26 research outputs found

    Experimental Research on Compression Properties of Cement Asphalt Mortar due to Drying and Wetting Cycle

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    Uniaxial compression test of cement asphalt (CA) mortar specimens, due to drying and wetting cycle of 0, 2, 4 and 8 times, is carried out by using the electronic universal test machine, with the strain rate ranging from 1 × 10−5 s−1 to 1 × 10−2 s−1. The effects of strain rate and drying and wetting cycle time on the compressive strength, elasticity modulus, and stress-strain full curve are investigated. Experimental results show that the strain-stress full curve of CA mortar is affected obviously by strain rate and drying and wetting cycle time. The compressive strength and elasticity modulus increase with the strain rate under the same drying and wetting cycle time. The compressive strength and elasticity modulus decrease with the increase of drying and wetting cycle time in the same strain rate. The lower the strain rate is, the greater the compressive strength and elasticity modulus of CA mortar decrease. When the strain rate is 1 × 10−5 s−1 and drying and wetting cycle time is 8, the largest reduction of average compressive strength of CA mortar is 40.48%, and the largest reduction of elasticity modulus of CA mortar is 35.51%, and the influence of drying and wetting cycle on the compressive strength of CA mortar is greater than its influence on the elasticity modulus

    Optimization of Rail Profiles to Improve Vehicle Running Stability in Switch Panel of High-Speed Railway Turnouts

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    A method for optimizing rail profiles to improve vehicle running stability in switch panel of high-speed railway turnouts is proposed in this paper. The stock rail profiles are optimized to decrease the rolling radii difference (RRD). Such characteristics are defined through given rail profiles, and the target rolling radii difference is defined as a function of lateral displacements of wheel set. The improved sequential quadratic programming (SQP) method is used to generate a sequence of improving profiles leading to the optimum one. The wheel-rail contact geometry and train-turnout dynamic interaction of the optimized profiles and those of nominal profiles are calculated for comparison. Without lateral displacement of wheel set, the maximum RRD in relation to a nominal profile will be kept within 0.5 mm–1 mm, while that in relation to an optimized profile will be kept within 0.3 mm–0.5 mm. For the facing and trailing move of vehicle passing the switch panel in the through route, the lateral wheel-rail contact force is decreased by 34.0% and 29.9%, respectively, the lateral acceleration of car body is decreased by 41.9% and 40.7%, respectively, and the optimized profile will not greatly influence the vertical wheel-rail contact force. The proposed method works efficiently and the results prove to be quite reasonable

    A comparison of track model formulations for simulation of dynamic vehicle–track interaction in switches and crossings

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    This paper compares different track model formulations for the simulation of dynamic vehicle–track interaction in switches and crossings (S&C, turnouts) in a multi-body simulation (MBS) environment. The investigations are an extension of the S&C simulation Benchmark with the addition of a finite element model of a 60E1-760-1:15 turnout. This model constitutes a common reference from which four different track formulations are derived: co-running, modal superposition, finite element incorporated into the MBS model and finite element coupled to MBS using a co-simulation approach. For the different track models, the difference in modelling technique, results, simulation time, and suitability for different simulation tasks is compared. A good agreement is found between the different track model formulations for wheel–rail contact forces and rail displacements. This study found a better agreement between co-running and structural track models compared to previous studies in the prediction of wheel–rail contact forces. This appears to be due to the increased complexity of co-running track model used in this study together with a tuning of the co-running track model to the reference model in a wider frequency range. For the reader interested to reproduce the results in this paper, the reference track model is available for download

    Reliability assessment of freight wagon passing through railway turnouts using adaptive Kriging surrogate model

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    Railway turnout (RT) is a crucial component of railway infrastructure that consists of several components. Assessing the derailment probability of freight wagons passing through the turnout is crucial for quantifying failure risks and optimizing the performance of the freight wagon-turnout system (FWTS). However, existing assessment methods often require extensive model evaluations and impose substantial computational costs. To address this issue, an efficient reliability analysis method is established for assessing the derailment risk at RTs. Firstly, a dynamic model is developed to capture the wheel-rail dynamic interaction and the numerical model is validated by field tests. Secondly, to reduce the computational cost in the reliability analysis, an efficient adaptive Kriging method based on an error stopping criteria and a learning function is adopted to estimate the failure probabilities under multiple failure modes of wheel derailments. Based on the efficient learning function and convergence criterion, accurate failure probability results can be obtained with a small number of multibody and finite element coupled dynamic simulations. Furthermore, the prediction accuracy of the proposed method in capturing random characteristics for FWTS is evaluated. Finally, the influence of the evolution of rail wear on the failure probability is further discussed

    Shaking table testing and numerical modeling of continuous welded ballast track on bridges under longitudinal seismic loading

