18 research outputs found

    Investigation of the occurrence of pesticide residues in rural wells and surface water following application to tobacco

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    In this work the exposure of wells and surface water to pesticides, commonly used for tobacco cropping, was assessed. Water consumption wells and surface water flows were sampled at different times. After a preconcentration step with solid phase extraction (SPE), the selected pesticides were determined by gas chromatography with electron capture detection (GC-ECD) or high performance liquid chromatography with diode array detection (HPLC-DAD). No pesticides were detected in the well water samples and surface water flow in the winter season. However, in the spring and summer higher concentrations of chlorpyrifos and imidacloprid were found in the water source samples. Atrazine, simazine and clomazone were also found. The occurrence of pesticides in collected water samples was related with the application to tobacco

    Qualidade da água numa microbacia hidrográfica de cabeceira situada em região produtora de fumo Water quality in a watershed located in a tobacco producing area

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    Sem respeitar sua capacidade de suporte aliado à utilização maciça de agroquímicos, o uso agrícola do solo vem comprometendo a qualidade da água superficial. Neste trabalho, teve-se por objetivo monitorar a qualidade da água do dreno principal de uma microbacia hidrográfica (MBH) de cabeceira, situada em área predominantemente produtora de fumo e que utiliza intensamente agroquímicos e manejo convencional. A MBH está localizada no distrito de Nova Boêmia, em Agudo, RS. Coletaram-se amostras para análise em quatro pontos representativos do arroio, nos primeiros oito meses de 2002 e se analisaram, nas amostras de água, parâmetros microbiológicos, físicos e químicos; em um dos pontos avaliou-se a vazão e o transporte de sedimentos durante um evento chuvoso. As maiores concentrações de poluentes ocorreram nas águas coletadas nos pontos de maior influência de lavouras e estabelecimentos rurais. Os meses mais chuvosos coincidiram com as maiores contaminações microbiológicas, principalmente por coliformes fecais, enquanto os resultados mostraram que a água do arroio apresentou concentração de fósforo muito acima do padrão da classe 3 do CONAMA (1986).<br>The agricultural over use of the soil and excessive application of agrochemicals affect water quality. The present work was carried out to monitor the water quality of the main drain of a watershed cropped predominantly by tobacco, with intense use of agrochemicals and cultivated under conventional tillage. The watershed is located in the district of Nova Boemia in Agudo (Rio Grande do Sul State, Southern Brazil). During first eight months of 2002, samples were collected at four representative points of the stream. Microbiological and physiochemical parameters were analyzed. At are of the prints, the water flow and sediment transport was evaluated during a rain event. The greatest concentration of pollutants occurred in the sample collected at the points of intense farming influence and rural establishments. The most rainy months coincided with the greatest biological contaminations, mainly by fecal coliforms. The results showed that watershed water show phosphorus contents very high compared to standards of class 3 of CONAMA (1986)

    Flip the coin: IL-7 and IL-7R in health and disease

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    Copyright © 2019, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature America, Inc.The cytokine IL-7 and its receptor, IL-7R, are critical for T cell and, in the mouse, B cell development, as well as differentiation and survival of naive T cells, and generation and maintenance of memory T cells. They are also required for innate lymphoid cell (ILC) development and maintenance, and consequently for generation of lymphoid structures and barrier defense. Here we discuss the central role of IL-7 and IL-7R in the lymphoid system and highlight the impact of their deregulation, placing a particular emphasis on their 'dark side' as promoters of cancer development. We also explore therapeutic implications and opportunities associated with either positive or negative modulation of the IL-7-IL-7R signaling axis.J.T.B. is funded by the consolidator grant ERC CoG-648455 from the European Research Council, under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, and the FAPESP/20015/2014 and PTDC/MEC-HEM/31588/2017 grants from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal; S.K.D. is funded by the intramural program of the US National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, and the Children’s Cancer Foundation; B.S. is funded by the MRC (United Kingdom) under U117573801 and MR/P011225/1.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Growing knowledge: an overview of Seed Plant diversity in Brazil

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