70 research outputs found

    El modelo económico y su relación con los derechos humanos en Colombia. Una aproximación

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    The history of neoliberal political economy model in Colombia, show their impact on the development and transformation of economic, social and cultural rights of Colombians in the last two decades. Is concluding that the neoliberal model is not sustainable, and not generates respect for the rights of Colombians. This reflection was developed from an inductive methodology, through critical analysis of sources such as interviews, statistical reports of governmental and non-governmental institutions, research articles in newspapers and magazines, books, chapters, documents and bibliographic databases on the Internet.Los antecedentes del modelo de economía política neoliberal en Colombia permiten analizar, objetivamente, su impacto sobre el desarrollo y la trasformación de los derechos económicos, sociales y culturales de los colombianos en las dos últimas décadas; al final de las cuales se puede concluir que el modelo neoliberal no es sostenible ni genera respeto por los derechos de los Colombianos. Esta reflexión se elaboró desde una metodología inductiva, por medio del análisis crítico de fuentes como: entrevistas, informes estadísticos de instituciones gubernamentales y no gubernamentales, artículos de investigación en periódicos y revistas, libros, capítulos, documentos y bases de datos bibliográficas en Internet

    The Social and Economic Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Latin America

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    During its history, humanity has had to face, research, and overcome innumerable infectious diseases, many of them in the range of epidemic and pandemic. There exist data about multiple influenza epidemics, such as the one that spread through Mesopotamia and South Asia around 1200 BC, until the influenza (flu) pandemic in 1889 and 1890. Also about diverse epidemics of bubonic plague produced by the pathogen Yersinia pestis, such as the Justinian plague (541-542), which originated in the Roman Empire and spread in Europe and East Asia, the Black Death (1346-1356), the Russian plague (1770-1772), among other epidemics of this pathogen that spread to various cities in Europe, Africa, and North America during the 16th and 17th centuries. There have been records about smallpox epidemics, such as those in Japan (735-737) and Tenochtitlán (1519-1520); the salmonella epidemic of Cocolitzli (1545-1548) in the Viceroyalty of New Spain; yellow fever (1793-1794) that spread through Philadelphia; cholera pandemics such as the one in India (1817-1824) and in Asia, Europe, and North America (1852-1860); the pandemic known as the Spanish flu (1918-1920) and the swine flu (2009-2010), both produced by the influenza virus A-H1N1; the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) pandemic, produced by HIV (1981). Finally, throughout the 20th century, we have witnessed some new epidemics such as the Ebola (2014-2016), dengue (2002-2001), Zika (2015-2016) and COVID-19 flu outbreaks, caused by the pathogen SARS-CoV-2 (2019-2020). And many more others documented by historians and epidemiologists around the world (SerranoCumplido et al., 2020). (...

    The implementation of the peace agreements and development in Colombia

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    Colombia is a multicultural and multiethnic country, surrounded by two oceans, with thousands of paramos, lagoons, and rivers born in a complex geography created by three mountain range systems. A territory that, from its highest points to its plains and jungles—like the Darién Gap or the Amazon—, offers an almost infinite variety of ecosystems and ways of life, due to which the country has been included in the exclusive group of megadiverse nations of the world. A nation rich in solar, wind, river, mineral, agricultural, and maritime resources, but with its industrial and service sectors still under development, where high levels of violence, poverty, and inequality are still part of the country’s reality. (...

    Towards a post-conflict economy

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    After four years of negotiations between the Colombian government and the guerrilla of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People’s Army (FARC-EP for its acronym in Spanish), from Havana, Cuba, on August 24, 2016, representatives of Cuba and Norway, guarantor countries, together with the negotiating parties, issued a joint communication in which they announced to the Colombian people and to the entire world the end of a conflict that lasted more than six decades, since they have reached a “final, integral, and definitive agreement on all points of the agenda of the General Agreement to End the Conflict and to Build a Stable and Lasting Peace in Colombia.”12 This agreement was ratified by the Congress of the Republic and then submitted to a referendum on October 2, 2016, so that the Colombian people decide on the final approval of its implementation (Gobierno Nacional y FARC-EP, 2016). (...

    La responsabilidad social corporativa y su aporte a la economía

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    En los principios del capitalismo se consideraba que la economía estaba determinada por el mercado y por una “mano invisible” que equilibraría la oferta y la demanda; por ello, era necesario evitar la participación del Estado. En ese entonces, las empresas pretendían reducir al máximo los costos, por medio de jornadas extensas, trabajo infantil y femenino. De esta manera, emerge la lucha social como alternativa para lograr que se reconozcan los derechos de los trabajadores (Herrera, 2007)

    Behavioral economics, a multidisciplinary field

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    Scientific approaches from multidisciplinary and heterodox points of view have resulted in rethinking the paradigms imposed by the most orthodox theoretical perspectives, which in the last century have been challenged by empirical evidence, allowing the construction of new theories and methods in economic sciences. (...

