532 research outputs found

    The 1909 Benavente (Portugal) earthquake : search for the source

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    The Lower Tagus River Valley has been affected by severe earthquakes comprising distant events, as in 1755, and local earthquakes, as in 1344, 1531, and 1909. The 1909 earthquake was located NE of Lisbon, near Benavente, causing serious damage and many losses. Mw 6.0 has been assessed for this earthquake and a reverse faulting focal mechanism solution has been calculated. Poor epicenter location, possible directivity and site effects, low fault slip rates, and the thick Cenozoic sedimentary cover make difficult correlation with regional structures. The focal mechanism indicates an ENE reverse fault as source, though it does not match any outcropping active structure suggesting that the event could have been produced by a blind thrust beneath the Cenozoic sedimentary fill. Hidden sources, inferred from seismic reflection data, are a possible NE structure linking the Vila Franca de Xira and the Azambuja faults, or the southern extension of the later. Evidence of surface rupturing is inhibited by the thick Holocene alluvial cover and the high fluvial sedimentation rate, though a slightly depressed area was identified in the Tagus alluvial plain W of Benavente which was investigated as possible geomorphic evidence of co-seismic surface deformation. A high-resolution seismic reflection profile was acquired across a 0.5 m high scarp at this site, and two trenches were opened across the scarp for paleoseismic research. Some deformation of dubious tectonic origin was found, requiring further studies

    Arthroscopic repair of ankle instability with all-soft knotless anchors

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    In recent years, arthroscopic and arthroscopically assisted techniques have been increasingly used to reconstruct the lateral ligaments of the ankle. Besides permitting the treatment of several comorbidities, arthroscopic techniques are envisioned to lower the amount of surgical aggression and to improve the assessment of anatomic structures. We describe our surgical technique for arthroscopic, two-portal ankle ligament repair using an all-soft knotless anchor, which is made exclusively of suture material. This technique avoids the need for classic knot-tying methods. Thus it diminishes the chance of knot migration caused by pendulum movements. Moreover, it avoids some complications that have been related to the use of metallic anchors and some currently available biomaterials. It also prevents prominent knots, which have been described as a possible cause of secondary complaints.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The effects of integrated food and bioenergy cropping systems on crop yields, soil health, and biomass quality: The EU and Brazilian experience

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    Integrated food and bioenergy production is a promising way to ensure regional/national food and energy security, efficient use of soil resources, and enhanced biodiversity, while contributing to the abatement of CO2 emissions. The objective of this study was to assess alternative crop rotation schemes as the basis for integrating and enhancing the sustainable biomass production within the food-energy agricultural context. Sunn hemp (Crotalaria spp.) in rotation with wheat (Triticum spp.) in the EU and with sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) in Brazil were evaluated. Sunn hemp did not negatively affect crop's productivity and soil fertility; wheat grain yields were maintained around the mean regional production levels (6, 7, 3 and Mg ha(-1) in Greece, Italy, and Spain, respectively), and the cumulative biomass in the extended rotation (wheat straw+sunn hemp) was between 1.5 and 2.0 times higher than in the conventional rotation. In Brazil, sugarcane stalks yield in clay soils increased by around 15 Mg ha(-1) year(-1) under sunn hemp rotation in comparison with bare fallow. Moreover, sunn hemp in the EU rotations did not have negative effects on soil available macronutrients, organic matter, pH, and cation exchange capacity, neither on C and N stocks in Brazil. The qualitative characteristics (mineral, ash, and hemicelluloses contents) of the cumulated biomass were somehow higher (in average +26%, +35%, and +3.4%, respectively) than in the conventional system. In summary, in temperate and tropical climates the integration of dedicated biomass legume crops within conventional systems could lead to enhanced biomass availability, crop diversification, and efficient use (in space and time) of the land resources

    Measurement and analysis of needle penetration forces in industrial high-speed sewing machine

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    The industrial manufacturing of sewn products has always been one of the critical processes of the textile chain concerning quality assurance. Assuring the appropriate set-up and operation of all the machines, and thus the final seam quality, is a very complex task. Traditionally, this task is accomplished through empirical methods, with the machine setting and quality control relying on the skills of operators and technicians. This work presents an approach to a more knowledge-based and integrated process planning and control. A system was developed to measure and analyze the most important mechanical effects occurring during high-speed sewing. The paper will focus mainly on the measurement and evaluation of needle penetration and withdrawal force. After an overview of the system, the most important experimental results obtained in a series of experiments will be described

    Monitorização dos problemas fitossanitários e fauna auxiliar presentes em pomares de macieiras da ilha Terceira

