135 research outputs found

    Numerical simulation of the quality of vision around a telescope

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    Els telescopis astronòmics recullen els raigs de llum procedents dels objectes celests i els transformen en imatges el més nítides possible. No obstant, al travessar l’atmosfera, aquests raigs de llum pateixen tot un seguit de processos que empitjoren la qualitat de la imatge obtinguda. Un dels processos més rellevants és la distorsió del front d’ona. La distorsió del front d’ona pot ésser mesurada i compensada amb els sistemes d’òptica adaptativa que s’incorporen a les instal·lacions dels telescopis. Tant per al dimensionament d’aquests sistemes com per a l’elecció de la ubicació de les instal·lacions o per al disseny de la forma exterior del telescopi és convenient estimar el valor absolut de la distorsió del front d’ona. Els paràmetres que permeten quantificar la distorsió del front d’ona (i la qualitat de la visió) són la distribució del coeficient d’estructura de l’índex de refracció de l’aire (Cn 2), el paràmetre de Fried (r0) i la freqüència de Greenwood (fG). El camp del coeficient d’estructura de l’índex de refracció (Cn 2) es pot estimar a partir dels valors mitjans dels camps de velocitat de l’aire i la seva pressió i temperatura, i de la difusivitat turbulenta, que depèn del grau de turbulència del flux d’aire. Pel que fa al paràmetre de Fried (r0) i la freqüència de Greenwood (fG) es poden obtenir d’integrar el camp del coeficient d’estructura de l’índex de refracció (Cn 2) al llarg d’un raig de llum, i presenten també dependència de la longitud d’ona del raig de llum incident

    The fixed‐mesh ALE approach applied to solid mechanics and fluid–structure interaction problems

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    In this paper we propose a method to solve Solid Mechanics and fluid–structure interaction problems using always a fixed background mesh for the spatial discretization. The main feature of the method is that it properly accounts for the advection of information as the domain boundary evolves. To achieve this, we use an Arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian (ALE) framework, the distinctive characteristic being that at each time step results are projected onto a fixed, background mesh. For solid mechanics problems subject to large strains, the fixed‐mesh (FM)‐ALE method avoids the element stretching found in fully Lagrangian approaches. For FSI problems, FM‐ALE allows for the use of a single background mesh to solve both the fluid and the structure

    Adaptive finite element simulation of incompressible flows by hybrid continuous-discontinuous Galerkin formulations

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    In this work we design hybrid continuous-discontinuous finite element spaces that permit discontinuities on nonmatching element interfaces of nonconforming meshes. Then we develop an equal-order stabilized finite element formulation for incompressible flows over these hybrid spaces, which combines the element interior stabilization of SUPG-type continuous Galerkin formulations and the jump stabilization of discontinuous Galerkin formulations. Optimal stability and convergence results are obtained. For the adaptive setting, we use a standard error estimator and marking strategy. Numerical experiments show the optimal accuracy of the hybrid algorithm for both uniformly and adaptively refined nonconforming meshes. The outcome of this work is a finite element formulation that can naturally be used on nonconforming meshes, as discontinuous Galerkin formulations, while keeping the much lower CPU cost of continuous Galerkin formulations

    Variational Multiscale error estimators for solid mechanics adaptive simulations: an Orthogonal Subgrid Scale approach

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    In this work we present a general error estimator for the finite element solution of solid mechanics problems based on the Variational Multiscale method. The main idea is to consider a rich model for the subgrid scales as an error estimator. The subscales are considered to belong to a space orthogonal to the finite element space (Orthogonal Subgrid Scales) and we take into account their contribution both in the element interiors and on the element boundaries (Subscales on the Element Boundaries). A simple analysis shows that the upper bound for the obtained error estimator is sharper than in other error estimators based on the Variational Multiscale Method. Numerical examples show that the proposed error estimator is an accurate approximation for the energy norm error and can be used both in simple linear constitutive models and in more complex non-linear cases.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Refficientlib: an efficient load-rebalanced adaptive mesh refinement algorithm for high-performance computational physics meshes

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    In this paper we present a novel algorithm for adaptive mesh refinement in computational physics meshes in a distributed memory parallel setting. The proposed method is developed for nodally based parallel domain partitions where the nodes of the mesh belong to a single processor, whereas the elements can belong to multiple processors. Some of the main features of the algorithm presented in this paper are its capability of handling multiple types of elements in two and three dimensions (triangular, quadrilateral, tetrahedral, and hexahedral), the small amount of memory required per processor, and the parallel scalability up to thousands of processors. The presented algorithm is also capable of dealing with nonbalanced hierarchical refinement, where multirefinement level jumps are possible between neighbor elements. An algorithm for dealing with load rebalancing is also presented, which allows us to move the hierarchical data structure between processors so that load unbalancing is kept below an acceptable level at all times during the simulation. A particular feature of the proposed algorithm is that arbitrary renumbering algorithms can be used in the load rebalancing step, including both graph partitioning and space-filling renumbering algorithms. The presented algorithm is packed in the Fortran 2003 object oriented library \textttRefficientLib, whose interface calls which allow it to be used from any computational physics code are summarized. Finally, numerical experiments illustrating the performance and scalability of the algorithm are presented. No separate or additional fees are collected for access to or distribution of the wor

