69 research outputs found

    Corruption is the lifeblood of politics in Iraq

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    This paper explains how Iraq’s current political system is predicated upon elite party rule that operates akin to a cartel. Using their control and dominance of state institutions these parties cooperate, despite being rivals, to extract wealth across every sector. Examples are given of how corruption to the tune of billions of dollars per year leads to direct and indirect harm to citizens, and the mechanisms used to facilitate and protect corruption. The paper also discusses the reforms necessary to tackle corruption effectively including legislation and empowering accountability institutions. The paper also recommends support for civil society efforts to target corruption multilaterally and hold state institutions and officials to account

    Protest vote: why Iraq’s next elections are unlikely to be game-changers

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    Iraq is due to hold elections in the next 12 months, whether early ones – as protestors have demanded and politicians have agreed to – or regular ones at the end of parliament’s term. Public pressure has led to a reform of the elections law by breaking up Iraq’s 18 provinces into 83 electoral districts and bringing in firstpast-the-post voting. The changes are meant to make elections more competitive and make MPs more representative and accountable. Doubts exist as to whether the existing parties in power will actually see their seat share reduced by the entrance of new parties. Barriers to entry and competition will make it difficult for new parties to challenge incumbents. Some protestors, disappointed with the pace of reforms, have called for a boycott of elections. Turnout is likely to be low again, supporting the status-quo power distribution. Questions continue as to when the vote will happen, whether the electoral commission will be ready and can hold proper elections, and the degree of legitimacy they will have. This paper predicts that the upcoming elections will not be game-changers and merely support the extension of the current domination of politics by the established elite

    IT Revolutionizing the Supply chain Transformation: A Case Study of Unilever Pakistan Ltd.

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    Supply chain Management is a combination of three words supply, chain and management. Supply is all about meeting the needs, wants and demands of customers where as the chain actually represents connectivity. Further management is all about planning the supplies transit to meet demand , organizing the processes sequence for it , controlling and ensuring the process quality through check points and gate control systems, leading by defining process ownership and staffing by right sizing at each and every step. Thus aforementioned three words combined together to form supply chain management. Supply chain management is also to provide the best possible services to the customer with maximum cost effectiveness. Another recent development in the field of supply chain management is the evolution of supply chain operation reference model also known as SCOR model. This model was first introduced by the supply chain council (SCC), a globally known corporation due to excellence in supply chain practices and systems formulation. This SCOR model is actually a reference model standardized terminology and processes [42] which actually emphasizes on benchmarking. This benchmarking is actually related to an operational measurement in order to craft a portfolio for improvement which is directly linked and tied with balance sheet of the company for improved performance along with bottom line increment. Information technology (IT) applications in the field of supply chain management (SCM) has achieved a significance by virtue of its capability and ability to lessen the costs and enhanced responsiveness in the supply chain functions [41], [15] , [19], [36], [45], [43]


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    Children 4-8 years old like to do various activities mainly related to outdoor activities. Outdoor activities is to train fine motor skills such as reading, writing, learning about nature, and drawing are also required. Learning outdoor helps children to be more focus and passionate in learning so children are easier to absorb in receiving new information. But unfortunately there is currently no outdoor furniture that could facilitate children to learn outdoor. This design use observation method on Surabaya’s parks, the libraries in the parks, and also Taman Ceria UBAYA. IDI process is also done with the resource from child psychologist, the teachers, the librarians, and some people who have visited the park.Observation and IDI are aims to obtain data that can be synthesized in the form of staple outdoor furniture design solutions as a place to learn fine motor. This design aims to design outdoor furniture that can help the children to be more focused when learning outdoors. This furniture is also intended as a gathering place for parents and children so that they can learn together outdoors. The result of this design is outdoor furniture that is able to provide facilities for children aged 4-8 years in order to focus on learning fine motor skills such as reading, writing, drawing, and colouring outside with their parents


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    Children 4-8 years old like to do various activities mainly related to outdoor activities. Outdoor activities is to train fine motor skills such as reading, writing, learning about nature, and drawing are also required. Learning outdoor helps children to be more focus and passionate in learning so children are easier to absorb in receiving new information. But unfortunately there is currently no outdoor furniture that could facilitate children to learn outdoor. This design use observation method on Surabaya’s parks, the libraries in the parks, and also Taman Ceria UBAYA. IDI process is also done with the resource from child psychologist, the teachers, the librarians, and some people who have visited the park.Observation and IDI are aims to obtain data that can be synthesized in the form of staple outdoor furniture design solutions as a place to learn fine motor. This design aims to design outdoor furniture that can help the children to be more focused when learning outdoors. This furniture is also intended as a gathering place for parents and children so that they can learn together outdoors. The result of this design is outdoor furniture that is able to provide facilities for children aged 4-8 years in order to focus on learning fine motor skills such as reading, writing, drawing, and colouring outside with their parents

    Confusion and contention: understanding the failings of decentralisation in Iraq

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    Iraq formally began the process of implementing decentralisation in 2015, with the dual aims of improving service delivery at the local level, and curtailing the centralised bureaucracy. It is widely accepted that this process has not achieved what it set out to do, despite decentralised governing arrangements being broadly accepted in principle by both federal and local authorities. Based on a series of interviews across three provinces with federal and local officials that have direct experiences of the process, this paper examines the flaws in implementation of decentralisation and the resulting outcomes to service delivery. It seeks to understand why this process has yielded overwhelmingly negative results and considers how the recent political turbulence in the country has impacted federal arrangements. The paper offers a number of recommendations aimed at strengthening the implementation process including greater clarity in roles and responsibilities across federal and local authorities, the adoption of an incremental approach to rollout, and greater consideration for local context and political actors

    Analisis Isi Teknik Propaganda Pada Pemberitaan Pembangunan Indonesia Di Majalah Tempo

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    This research is motivated by the development of mass media which is growing day by day to shift the purpose of the media which was originally intended to convey information, educate, entertain and social control. The mass media were eventually used to launch propaganda using certain techniques to influence attitudes and behavior towards a certain person or group - in this case the news on Indonesia's development in Tempo Magazine. The research method that the author uses is a mix method with a content analysis model, the researcher focuses on how the physical unit, syntactic unit, referential unit, propositional unit and thematic unit, along with the influence of propaganda techniques on the coverage of Indonesian Development in Tempo Magazine. Total sampling and purposive sampling are sampling techniques used. This study found that all propaganda techniques appeared in the news on Indonesia's development in Tempo Magazine. Card Stacking and name calling are the most frequently used and rarely used techniques. This study also found that Card Stacking became the technique with the most physical units. Analysis of the syntactic unit, further together with the referential unit, found that Government Governance was the pillar using a lot of propaganda techniques. While the pillars of science and technology development mostly contain propaganda techniques in a propositional and thematic manner. Propaganda techniques that appeared in Tempo Magazine also brought changes to the reader's cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aspects


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran mengenai social media marketing activity pada pengikut Instagram Erigostore, mengetahui gambaran mengenai purchase intention pada pengikut Instagram Erigostore, dan menguji pengaruh social media marketing activity terhadap purchase intention produk Erigo pada pengikut Instagram Erigostore. Variabel pada penelitian ini terdiri dari satu variabel independen yaitu social media marketing activity (X) dan satu variabel dependent yaitu purchase intention (Y). Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah pengikut dari Instagram Erigostore. Metode penarikan sampel penelitian ini dengan cara non-probability sampling dengan teknik purposive sampling. Sedangkan pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner pada pengikut Instagram Erigostore sebanyak 400 responden. Hasilnya yang didapat menunjukkan bahwa social media marketing activty berada di kategori tinggi dan purchase intention berada di kategori netral. Pada penelitian terdapat juga adanya pengaruh positif dan signifikan antara social media marketing activity terhadap purchase intention. Kedepannya Erigo diharapkan dapat membuat invoasi terhadap social media marketing agar dapat meningkatkan purchase intention dari pengikut Instagram Erigostore. Kata Kunci: social media marketing activity, purchase intention, Erigo This study aims to determine the description of social media marketing activity on Erigostore Instagram followers, determine the description of purchase intention on Erigostore Instagram followers, and examine the effect of social media marketing activity on purchase intention of Erigo products on Erigostore Instagram followers. The variables in this study consist of one independent variable, namely social media marketing activity (X) and one dependent variable, namely purchase intention (Y). The sample in this study were followers of Erigostore Instagram. The method of drawing samples in this study was by means of non-probability sampling with purposive sampling technique. While data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires to 400 Erigostore Instagram followers. The results obtained show that social media marketing activty is in the high category and purchase intention is in the neutral category. In the study there was also a positive and significant influence between social media marketing activity on purchase intention. In the future, Erigo is expected to make innovations to social media marketing in order to increase the purchase intention of Erigostore Instagram followers. Keywords: social media marketing activity, purchase intention, Erig

    Clinical Pharmacokinetics of Clavulanic Acid, a Novel β- Lactamase Isolated from Streptomyces clavuligerus and Its Variability

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    The clavulanic acid derived by fermentation of Streptomyces clavuligerus and possessed the capability to inactivate a broad range of β-lactamase enzymes. A complex physicochemical process involves the binding of clavulanic acid to β-lactamases in which clavulanic acid itself deplete irreversibly along with β-lactamase enzyme rendering amoxicillin spared which otherwise would hydrolyze by an enzyme. It is therefore termed as ‘suicide ‘inhibitor for β-lactamases. We discussed here pharmacokinetic parameters and identified factors responsible for the variability of absorption of clavulanic acid. The results based on individual plasma concentration-time curve of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid in an open, randomized, two-way crossover study involving 10 healthy male subjects administered with two amoxiclav formulations
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