802 research outputs found

    Graph Construction with Flexible Nodes for Traffic Demand Prediction

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    Graph neural networks (GNNs) have been widely applied in traffic demand prediction, and transportation modes can be divided into station-based mode and free-floating traffic mode. Existing research in traffic graph construction primarily relies on map matching to construct graphs based on the road network. However, the complexity and inhomogeneity of data distribution in free-floating traffic demand forecasting make road network matching inflexible. To tackle these challenges, this paper introduces a novel graph construction method tailored to free-floating traffic mode. We propose a novel density-based clustering algorithm (HDPC-L) to determine the flexible positioning of nodes in the graph, overcoming the computational bottlenecks of traditional clustering algorithms and enabling effective handling of large-scale datasets. Furthermore, we extract valuable information from ridership data to initialize the edge weights of GNNs. Comprehensive experiments on two real-world datasets, the Shenzhen bike-sharing dataset and the Haikou ride-hailing dataset, show that the method significantly improves the performance of the model. On average, our models show an improvement in accuracy of around 25\% and 19.5\% on the two datasets. Additionally, it significantly enhances computational efficiency, reducing training time by approximately 12% and 32.5% on the two datasets. We make our code available at https://github.com/houjinyan/HDPC-L-ODInit

    Effect of combined administration of carboprost tromethamine and ergometrine on uterine atony-induced postpartum hemorrhage

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    Purpose: To determine the efficacy of the combined use of carboprost tromethamine and ergometrine in the prevention and treatment of postpartum hemorrhage induced by uterine atony.Methods: A total of 66 pregnant women with postpartum hemorrhage due to uterine atony who were treated in Fuyang Women's and Children's Hospital from February 2019 to January 2022 were randomly and equally assigned to control and combination groups, respectively, based on the order of admission. The control group was treated with 0.2 mg of ergometrine maleate via intramuscular injection in the buttocks. In the combination group, the patients were also given 250 μg of carboprost tromethamine via cervical injection in addition to ergometrine. The two groups were compared in terms of volume of postpartum vaginal bleeding and hemoglobin levels, coagulation function index, clinical effectiveness and incidence of adverse reactions.Results: There was a significant difference in total treatment effectiveness between the two groups (69.70 vs 90.91%; ꭓ2 = 4.694, p = 0.03) with the combination group showing higher effectiveness. The volume of bleeding in the combination group at 2 h and 24 h after delivery were significantly lower than the corresponding values for the control group (p < 0.05). Comparison at 24 h postpartum showed significantly lower hemoglobin level in the combination group than in the control group (p < 0.05). Posttreatment levels of prothrombin time (PT) and thrombin time (TT) in the two groups were lower than the pre-treatment values, but the post-treatment levels in the combination group were lower than those in the control group (p < 0.05).Conclusion: Combined administration of carboprost tromethamine and ergometrine may be a viable treatment strategy for uterine atony-induced postpartum hemorrhage. It has acceptable level of safety. However, further clinical trials are required prior to application in clinical practice

    Mutation of putative N-Linked Glycosylation Sites in Japanese encephalitis Virus Premembrane and Envelope proteins enhances humoral immunity in BALB/C mice after DNA vaccination

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    Swine are an important host of Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV). The two membrane glycoproteins of JEV, prM and E, each contain a potential N-linked glycosylation site, at positions N15 and N154, respectively. We constructed plasmids that contain the genes encoding wild-type prME (contain the signal of the prM, the prM, and the E coding regions) and three mutant prME proteins, in which the putative N-linked glycosylation sites are mutated individually or in combination, by site-directed mutagenesis. The recombinant plasmids were used as DNA vaccines in mice. Our results indicate that immunizing mice with DNA vaccines that contain the N154A mutation results in elevated levels of interleukin-4 secretion, induces the IgG1 antibody isotype, generates greater titers of anti-JEV antibodies, and shows complete protection against JEV challenge. We conclude that mutation of the putative N-glycosylation site N154 in the E protein of JEV significantly enhances the induced humoral immune response and suggest that this mutant should be further investigated as a potential DNA vaccine against JEV

    Phytoremediation : a sustainable remedial method for soil contaminated by vanadium

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    Vanadium amassing in the soil increased with its widespread usage in multi-field. Elevated soil vanadium confers adverse effects on living organisms involved in plants, animals, and microorganisms. Moreover, vanadium can enter the human body through the food chain and lead to potential health risks stemming from its toxicity and carcinogenicity. Therefore, the remediation of soil contaminated by vanadium is imperative. Phytoremediation, a clean phytotechnology, is gaining increasing grace in modern society that prefers spirit-enjoy persuing. However, due to the blemishes of the remediation plants per se, the remediation efficiency relying on plants alone is not attractive. Therefore, the strengthened screening of vanadium accumulator and hyperaccumulator plants should step forward. Simultaneously, it is necessary to improve phytoremediation efficiency by some complementary measures, such as inoculating plant growth-promoting bacteria, vanadium reducing bacteria, and the proper application of plant growth regulators. Overall, microbe-assisted and moderate usage of plant growth-promoting factors are promising for the phytoremediation of vanadium-contaminated soil

    Scenario Analyses of Land Use Conversion in the North China Plain: An Econometric Approach

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    Scenario analysis and dynamic prediction of land use structure which involve many driving factors are helpful to investigate the mechanism of land use changes and even to optimize land use allocation for sustainable development. In this study, land use structure changes during 1988–2010 in North China Plain were discerned and the effects of various natural and socioeconomic driving factors on land use structure changes were quantitatively analyzed based on an econometric model. The key drivers of land use structure changes in the model are county-level net returns of land resource. In this research, we modified the net returns of each land use type for three scenarios, including business as usual (BAU) scenario, rapid economic growth (REG) scenario, and coordinated environmental sustainability (CES) scenario. The simulation results showed that, under different scenarios, future land use structures were different due to the competition among various land use types. The land use structure changes in North China Plain in the 40-year future will experience a transfer from cultivated land to built-up area, an increase of forestry, and decrease of grassland. The research will provide some significant references for land use management and planning in the study area

    Pengetahuan, kemahiran dan amalan guru membina item kemahiran berfikir aras tinggi (KBAT) dalam instrumen pentaksiran pembelajaran

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    Kajian ini dijalankan bagi mengenal pasti tahap pengetahuan, kemahiran dan amalan guru membina item kemahiran berfikir aras tinggi (KBAT) dalam instrumen pentaksiran pembelajaran. Kajian ini juga melihat perbezaan tahap pengetahuan, kemahiran dan amalan guru membina item KBAT berdasarkan kepada kumpulan guru mengajar matapelajaran tingkatan 3 dan kumpulan guru mengajar matapelajaran tingkatan 5. Sebanyak enam persoalan kajian telah dibangunkan bagi mengkaji permasalahan kajian. Rekabentuk kajian ini melibatkan analisis deskriptif dan inferensi dalam bentuk tinjauan yang melibatkan data kuantitatif dengan menggunakan borang soal selidik berskala likert lima mata sebagai instrumen kajian. Seramai 161 sampel guru daripada 3 buah sekolah di daerah Muar, Johor terpilih menjadi responden dalam kajian ini. Model Pengukuran Rasch telah digunakan bagi menentukan kesahan dan kebolehpercayaan instrumen kajian yang telah dibina sendiri. Hasil analisis kajian menunjukkan tahap pengetahuan, kemahiran dan amalan guru membina item KBAT adalah berada pada tahap tinggi. Dapatan kajian juga menunjukkan tidak terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan di antara kumpulan guru mengajar matapelajaran tingkatan 3 dan kumpulan guru mengajar matapelajaran tingkatan 5 terhadap tahap pengetahuan, kemahiran dan amalan membina item KBAT. Hasil kajian ini dapat dijadikan sebagai satu garis panduan kepada guru-guru yang mengubal item pentaksiran dan program peningkatan profesionalisme guru di sekolah. Kajian lanjutan juga boleh dilaksanakan bagi memperbaiki kekurangan dalam kajian ini

    Topologically Protected Exceptional Points and Reentrant PT\mathcal{PT} Phase in an Exact Ternary Model

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    In open, driven systems where parity-time symmetry is preserved, phenomena that defy conventional wisdom emerge near exceptional points, promising advances in photonics. While most studies focus on two-level systems of a conventional exceptional point, unconventional exceptional points as well as reentrant phases have been discovered in separate studies of higher-dimensional phase spaces. In this Letter, we present a minimal, analytical model that encompasses several key phenomena in higher-dimensional phase spaces, including reentrant PT phases, higher-order exceptional points, and anisotropic exceptional points. Using the exact analytical solution, we identify a new topological index as the unifying origin of these different phenomena. The simplicity of the model may furthermore facilitate experimental implementations for enhanced sensing and efficient polariton devices.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure