144 research outputs found

    Characteristics of the Portuguese Economic Growth: What has been Missing?

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    This paper analyzes the Portuguese economic growth since the 1960's until present and compares its composition with that of Spain, Greece and Ireland. The average real GDP growth rate in each decade is decomposed as the contribution of input accumulation and total factor productivity. The contribution of labour and capital is separated using computed elasticities and the contribution of total factor productivity is disentangled into technological progress and efficiency. The methodology is based on Bayesian statistical methods and allows the computation of a world translog dynamic stochastic production frontier, which captures the technology that is available to all economies in each period of time. The results obtained are accurate in terms of the contribution of input accumulation and total factor productivity to GDP growth but there is lower precision when separating the contributions of technology growth and efficiency. The results obtained show that Portugal owes most of its economic growth to the accumulation of factors and not to total factor productivity. In particular the contribution of technology to economic growth is substantially lower than what is observed in the other economies considered. It is argued that this may be due to the existence of a low capital-labour ratio, which determines that Portugal is placed in a segment of the world production frontier that does not expand significantly as a result of technological progress. In addition, there is some evidence of modest developments in terms of efficiency which may be associated with the low quality of new inputs relatively to other economies. Another possible explanation for the disappointing performance of the Portuguese economy in the last decade lies in the existence of statistical inaccuracies in the measurement of GDP, especially in what concerns the contribution of some services.

    Total Factor Productivity Growth in the G7 Countries: Different or Alike?

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    The paper compares the contribution of total factor productivity (TFP) to economic growth in the G7 countries, from 1960 until 2005. A dynamic world translog stochastic production frontier is computed through Bayesian statistical methods using panel data on 21 OECD economies. The real GDP growth rate is decomposed in TFP and input accumulation contributions', the former being divided in two components: efficiency developments (the distance to the world production function) and technological progress (the expansion of the world production function). The paper adopts the methodology suggested by Koop, Osiewalsky and Steel (1999), though it covers a much larger period, allowing for the identification of intertemporal growth patters. The growth accounting exercise requires a Gibbs Sampling iteration algorithm and it is carried out for eight periods, each one covering ten yearly growth rates, with overlapping sub periods of five years. The results obtained show that the contribution of technological progress to total TFP is typically stronger than efficiency improvements. The US and Canada recorded a TFP acceleration after the mid 1980s, following declines in the previous decades. In addition, the inputs accumulation gave a relatively stable contribution for GDP growth throughout the sample period. Italy and France present a continuous declining trend in TFP contribution, though more marked in the latter case. Germany and the UK seem to have moved to a new lower floor of TFP contribution in the last decades. Japan, presents a downward trend in TFP contribution that is even more pronounced than in Italy. However, some reversal was seen in the Japanese TFP in the last decade considered. The shape of the stochastic production function changed along the period considered, benefiting more capital intensive input-combinations. In addition, there is some evidence of increasing returns to scale in the G7 countries, though it may be related with the non consideration of quality aspects in the measurement of inputs.


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    ABSTRACT -This study is based on 923 samples of dry sediments collected along all the Brazilian shelf by the REMAC Project and the GEOMAR I, II and III, and 11 more samples collected by the Researcher Vessel "El Austral" in the southernmost Brazil. The majority of the samples were recovered from the neritic zone, while 60 samples were collected in deeper waters (maximum 560 m, many of them in the northern region). The cosmopolitan ostracode Australoecia presents a good fossil record since the Cretaceous, although not all species are thick-shelled and well preserved. The diversity of this genus is greater in infraneritic and bathyal regions; however, it may exceptionally reach up to 4,000 m depth. In the Quaternary of Brazil just two species are known, A. atlantica Maddocks and A. neritica sp. nov., the last one herein described. The geographic and stratigraphic distributions of Australoecia are also briefly discussed. Key words: Australoecia, Ostracoda, Brazilian continental shelf, geographic distribution, stratigraphic distribution, systematic. RESUMO -Foram analisadas 923 amostras de sedimentos secos coletados ao longo de toda a costa brasileira pelos Projetos REMAC e GEOMAR I, II e III, e mais 11 amostras coletadas pelo NOc."El Austral" no extremo sul do país. A maioria das amostras provém da zona nerítica; apenas 60 foram obtidas em regiões batiais (profundidade máxima de 560 m, a maior parte na região norte). O ostracode cosmopolita Australoecia possui bom registro fóssil desde o Cretáceo, embora nem todas as suas espécies apresentem carapaças robustas e bem preservadas. A diversidade deste gênero é maior em regiões infraneríticas e batiais, podendo, excepcionalmente, ocorrer até 4.000 m de profundidade. No Quaternário do Brasil são conhecidas apenas duas espécies, A. atlantica Maddocks e A. neritica sp. nov., esta última descrita no presente trabalho. As distribuições espacial e temporal de Australoecia são também brevemente discutidas

    "The Subfamily orionininai puri, 1973 (Ostracoda; Hemicytheridae) in the Brazilian Continental Shelf, part II. Sistematic of the Genus Caudites Coryell & Fields, 1973"

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    Compreende o estudo sistemático das espécies do gênero Caudites Coryell & Fields, 1937, encontrados na Plataforma Continental Brasileira. É proposta a reformulação da diagnose do gênero Caudites com a inclusão de novos e importantes caracteres morfológicos diferenciais. Foram encontradas e descritas quatro novas espécies de Caudites para a região estudada: C. ohmerti, C. vandenboldi, C. fluminensis e C. gnomus. É redescrita e registrada por primeira vez a ocorrência de C. nipeensis Bold, 1946, para a costa brasileira, sendo também proposta uma emenda para sua diagnose

