201 research outputs found

    Start Project Management from Scratch in an ICT Department of a Public Higher Education Organization: how to manage change?

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    The 7th edition of the PMBOK extols stakeholder involvement and acceptance of change as crucial management principles to ensure good project outcomes, as engaged people produce more and better, become more open and flexible to embrace the changes inherent in the project context. From a single case study, the initiation of project management functions in a public organization in the education sector is discussed. The value of this article lies in the connection between theory and practice, as it brings Anderson and Kotter\u27s guidelines applied during an actual project, revealing the benefits and difficulties faced in leveraging and maintaining stakeholder engagement. As a result, it affirms the importance of context analysis to design and conduct changes in the environment where the project takes place, and of breaking the forces of inertia to foster experimentation and gradual improvements in the teams\u27 work dynamics

    Simulador para Arquitectura MIPS32

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    A virtualização de sistemas é cada vez mais utilizada no mundo informático. O seu emprego acarreta inúmeras vantagens, sendo que, em alguns casos, permite atingir melhor desempenho relativamente a uma máquina nativa. Esta tese propõe um modelo de implementação de um simulador da arquitectura MIPS32 utilizando a linguagem de programação C, sendo as aplicações de teste desenvolvidas utilizando a linguagem assembly MIPS. É objectivo recriar os primeiros passos no processo de virtualização de sistemas, assim como possibilitar a instalação de um minissistema operativo, baseado na família linux, no simulador. Para tal, será necessário reproduzir o comportamento de vários dispositivos físicos, tais como o disco rígido, interface de rede, TLB, cache, rato, teclado e monitor. Embora estes sejam dispositivos desejáveis, apenas o processador e a memória RAM são componentes fulcrais ao funcionamento do simulador. De forma a respeitar os requisitos mínimos da arquitectura serão implementados todos os mecanismos necessários, nomeadamente, coprocessadores, modos de operação registos genéricos e registos do coprocessador central, unidade de gestão de memória, mecanismo de tradução de endereços, sistema de excepções e sistema de interrupcões; ABSTRACT: Virtualization systems are increasingly used in the computer world. Their use brings numerous advantages and, in some cases, allows to achieve better performance compared to a native machine. This thesis proposes an implementation model of a simulator for MIPS32 architecture using the C programming language and the test applications developed using the MIPS assembly language. The aim is to recreate the rst steps in the process of virtualization systems, as well as to enable the installation of a Linux-based mini operating system in the simulator. This will need to reproduce the behavior of several physical devices such as hard disk, network interface, memory management unit including a translation lookaside bu er (TLB), cache, mouse, keyboard, monitor. Although these devices are desirable, only the processor and main memory RAM are key components to the operation of the simulator. In order to meet the minimum requirements of the architecture, all the necessary mechanisms will be implemented including coprocessors, operating modes, generic registers and records of the central coprocessor, memory management unit, address translation mechanism and the exception and interruption systems

    O método alegórico e o interacionismo sociodiscurso, uma aproximação

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    Este trabalho objetiva uma aproximação entre o Método Alegórico utilizado pelos Padres da Igreja nos primeiros séculos do cristianismo e o Interacionismo Sociodiscursivo (ISD), para isto empreenderá análise de uma homilia de Ambrósio de Milão. Assumindo por regra a prática pedagógica de Jesus, os Padres da Igreja desenvolveram um método que valorizava as capacidades linguísticas e cognitivas de seus interlocutores visando a interpretação dos textos bíblicos e do ensino da fé, adotando a linguagem como ferramenta ordenadora do real e os gêneros textuais como aqueles pelos quais os homens interagem com o divino e entre si, como salientaram Jaeger e Bento XVI. Princípios estes muito próximos daqueles observados na prática do ISD. Visando explicitar como o Método Alegórico assume princípios comuns aos de Bakhtin e Vygotsky, os mesmos do ISD, serão analisados o conteúdo e a estrutura de uma homilia presente na obra “Sobre os Sacramentos”, bem como a situação de produção (lato sensu) na qual inscrevem-se Ambrósio, seus interlocutores e os demais Padres da Igreja, além dos pressupostos culturais e filosóficos marcantes ao método desenvolvido por ele. Espera-se, a partir dessa aproximação, tanto uma revitalização da Alegoria Patrística quanto um enriquecimento do ISD e de seu campo de influência

