18 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of Telemonitoring for Respiratory and Systemic Symptoms of Asthma and COPD:A Narrative Review

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    Asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD) are highly prevalent chronic lung diseases that require ongoing self-management, which itself is often suboptimal. Therefore, telemonitoring has been used to help patients measure their symptoms, share data with healthcare providers and receive education and feedback to improve disease management. In this study, we conducted a narrative review of recent evidence on the effectiveness of telemonitoring for asthma and COPD in adults. Of the thirteen identified studies, eleven focused on COPD and two focused on asthma. All studies were reviewed, and effects were compared between intervention and care as usual groups. Of the study interventions, seven showed a positive outcome on at least one outcome measure, and six had no significant results on any of the outcome measures. All of the interventions with a positive outcome included an educational component, while only one of the six interventions without positive outcomes included an educational component. We conclude that telemonitoring interventions for asthma and COPD seem more effective if they included an educational component regarding different aspects of self-management

    The feasibility and usability of a personal health record for patients with multiple sclerosis: a 2-year evaluation study

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    BackgroundMultiple sclerosis (MS) is a persistent inflammatory condition impacting the brain and spinal cord, affecting globally approximately 2.8 million individuals. Effective self-management plays a crucial role in the treatment of chronic diseases, including MS, significantly influencing health outcomes. A personal health record (PHR) is a promising tool to support self-management, potentially empowering patients and enhancing their engagement in treatment and health. Despite these promising aspects, challenges in implementation persist and PHRs are still a relatively new concept undergoing rapid development.ObjectiveThis study aimed to assess the feasibility and usability of the PHR. Secondary objectives included evaluating implementation determinants, and exploring preliminary effects on quality of care for both patients and healthcare professionals (HCPs), self-management, self-efficacy for patients, job satisfaction, efficiency, and demand for HCPs, and preliminary effects on costs and health-related quality of life.MethodsThis study had a mixed-methods design. Quantitative data of patients (n = 80) and HCPs (n = 12) were collected via self-reported questionnaires at baseline (T0), after one year (T1), and after two years (T2). One focus group interview was conducted at T2 with patients (n = 7), and another one with HCPs (n = 4), to get a more in-depth understanding of the feasibility and usability of the PHR via the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology framework, and to further explore the secondary objectives in-depth.ResultsMost patients never logged in during the first year and logged in a couple of times per year during the second year, averaging around 15 min per log-in session. The HCPs mainly logged in a couple of times per year over the two years with an average use of six minutes per session. Patient usability and satisfaction scores were below average and moderate, respectively: with SUS-scores of 59.9 (SD = 14.2, n = 33) at T1 and 59.0 (SD = 16.3, n = 37) at T2, and CSQ-8 scores of 21.4 (SD = 5.0, n = 34) at T1, and 22.1 (SD = 5.0, n = 39) at T2. HCPs had similar usability and satisfaction scores. Multiple facilitators and barriers were identified by both patients and HCPs, such as (in)sufficient knowledge of how to use the PHR, lack of staff capacity and ICT obstacles. No significant differences were found in the preliminary effects. Qualitative data showed, among others, that both patients and HCPs saw the benefit of the PHR in terms of performance expectancy, by gaining more insight into health and health data, but challenges remained regarding effort expectancy, such as log-in issues and experiencing difficulties with information retrieval.ConclusionThe feasibility and usability were considered moderate by patients and HCPs; however, potential regarding the performance of the PHR was observed. Implementation challenges, such as the complexity of usage, lowered the adoption of the PHR. The evolving nature of PHRs requires ongoing evaluation and adaptation to optimize their potential benefits. Utilizing a participatory design approach and a dedicated implementation team could help in achieving this optimization, ultimately enhancing their adoption

    A Health App Platform Providing a Budget to Purchase Preselected Apps as an Innovative Way to Support Public Health: Qualitative Study With End Users and Other Stakeholders

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    BACKGROUND: eHealth has the potential to improve health outcomes. However, this potential is largely untapped. Individuals face an overload of apps and have difficulties choosing suitable apps for themselves. In the FitKnip experiment, individuals were given access to a health app platform, where they could purchase reliable preselected health apps with a personal budget of €100 (US 107.35).Byconductingaprospectivestudy,weaimedtoscientificallyevaluatetheFitKnipexperimentasaninnovativewaytoimprovepopulationhealth.OBJECTIVE:TheaimoftheexperimentwastoscientificallyevaluatetheFitKnipexperimentasaninnovativewaytoimprovepopulationhealth.Morespecifically,weconductedanindepthqualitativeevaluationoftheconceptandacceptabilityofFitKnip,itsperceivedimpactonhealthempowerment,aswellastherolesofstakeholdersforthefutureimplementationofahealthappplatformthroughfocusgroupinterviews.METHODS:Thisstudyfollowedaphenomenologicalresearchdesignandincluded7focusgroupinterviewswithendusersand1withstakeholders,heldbetweenJulyandDecember2020.EnduserswererecruitedthroughvariousinstitutionsintheNetherlands,forexample,insurancecompaniesandlocalgovernments.AllfocusgroupsweresemistructuredusinginterviewguidesandwereheldviavideoconferencingduetotheCOVID19pandemicmeasures.Eachparticipantreceivedaccesstoahealthappplatformwheretheywereenabledtopurchasereliable,preselectedhealthappswithabudgetof100(US107.35). By conducting a prospective study, we aimed to scientifically evaluate the FitKnip experiment as an innovative way to improve population health. OBJECTIVE: The aim of the experiment was to scientifically evaluate the FitKnip experiment as an innovative way to improve population health. More specifically, we conducted an in-depth qualitative evaluation of the concept and acceptability of FitKnip, its perceived impact on health empowerment, as well as the roles of stakeholders for the future implementation of a health app platform through focus group interviews. METHODS: This study followed a phenomenological research design and included 7 focus group interviews with end users and 1 with stakeholders, held between July and December 2020. End users were recruited through various institutions in the Netherlands, for example, insurance companies and local governments. All focus groups were semistructured using interview guides and were held via videoconferencing due to the COVID-19 pandemic measures. Each participant received access to a health app platform where they were enabled to purchase reliable, preselected health apps with a budget of €100 (US 107.35). The budget was valid for the entire research period. The health app platform offered 38 apps. A third party, a health care coalition, selected the apps to be included in FitKnip. The analyses were conducted according to the principles of the Framework Method. RESULTS: A priori formulated themes were concept, acceptability, health empowerment, and outcomes, and the roles of stakeholders for the future implementation of a health app platform. Both end users (n=31) and stakeholders (n=5) were enthusiastic about the concept of a health app platform. End users indicated missing apps regarding physical health and lifestyle and needing more guidance toward suitable apps. End users saw health empowerment as a precondition to using a health app platform and achieving health outcomes depending on the purchased mobile apps. End users and stakeholders identified potential providers and financing parties of FitKnip. Stakeholders recommended the establishment of a reputable national or international quality guidelines or certification for health and wellbeing apps, that can demonstrate the quality and reliability of mobile health applications. CONCLUSIONS: This study showed the need for a personalized and flexible platform. Next to this, a deeper understanding of the roles of stakeholders in such initiatives is needed especially on financing and reimbursement of health promotion and digital health services. A personalized, flexible health app platform is a promising initiative to support individuals in their health

    The feasibility of using Apple's ResearchKit for recruitment and data collection: Considerations for mental health research

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    In 2015, Apple launched an open-source software framework called ResearchKit. ResearchKit provides an infrastructure for conducting remote, smartphone-based research trials through the means of Apple's App Store. Such trials may have several advantages over conventional trial methods including the removal of geographic barriers, frequent assessments of participants in real-life settings, and increased inclusion of seldom-heard communities. The aim of the current study was to explore the feasibility of participant recruitment and the potential for data collection in the non-clinical population in a smartphone-based trial using ResearchKit. As a case example, an app called eMovit, a behavioural activation (BA) app with the aim of helping users to build healthy habits was used. The study was conducted over a 9-month period. Any iPhone user with access to the App Stores of The Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany could download the app and participate in the study. During the study period, the eMovit app was disseminated amongst potential users via social media posts (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn), paid social media advertisements (Facebook), digital newsletters and newspaper articles, blogposts and other websites. In total, 1,788 individuals visited the eMovit landing page. A total of 144 visitors subsequently entered Apple's App Store through that landing page. The eMovit product page was viewed 10,327 times on the App Store. With 79 installs, eMovit showed a conversion rate of 0.76% from product view to install of the app. Of those 79 installs, 53 users indicated that they were interested to participate in the research study and 36 subsequently consented and completed the demographics and the participants quiz. Fifteen participants completed the first PHQ-8 assessment and one participant completed the second PHQ-8 assessment. We conclude that from a technological point of view, the means provided by ResearchKit are well suited to be integrated into the app process and thus facilitate conducting smartphone-based studies. However, this study shows that although participant recruitment is technically straightforward, only low recruitment rates were achieved with the dissemination strategies applied. We argue that smartphone-based trials (using ResearchKit) require a well-designed app dissemination process to attain a sufficient sample size. Guidelines for smartphone-based trial designs and recommendations on how to work with challenges of mHealth research will ensure the quality of these trials, facilitate researchers to do more testing of mental health apps and with that enlarge the evidence-base for mHealth

    SERIES:eHealth in primary care. Part 2: Exploring the ethical implications of its application in primary care practice

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    Background: eHealth promises to increase self-management and personalised medicine and improve cost-effectiveness in primary care. Paired with these promises are ethical implications, as eHealth will affect patients' and primary care professionals' (PCPs) experiences, values, norms, and relationships.Objectives: We argue what ethical implications related to the impact of eHealth on four vital aspects of primary care could (and should) be anticipated.Discussion: (1) EHealth influences dealing with predictive and diagnostic uncertainty. Machine-learning based clinical decision support systems offer (seemingly) objective, quantified, and personalised outcomes. However, they also introduce new loci of uncertainty and subjectivity. The decision-making process becomes opaque, and algorithms can be invalid, biased, or even discriminatory. This has implications for professional responsibilities and judgments, justice, autonomy, and trust. (2) EHealth affects the roles and responsibilities of patients because it can stimulate self-management and autonomy. However, autonomy can also be compromised, e.g. in cases of persuasive technologies and eHealth can increase existing health disparities. (3) The delegation of tasks to a network of technologies and stakeholders requires attention for responsibility gaps and new responsibilities. (4) The triangulate relationship: patient-eHealth-PCP requires a reconsideration of the role of human interaction and 'humanness' in primary care as well as of shaping Shared Decision Making.Conclusion: Our analysis is an essential first step towards setting up a dedicated ethics research agenda that should be examined in parallel to the development and implementation of eHealth. The ultimate goal is to inspire the development of practice-specific ethical recommendations

    Development and implementation of guidelines for the management of depression: a systematic review

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    Objective: To evaluate the development and implementation of clinical practice guidelines for the management of depression globally. Methods: We conducted a systematic review of existing guidelines for the management of depression in adults with major depressive or bipolar disorder. For each identified guideline, we assessed compliance with measures of guideline development quality (such as transparency in guideline development processes and funding, multidisciplinary author group composition, systematic review of comparative efficacy research) and implementation (such as quality indicators). We compared guidelines from low- and middle-income countries with those from high-income countries. Findings: We identified 82 national and 13 international clinical practice guidelines from 83 countries in 27 languages. Guideline development processes and funding sources were explicitly specified in a smaller proportion of guidelines from low- and middle-income countries (8/29; 28%) relative to high-income countries (35/58; 60%). Fewer guidelines (2/29; 7%) from low- and middle-income countries, relative to high-income countries (22/58; 38%), were authored by a multidisciplinary development group. A systematic review of comparative effectiveness was conducted in 31% (9/29) of low- and middle-income country guidelines versus 71% (41/58) of high-income country guidelines. Only 10% (3/29) of low- and middle-income country and 19% (11/58) of high-income country guidelines described plans to assess quality indicators or recommendation adherence. Conclusion: Globally, guideline implementation is inadequately planned, reported and measured. Narrowing disparities in the development and implementation of guidelines in low- and middle-income countries is a priority. Future guidelines should present strategies to implement recommendations and measure feasibility, cost-effectiveness and impact on health outcomes