    New species of Xestoleberididae (Crustacea, Ostracoda) from Archipelago of São Pedro and São Paulo, Equatorial Atlantic

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    Two new species of Xestoleberididae: Xestoleberis brasilinsularis sp. nov. and Xestoleberis machadoae sp. nov., both endemic to Archipelago of São Pedro and São Paulo, are described. The record of these shallow marine waters species from Brazilian oceanic islands represents an important contribution to the knowledge of the evolutionary history the species inhabit areas.Duas novas espécies de Xestoleberididae: Xestoleberis brasilinsularis sp. nov. e Xestoleberis machadoae sp. nov., ambas endêmicas do Arquipélago São Pedro e São Paulo, são descritas. O registro dessas espécies marinhas de águas rasas em ilhas oceânicas brasileiras representa uma importante contribuição para o conhecimento da história evolutiva das espécies que habitam estas áreas

    New species of Xestoleberididae (Crustacea, Ostracoda) from Archipelago of São Pedro and São Paulo, Equatorial Atlantic

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    Two new species of Xestoleberididae: Xestoleberis brasilinsularis sp. nov. and Xestoleberis machadoae sp. nov., both endemic to Archipelago of São Pedro and São Paulo, are described. The record of these shallow marine waters species from Brazilian oceanic islands represents an important contribution to the knowledge of the evolutionary history the species inhabit areas.Duas novas espécies de Xestoleberididae: Xestoleberis brasilinsularis sp. nov. e Xestoleberis machadoae sp. nov., ambas endêmicas do Arquipélago São Pedro e São Paulo, são descritas. O registro dessas espécies marinhas de águas rasas em ilhas oceânicas brasileiras representa uma importante contribuição para o conhecimento da história evolutiva das espécies que habitam estas áreas

    Sub-recent Ostracodes of the Tamandaré Bay, Northeastern Brazil - A Preliminary Report on Biofacies

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    O estudo dos ostracodes sub-recentes da Baía de Tamandaré, localizada no Estado de Pernambuco, permitiu a determinação de uma associação constituída de trinta gêneros e dezenove espécies e o registro de dois gêneros e vinte e seis espécies indeterminados. Loxocorniculum, Xestoleberis e Kotoracythere, abundantes em recifes orgânicos e ambientes associados, também ocorrem. Por outro lado, Triebelina e Paranesidea, citados por outros autores como característicos de recifes, são muito raros. Esta associação possibilitou a definição de duas biofácies que foram comparadas com três biofácies definidas anteriormente com foraminíferos, para a mesma área

    Holocene Podocopida Ostracoda from Sepetiba Bay, Brazil - Some Dominant Taxa

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    No presente trabalho é apresentada a primeira etapa do estudo taxonômico dos ostracodes da Baía de Sepetiba, com a descrição de Whatleyella sanguinettiae gen. et sp. nov.. Três espécies previamente descritas por outros autores foram aqui identificadas: Callistocythere litoralensis (Rossi de García, 1966), Tanella gracilis (Kingma, 1948) e Keijella dictyon (Bold, 1966). Callistocythere ornata (Hartmann, 1956) é redescrita com o auxílio de fotografias em microscópio eletrônico de varredura. É discutida a distribuição geográfica dessas espécies, e a probabilidade de que indiquem a extensão do limite sul da Assembleia de Transição, localizada entre as plataformas leste e sul do Brasil, até a latitude de 23ºS

    The faunal and geochemical approaches in the calcareous microfossils and their applications to the palaeoceanography and palaeoclimatology

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    Micropalaeontology is an important ally to the palaeoceanography and palaeoclimatology contributing to the study of factors such as sedimentation rates, sea level and hydrological changes (e.g. circulation, temperature, productivity and salinity). This revision article aims to present the main applications of three important groups of calcareous microfossils: nannofossils, foraminifers and ostracodes. Species composition and geochemical approaches on those groups both in Cretaceous and Cenozoic are discussed based on studies published in the last years, referring whenever it possible to examples of studies developed in Brazil

    Climatically induced changes in late Quaternary bathyal ostracod assemblages of the Camamu Basin, Brazil

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    Bathybic ostracods (i.e., bathyal and abyssal assemblages) are important indicators of temperature and productivity changes of Cenozoic marine ecosystems. The present work presents the first study on Quaternary ostracods of the Camamu Basin, off the state of Bahia, northeastern Brazilian continental margin. The analysis of 59 samples from the piston-core CMU 14 (14°24’S, 38°49’W; 965 m water depth), revealed rich and abundant assemblages. The 14C accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) dating indicates that the studied interval covers the last 108 kyr, corresponding to the oxygen stable isotope stages (MIS) 5 to 1. Comparison with data from previous publications allowed discernment of three groups of ostracod species in CMU 14: Pandemic Group of species registered in more than one oceanic basin; Atlantic/Mediterranean Group of species restricted to the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean; and Brazilian Group of species restricted to the Brazilian continental margin). Four new species are herein proposed: Cytherella pindoramensis sp. nov., Ambocythere amadoi sp. nov., Pseudobosquetina pucketti sp. nov., and Bythoceratina bonaterrae sp. nov. Ostracod occurrences reveal the influence of glacial/interglacial cycles on assemblages composition. Interglacial stages 5 and 1 in the Camamu Basin are characterized by the association Bythocypris affinis–Cytherella pindoramensis sp. nov.– Cytheropteron perlaria–Bradleya dictyon; glacial stages (i.e., 2 to 4) register decreased diversity, possibly due to lower oceanic productivity