87 research outputs found

    Millora de varietats tradicionals de tomàquet

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    Les varietats tradicionals de tomàquet constitueixen un recurs important per les explotacions hortícoles ecològiques, tant per la seva adaptació a condicions d’una agricultura de baixa intensitat, com per les seves característiques culturals i culinàries. La seva presència en camps de cultiu comercials és, però, escassa, degut principalment a la seva sensibilitat a les plagues i malalties que afecten a l’espècie, així com en molts casos a la seva baixa productivitat. El mètode més efectiu de control d’algunes malalties com les virosis és la resistència genètica, la qual és present en la major part de varietats millorades. Introduir aquests gens de resistència en les varietats tradicionals pot ser una estratègia per revifar el seu cultiu i recuperar la diversitat varietal autòctona. Amb aquest objectiu s’està impulsant un programa de millora genètica per tal d’incorporar la resistència a virosis, fongs i nematodes en una línia tradicional del tomàquet Pera de Girona. El programa de millora s’està realitzant seguint diferents línies de treball. Els resultats de l’any 2020, han permès identificar 11 genotips resistents al virus del bronzejat (TSWV), un dels quals també té resistència a nematodes, que es troben en una generació avançada de desenvolupament (BC2S4). Aquests materials seran sotmesos a un procés de selecció participativa l’any 2021. Paral·lelament es disposa de materials en estadis avançats de desenvolupament per aconseguir obtenir varietats resistents a la resta de patògens que limiten el cultiu de les varietats tradicionals de tomàquetPostprint (published version

    Breeding long shelf-life (LSL) tomato landraces to non-trellised culture and water deficit irrigation: the effect on yield and postharvest storage

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    Non-trellised culture of tomato is gaining interest among farmers cultivating long shelf-life (LSL) landraces because of the reduction in production costs. This cropping system can benefit from the selection of determinate growth genotypes, mirroring the advancements achieved in processing tomatoes. With this aim, and profiting from the natural variation found within the Penjar landrace, we selected traditional determinate genotypes and breed novel lines carrying both the self-pruning (sp) and the compound inflorescence (s) mutations. Traditional genotypes and breeding lines were compared to commercial controls in a three multi-locality trial and under two irrigation regimes (normal watered, 100% ETc; and water deficit, 50% ETc). Water use efficiency, harvest index, yield and fruit quality traits were studied at harvest. During postharvest, the effects of genotype and management practices on shelf life were assessed under different storage conditions (controlled conditions/cold storage/farmer facilities). All genotypes used water more efficiently under water deficit irrigation than under normal irrigation. Harvest index was improved in the determinate genotypes and was neither affected by locality nor by irrigation factors. Breeding lines showed yields similar to the controls and the traditional ones; however, they displayed a plant architecture that facilitated their management. They also presented higher postharvest shelf life than controls and traditional lines. Shelf life was significantly affected by genotype (G), locality (L, at early stages), and irrigation regime (I, at later stages), with the contribution of the genotype to the phenotypic variance increasing along the postharvest. Low watering increased shelf life in some genotypes while cold storage and high humidity conditions impeded the long shelf-life trait. Overall, sunscald incidence and percentage of unripe fruits when using a single harvest strategy are the major limitations for non-trellised culture of Penjar tomato. In conclusion, this study sheds light on the main aspects of management and on breeding targets to promote a non-trellised culture of Penjar tomato in combination with optimal water use efficiency.This work was supported by the Department of Agriculture of Generalitat de Catalunya through the Technology Transfer program of the Rural Development Plan (2014–2020) (grant number 56 30018 2018 5A). Joan Casals and Irma Roig-Villanova are Serra Húnter fellows at Universitat Politècnica de CatalunyaPostprint (published version

    Gender-Dynamiken in der Rekonstruktion von Bildungsprozessen in Medienprojekten

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    Dieser Beitrag basiert auf Erfahrungen aus einem aktuellen Praxisforschungsprojekt des tifs (Tübinger Institut für frauenpolitische Sozialforschung). Es wurde in Auftrag gegeben von der Landesstiftung Baden-Württemberg zur Evaluation ihres Programms «Jugend und verantwortungsvolle Mediennutzung», mit dem sie medienpädagogische Projekte in unterschiedlichen Jugendhilfe-Kontexten (Projekte der offenen und der verbandlichen Jugendarbeit, der Hilfen zur Erziehung, der Jugendberatung etc.) förderte