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    I Congresso de Fruticultura e Viticultura. Angra do Heroísmo 17-19 Abril 2008.Trabalho de investigação desenvolvido no projecto INTERFRUTA II, financiado pelo programa INTERREG III-B (05/MAC/3.1/A4).Nos objectivos do Projecto INTERFRUTA II, projecto desenvolvido nas Ilhas da Madeira, Tenerife (Canárias) e Terceira (Açores) destinado a contribuir para a promoção da fruticultura e viticultura nestas três regiões insulares, procurou-se atingir uma melhoria dos conhecimentos sobre diversas culturas abrangidas nos diversos trabalhos de investigação e de entre as quais a das macieiras, onde através deste trabalho, nas duas zonas de maior produtividade da Ilha Terceira (Biscoitos e São Sebastião), se procurou conhecer os seus problemas fitossanitários, de forma a determinar os períodos de maior actividade e risco principalmente das pragas que afectam a macieira e assim tentar encontrar a melhor forma de as poder combater através da aplicação prática dos conceitos da Protecção Integrada, o que contribuiu, decisivamente, para o conhecimento e procura de soluções inovadoras que conduziram ao acréscimo do rendimento dos produtores e a uma menor utilização e aplicação de pesticidas. Para além disso, pretendeuse identificar toda a fauna auxiliar presente nos pomares de macieira estudados. Nas macieiras, os principais problemas fitossanitários decorrem da presença de aranhiço vermelho (Panonychus ulmi Koch), traça-oriental (Cydia molesta) e bichado (Cydia pomonella L.). Nos fungos foram encontrados Alternaria mali Roberts, Aspergillium sp., Botryosphaeria lutea, Botryosphaeria ribis Gross.& Dungar, Phoma glomerata (Corda) Wolll. Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn, Verticillium sp. Nos vírus o único encontrado nas folhas de macieira foi o ACLSV – Apple chlorotic leafspot vírus. Da totalidade dos espécimes da fauna auxiliar encontrados nos pomares de macieira estudados foi elaborada uma tabela

    It Takes Two to Tango, Part II : Synthesis of A-Ring Functionalised Quinones Containing Two Redox-Active Centres with Antitumour Activities

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    In 2021, our research group published the prominent anticancer activity achieved through the successful combination of two redox centres (ortho-quinone/para-quinone or quinone/seleniumcontaining triazole) through a copper-catalyzed azide-alkyne cycloaddition (CuAAC) reaction. The combination of two naphthoquinoidal substrates towards a synergetic product was indicated, but not fully explored. Herein, we report the synthesis of 15 new quinone-based derivatives prepared from click chemistry reactions and their subsequent evaluation against nine cancer cell lines and the murine fibroblast line L929. Our strategy was based on the modification of the A-ring of paranaphthoquinones and subsequent conjugation with different ortho-quinoidal moieties. As anticipated, our study identified several compounds with IC50 values below 0.5 µM in tumour cell lines. Some of the compounds described here also exhibited an excellent selectivity index and low cytotoxicity on L929, the control cell line. The antitumour evaluation of the compounds separately and in their conjugated form proved that the activity is strongly enhanced in the derivatives containing two redox centres. Thus, our study confirms the efficiency of using A-ring functionalized para-quinones coupled with ortho-quinones to obtain a diverse range of two redox centre compounds with potential applications against cancer cell lines. Here as well, it literally takes two for an efficient tango

    O projecto INTERFRUTA II e o seu papel no desenvolvimento da fruticultura na ilha Terceira

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    I Congresso de Fruticultura e Viticultura. Angra do Heroísmo 17-19 Abril 2008.Trabalho de investigação desenvolvido no projecto INTERFRUTA II, financiado pelo programa INTERREG III-B (05/MAC/3.1/A4).O Projecto INTERFRUTA II é um projecto desenvolvido nas Ilhas da Madeira, Tenerife (Canárias) e Terceira (Açores) destinado a contribuir para a promoção da fruticultura e viticultura nestas três regiões insulares, procurando uma melhoria dos conhecimentos sobre as culturas de macieiras, bananeiras, castanheiros e vinha. Englobando um estudo integrado que envolve a climatologia, fenologia, pedologia, problemas fitossanitários, pragas-chave e a fauna auxiliar presente nas parcelas estudadas, distribuídas pela zona Norte e Sul da Ilha, aplicando técnicas que contribuam decisivamente para o conhecimento e procura de soluções inovadoras que conduzam ao acréscimo do rendimento dos produtores e a uma menor utilização e aplicação de pesticidas. Para atingir estes objectivos numa fase inicial realizaram-se 160 inquéritos aos produtores e foi possível a identificação, através de SIG, das áreas de produção frutícola da Ilha. Para a análise dos factores climáticos ao nível da parcela, foram instaladas estações meteorológicas de leitura automática. Na parte relativa ao estudo da fenologia e produção para além da caracterização foi avaliado o impacto da polinização na taxa de vingamento dos frutos de macieira. Dentro dos problemas fitossanitários, na identificação das pragas-chave de cada cultura foi utilizada a observação visual de órgãos predefinidos e a monitorização através de armadilhas com feromona sexual e utilizadas placas cromotrópicas com cola. Nos fungos foi utilizada a observação visual e na prospecção de vírus e fitoplasmas utilizaram-se técnicas moleculares (ELISA) e PCR. Na prospecção da fauna auxiliar foi a técnica dos batimentos (ou pancadas) e a armadilha Malaise. Foi também realizado o levantamento das plantas auxiliares de produção e feita a sua identificação. Nas pragas-chave de cada uma das culturas, centrou-se a investigação sobre as mais importantes. A mosca-do-Mediterrâneo (C. capitata Wied.) foi uma delas, onde com o objectivo da sua monitorização, recorrendo aos SIG, foi montada uma rede de armadilhas em toda a ilha. Na bananeira, centrou-se todo o trabalho no gorgulho-da-bananeira (Cosmopolites sordidus Germar) e nas tripes. No castanheiro, no bichado-da-castanha (Cydia splendana Hubner) tendo sido avaliados os prejuízos que causa e conhecida a sua curva de voo através da sua monitorização usando armadilhas com feromona sexual. Na vinha, o míldio é a doença que mais contribuiu para a diminuição da produção de uva para vinho. Nas macieiras, os principais problemas decorrem da presença de aranhiço vermelho (Panonychus ulmi Koch), traça-oriental (Cydia molesta) e bichado (Cydia pomonella L.). Para a recolha e divulgação de toda a informação foi construída uma página Web do projecto, disponível na Internet (www.interfuta.angra.uac.pt) e uma base de dados fitossanitários de diagnóstico da Macaronésia (PROFITOMAC) para a identificação de todos os problemas que afectam estas culturas nos três arquipélagos em que o projecto de desenvolve. No âmbito das actividades do projecto foram ainda realizados alguns cursos de formação de curta duração para técnicos e produtores