    An adaptive fixed-mesh ALE method for free surface flows

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    In this work we present a Fixed-Mesh ALE method for the numerical simulation of free surface flows capable of using an adaptive finite element mesh covering a background domain. This mesh is successively refined and unrefined at each time step in order to focus the computational effort on the spatial regions where it is required. Some of the main ingredients of the formulation are the use of an Arbitrary-Lagrangian–Eulerian formulation for computing temporal derivatives, the use of stabilization terms for stabilizing convection, stabilizing the lack of compatibility between velocity and pressure interpolation spaces, and stabilizing the ill-conditioning introduced by the cuts on the background finite element mesh, and the coupling of the algorithm with an adaptive mesh refinement procedure suitable for running on distributed memory environments. Algorithmic steps for the projection between meshes are presented together with the algebraic fractional step approach used for improving the condition number of the linear systems to be solved. The method is tested in several numerical examples. The expected convergence rates both in space and time are observed. Smooth solution fields for both velocity and pressure are obtained (as a result of the contribution of the stabilization terms). Finally, a good agreement between the numerical results and the reference experimental data is obtained.Postprint (published version

    Variational Multiscale error estimators for solid mechanics adaptive simulations: an Orthogonal Subgrid Scale approach

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    In this work we present a general error estimator for the finite element solution of solid mechanics problems based on the Variational Multiscale method. The main idea is to consider a rich model for the subgrid scales as an error estimator. The subscales are considered to belong to a space orthogonal to the finite element space (Orthogonal Subgrid Scales) and we take into account their contribution both in the element interiors and on the element boundaries (Subscales on the Element Boundaries). A simple analysis shows that the upper bound for the obtained error estimator is sharper than in other error estimators based on the Variational Multiscale Method. Numerical examples show that the proposed error estimator is an accurate approximation for the energy norm error and can be used both in simple linear constitutive models and in more complex non-linear cases.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Subscales on the element boundaries in the variational two-scale finite element method

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    In this paper, we introduce a way to approximate the subscales on the boundaries of the elements in a variational two-scale finite element approximation to flow problems. The key idea is that the subscales on the element boundaries must be such that the transmission conditions for the unknown, split as its finite element contribution and the subscale, hold. In particular, we consider the scalar convection–diffusion–reaction equation, the Stokes problem and Darcy’s problem. For these problems the transmission conditions are the continuity of the unknown and its fluxes through element boundaries. The former is automatically achieved by introducing a single valued subscale on the boundaries (for the conforming approximations we consider), whereas the latter provides the effective condition for approximating these values. The final result is that the subscale on the interelement boundaries must be proportional to the jump of the flux of the finite element component and the average of the subscale calculated in the element interiors

    The Fixed‐Mesh ALE approach for the numerical simulation of floating solids

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    In this paper, we propose a method to solve the problem of floating solids using always a background mesh for the spatial discretization of the fluid domain. The main feature of the method is that it properly accounts for the advection of information as the domain boundary evolves. To achieve this, we use an arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian framework, the distinctive characteristic being that at each time step results are projected onto a fixed, background mesh. We pay special attention to the tracking of the various interfaces and their intersections, and to the approximate imposition of coupling conditions between the solid and the fluid.&nbsp

    Residual-based stabilization of the finite element approximation to the acoustic perturbation equations for low Mach number aeroacoustics

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: [Guasch, O., Sánchez-Martín, P., Pont, A., Baiges, J., and Codina, R. (2016) Residual-based stabilization of the finite element approximation to the acoustic perturbation equations for low Mach number aeroacoustics. Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids, 82: 839–857. doi: 10.1002/fld.4243], which has been published in final form at http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/fld.4243/abstract. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.The acoustic perturbation equations (APE) are suitable to predict aerodynamic noise in the presence of a non-uniform mean flow. As for any hybrid computational aeroacoustics approach, a first computational fluid dynamics simulation is carried out from which the mean flow characteristics and acoustic sources are obtained. In a second step, the APE are solved to get the acoustic pressure and particle velocity fields. However, resorting to the finite element method (FEM) for that purpose is not straightforward. Whereas mixed finite elements satisfying an appropriate inf–sup compatibility condition can be built in the case of no mean flow, that is, for the standard wave equation in mixed form, these are difficult to implement and their good performance is yet to be checked for more complex wave operators. As a consequence, strong simplifying assumptions are usually considered when solving the APE with FEM. It is possible to avoid them by resorting to stabilized formulations. In this work, a residual-based stabilized FEM is presented for the APE at low Mach numbers, which allows one to deal with the APE convective and reaction terms in its full extent. The key of the approach resides in the design of the matrix of stabilization parameters. The performance of the formulation and the contributions of the different terms in the equations are tested for an acoustic pulse propagating in sheared-solenoidal mean flow, and for the aeolian tone generated by flow past a two-dimensional cylinder.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft