790 research outputs found

    Adlerian social interest as seen through childhood recollection its development in the family context.

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    Dept. of Sociology and Anthropology. Paper copy at Leddy Library: Theses & Major Papers - Basement, West Bldg. / Call Number: Thesis1983 .E382. Source: Masters Abstracts International, Volume: 40-07, page: . Thesis (M.A.)--University of Windsor (Canada), 1983

    The Lived Experience of Indonesian Nursing Faculty Participating in a Nursing Education Reform based on the 2009 World Health Organization Global Standards

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    Problem: In 2009, the World Health Organization (WHO) published global standards for initial education of professional nurses and midwives. Curriculum revision is challenging; but even more difficult in developing countries such as Indonesia. Faculty may not be equipped educationally and experientially for the educator role. Indonesian nursing curricula are not currently based on the 2009 WHO global standards. Purpose: To understand the lived experience of Indonesian nursing faculty participating in curriculum revision based on 2009 World Health Organization global standards. Design: A mixed descriptive and interpretive phenomenological qualitative research approach, based on van Manne\u27s methodology. Participants: Thirty-seven nursing faculty from four schools of nursing, representing private and government, diploma and baccalaureate Indonesian nursing programs. Two focus group sessions (pre-revision and near-end revision) were held at each nursing program. Setting: Jakarta and Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. Analysis: Transcriptions from audio-taped focus-group interviews were analyzed using van Manen\u27s three-pronged phenomenological thematic analysis approach. Findings: Themes identified were: (a) perceptions/feelings about curriculum revision, (b) past and current experience with curricula revision, (c) perceptions of the WHO curriculum revision process (benefits, obstacles and resources to facilitate), and (d) advice for the researcher in facilitating the process and for WHO regarding the 2009 WHO global standard document. Conclusion: Ongoing communication with faculty can yield valuable insight for project success. Curriculum revisions can be complex and difficult. It is of great importance to have a comprehensive understanding from the participants’ viewpoint regarding factors impacting curriculum revision


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    Lindfield was originally the traditional land of the Kuringgai (also spelt Guringai) people. It is located on the north shore, 13 kilometres from central Sydney. The name for the railway station and suburb was taken from Lindfield, meaning a clearing in the lime forest, the name of the cottage built by early resident, Francis John List, in 1884 and later moved to Narrabeen. It is assumed that the house was named after the town of Lindfield in Sussex, England. The suburb is bordered by Treatts and Stanhope roads, Garigal National Park, Carnarvon Street, Chelmsford Avenue and Waimea Road to the east of Pacific Highway, and Bayswater and Provincial roads and Lane Cove National Park to the west. It has an area of 517 hectares

    Sex ratio and gamete size across eastern North America in Dictyostelium discoideum, a social amoeba with three sexes

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    Theory indicates that numbers of mating types should tend towards infinity or remain at two. The social amoeba, Dictyostelium discoideum, however, has three mating types. It is therefore a mystery how this species has broken the threshold of two mating types, but has not increased towards a much higher number. Frequency-dependent selection on rare types in combination with isogamy, a form of reproduction involving gametes similar in size, could explain the evolution of multiple mating types in this system. Other factors, such as drift, may be preventing the evolution of more than three. We first looked for evidence of isogamy by measuring gamete size associated with each type. We found no evidence of size dissimilarities between gametes. We then looked for evidence of balancing selection, by examining mating type distributions in natural populations and comparing genetic differentiation at the mating type locus to that at more neutral loci. We found that mating type frequency varied among the three populations we examined, with only one of the three showing an even sex ratio, which does not support balancing selection. However, we found more population structure at neutral loci than the mating type locus, suggesting that the three mating types are indeed maintained at intermediate frequencies by balancing selection. Overall, the data are consistent with balancing selection acting on D. discoideum mating types, but with a sufficiently weak rare sex advantage to allow for drift, a potential explanation for why these amoebae have only three mating types

    Constraining the spin parameter of near-extremal black holes using LISA

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    We describe a model that generates first order adiabatic EMRI waveforms for quasi-circular equatorial inspirals of compact objects into rapidly rotating (near-extremal) black holes. Using our model, we show that LISA could measure the spin parameter of near-extremal black holes (for a≳0.9999a \gtrsim 0.9999) with extraordinary precision, ∼\sim 3-4 orders of magnitude better than for moderate spins, a∼0.9a \sim 0.9. Such spin measurements would be one of the tightest measurements of an astrophysical parameter within a gravitational wave context. Our results are primarily based off a Fisher matrix analysis, but are verified using both frequentest and Bayesian techniques. We present analytical arguments that explain these high spin precision measurements. The high precision arises from the spin dependence of the radial inspiral evolution, which is dominated by geodesic properties of the secondary orbit, rather than radiation reaction. High precision measurements are only possible if we observe the exponential damping of the signal that is characteristic of the near-horizon regime of near-extremal inspirals. Our results demonstrate that, if such black holes exist, LISA would be able to successfully identify rapidly rotating black holes up to a=1−10−9a = 1-10^{-9} , far past the Thorne limit of a=0.998a = 0.998.Comment: 31 pages, 18 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Professional Enhancement Newsletter

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    Editorial: Advances in the Understanding of the Commensal Eukaryota and Viruses of the Herbivore Gut

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    Herbivores play an important role in the survival of humanity, contributing food and textiles, as well as social and economic value. For decades, optimizing the productivity, health, welfare, and environmental footprint of herbivorous animals, particularly ruminant livestock, has been the subject of an extensive, global research effort. Much of this research effort has focused on the herbivore gut. The specialized nature of the herbivore digestive tract and its resident microbes enables the breakdown of highly fibrous plant materials, which are unable to be utilized by omnivores and carnivores. In recent years, the bacteria and methanogenic archaea have been the major focus of research efforts, with the other gut microbes being understudied in comparison
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