    Using Animated Videos to Promote the Accessibility and Understandability of Package Leaflets: Retrospective Observational Study Evaluating the First Year of Implementation

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    BackgroundThe medication package leaflet is the most used and trusted source of information in the home situation but is often incomprehensible for individuals, especially for those with limited health literacy. The platform “Watchyourmeds” comprises a web-based library with over 10,000 animated videos that explain the most essential information from the package leaflet in an unambiguous and simple manner to increase the accessibility and understandability of package leaflets. ObjectiveThis study aimed to investigate Watchyourmeds in the Netherlands from a user perspective during the first year of implementation by investigating (1) usage data, (2) self-reported user experiences, and (3) the preliminary and potential impact on medication knowledge. MethodsThis was a retrospective observational study. The first aim was investigated by examining objective user data from 1815 pharmacies from the first year of implementation of Watchyourmeds. User experiences (second aim) were investigated by examining individuals’ completed self-report questionnaires (n=4926) that they received after completing a video. The preliminary and potential impact on medication knowledge (third aim) was investigated by examining users’ self-report questionnaire data (n=67) that assessed their medication knowledge about their prescribed medication. ResultsNearly 1.8 million videos have been distributed to users by over 1400 pharmacies, with monthly numbers increasing to 280,000 in the last month of the implementation year. Most users (4444/4805, 92.5%) indicated to have fully understood the information presented in the videos. Female users reported more often to have fully understood the information than male users (χ24=11.5, P=.02). Most users (3662/4805, 76.2%) said that they did not think any information was missing in the video. Users with a lower educational level stated more often (1104/1290, 85.6%) than those with a middle (984/1230, 80%) or higher (964/1229, 78.4%) educational level that they did not seem to be missing any information in the videos (χ212=70.6, P<.001). A total of 84% (4142/4926) of the users stated that they would like to use Watchyourmeds more often and for all their medication, or would like to use it most of the time. Male users and older users stated more often that they would use Watchyourmeds again for other medication than the female (χ23=25.0, P<.001) and younger users (χ23=38.1, P<.001), respectively. Almost 88% (4318/4926) of the users would recommend the web-based library to friends, family, or acquaintances. Regarding the third aim, results showed that 73.8% (293/397) of the questions assessing users’ medication knowledge were answered correctly. ConclusionsThe results of this study suggest that a web-based library with animated videos is a valuable and acceptable addition to stand-alone package leaflets to increase the understanding and accessibility of medication information

    Effectiveness of ehealth interventions in improving treatment adherence for adults with obstructive sleep apnea:Meta-analytic review

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    Background: Poor adherence to continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) treatment by adults with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a common issue. Strategies delivered by means of information and communication technologies (ie, eHealth) can address treatment adherence through patient education, real-time monitoring of apnea symptoms and CPAP adherence in daily life, self-management, and early identification and subsequent intervention when device or treatment problems arise. However, the effectiveness of available eHealth technologies in improving CPAP adherence has not yet been systematically studied. Objective: This meta-analytic review was designed to investigate the effectiveness of a broad range of eHealth interventions in improving CPAP treatment adherence. Methods: We conducted a systematic literature search of the databases of Cochrane Library, PsycINFO, PubMed, and Embase to identify relevant randomized controlled trials in adult OSA populations. The risk of bias in included studies was examined using seven items of the Cochrane Collaboration risk-of-bias tool. The meta-analysis was conducted with comprehensive meta-analysis software that computed differences in mean postintervention adherence (MD), which was defined as the average number of nightly hours of CPAP use. Results: The meta-analysis ultimately included 18 studies (N=5429 adults with OSA) comprising 22 comparisons between experimental and control conditions. Postintervention data were assessed at 1 to 6 months after baseline, depending on the length of the experimental intervention. eHealth interventions increased the average nightly use of CPAP in hours as compared with care as usual (MD=0.54, 95% CI 0.29-0.79). Subgroup analyses did not reveal significant differences in effects between studies that used eHealth as an add-on or as a replacement to care as usual (P=.95), between studies that assessed stand-alone eHealth and blended strategies combining eHealth with face-to-face care (P=.23), or between studies of fully automated interventions and guided eHealth interventions (P=.83). Evidence for the long-term follow-up effectiveness of eHealth adherence interventions remains undecided owing to a scarcity of available studies and their mixed results. Conclusions: eHealth interventions for adults with OSA can improve adherence to CPAP in the initial months after the start of treatment, increasing the mean nightly duration of use by about half an hour. Uncertainty still exists regarding the timing, duration, intensity, and specific types of eHealth interventions that could be most effectively implemented by health care providers

    Cross-sectional analysis of university students’ health using a digitised health survey

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    University student years are a particularly influential period, during which time students may adopt negative behaviours that set the precedent for health outcomes in later years. This study utilised a newly digitised health survey implemented during health screening at a university in Singapore to capture student health data. The aim of this study was to analyze the health status of this Asian university student population. A total of 535 students were included in the cohort, and a cross-sectional analysis of student health was completed. Areas of concern were highlighted in student’s body weight, visual acuity, and binge drinking. A large proportion of students were underweight (body mass index (BMI) 30). Although the overall prevalence of alcohol use was low in this study population, 9% of females and 8% of males who consumed alcohol had hazardous drinking habits. Around 16% of these students (male and female combined) typically drank 3–4 alcoholic drinks each occasion. The prevalence of mental health conditions reported was very low (<1%). This study evaluated the results from a digitised health survey implemented into student health screening to capture a comprehensive health history. The results reveal potential student health concerns and offer the opportunity to provide more targeted student health campaigns to address these.Published versio

    eHealth Interventions for Dutch Cancer Care: Systematic Review Using the Triple Aim Lens.

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    Background: Globally, the burden of cancer on population health is growing. Recent trends such as increasing survival rates have resulted in a need to adapt cancer care to ensure a good care experience and manageable expenditures. eHealth is a promising way to increase the quality of cancer care and support patients and survivors. Objective: The aim of this systematic review was 2-fold. First, we aimed to provide an overview of eHealth interventions and their characteristics for Dutch patients with and survivors of cancer. Second, we aimed to provide an overview of the empirical evidence regarding the impact of eHealth interventions in cancer care on population health, quality of care, and per capita costs (the Triple Aim domains). Methods: The electronic databases Web of Science, PubMed, Cochrane, and Ovid PsycINFO were searched using 3 key search themes: eHealth interventions, cancer care, and the Netherlands. The identified interventions were classified according to predetermined criteria describing the intervention characteristics (eg, type, function, and target population). Their impact was subsequently examined using the Triple Aim framework. Results: A total of 38 interventions were identified. Most of these were web portals or web applications functioning to inform and self-manage, and target psychosocial factors or problems. Few interventions have been tailored to age, disease severity, or gender. The results of this study indicate that eHealth interventions could positively affect sleep quality, fatigue, and physical activity of patients with and survivors of cancer. Inconclusive results were found regarding daily functioning and quality of life, psychological complaints, and psychological adjustment to the disease. Conclusions: eHealth can improve outcomes in the Triple Aim domains, particularly in the population health and quality of care domains. Cancer-related pain and common symptoms of active treatment were not targeted in the included interventions and should receive more attention. Further research is needed to fully understand the impact of eHealth interventions in cancer care on participation, accessibility, and costs. The latter can be examined in economic evaluations by comparing eHealth interventions with care as usual. (JMIR Cancer 2022;8(2):e37093) doi: 10.2196/3709