    The use of DRAQ5 to monitor intracellular DNA in Escherichia coli by flow cytometry

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    Flow cytometry provides a rapid and high-content multiparameter analysis of individual microorganisms within a population. In the past years, several fluorescent stains were developed in order to monitor DNA content distribution and cell-cycle phases, mainly in eukaryotic cells. Recently, due to its low detection limits, several of these fluorescent stains were also applied to prokaryotic cells. In this study, the ability of a novel far-red fluorescent stain DRAQ5 in assessing intracellular DNA content distribution in Escherichia coli DH5alpha was evaluated. The results showed that a DRAQ5-labelled live E. coli suspension can be obtained by incubation of 1 x 10(6) cells/mL with 5 microM DRAQ5 in PBS buffer supplemented with EDTA (pH = 7.4) during 30 min at 37 degrees C. Flow cytometric analysis of fixed E. coli cells revealed that ethanol should be used in detriment of glutaraldehyde for DRAQ5 labelling. After the analysis of RNase and DNase digested samples, DRAQ5 was proven to be a specific DNA labelling stain. The present study demonstrates that the use of DRAQ5 as a DNA-labelling stain provides an easy assessment of intracellular DNA content and cell-cycle phases in gram-negative bacteria such as E. coli.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Exploiting non-conventional yeasts for low-alcohol beer production

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    Non-Saccharomyces yeasts represent a very appealing alternative to producing beers with zero or low ethanol content. The current study explores the potential of seven non-Saccharomyces yeasts to produce low-alcohol or non-alcoholic beer, in addition to engineered/selected Saccharomyces yeasts for low-alcohol production. The yeasts were first screened for their sugar consumption and ethanol production profiles, leading to the selection of strains with absent or inefficient maltose consumption and consequently with low-to-null ethanol production. The selected yeasts were then used in larger-scale fermentations for volatile and sensory evaluation. Overall, the yeasts produced beers with ethanol concentrations below 1.2% in which fusel alcohols and esters were also detected, making them eligible to produce low-alcohol beers. Among the lager beers produced in this study, beers produced using Saccharomyces yeast demonstrated a higher acceptance by taster panelists. This study demonstrates the suitability of non-conventional yeasts for producing low-alcohol or non-alcoholic beers and opens perspectives for the development of non-conventional beers.This research was supported by European Structural and Investment Funds in the ESIF component, through the Operational Competitiveness and Internationalization Program (COM‐ PETE 2020), in the framework of the project YES (project reference POCI‐01‐0247‐FEDER‐070135), and by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal) under the scope of the strategic funding of UIDB/04469/2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    A luminosidade é o fator mais importante no crescimento e desenvolvimento de plântulas. As plantas modificam seu modelo de crescimento e alocação de recursos em resposta ao ambiente luminoso. Foram avaliados parâmetros biométricos, bioquímicos e fisiológicos de mudas de Guanandi cultivadas a pleno sol e sob 50 % de sombreamento, utilizando telas foto-conversoras (azul, preto e vermelho), sendo analisadas no verão e outono de 2012. As mudas cultivadas a pleno sol apresentaram maior qualidade, vigor e acumulo de massa. As telas alteraram o microclima, causando alterações nas trocas gasosas e limitando o desenvolvimento das mudas. A atividade das enzimas antioxidantes mostrou que os tratamentos não causaram estresse oxidativo. O Guanandi apresentou ampla capacidade de aclimatação ao sombreamento e ao sol pleno. Contudo obteve melhores resultados a pleno sol, mesmo sendo considerada espécie tardia a clímax

    Reguladores vegetais e o desbaste químico de frutos de tangor murcote

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    O tangor 'Murcote' apresenta necessidade de desbaste de frutos devido a alternância de produção, caracterizado por anos de excessiva produção intercalado com anos de baixa produção, evitando assim, a diminuição da qualidade dos frutos. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a eficiência de reguladores vegetais, a auxina ANA (ácido naftalenacético) e ethephon (etileno) no desbaste químico de frutos de tangor 'Murcote' aplicado 40 dias após o pleno florescimento. O experimento foi conduzido em Pratânia, SP, onde plantas de 5 anos de idade, enxertadas sobre o limoeiro 'Cravo', foram pulverizadas com ANA a 0, 100, 200, 300 e 400 mg L-1 e com ethephon a 200, 300 e 400 mg L-1, ambos em solução aquosa juntamente com adjuvante não iônico a 0,05%. A contagem dos frutos foi realizada previamente aos tratamentos em 2 ramos marcados por planta. O ANA não interferiu significativamente no desbaste de frutos, com porcentagens de queda variando entre 7 a 14%, enquanto que as pulverizações com ethephon mostraram maior eficiência no desbaste de frutos, principalmente na dose de 400 mg L-1, promovendo 66,6% de queda de frutos, sem contudo induzir a abscisão foliar. As doses inferiores de ethephon também promoveram desbaste de frutos da ordem de 40%. As porcentagens de queda de frutos foram pequenas, para plantas pulverizadas com ANA, enquanto que a aplicação de ethephon promoveu maior eficiência no desbaste de frutos.Alternate bearing is an important caracteristic of some mandarins that reduces fruit quality and yield in tangor Murcott, and to reduce this effect is necessary to perform fruit thinning to avoid high and low production year by year. To evaluate the effects of plant growth regulators on fruit thinning of the 'honey' orange, an auxin (NAA-naphthalene acetic acid) and ethephon (ethylene), were applied 40 days after full bloom in an experiment carried out at Pratania, S.P., Brazil. Five-year-old plants grafted on Rangpur lime were used, sprayed with NAA (0, 100, 200, 300 e 400 mg L-1 and ethephon (200, 300, 400 mg L-1), both in water solution, containing 0.05% of non ionic wetting agent. Fruit number was determined before treatment applications in two shoots per plant. NAA did not promote significant differences on fruit thinning (between 7 to 14 %), however, the application of ethephon, at all rates, increased fruit thinning by 41.6 to 66.6%, with concentrations of 200 to 400 mg L-1 respectively, without leaf drop. Application of NAA did not promote chemical fruit thinning whereas ethephon showed high percentage of fruit thinning after full bloom with increased concentrations

    Nucleus accumbens microcircuit underlying D2-MSN-Driven increase in motivation

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    Accepted manuscriptThe nucleus accumbens (NAc) plays a central role in reinforcement and motivation. Around 95% of the NAc neurons are medium spiny neurons (MSNs), divided into those expressing dopamine receptor D1 (D1R) or dopamine receptor D2 (D2R). Optogenetic activation of D2-MSNs increased motivation, whereas inhibition of these neurons produced the opposite effect. Yet, it is still unclear how activation of D2-MSNs affects other local neurons/interneurons or input terminals and how this contributes for motivation enhancement. To answer this question, in this work we combined optogenetic modulation of D2-MSNs with in loco pharmacological delivery of specific neurotransmitter antagonists in rats. First, we showed that optogenetic activation of D2-MSNs increases motivation in a progressive ratio (PR) task. We demonstrated that this behavioral effect relies on cholinergic-dependent modulation of dopaminergic signalling of ventral tegmental area (VTA) terminals, which requires D1R and D2R signalling in the NAc. D2-MSN optogenetic activation decreased ventral pallidum (VP) activity, reducing the inhibitory tone to VTA, leading to increased dopaminergic activity. Importantly, optogenetic activation of D2-MSN terminals in the VP was sufficient to recapitulate the motivation enhancement. In summary, our data suggests that optogenetic stimulation of NAc D2-MSNs indirectly modulates VTA dopaminergic activity, contributing for increased motivation. Moreover, both types of dopamine receptors signalling in the NAc are required in order to produce the positive behavioral effects.This work was developed under the scope of the project NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000013, supported by the Northern Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the Portugal 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER). Part of the work was supported by the Janssen Neuroscience Prize (1st edition) and by a BIAL Grant (30/2016). This work has been funded by FEDER funds, through the Competitiveness Factors Operational Programme (COMPETE), and by National funds, through the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), under the scope of the project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007038 and of project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016428info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Magnetic liposomes based on nickel ferrite nanoparticles as nanocarriers for new potential antitumor compounds

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    Guided transport of biologically active molecules (most of them toxic and with systemic side effects) to target specific sites in human body has been a focus of research in therapeutics in the past years. Magnetoliposomes (liposomes entrapping magnetic nanoparticles) are of large importance, as they can overcome many pharmacokinetics problems and can be guided and localized to the therapeutic site of interest by external magnetic field gradients [1,2]. In this work, nickel ferrite nanoparticles (NPs) with size distribution of 11±5 nm were obtained. Synthesized NPs show superparamagnetic behaviour at room temperature (magnetic squareness of 7.2×10-5 and coercivity field of 12 Oe), being suitable for biological applications. These NPs were either entrapped in liposomes, originating aqueous magnetoliposomes (AMLs), or covered with a lipid bilayer, forming dry magnetoliposomes (DMLs), the last ones prepared by a new promising route. Recently, AMLs and DMLs containing nickel-based nanoparticles were successfully prepared and characterized [3]. A potential antitumor compound [4] was successfully incorporated into the lipid bilayer of magnetoliposomes. DMLs structure was evaluated by FRET (Förster Resonance Energy Transfer) measurements between the fluorescent-labeled lipids NBD-C12-HPC (donor) included in the second lipid layer and rhodamine B DOPE (acceptor) in the first lipid layer. A FRET efficiency of 23% was calculated, with a corresponding donor-acceptor distance (r) of 3.11 nm, confirming DMLs structure. Preliminary assays of the non-specific interactions of both types of magnetoliposomes with biological membranes (modeled by giant unilamellar vesicles, GUVs) were performed, keeping in mind future applications of drug delivery using this type of magnetic systems. Membrane fusion between magnetoliposomes and GUVs was confirmed by FRET.FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, PEst-C/FIS/UI0607/2013 (F-COMP-01-0124-FEDER-022711

    Magnetoliposomes based on nickel/silica core/shell nanoparticles : synthesis and characterization

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    "Available online 18 September 2014"In the present work, nickel magnetic nanoparticles with diameters lower than 100nm, with and without silica shell, were synthesized by microheterogeneous templating. The magnetic properties of the nanoparticles show a typical ferromagnetic behavior with a coercive field of 80Oe. Dry magnetoliposomes (DMLs) with diameter between 58nm and 76nm were obtained from the synthesis of nanoparticles in the presence of a lipid or surfactant layer, and aqueous magnetoliposomes (AMLs) were obtained by encapsulation of the nanoparticles in liposomes. FRET (Förster resonance energy transfer) experiments were performed to study the non-specific interactions between aqueous magnetoliposomes and giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs), as models of cell membranes. It was possible to detect membrane fusion between GUVs and AMLs containing both NBD-C6-HPC (donor) and the dye Nile Red (acceptor).This work was supported by FEDER through the COMPETE/QREN/EU Program and by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) in the framework of the Strategic Project of CFUM [PEst-C/FIS/UI0607/2013 (F-COMP-01-0124-FEDER-022711)] and through the research project PTDC/QUI/81238/2006 (FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-007467). FCT, POPH-QREN and FSE are acknowledged for the PhD grant of A.R.O. Rodrigues (SFRH/BD/90949/2012) and for financial support to MAP-Fis PhD Programme