41 research outputs found

    Immobilizing Ni (II)-Exchanged Heteropolyacids on Silica as Catalysts for Acid-Catalyzed Esterification Reactions

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    Biodiesel was synthesized from oleic acid using Ni (II)-exchanged heteropolyacids immobilized on silica (Ni0.5H3SiW / SiO2 ) as a solid acid catalyst. Based on detailed analyses of FT-IR, XRD, TG and SEM, the structural, surface and thermal stability of Ni0.5H3SiW / SiO2 were investigated. Obtained results demonstrated that the Keggin structure was well in the immobilization process and possess a high thermal stability. Various esterification reaction conditions and reusability of catalyst were studied. High oleic acid conversion of 81.4 % was observed at a 1:22 mole ratio (oleic acid: methanol), 3 wt. % catalyst at 70 °C for 4 h. The Ni0.5H3SiW / SiO2 catalyst was reused for several times and presented relatively stable. More interestingly, the kinetic studies revealed the esterification process was compatible with the first order model, and a lower activation energy was obtained in this catalytic system

    A Two-Component Model for the Light Curves of Hypernovae

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    The light curves of 'hypernovae', i.e. very energetic supernovae with E51≡E/1051E_{51} \equiv E/10^{51}ergs \gsim 5-10 are characterized at epochs of a few months by a phase of linear decline. Classical, one-dimensional explosion models fail to simultaneously reproduce the light curve near peak and at the linear decline phase. The evolution of these light curves may however be explained by a simple model consisting of two concentric components. The outer component is responsible for the early part of the light curve and for the broad absorption features observed in the early spectra of hypernovae, similar to the one-dimensional models. In addition, a very dense inner component is added, which reproduces the linear decline phase in the observed magnitude-versus-time relation for SNe 1998bw, 1997ef, and 2002ap. This simple approach does contain one of the main features of jet-driven, asymmetric explosion models, namely the presence of a dense core. Although the total masses and energies derived with the two-component model are similar to those obtained in previous studies which also adopted spherical symmetry, this study suggests that the ejecta are aspherical, and thus the real energies and masses may deviate from those derived assuming spherical symmetry. The supernovae which were modeled are divided into two groups, according to the prominence of the inner component: the inner component of SN 1997ef is denser and more 56^{56}Ni-rich, relative to the outer component, than the corresponding inner components of SNe 1998bw and 2002ap. These latter objects have a similar inner-to-outer component ratio, although they have very different global values of mass and energy.Comment: To appear in the Astrophysical Journal, 2003, 593. 22 pages, including 4 figures and 3 table

    Initiation of autoimmunity to the p53 tumor suppressor protein by complexes of p53 and SV40 large T antigen

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    Antinuclear antibodies (ANAs) reactive with a limited spectrum of nuclear antigens are characteristic of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and other collagen vascular diseases, and are also associated with certain viral infections. The factors that initiate ANA production and determine ANA specificity are not well understood. In this study, high titer ANAs specific for the p53 tumor suppressor protein were induced in mice immunized with purified complexes of murine p53 and the Simian virus 40 large T antigen (SVT), but not in mice immunized with either protein separately. The autoantibodies to p53 in these mice were primarily of the IgG1 isotype, were not cross-reactive with SVT, and were produced at titers up to 1:25,000, without the appearance of other autoantibodies. The high levels of autoantibodies to p53 in mice immunized with p53/SVT complexes were transient, but low levels of the autoantibodies persisted. The latter may have been maintained by self antigen, since the anti-p53, but not the SVT, response in these mice could be boosted by immunizing with murine p53. Thus, once autoimmunity to p53 was established by immunizing with p53/SVT complexes, it could be maintained without a requirement for SVT. These data may be explained in at least two ways. First, altered antigen processing resulting from the formation of p53/SVT complexes might activate autoreactive T helper cells specific for cryptic epitopes of murine p53, driving anti-p53 autoantibody production. Alternatively, SVT- responsive T cells may provide intermolecular-intrastructural help to B cells specific for murine p53. In a second stage, these activated B cells might themselves process self p53, generating p53-responsive autoreactive T cells. The induction of autoantibodies during the course of an immune response directed against this naturally occurring complex of self and nonself antigens may be relevant to the generation of specific autoantibodies in viral infections, and may also have implications for understanding the pathogenesis of ANAs in SLE. In particular, our results imply that autoimmunity can be initiated by a "hit and run" mechanism in which the binding of a viral antigen to a self protein triggers an immune response that subsequently can be perpetuated by self antigen

    Optical and Near-Infrared Observations of the Highly Reddened, Rapidly Expanding Type Ia Supernova 2006X in M100

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    We present extensive optical (UBVRI), near-infrared (JK) light curves and optical spectroscopy of the Type Ia supernova (SN) 2006X in the nearby galaxy NGC 4321 (M100). Our observations suggest that either SN 2006X has an intrinsically peculiar color evolution, or it is highly reddened [E(B - V)_{host} = 1.42+/-0.04 mag] with R_V = 1.48+/-0.06, much lower than the canonical value of 3.1 for the average Galactic dust. SN 2006X also has one of the highest expansion velocities ever published for a SN Ia. Compared with the other SNe Ia we analyzed, SN 2006X has a broader light curve in the U band, a more prominent bump/shoulder feature in the V and R bands, a more pronounced secondary maximum in the I and near-infrared bands, and a remarkably smaller late-time decline rate in the B band. The B - V color evolution shows an obvious deviation from the Lira-Phillips relation at 1 to 3 months after maximum brightness. At early times, optical spectra of SN 2006X displayed strong, high-velocity features of both intermediate-mass elements (Si, Ca, and S) and iron-peak elements, while at late times they showed a relatively blue continuum, consistent with the blue U-B and B-V colors at similar epochs. A light echo and/or the interaction of the SN ejecta and its circumstellar material may provide a plausible explanation for its late-time photometric and spectroscopic behavior. Using the Cepheid distance of M100, we derive a Hubble constant of 72.7+/-8.2 km s^{-1} Mpc^{-1}(statistical) from the normalized dereddened luminosity of SN 2006X. We briefly discuss whether abnormal dust is a universal signature for all SNe Ia, and whether the most rapidly expanding objects form a subclass with distinct photometric and spectroscopic properties.Comment: 48 pages, 20 figures and 11 tables. Accepted Version (ApJ, 2008, March issue

    New Yuomys rodents from southeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau indicate low elevation during the Middle Eocene

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    Yuomys are medium-sized Hystricomorpha rodents. They are known for coming from areas of low elevation in China during the middle and late Eocene. Two new Yuomys were discovered from a locality near Xueshuo village in Litang County, Sichuan Province. The locality lies in the Gemusi pull-apart basin formed in the Litang Fault System (LTFS) in the Hengduan Mountains. The current average elevation is about 4200 m. One of the two new Yuomys is larger and shows clear lophodont and unilateral hypsodont morphology, similar to Yuomys yunnanensis, which was discovered as being from the early middle Eocene (Irdinmanhan, Asian Land Mammal Ages) in the Chake Basin of Jianshui County, Yunnan Province. The Chake Basin is one of the small pull-apart basins formed in the Xianshuihe-Xiaojiang Fault system (XSH-XJF). The other new Yuomys rodent is smaller, brachydont, and less lophodont than the larger new species. The small new Yuomys is smaller than all known Yuomys except Yuomys huheboerhensis, which is from the early middle Eocene Irdinmanhan of Inner Mongolia in Northern China. Given their narrow biochronological distribution and presumably preferred living environment, the occurrence of Yuomys in the pull-apart basins in LTFS and XSH-XJF suggests that the two deep fault systems probably started strike-slip movement by the early middle Eocene, about 49–45 million years ago. Well-studied middle Eocene mammalian faunas from Henan and Inner Mongolia include Yuomys, primates, and other low elevation forest mammals. We suggest that the two new Yuomys species reported here probably also lived in a similar low elevation forest environment

    Prompt-to-afterglow transition of optical emission in a long gamma-ray burst consistent with a fireball

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    Long gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), which signify the end-life collapsing of very massive stars, are produced by extremely relativistic jets colliding into circumstellar medium. Huge energy is released both in the first few seconds, namely the internal dissipation phase that powers prompt emissions, and in the subsequent self-similar jet-deceleration phase that produces afterglows observed in broad-band electromagnetic spectrum. However, prompt optical emissions of GRBs have been rarely detected, seriously limiting our understanding of the transition between the two phases. Here we report detection of prompt optical emissions from a gamma-ray burst (i.e. GRB 201223A) using a dedicated telescope array with a high temporal resolution and a wide time coverage. The early phase coincident with prompt {\gamma}-ray emissions show a luminosity in great excess with respect to the extrapolation of {\gamma}-rays, while the later luminosity bump is consistent with onset of the afterglow. The clearly detected transition allows us to differentiate physical processes contributing to early optical emissions and to diagnose the composition of the jetComment: Authors' version of article published in Nature Astronomy, see their website for official versio

    A Double-Efficient Integrity Verification Scheme to Cloud Storage Data

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    This paper proposed two integrity verification schemes based on Schnorr Signature Scheme. One is safety integrity verification scheme (SIVS). Another is efficient integrity verification scheme (EIVS). They are difference in characteristics. EIVS has good computational costs while SIVS has high security guarantee. However, they are similar in work. The cloud storage server will choose a set of file blocks and verification blocks randomly while the user sends a challenge, and generate response values to send to the user. The user generates a set of signatures to verify the values. The aim is to check whether the cloud storage server preserves perfectly the user's file or not. In contrast with other schemes, the approach not only has double integrity verification guarantee schemes but also pay lower costs for communication and computation


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    Rectification of License Plate Images Based on HT and Projection

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    It is crucial to segment characters correctly and improve rate of correct character recognition when processing automobile license plates corrections. In this paper, two algorithms are proposed to obtain the horizontal tilt and vertical shear angles. The transformation matrix for images rectification is given and the subpixel issue is solved. Some experiments were done to test the algorithms. Experimental results show that the algorithm is robust, flexible and effective.DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/telkomnika.v12i1.309