    A Network-Guided Genetic Approach to Identify Novel Regulators of Adventitious Root Formation in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Adventitious roots (ARs) are formed de novo during post-embryonic development from non-root tissues, in processes that are highly dependent on environmental inputs. Whole root excision from young seedlings has been previously used as a model to study adventitious root formation in Arabidopsis thaliana hypocotyls. To identify novel regulators of adventitious root formation, we analyzed adventitious rooting in the hypocotyl after whole root excision in 112 T-DNA homozygous leaf mutants, which were selected based on the dynamic expression profiles of their annotated genes during hormone-induced and wound-induced tissue regeneration. Forty-seven T-DNA homozygous lines that displayed low rooting capacity as regards their wild-type background were dubbed as the less adventitious roots (lars) mutants. We identified eight lines with higher rooting capacity than their wild-type background that we named as the more adventitious roots (mars) mutants. A relatively large number of mutants in ribosomal protein-encoding genes displayed a significant reduction in adventitious root number in the hypocotyl after whole root excision. In addition, gene products related to gibberellin (GA) biosynthesis and signaling, auxin homeostasis, and xylem differentiation were confirmed to participate in adventitious root formation. Nearly all the studied mutants tested displayed similar rooting responses from excised whole leaves, which suggest that their affected genes participate in shared regulatory pathways required for de novo organ formation in different organs

    Nb and REE minerals from the Virulundo carbonatite (Namibe, Angola)

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    The Virulundo carbonatite is located in SW Angola, in the Namibe province, and is one of the biggest carbonatite outcrops in the world. It is a Cretaceous subvolcanic plug, which belongs to the Parana-Namibia-Angola alkaline-carbonatitic province. It is found intruding Early Archean granitoids, which are fenitized on the contact

    Cu-U-V stratabound deposits in red beds in the Catalan Pyrenees: Structure and Mineralogy

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    The Eureka mining group (La Plana de Mont-Ros, Pyrenees, Catalonia) has one of the best outcrops of Cu-U-V stratabound deposits in red-beds of Western Europe. The deposit was mined in surface trenches and underground galleries. This has allowed an accurate mineralogical and textural study of this deposit, which can be used as a model to explain the relationships between Cu-U-V minerals during precipitation of primary mineralization and supergenic stage

    Comparative study of Spanish norms used to quantify gypsum content in civil and building construction

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    The "Pliego de Prescripciones Técnicas Generales para Obras de Carreteras y Puentes (PG3)" is the Spanish's Government Technical Instruction that stablishes the properties that materials used in road and bridge construction must accomplish, and includes the corresponding standardized norms to test these properties

    Ti-V oxide deposits in the Kunene Anorthositic Complex (SW Angola)

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    The Kunene Complex, outcropping between SW Angola and NW Namibia, is one of the biggest Proterozoic anorthositic complexes in the world [1]. It is cut by a set of Ti-Fe oxide dykes or lenticular bodies, that are hectometric to kilometric in length and metric to decametric in width

    Ti-rich Cr-spinel and Ni-Fe-Cu sulphides from the Hamutenha basic-ultrabasic intrusion (Cunene anorthosite complex, Angola)

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    The Cunene complex is a large group of gabbro-anorthosite intrusions that covers an area of 15.000 km2 between southern part of Angola and northern Namibia. Although ultrabasic rocks have not been found to data in the main anorthositic intrusion of the Cunene complex, a great number of small basic-ultrabasic bodies appear close to the west margin of the main intrusion

    Phenotypic diversity and distinctiveness of the Belltall garlic landrace

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    Among the Mediterranean horticultural landraces, garlic is one of the crops most threatened by genetic erosion. Due to its sexual sterility and to the incidence of seed-borne diseases, historical varieties have been widely replaced by commercial cultivars. In Catalonia, despite the historical relevance of the crop, solely the Belltall garlic landrace is cultivated for commercial purposes. To assess the genotypic and phenotypic diversity within the Belltall garlic, we evaluated sixteen local accessions and five recognized traditional and modern varieties as controls. Genetic analysis with SSR and InDel markers showed low genetic diversity within the Belltall population, grouping modern and traditional varieties separately. Farmers and consumers were involved in the definition of the landrace ideotype and classified the materials by means of projective mapping. Scant phenotypic diversity was found within the Belltall landrace, which is characterized by its color profile and the small size of bulb and cloves. The Belltall landrace grown outside its area of origin lost the distinctive quality signals that differentiate the landrace from the commercial cultivars (clove appearance), indicating that the high quality of the landrace is under genotype-by-environment effects (i.e. local adaptation). Moreover, the size of the Belltall sowing clove had a strong effect on the harvested bulb size. Our research represents a case study for the description of the variability within garlic landraces and an approach to quantify the phenomenon of local adaptation that currently drives their conservation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio