29 research outputs found

    Learning and Memory Impairments in Patients with Minimal Hepatic Encephalopathy are Associated with Structural and Functional Connectivity Alterations in Hippocampus

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    Patients with minimal hepatic encephalopathy (MHE) show mild cognitive impairment associated with alterations in attentional and executive networks. There are no studies evaluating the relationship between memory in MHE and structural and functional connectivity (FC) changes in the hippocampal system. This study aimed to evaluate verbal learning and long-term memory in cirrhotic patients with (C-MHE) and without MHE (C-NMHE) and healthy controls. We assessed the relationship between alterations in memory and the structural integrity and FC of the hippocampal system. C-MHE patients showed impairments in learning, long-term memory, and recognition, compared to C-NMHE patients and controls. Cirrhotic patients showed reduced fimbria volume compared to controls. Larger volumes in hippocampus subfields were related to better memory performance in C-NMHE patients and controls. C-MHE patients presented lower FC between the L-presubiculum and L-precuneus than C-NMHE patients. Compared to controls, C-MHE patients had reduced FC between L-presubiculum and subiculum seeds and bilateral precuneus, which correlated with cognitive impairment and memory performance. Alterations in the FC of the hippocampal system could contribute to learning and long-term memory impairments in C-MHE patients. This study demonstrates the association between alterations in learning and long-term memory and structural and FC disturbances in hippocampal structures in cirrhotic patients

    Motor and Cognitive Performance in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis with Minimal Hepatic Encephalopathy

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    Minimal hepatic encephalopathy (MHE) is associated with mild cognitive impairment and frailty. This study aims to identify cognitive and motor differences in cirrhotic patients with and without MHE, and the correlations between motor signs and cognitive performance. Gait, balance, hand strength and motor speed performance were evaluated in 66 cirrhotic patients (38 without and 28 with MHE, according to the Psychometric Hepatic Encephalopathy Score (PHES). Cognitive performance was measured with the Mini-Mental State Examination, Verbal Fluency Test, Aprendizaje Verbal España-Complutense Test (TAVEC), Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale III, Hamilton Depression and Anxiety Rating Scale and Functioning Assessment Short Test (FAST). MHE patients performed worse than patients without MHE in cognitive and autonomous functioning, learning and long-term memory, and verbal fluency. The same pattern was found in gait, center of pressure movement, variability of hand strength performance and hand motor speed. In MHE patients, high correlations were found between balance and FAST test, gait velocity and verbal skills, hand strength variability and anxiety and depression, and motor speed and FAST and TAVEC. MHE patients showed worse motor and cognitive performance than patients without MHE. MHE patients could have impaired movement control expressed as bradykinesia, and this reduced motor performance could correlate with cognitive performance

    Planta de produccio d'àcid fòrmic

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    L'objectiu principal del projecte és el disseny, l'estudi i la viabilitat de la construcció d'una planta de producció d'àcid fòrmic a partir de metanol (CH3OH) i monòxid de carboni (CO) amb metòxid de potassi (CH3KO) com a catalitzador. La planta de producció es situa al municipi d'Igualada i el seu disseny i construcció passa per l'aplicació dels límits que estableix la normativa sectorial i urbanística, incidint de forma crítica en les àrees de medi ambient i seguretat, claus per al bon funcionament i la bona gestió de recursos que permet minimitzar l'impacte mediambiental

    72nd Congress of the Italian Society of Pediatrics

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