688 research outputs found

    Estranhos no Museu

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    Andante, andante : tempo para andar e descobrir o espaço público

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    View on the quality of urban public spaces trough walking methodology which enable politic and citizen sense to form «urban people competences» as well as it facilitates the multiplication of plural and unexpected space uses by the incorporation of interaccional dispositions. Concise analysis of field work in São Paul

    Do politeísmo cultural contemporâneo ao trabalho escolar de eliminação da dissonância

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    Study on the plurality of hierarchies and legitimacies in contemporaries societies, through the dissemination of the omnivore cultural model, proper of plural agents. Analysis of school institution reaction to this model, through the processes of intensification of school work and elimination of the cultural dissonance. Questioning the Bourdieu and Passeron proposal on the analysis of school field and the transmission/inheritance of cultural capital, in the relation between family and schoo


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    Help system for medical diagnosis of the electrocardiogram

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    This presentation is part of a work that aims to create an interactive learning medical system of ECG events and pathologies diagnose. The system can be seen as an interactive game in wish the user will practice with ECG signal of several pathologies For this purpose an algorithm was developed that detects the events of the ECG in MATLAB. This paper is focus on the discussion of the algorithm, connections between the ECG and the heart physiology listing several pathologies and their respective ECG patterns. A preparatory smoothing of the signal is performed. The algorithm is now only applicable to the normal ECG. It is based in correlation of events within a period of the ECG, and finds the P wave and T wave searching the peaks under a confined region of the smoothed signal

    O público vai ao Teatro: uma etnografia dos públicos em ação

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    A partir de um desafio lançado pelo Teatro Municipal de Lisboa, as companhias de teatro independente do Porto foram convidadas a organizar a programação daquela instituição durante um mês. Uma jovem companhia portuense respondeu ironicamente com a apresentação do projeto “O Público Vai ao Teatro”. Tal projeto consistia em promover uma performance que parodiava uma excursão folclórica dos públicos provincianos do Porto à capital, antecedida de vários workshops de familiarização com os códigos da linguagem teatral. A pesquisa sociológica consistiu em, através da investigação-ação de cariz etnográfico, analisar e mediar modos de relacionamento com a cultura e com as instituições teatrais por parte das pessoas recrutadas. Este artigo faz uma primeira avaliação do projeto, não incluindo ainda a sessão final, a partir de um diagnóstico das representações dessa população sobre os seus modos de relação com o teatro.Challenged by Teatro Municipal de Lisboa, independent theatre companies from Oporto were invited to organize that institution’s programming throughout a month. “The public goes to the theatre” was the ironic response of a young company from Oporto to the challenge. This project aimed to promote a performance, a folk parody excursion that would lead the provincial public of Oporto to the capital, a journey preceded by several workshops to help them familiarize with theatrical language codes. Via research-action-oriented ethnographic methods, the sociological research intended to analyze and mediate the recruited individual’s relationship with culture and theater institutions. This article draws a preliminary assessment of the project, not including the final session, a diagnosis based on the population’s representations and theater relation approach.À partir d’un défi lancé par le Théâtre Municipal de Lisbonne, les compagnies de théâtre indépendant de Porto ont été invitées à préparer la programmation de cette salle pendant un mois. Une jeune compagnie de Porto a répondu sur le ton de l’ironie en présentant le projet “ Le Public va au Théâtre ”: une performance qui parodiait une excursion folklorique des publics provinciaux de Porto à la capitale, précédée de plusieurs ateliers de familiarisation aux codes du langage théâtral. La recherche sociologique, menée au travers de l’enquête-action de nature ethnographique, a consisté à identifier et à analyser les rapports des personnes recrutées avec la culture et avec les compagnies théâtrales. Cet article propose une première évaluation du projet, sans inclure la séance finale, à partir d’un diagnostic des représentations de cette population sur son rapport au théâtre.A partir de un desafío lanzado por el Teatro Municipal de Lisboa, las compañías de teatro independiente de Porto fueron invitadas a organizar la programación de aquella institución durante un mes. Una joven compañía de Porto respondió irónicamente con la presentación del proyecto “El público va al teatro”. Tal proyecto consistía en promover un performance que parodiaba una excursión folclórica de los públicos provincianos de Porto a la capital, antecedida de varios workshops de familiarización con los códigos del lenguaje teatral. La investigación sociológica ha consistido en una de investigación-acción de tipo etnográfico, analizar y mediar modos de relacionamiento con la cultura y con las instituciones teatrales por parte de las personas reclutadas. Este artículo hace una primera evaluación del proyecto, sin incluir la sesión final), a partir de un diagnóstico de las representaciones de esa población sobre sus modos de relación con el teatro

    Maturity and volatility effects on smiles or dying smiling?

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    The "smile effect" is a result of an empirical observation of the options' implied volatility with the same expiration date, across different exercise prices. It describes a U-shape form showing high implied volatilities for in and out-of-the-money options and low volatility figures for at-the-money options. We can find empirical evidence of this phenomenon. The reasons suggested in the literature were stochastic volatility, traders' behaviour, transaction costs, and the effect of dividends on pricing American options. But the most recent literature seems to conclude that the sophistication of financial modelling for option pricing is not enough for removing the "smile". In this paper we used liquid equity options on 9 stocks traded on the London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange (LIFFE) between August 1990 and December 1991. We tested two different hypothesis trying to verify the existence of two different phenomena: (1) the increase of the "smile" as maturity approaches; (2) and the association between the smile and the volatility of the underlying stock. In order to estimate implied volatilities for unavailable exercise prices, we modelled the smile using cubic B-spline curves. We found empirical support for the smile intensification (the U-shape is more pronounced) as maturity approaches as well as when volatility rises. However, this increase in the curvature is asymmetric. As maturity approaches the implied volatility of out-of-the-money options tends to be higher than the implied volatility of in-the-money options and, as the volatility of the underlying increases, the implied volatility of in-the-money options tend to be higher than implied volatility of out-of-the-money options. We claim to have detected new empirical reasons for previous empirical findings where the smile was, for some authors, a symmetric smile, while for others it converts into a "wry grin" or a "reverse grin".info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Maturity and volatility effects on UK smiles or dying smiling?

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    The “smile effect” is a result of an empirical observation of the options’ implied volatility with the same expiration date, across different exercise prices. However, its shape has been under discussion seeming to be dependent on the option underlying security. In this paper, and filling up a scarce empirical research on the topic, we used liquid equity options on 9 stocks traded on the London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange (LIFFE) between August 1990 and December 1991. We tested two different hypothesis for testing two different phenomena: (1) the increase of the “smile” as maturity approaches; (2) and the association between the smile and the volatility of the underlying stock. In order to estimate implied volatilities for unavailable exercise prices, we modelled the smile using cubic B-spline curves. We found empirical support for the smile intensification (the U-shape is more pronounced) as maturity approaches as well as when volatility rises. However, we found two major sources of disagreement with the literature on stochastic volatility models. First, as maturity approaches, out-of-themoney options’ implied volatility tends to be higher than the implied volatility of in-the-money options. Second, as the volatility of the underlying asset increases, the implied volatility of in-the-money options tends to be higher than implied volatility of out-of-the-money options.Financial support granted by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) and the Programa Praxis XXIinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio