863 research outputs found

    Conocimiento de las gestantes sobre la salud bucal de sus hijos en el “IMIEM” hospital de ginecología y obstetricia

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    En la actualidad se sabe que los cuidados bucales deben iniciarse desde el nacimiento del bebé y no esperar a que se cumplan tres años o más como anteriormente se creía; sin embargo, éstos son conocimientos que tienen los odontopediatras como profesionales de la salud bucal en pacientes infantiles, mas no las gestantes, pediatras, ginecólogos, profesores y sociedad en general, donde existe una falta de conocimiento sobre cuidados bucales. Por lo tanto, el odontopediatra desempeña funciones de educador, motivando y logrando cambios de comportamiento en los grupos de personas antes mencionados, promover la implementación de hábitos saludables que mejoren el estado bucodental y eviten la aparición de posibles enfermedades.En busca de la disminución de incidencia y prevalencia de las enfermedades bucales; el odontólogo ha implementado modelos que involucran aspectos cruciales como la promoción de la salud y la prevención de la enfermedad; los cuales empezaron a desarrollarse desde hace algunas décadas y hoy continúan vigentes. Éstos tienen estrategias que involucran tanto un componente de bienestar colectivo, como atenuar y disminuir los factores de riesgo que ocasionan numerosas patologías bucales con el objetivo de tener salud en el aparato estomatognatico


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    Inference for Cox\u27s Regression Model via a New Version of Empirical Likelihood

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    Cox Proportional Hazard Model is one of the most popular tools used in the study of Survival Analysis. Empirical Likelihood (EL) method has been used to study the Cox Proportional Hazard Model. In recent work by Qin and Jing (2001), empirical likelihood based confidence region is constructed with the assumption that the baseline hazard function is known. However, in Cox’s regression model the baseline hazard function is unspecified. In this thesis, we re-formulate empirical likelihood for the vector of regression parameters by estimating the baseline hazard function. The EL confidence regions are obtained accordingly. In addition, Adjusted Empirical Likelihood (AEL) method is proposed. Furthermore, we conduct extensive simulation studies to evaluate the performance of the proposed empirical likelihood methods in terms of coverage probabilities by comparing with the Normal Approximation based method. The simulation studies show that all the three methods produce similar coverage probabilities

    Informal Livelihoods and Governance in South Africa

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    This open access book offers a compelling account of everyday life, livelihoods, and governance in post-apartheid South Africa among the urban poor and marginalized, anchored in and through a critique of the concept of informality, or living outside of the state, its laws, services, and protection. Using a case study of the Zama Zama, loosely translated from the isiZulu as ‘to hustle, or to strive’ and colloquially used to refer to those working as informal artisanal miners on Johannesburg’s numerous disused and abandoned gold mines, the book documents an ethnography of this community’s everyday lives, struggles, and hopes. It provides an intimate account of a community, its social relations, and its political relationship to the state. The narratives of the Zama Zama are used to raise broader questions about precarity, belonging, and governance in post-apartheid South Africa, and suggest that pervasive informality could risk the country's democratic order

    Exploring how the healing and reintegration of the physically disabled informs architectural design: towards a rehabilitation and special care centre in the city of Durban.

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    Masters Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.South Africa is a developing country with a rich heritage and a past etched in the lives of its people. The year 2018 marks 24 years into a new democracy yet the country still faces a multitude of challenges. One of these challenges being government funded healthcare, more so healthcare for the physically disabled with mobility impairments. Focusing on the Greater Durban Metropolitan Area it is clear that the current community is divided into two extremes these being a small population of the elite and a large population of the poor. In current times the gap between these two groups is increasing rapidly. This meaning that proper healthcare is easily accessible to one group whereas the other is left with little hope of recovery. This dissertation is aimed at developing an understanding of the needs of the physically disabled during their recovery process, and how meaningful architecture can aid in this process. This study specifically explores how the needs of the physically disabled can be incorporated into the architectural design process and in turn work towards physical rehabilitation. The research conducted explores theories and concepts related to the physical and psychological healing process. It identifies architectural spaces and elements that should be incorporated into these centres of healing to encourage rehabilitation and promote revitalization. This study critically analyses the current level of facilities provided for physically disabled people with mobility impairments in the Durban area. It also analyses successful international models which can be adapted to South Africa and in turn initiate the path to better healthcare. Lastly, the data acquired from both primary and secondary sources are compared and various conclusions and recommendations are drawn up. These can be used as design guidelines for buildings which focus on architecture that promotes healing for the physically disabled

    Between a rock and a hard place: Informal artisanal gold mining in Johannesburg

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    Zaheera Jinnah shares ongoing research being done on artisanal gold mining and its connections to migration, informality and social exclusion in South Africa

    Emissions trading under the Kyoto Protocol: NAFTA and WTO concerns.

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    Informal Livelihoods and Governance in South Africa

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    This open access book offers a compelling account of everyday life, livelihoods, and governance in post-apartheid South Africa among the urban poor and marginalized, anchored in and through a critique of the concept of informality, or living outside of the state, its laws, services, and protection. Using a case study of the Zama Zama, loosely translated from the isiZulu as ‘to hustle, or to strive’ and colloquially used to refer to those working as informal artisanal miners on Johannesburg’s numerous disused and abandoned gold mines, the book documents an ethnography of this community’s everyday lives, struggles, and hopes. It provides an intimate account of a community, its social relations, and its political relationship to the state. The narratives of the Zama Zama are used to raise broader questions about precarity, belonging, and governance in post-apartheid South Africa, and suggest that pervasive informality could risk the country's democratic order

    Routes, Locations, and Social Imaginary: A Comparative Study of the On-Going Production of Geographies in Somali Forced Migration

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    Drawing on the thresholds approach, a model that incorporates geography and mobility studies to understand migration from the perspective of migrants, this article examines the importance of location and route(s) in determining the journeys of Somali migrants. We use the protracted displacement of Somalis to address the process through which actual and perceived geographies are produced and reconfigured by Somali migrants on the move. In doing so, we look at how different migration paths, connected through transnational networks, influence the geographical perception of migrants at the core of any cross-border experience. Employing ethnographic fieldwork with Somalis in South Africa and the US, we argue that the personal subjective realities of migrants are instrumental in determining when, how, and where to migrate, even under conditions of forced migration. In addition to flows of economic and social remittances, narratives shared through networks have a central role in shaping views of time and space in migration. Locations previously perceived as ideal final destinations sometimes become temporaries, while sites of transit are remembered as sites of belonging and investment. This comparative piece demonstrates the importance of these multifaceted flows as new geographies of displacement and migration emerge, renewing and challenging notions of place and transnational home