowanych w leczeniu pacjentów z HER2-dodatnim rakiem piersi w Polsce: pertuzumab SC + trastuzumab SC (Pert/TrasSC) vs. pertuzumab IV + trastuzumab IV (PertIV + TrasIV) vs. pertuzumab IV + trastuzumab SC (PertIV + TrasSC).  Materiał i metody. Analizę minimalizacji kosztów przeprowadzono na podstawie wyników ankiety skierowanej do wiodących ośrodków onkologicznych w Polsce. Model obejmował trzy kategorie oszczędności kosztów — wynikające z pracy pielęgniarek i farmaceutów, a także materiałów eksploatacyjnych niezwiązanych z lekami oraz dwie kategorie oszczędności czasu — związane z czasem zajęcia fotela infuzyjnego i pobytu w szpitalu. Dane dotyczące wykorzystanych zasobów i kosztów zebrano w pierwszym półroczu 2022 roku.  Wyniki. Dane pozyskano z czterech ośrodków onkologicznych. Oszczędności uzyskane w przeliczeniu na pacjenta w odniesieniu do pracy podmiotów udzielających świadczeń opieki zdrowotnej oraz zużycia materiałów nielekowych dla terapii Pert/TrasSC wyniosły 178 zł w porównaniu z PertIV + TrasIV i 168 zł w porównaniu z PertIV + TrasSC. Oszacowano, że zastosowanie terapii Pert/TrasSC u wszystkich pacjentów umożliwi średnio 8-krotną oszczędność czasu pracy świadczeniodawców w przeliczeniu na pacjenta i zwiększenie możliwości leczenia o 241 pacjentów.  Podsumowanie. Przedstawiony model pokazuje, że leczenie Pert/TrasSC wiąże się ze znacznie niższymi kosztami pracy pielęgniarek i farmaceutów oraz niższymi kosztami materiałów nielekowych w porównaniu z innymi opcjami terapeutycznymi. Dodatkowo zastosowanie tej terapii umożliwiło skrócenie czasu przebywania pacjentów w fotelu infuzyjnym z uwagi na krótszy czas podawania leku/obserwacji i zwiększyło możliwości świadczenia usług medycznych w ramach tej samej liczby stanowisk do infuzji chemioterapii.

    Non-drug related costs of treatment with pertuzumab and trastuzumab in HER2-positive breast cancer patients in Poland

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    Introduction. HER2-positive breast cancer represents 10–20% of all breast tumors. This study aimed to create a model-based cost-minimization analysis that compared non-drug related costs of different therapies used in the treatment of HER2-positive breast cancer in Poland: pertuzumab SC plus trastuzumab SC (Pert/TrasSC) vs. pertuzumab IV plus trastuzumab IV (PertIV + TrasIV) vs. pertuzumab IV plus trastuzumab SC (PertIV + TrasSC).  Material and methods. The cost-minimization analysis was based on the results of a questionnaire addressed to leading oncology centers in Poland. The model was broken down into three categories of cost savings: reduced labor costs of nurses, pharmacists and non-drug related consumables, and from two categories of treatment time reduction: occupation of infusion chair and duration of hospital stay. Data on resources used and costs were collected in the first half of 2022.  Results. Data were obtained from four oncology centers. The savings generated per patient from healthcare personnel’s work and from non-drug consumables for the Pert/TrasSC arm were 178 PLN compared to PertIV + TrasIV and 168 PLN compared to PertIV + TrasSC. Full adaptation of Pert/TrasSC was estimated to result in average 8-fold higher savings in healthcare personnel workload per patient and in a treatment capacity increase of 241 patients.  Conclusions. Our model shows that Pert/TrasSC treatment is associated with significantly lower labor costs for nurses and pharmacists and lower costs of non-drug consumables compared to the other treatment options. Moreover, it reduced patients’ chair time due to shorter administration/observation time and released capacity in chemotherapy infusion sites


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    Background: Schizophrenia is a serious public health problem and is ranked among the most disabling diseases in the world. The sub-study presented here was part of a larger project to characterize the burden of schizophrenia on healthcare systems and on individuals living with the disease in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). Aims: This sub-study aimed to assess and analyze the impact of schizophrenia on many aspects of the lives of patients and caregivers. Methods: Psychiatrists from selected centers in seven Central and Eastern European countries were asked to complete a questionnaire in order to collect information about the disease history, characteristics, treatment protocols and resources used for each randomly selected patient. All data were statistically analyzed and compared between countries. Results: Data from 961 patients with schizophrenia (mean age 40.7 years, 45.1% female) were included in the analysis. The mean number of days spent in hospital per patient per year across all seven countries was 25.3 days. Hospitalization occurred on average once per year, with psychiatrist visits 9.4 times per year. Of the patients in the study, 61% were single, 12% divorced and 22% married or cohabiting. Almost 84% were living with relatives or a partner; only 17% lived alone and, on average, 25% of patients received support from social workers. Relatives provided care for approximately 60% of patients and 4% of them had to stop working in order to do so. Twenty-nine percent of the patients were unemployed, and 56% received a disability pension or were retired, with only 19% in full-time employment or education. Conclusion: Schizophrenia has a significant effect on the lives of patients and caregivers and impacts their social integration