13 research outputs found

    Noves aportacions al coneixement del gran moviment del forn de Canillo. Principat d’Andorra

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    This paper presents a new interpretation of the geological and structural evolution of the largelandslide of “el Forn de Canillo” from the detailed analysis of the deep cores of soundings made over the years 2007-2009, laboratory analysis, fieldwork and background analysis of previous studies. It also presents the results of radiocarbon dating carried out of three samples. This datings, together with the published by Turu & Planas (2005), have helped to determine the age of the three major landslides that have affecte d the slope from the Upper Pleistocene, and define the relationship of the landslides with the glaciation of the area of Canillo.Postprint (published version

    Fishing for litter, accidental catch in bottom trawl nets along the Catalan coast, Northwestern Mediterranean

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    8 pages, 6 figures, 1 table, supplementary material https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2023.05.021.-- Data availability: Data will be made available on requestThe seafloor of the Mediterranean Sea accumulates marine litter (ML), an area where bottom trawlers operate and can accidentally catch the litter from the seafloor. This study aims to describe and quantify the ML caught by bottom trawlers along the Catalan coast (NW Mediterranean Sea) and estimate the potential of the bottom trawl fleet to extract ML from the area as a Fishing for Litter (FFL) initiative to tackle the ML issue. Marine litter was collected from commercial trawlers and was classified as metal, plastic, rubber, textile, wood, and other waste and weighed (kg) from 305 hauls performed during three years (2019–2021) from 9 different ports at 3 different depths. ML was present in 97 % of the hauls, with plastic being the most abundant material. The composition varied according to zone, port and depth, with the highest densities found in highly urbanized areas (13.75 ± 3.25 kg km−2), which mainly contained plastics (74.3 %). The port of Barcelona had the highest presence of plastics (23.62 ± 6.49 kg km−2), mainly wet wipes. Regarding depth, the continental shelf had the highest density of ML, with 12.24 ± 2.40 kg km−2. The potential ML removal (t year−1) was calculated using fishing effort (hours). It is estimated that the bottom trawlers may potentially remove 237 ± 36 t year−1 of ML in the Catalan coast. FFL initiatives should be part of a multidisciplinary approach to tackle marine litter, which must include prevention, monitoring, and cleaning actionsThis work was supported by the Catalan Institute for Ocean Governance Research (ICATMAR), trawl surveys were financed by European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) and the Catalan General Directorate of Marine Policy and Sustainable Fisheries by projects PESCAT (ARP029/18/00003) and CGCAT (ARP140/20/000006)With the institutional support of the ‘Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence’ accreditation (CEX2019-000928-S)Peer reviewe

    Distribució Geogràfica de l’Esforç Pesquer i Captures de la Flota d’Encerclament Catalana (ICATMAR, 20-02)

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    23 pages, 15 figuresEn aquest informe es presenta la metodologia d’anàlisi i primers resultats de la distribució geogràfica de l’esforç i captures de la flota d’encerclament catalana a partir de dades VMS (Vessel Monitoring System) i ha estat realitzat per l’Institut Català de Recerca per a la Governança del Mar (ICATMAR), un òrgan de cooperació entre la Direcció General de Pesca i Afers Marítims del Departament d’Agricultura, Ramaderia, Pesca i Alimentació (DARP) de la Generalitat de Catalunya i l’Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM) del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)Peer reviewe

    Data sharing y web apps para el monitoreo pesquero

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    XIII Reunión del Foro Científico sobre la pesca española en el Mediterráneo, 20-21 de septiembre de 2022, La Ràpita.-- 11 pages, 11 figuresUno de los pilares de la recogida de datos realizada por el ICATMAR (Institut Català de Recerca per a la Governança del Mar) para el monitoreo pesquero es el soporte informático para poder estructurar, procesar, analizar, visualizar y publicar dicha información. [...]Peer reviewe

    Noves aportacions al coneixement del gran moviment del forn de Canillo. Principat d’Andorra

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    This paper presents a new interpretation of the geological and structural evolution of the largelandslide of “el Forn de Canillo” from the detailed analysis of the deep cores of soundings made over the years 2007-2009, laboratory analysis, fieldwork and background analysis of previous studies. It also presents the results of radiocarbon dating carried out of three samples. This datings, together with the published by Turu & Planas (2005), have helped to determine the age of the three major landslides that have affecte d the slope from the Upper Pleistocene, and define the relationship of the landslides with the glaciation of the area of Canillo

    Noves aportacions al coneixement del gran moviment del forn de Canillo. Principat d’Andorra

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    This paper presents a new interpretation of the geological and structural evolution of the largelandslide of “el Forn de Canillo” from the detailed analysis of the deep cores of soundings made over the years 2007-2009, laboratory analysis, fieldwork and background analysis of previous studies. It also presents the results of radiocarbon dating carried out of three samples. This datings, together with the published by Turu & Planas (2005), have helped to determine the age of the three major landslides that have affecte d the slope from the Upper Pleistocene, and define the relationship of the landslides with the glaciation of the area of Canillo

    SIG lliure per a la sostenibilitat de la pesca a Catalunya = SIG libre para la sostenibilidad de la pesca en Catalunya

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    Comunicació a càrrec de Joan Sala Coromina, Jordi Ribera Altimir, Jose Antonio García del Arco (institut de Ciències del Mar - CSIC), sobre la gestió pesquera a Catalunya i la visualització dels resultats de les anàlisis biològiques i geogràfiques amb SIG Lliure. Durant les darreres dècades l'activitat pesquera a Catalunya ha disminuït de manera notable. El mal estat dels recursos vius marins explotats ha provocat la reducció de la flota pesquera i la regressió d'aquesta activitat econòmica. La col·laboració entre els sectors pesquer, científic i administratiu és bàsica per a la gestió d'aquesta activitat econòmica a llarg termini de manera sostenible. La creació d’ICATMAR (Institut Català de Recerca per la Governança de la Mar), un òrgan de col·laboració entre la Generalitat de Catalunya i el CSIC, té com a objectiu formalitzar i canalitzar aquesta col·laboració entre sectors. Dins d'aquest, existeix un projecte de seguiment i assessorament cientificotècnic a l'administració i confraries de Catalunya en gestió pesquera. Aquest projecte parteix de l'experiència i coneixements del departament de Recursos Renovables Marins de l'Institut de Ciències de la Mar (CSIC). El projecte va començar l'octubre de 2018 posant en marxa, d'una banda, una campanya d'observacions de camp a bord de barques de pesca i, per un altra, la seva arquitectura tecnològica. Un dels elements clau és la recopilació de dades i la seva estructuració per a poder ser analitzats i visualitzats, amb l'objectiu d'orientar científicament la gestió de l'activitat pesquera a Catalunya. Un equip de biòlegs observadors s'embarca periòdicament en vaixells de les diferents flotes pesqueres i realitza una recollida de mostres i dades a bord. Les mostres són analitzades amb posterioritat en l'Institut de Ciències de la Mar i les dades obtingudes són introduïdes a través d'una aplicació web desenvolupada en Django (Python) i emmagatzemats en una BBDD (PostgreSQL-PostGIS). Els resultats de l'anàlisi d'aquestes dades i l'encreuament de dades entre el Sistema de Localització de Vaixells (SLB) i les notes de venda de les llotges pesqueres, s'utilitzen per a generar diferents productes utilitzant QGIS i PostGIS i així poder respondre a una part de la problemàtica relacionada amb la gestió i conservació dels recursos pesquers a Cataluny

    Evolució econòmica de les captures del sector pesquer a Catalunya: Comparativa 2022-2023 (ICATMAR, 24-02)

