22 research outputs found

    Dekarbonisierung des Energiesystems durch verstärkten Einsatz erneuerbaren Stroms im Wärme-, Verkehrs- und Industriesektor bei gleichzeitigen Stilllegungen von Kraftwerken – Auswirkungen auf die Versorgungssicherheit in Süddeutschland

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    Der Umbau der Energieversorgung zu einem von erneuerbaren Energien dominierten Energiesystem stellt die Versorgungssicherheit im Stromsektor vor neuen Herausforderungen. Zur Analyse der Versorgungssicherheit wird daher ein Modellkonzept entwickelt und angewendet, das sowohl die Untersuchung der Entwicklung der Stromnachfrage als auch die der optimalen Erzeugungstechnologien unter Berücksichtigung technischer, ökonomischer und klimapolitischer Restriktionen gestattet

    Acceptance of electric passenger cars in commercial fleets

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    This paper explores the antecedents of the acceptance of electric vehicles (EVs) in commercial pool car fleets. Conceptually, the analysis draws on the technology acceptance model (TAM). To test the model, structural equation modelling is employed, relying on unique survey-based data of actual users of electric vehicles (N=575), i.e. from early adopter organisations. In general, the empirical findings support the model. In particular, variables at the organisational level (perceived organisational usefulness) and the organisation memberś reactions to the introductionof EVs (subjective norms) are found to be highly important in supporting the acquisition of EVs in commercial pool car fleets. With regard to the perception of vehicle characteristics, environmental benefits and perceived ease of use are identified as relevant antecedents to EV acceptance (support for acquiring EVs). Unlike the results from the literature that concern private households and company car users, we found a very low effect of the evaluation of the vehicles’ driving range

    Adoption of electric vehicles in commercial fleets: Why do car pool managers campaign for BEV procurement?

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    We use regression analysis to study what motivates car pool managers to campaign for BEV procurement using primary data from 229 car pool managers including adopters and non-adopters of EVs. Key findings are that a personal interest in EVs due to technophilia increases the intention to start procurement initiatives for BEVs. These findings underpin the fact that the attitudes of single individuals can influence internal organizational decision processes and therefore play an important role in explaining BEV adoption in commercial fleets. Other factors that foster initiatives for BEV procurement are organizational innovativeness, and the expectation of environmental benefits and positive effects on employee motivation. The fear of mobility constraints and doubts about the reliability of BEVs counteract the intention to campaign for their procurement

    Adoption of electric vehicles in commercial fleets: Why do car pool managers campaign for BEV procurement?

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    We use regression analysis to study what motivates car pool managers to campaign for BEV procurement using primary data from 229 car pool managers including adopters and non-adopters of EVs. Key findings are that a personal interest in EVs due to technophilia increases the intention to start procurement initiatives for BEVs. These findings underpin the fact that the attitudes of single individuals can influence internal organizational decision processes and therefore play an important role in explaining BEV adoption in commercial fleets. Other factors that foster initiatives for BEV procurement are organizational innovativeness, and the expectation of environmental benefits and positive effects on employee motivation. The fear of mobility constraints and doubts about the reliability of BEVs counteract the intention to campaign for their procurement

    Das Teilhabechancengesetz – Geschichte, Zielsetzung und Ausgestaltung der Förderinstrumente

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    The Participation Opportunities Act – History, Objectives and Design of the Funding Instruments The “Participation Opportunities Act” has been providing the jobcentres with two additional labour market policy instruments since 2019. The objective of both instruments is giving beneficiaries who are particularly distant from the labour market access to jobs. To this end, the wage costs are financed to a large extent by public subsidies. This article outlines the history of the Participation Opportunities Act and discusses the objectives and design of the support instruments created by this Act. It thus introduces the present journal issue, which brings together the results of the scientific evaluation together with perspectives on the further development of the instruments

    Social acceptance of electric mobility in Germany

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    Plug In Electric Vehicles (PEVs) can contribute to the decarbonisation of the transport sector and to alleviate some of the negative local impacts of car driving. As current market shares for PEVs in Germany are still small, it is important to investigate the social acceptance of electric mobility, taking into account different actors in the innovation system. Therefore we draw a link between the social acceptance concept (socio-political, market and local acceptance) and the technological innovation systems (TIS) approach and conduct a literature review. The results show that the majority of studies deal with the demand side of electric mobility, focusing on market acceptance. For a transition towards an electric transport system a deeper systemic understanding of all actors is necessary. The paper shows where the potentials for further acceptance research on electric mobility lie and provides an approach, which can be developed further and transferred to similar technologies

    Simulation von Innovationsdynamiken im Kontext der Energiewende: Beratungsorientierte Verbindung von Empirie und sozialwissenschaftlichen Simulationsmodellen

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    How can models for the simulation of actor behavior be used in policy advice on measures to support the development and diffusion of sustainable technologies? A corresponding simulation model already exists for analyses of technology development (SKIN). With reference to this model, it is discussed how the combination of empirical and simulation methods can increase the robustness of the simulation results. For actor analyses on technology diffusion, corresponding simulation models have yet to be developed. The article outlines some conceptual foundations for the development of such models

    Consumer evaluation of public charging infrastructure for electric vehicles

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    This paper explores factors that determine the usefulness of public charging infrastructure for electric vehicles from the point of view of its potential users. Our analysis is based on evaluations of different (hypothetical) public charging infrastructure networks by 1003 drivers of passenger cars from Germany. We employ a hierarchical linear model to explore the relevance of the attributes of public charging infrastructure as well as the influence of personal characteristics on the respondents’ evaluations. Our main conclusions of the results are that public charging infrastructure is generally important to attract additional consumer segments to EVs. In addition charging duration at the autobahn as well as in cities seems to be more important to the mainstream passenger car drivers than the density of public charging spots. Our results also provide some indications regarding distinct target groups and the willingness to pay for public charging infrastructure