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    In order to confirm the validity of the ideal elasto-plastic resistance model applied to the ballast track under seismic loading, this paper studies the seismic response of continuous welded ballast track on bridges through the shaking table test and presents a process of updating the model based on the test results. The results indicate that the track constraint can improve the low order natural frequency of bridges significantly, and reduce the displacement response of the bridge. When ballast beds are effectively in a dynamic reciprocating state while under seismic loading, a structural change between the granules will occur, wherein some will flow and redistribute. The dynamic hysteretic change of the ballast longitudinal resistance is complex and quite different from that of the ideal elasto-plastic hysteretic route, and the ballast longitudinal resistance performance degenerates. If ballast longitudinal resistance is assumed to be ideal elastic-plastic resistance, the actual beam displacement response will be underestimated and the calculated rail seismic force will be greater than the test result. Moreover, the equivalent stiffness coefficient Ke and damping coefficient Ce of the ballast dynamic resistance characteristics could be obtained by model updating, and the simulation results coincide well with the test results

    Insights into Metal Sheet Novelty Detection via Simulated Electromagnetic Ultrasonic Surface Wave

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    Metal sheets have good performance and have been widely used. Different kinds of defects can be generated during the preparation and service of metal plates, which will cause the structural performance of the metal plates to decline, thus requiring structural health monitoring (SHM). This study proposes an electromagnetic ultrasonic (EMUS) surface wave detection technique for metal sheet defects via simulation. The numerical results show that after the excitation parameters of the EMUS transducer are optimized through orthogonal experimental design, the amplitude of the EMUS signal generated is increased by about 80%. The power spectrum density (PSD) of the EMUS response signal is used to detect defects. Compared with the peak-to-peak detection, the accuracy is higher, and the reliability is better. The accuracy of the proposed “central zero-point” method for measuring the time delay of the EMUS signal wave packet is higher than that of the “peak-to-peak amplitude” method and the “vibration starting point” method and is close to the accuracy of the “cross-correlation” method

    Insights into Metal Sheet Novelty Detection via Simulated Electromagnetic Ultrasonic Surface Wave

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    Metal sheets have good performance and have been widely used. Different kinds of defects can be generated during the preparation and service of metal plates, which will cause the structural performance of the metal plates to decline, thus requiring structural health monitoring (SHM). This study proposes an electromagnetic ultrasonic (EMUS) surface wave detection technique for metal sheet defects via simulation. The numerical results show that after the excitation parameters of the EMUS transducer are optimized through orthogonal experimental design, the amplitude of the EMUS signal generated is increased by about 80%. The power spectrum density (PSD) of the EMUS response signal is used to detect defects. Compared with the peak-to-peak detection, the accuracy is higher, and the reliability is better. The accuracy of the proposed “central zero-point” method for measuring the time delay of the EMUS signal wave packet is higher than that of the “peak-to-peak amplitude” method and the “vibration starting point” method and is close to the accuracy of the “cross-correlation” method

    Effects of profile wear on wheel–rail contact conditions and dynamic interaction of vehicle and turnout

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    Severe wear is a common damage mechanism in railway turnouts, which strongly affects the dynamic performance of railway vehicles and maintenance costs of tracks. This article explores the effects of profile wear on contact behaviors in the wheel–rail/switch contact and dynamic interaction, and nominal and measured worn turnout rail profiles are used as boundary conditions of wheel–rail contact. The calculation of the dynamic loads and the resultant contact stresses and internal stresses makes it possible to rationally design railway turnouts and correctly select the material to be applied for their components. For these reasons, the multi-body system SIMPACK and finite element software ANSYS are used to calculate the features of load and subsequently distributions of contact stresses and internal stresses in the regions of wheel–turnout components. The results show that profile wear disturbs the distribution of wheel–rail contact point pairs, changes the positions of wheel–rail contact points along the longitudinal direction, and affects the dynamic interaction of vehicle and turnout. For the measured profile in this article, profile wear aggravates vertical dynamic responses significantly but improves lateral dynamic responses. Profile wear disturbs the normal contact situations between the wheel and switch rail and worsens the stress state of the switch rail

    Parameters Studies on Surface Initiated Rolling Contact Fatigue of Turnout Rails by Three-Level Unreplicated Saturated Factorial Design

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    Surface initiated rolling contact fatigue (RCF), mainly characterized by cracks and material stripping, is a common type of damage to turnout rails, which can not only shorten service life of turnout but also lead to poor running safety of vehicle. The rail surface initiated RCF of turnouts is caused by a long-term accumulation, the size and distribution of which are related to the dynamic parameters of the complicated vehicle-turnout system. In order to simulate the accumulation of rail damage, some random samples of dynamic parameters significantly influencing it should be input. Based on the three-level unreplicated saturated factorial design, according to the evaluation methods of H, P and B statistic values, six dynamic parameters that influence the rail surface initiated RCF in turnouts, namely running speed of vehicle, axle load, wheel-rail profiles, integral vertical track stiffness and wheel-rail friction coefficient, are obtained by selecting 13 dynamic parameters significantly influencing the dynamic vehicle-turnout interaction as the analysis factors, considering four dynamic response results, i.e., the normal wheel-rail contact force, longitudinal creep force, lateral creep force and wheel-rail contact patch area as the observed parameters. In addition, the rail surface initiated RCF behavior in turnouts under different wheel-rail creep conditions is analyzed, considering the relative motion of stock/switch rails. The results show that the rail surface initiated RCF is mainly caused by the tangential stress being high under small creep conditions, the normal and tangential stresses being high under large creep conditions, and the normal stress being high under pure spin creep conditions