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    197 pages, 67 figures, 85 tablesProfessional fishing in Catalonia has traditionally been a major economic activity, but analysis show a decreasing trend in catches and revenues over the last decade. During this period, landings at the fishing markets reached a maximum value of 37 044 tons (t) in 2006, while a minimum of 16 157 t was registered in 2023. Revenues also decreased from their maximum value of 130 million € (M€) in 2007 to a minimum of 86.18 M€ in 2023, despite a rebound in 2021 and 2022, when revenues reached to 91.05 M€ and 94.39 M€ respectively. The average value of landings in € per kilo has been increasing since 2002, from a minimum value of 3.42 €/kg in 2002 to a maximum of 5.33 €/kg in 2023. Regarding the Catalan fishing fleet, it decreased from 1 087 fishing vessels in 2002 to 535 in 2023. During 2023, the Catalan fishing fleet catches and revenues decreased by 20.38% and 7.18% respectively, compared to the previous year, while the average landings in € per kilo increased by 16.38% (0.75 €/kg). Meanwhile, freshwater fishing and shellfishing on foot landed 288.58 t and generated revenues of 2.01 M€, 1.55% and 0.33% more than in 2021 respectively. Over 98% of these 2023 landings and revenues correspond to the Catalan marine fishing fleet, while the remaining 2% correspond to freshwater fishing and shellfishing on foot. In Catalonia, there are 6 management plans designed and implemented by co-management committees. In 2023, 33% of the commercial fishing fleet and 64% of the small-scale fishing fleet have been managed by these management plans. The analysis of the indicators of the main fishing sectors of the Catalan fishing fleet in 2023 shows that small scale fishing is the activity with the greatest fishing fleet, followed by bottom trawling. Purse seine produces the greatest volume of landings, while bottom trawling produces the greatest revenues, due to the high price of some of the target species on this sector (i.e. blue and red shrimp and Norway lobster). The following species have been analyzed in depth: hake (Merluccius merluccius), red mullet (Mullus spp.), European sardine (Sardina pilchardus), anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus), Mediterranean sand eels (Gymnammodites cicerelus and G. semisquamatus), blue and red shrimp (Aristeus antennatus), Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus), deep-water rose shrimp (Parapenaeus longirostris), spottail mantis shrimp (Squilla mantis), caramote prawn (Penaeus kerathurus), blue crab (Callinectes sapidus), horned octopus (Eledone cirrhosa), common octopus (Octopus vulgaris) and common cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis). In 2023, European sardine and anchovy represented the two main landings by weight, with 2 265.19 t i 4 063.83 t respectively, while the rest of the species amounted less than 750 t each. However, blue and red shrimp produced the highest total revenue (15.40 M€), followed by anchovy and European sardine (9.01 M€ and 5.15 M€, respectively), hake (4.87 M€), red mullet (4.11 M€) and deep-water rose shrimp (4.10 M€). The rest of species generated revenues under 4 M€ each. Finally, blue and red shrimp had the highest average price (42.35 €/kg), followed by Norway lobster (27.38 €/kg), caramote prawn (21.52 €/kg) and sand eels (20.64 €/kg), while the other species average prices had values below 11 €/kg. The species with the lowest average price is anchovy (2.22 €/kg). Landings and revenues were analyzed for each of the 20 fishing markets of Catalonia. During 2023, landings decreased in 14 fishing markets and revenues decreased in 13 of them, compared to 2022. The most substantial declines in landings were observed in Port de la Selva (58.51%) and Barcelona (51.77%), while the sharpest decreases in revenues were observed in Port de la Selva (71.08%), Barcelona (24.71%) and Cambrils (24.53%). La Ràpita was the fishing market with the highest landings and revenues in 2023, with 2 167.79 t landed and 12 290 k€. The fishing sector that produced the highest revenues in most fishing markets was bottom trawling, with the exception of L’Escala and Sant Feliu de Guíxols, where purse seine was the main activity by revenue, and the smaller landing ports of L’Estartit, Badalona, Torredembarra, l’Ampolla and Deltebre, which had small scale fishing as the main revenue activity. Finally, an appendix is presented with an analysis of the effects of the measures derived from the Multiannual Plan (MAP), implemented by the EU, on the management of demersal species populations. It includes an analysis of the effects of the MAP on a global scale in Catalonia, in the bottom trawl fishery, by fishing markets, by fishermen’s guilds and by speciesWith the institutional support of the ‘Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence’ accreditation (CEX2019-000928-S)Peer reviewe