    O contributo do projecto INTERFRUTA II para o desenvolvimento da fruticultura na ilha Terceira, Açores

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    13º Congresso da APDR (Associação Portuguesa para o Desenvolvimento Rural). Angra do Heroísmo, Julho de 2007.O Projecto Interfruta II é um projecto apoiado pelo programa Interreg III-B, desenvolvido nas Ilhas da Madeira, Tenerife (Canárias) e Terceira (Açores) destinado a contribuir para a promoção da fruticultura e viticultura nestas três regiões insulares, procurando uma melhoria dos conhecimentos sobre os problemas fitossanitários que afectam as macieiras, bananeiras, castanheiros e a vinha, aplicando técnicas que contribuam decisivamente para o conhecimento e procura de soluções, numa vertente de prospecção das pragas-chave, fauna auxiliar, doenças e vírus que afectam essas culturas. Destaca-se o facto de inicialmente se ter procedido à realização de 160 inquéritos aos produtores e ao levantamento e identificação, através de SIG, das áreas de produção frutícola da Ilha. Para a análise dos factores climáticos ao nível da parcela, foram instaladas nas três zonas em estudo, estações meteorológicas de leitura automática.ABSTRACT: The INTERFRUTA project is financed by the European Commission Interreg III-B Programme and was developed for the islands of Madeira, Tenerife and Terceira for the improvement of fruit and vineyard production in these three Atlantic regions. The project goal is a better knowledge of the phytossanitary problems that affect apples, bananas, chestnut and vineyards, applying methods that will contribute to solutions based on the survey of key pests, diseases and beneficial organisms. All these work began with a survey to 160 producers and those data permitted, applying GIS techniques to them to identify the Terceira island fruit and vineyard production areas. To register the climate conditions in each area studied fully automatic meteorological stations were put in each of the three studied areas

    Food addiction: Prevalence, psychopathological correlates and associations with quality of life in a large sample

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    Objective: To determine the prevalence of food addiction in a large Brazilian non-clinical sample. Sociodemographic and psychopathological correlates of food addiction as well as associations with quality (QoL) domains were also investigated. Methods: This cross-sectional study obtained data from a Brazilian anonymous web-based research platform (N = 7639; 71.3% females). Participants provided sociodemographic data and completed the modified Yale Food Addiction Scale 2.0, PHQ-9, hypomania checklist (HCL-32), Fagerström Test for Nicotine Dependence, AUDIT, modified Skin picking-Stanford questionnaire, Minnesota impulsive disorders interview, Symptom Checklist-90-Revised inventory (SCL-90R), early trauma inventory self report-short form, and the WHO Quality of Life instrument-Abbreviated version (WHOQOL-Bref). Associations were adjusted to potential confounders through multivariable models. Results: The prevalence of food addiction was 4.32% (95%CI: 3.89-4.80%), and was more common among females. Food addiction was associated with a positive screen for a major depressive episode (OR = 4.41; 95%CI: 3.46-5.62), bipolar spectrum disorder (OR = 1.98; 95%CI: 1.43-2.75), and skin picking disorder (OR = 2.02; 95%CI: 1.31-3.09). Food addiction was also independently associated with exposure to early life psychological and sexual abuse (P = 0.008) as well as with reduced physical, psychological, social, and environment QoL (all P < 0.001). Conclusions: Food addiction may be common in low and middle-income countries, though possibly less prevalent than in the US. Food addiction was associated with co-occurring mood disorders and skin picking disorder as well as with early life psychological and sexual abuse. Finally, food addiction was independently associated with broad reductions in QoL. Public health efforts towards the early recognition and management of food addiction are warranted