    Economía de la Cultura en los Museos de la Uptc: el caso del museo casa cultural Gustavo Rojas Pinilla 2004-2005

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    En el artículo se analizan los aspectos socioeconómicos implícitos en la oferta y demanda de servicios culturales en el Museo Casa Cultural Gustavo Rojas Pinilla (MCCGRP) de la Red de Museos de la Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia para los años 2004-2005. Primero se desarrolla el marco teórico y antecedentes necesarios para contextualizar el estudio de los servicios culturales del Museo. La segunda parte se subdivide en dos, primero se analiza la oferta de servicios culturales del Museo, caracterizándolos y estudiando sus costos y en segundo lugar se hace el análisis estadístico de la demanda. Como tercer punto se presentan las conclusiones y por último, las sugerencias.Abstract:In the present article I analyze socioeconomic aspects intrinsic in the supplying and demanding cultural services at Gustavo Rojas Pinilla Museum, in connection with the net system of museums of the Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia, during the years of 2004-2005. As introduction, I developed a study about the theoretical backgrounds and also about other variables necessary for the contextualization of cultural services offered by the museum. The firs part is subdivided by two elements: 1) The supplying cultural services of the museum were analyzed providing and characterization study about the Museum financial costs. 2) As a complement, I made a statistic analysis of services demand. Finally, I presented conclusions and suggestions about the investigation project


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    This paper provides an introduction on the most relevant theories and types of regional integration on one hand, and the most important methodologies to assess the net economic growth effects of the Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) between countries on the other. The first section briefly describes a basic theoretical framework about international integration and FTAs. The second part summarizes the current methodologies used for assessing the effects of the FTAs, as the gravity models and the Computable General Equilibrium Models (CGE), it also explains some aspects about the data. Finally, the third section presents conclusions

    La constitución política de 1991 y los derechos sociales, alternativa para superar la pobreza en Colombia

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    The article describes in the first place the economic, social and cultural rights recognized in Colombia since the Constitution of  1991 and its relationship to poverty in Colombia, in a second step, describes the situation of these rights from the indicators for poverty study, as the index of Unsatisfied Basic Needs (NBI), the poverty Line (LP), the Human Development Index (HDI), among others, third, there is a critical analysis of this situation through alternative reports to the national government reports, finally conclusions are presented for analysis and generation of public policies to development and protection of ESC rights in Colombia.El artículo describe en primer lugar los derechos sociales reconocidos en Colombia a partir de la Constitución Política de 1991 y su relación con la pobreza en Colombia, en segundo lugar, se presenta la situación de estos derechos desde los diferentes indicadores para analizar la pobreza, como: el índice de Necesidades Básicas Insatisfechas (NBI), la Línea de Pobreza (LP), el Índice de Desarrollo Humano (IDH), entre otros, en tercer lugar, se hace un análisis crítico de esta situación por medio de informes alternativos a los informes del gobierno nacional, y por último se presentan las conclusiones para el análisis y generación de políticas públicas para el desarrollo y la protección de los DESC en Colombia

    La generación de nuevo conocimiento en economía: un modelo de crecimiento endógeno = The Generation of New Knowledge in Economics: An Endogenous Growth Model

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    Este artículo presenta un modelo para la producción de nuevo conocimiento sobre la relación endógena de actividades docentes y actividades investigativas. La descripción teórica del modelo expone los rendimientos a escala en función de una curva de aprendizaje. En esta, la existencia de una comunidad académica —en el sentido de Lakatos— es determinante para la generación de nuevo conocimiento científico, pues contrarresta el caso particular de rendimientos decrecientes. La base para el ejercicio de Montecarlo fue construida sobre las características estadísticas de los registros de la producción científica de la Universidad Católica de Colombia, que constan en las revistas de economía desde el 2007 hasta el 2010, y permitió establecer dos conclusiones. La primera es que, ante rendimientos crecientes, las mejoras en el coeficiente de aprendizaje y en capital humano impulsan progresivamente la tasa de crecimiento de nuevo conocimiento, sin modificar las cantidades de capital y trabajo, combinadas en la tecnología inicial. La segunda conclusión muestra que el ritmo de crecimiento del coeficiente de aprendizaje por la práctica y en el capital humano aumenta la producción de nuevo conocimiento en forma continua cuando existe una comunidad académica, en relación con una tecnología con rendimientos decrecientes de un entorno sin comunidad académica. = This document presents a model to produce new knowledge on the endogenous relationship of teaching and research activities. The theoretical description of the model explains returns to scale as a function of a learning curve, in which the existence of an academic community—in the Lakatos sense—is critical for the generation of new scientific knowledge, as it counteracts the particular case of diminishing returns. The Montecarlo exercise was based on the statistical characteristics of the records of scientific production of the Universidad Católica de Colombia from 2007 to 2010 in economics journals, which allowed establishing two conclusions. First, in the presence of increasing returns, improvements in the learning coefficient and human capital progressively drive the growth rate of new knowledge without modifying the levels of capital and labor combined in initial technology. Second, the growth rate of the learning coefficient due to practice and in human capital continuously increases the production of new knowledge when there is an academic community in relation to a technology with diminishing returns, characteristic of an environment without an academic community