11,701 research outputs found

    Atomic structure, energetics, and dynamics of topological solitons in Indium chains on Si(111) surfaces

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    Based on scanning tunneling microscopy and first-principles theoretical studies, we characterize the precise atomic structure of a topological soliton in In chains grown on Si(111) surfaces. Variable-temperature measurements of the soliton population allow us to determine the soliton formation energy to be ~60 meV, smaller than one half of the band gap of ~200 meV. Once created, these solitons have very low mobility, even though the activation energy is only about 20 meV; the sluggish nature is attributed to the exceptionally low attempt frequency for soliton migration. We further demonstrate local electric field-enhanced soliton dynamics.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Composition dependence of electronic structure and optical properties of Hf1-xSixOy gate dielectrics

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    Copyright © 2008 American Institute of Physics. This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditionsComposition-dependent electronic structure and optical properties of Hf1−xSixOy 0.1 x 0.6 gate dielectrics on Si at 450 °C grown by UV-photo-induced chemical vapor deposition UV-CVD have been investigated via x-ray photoemission spectroscopy and spectroscopy ellipsometry SE . By means of the chemical shifts in the Hf 4f, Si 2p, and O 1s spectra, the Hf–O–Si bondings in the as-deposited films have been confirmed. Analyses of composition-dependent band alignment of Hf1−xSixOy / Si gate stacks have shown that the valence band VB offset Ev demonstrates little change; however, the values of conduction band offset Ec increase with the increase in the silicon atomic composition, resulting from the increase in the separation between oxygen 2p orbital VB state and antibonding d states intermixed of Hf and Si. Analysis by SE, based on the Tauc–Lorentz model, has indicated that decreases in the optical dielectric constant and increase in band gap have been observed as a function of silicon contents. Changes in the complex dielectric functions and band gap Eg related to the silicon concentration in the films are discussed systematically. From the band offset and band gap viewpoint, these results suggest that Hf1−xSixOy films provide sufficient tunneling barriers for electrons and holes, making them promising candidates as alternative gate dielectrics.National Natural Science Foundation of China and Royal Society U.K

    Systematic Determination of Absolute Absorption Cross-section of Individual Carbon Nanotubes

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    Determination of optical absorption cross-section is always among the central importance of understanding a material. However its realization on individual nanostructures, such as carbon nanotubes, is experimentally challenging due to the small extinction signal using conventional transmission measurements. Here we develop a technique based on polarization manipulation to enhance the sensitivity of single-nanotube absorption spectroscopy by two-orders of magnitude. We systematically determine absorption cross-section over broad spectral range at single-tube level for more than 50 chirality-defined single-walled nanotubes. Our data reveals chirality-dependent one-dimensional photo-physics through the behaviours of exciton oscillator strength and lifetime. We also establish an empirical formula to predict absorption spectrum of any nanotube, which provides the foundation to determine quantum efficiencies in important photoluminescence and photovoltaic processes

    Bandwidth-Controlled Insulator-Metal Transition and Correlated Metallic State in 5dd Transition Metal Oxides Srn+1_{n+1}Irn_{n}O3n+1_{3n+1} (nn=1, 2, and ∞\infty)

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    We investigated the electronic structures of the 5dd Ruddlesden-Popper series Srn+1_{n+1}Irn_{n}O3n+1_{3n+1} (nn=1, 2, and ∞\infty) using optical spectroscopy and first-principles calculations. As 5dd orbitals are spatially more extended than 3dd or 4dd orbitals, it has been widely accepted that correlation effects are minimal in 5dd compounds. However, we observed a bandwidth-controlled transition from a Mott insulator to a metal as we increased nn. In addition, the artificially synthesized perovskite SrIrO3_{3} showed a very large mass enhancement of about 6, indicating that it was in a correlated metallic state

    Optimizing the Resource Requirements of Hierarchical Scheduling Systems

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    Compositional reasoning on hierarchical scheduling systems is a well-founded formal method that can construct schedulable and optimal system configurations in a compositional way. However, a compositional framework formulates the resource requirement of a component, called an interface, by assuming that a resource is always supplied by the parent components in the most pessimistic way. For this reason, the component interface demands more resources than the amount of resources that are really sufficient to satisfy sub-components. We provide two new supply bound functions which provides tighter bounds on the resource requirements of individual components. The tighter bounds are calculated by using more information about the scheduling system. We evaluate our new tighter bounds by using a model-based schedulability framework for hierarchical scheduling systems realized as Uppaal models. The timed models are checked using model checking tools Uppaal and Uppaal SMC, and we compare our results with the state of the art tool CARTS

    Avian influenza viruses in Korean live poultry markets and their pathogenic potential

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    AbstractWe surveyed live-poultry markets in Korea in 2003 and isolated 9 H9N2, 6 H3N2, and 1 H6N1 influenza viruses. Antigenic and phylogenetic analyses showed that all 9 H9N2 isolates were of A/Chicken/Korea/25232-96006/96-like lineage (which caused disease in chickens in Korea in 1996) but were different from H9N2 viruses of southeastern China. They had at least 4 genotypes and replicated in chickens but not in mice. The H3N2 and H6N1 viruses were new to Korea and were probably reassortants of avian influenza viruses from southeastern China and recent Korean H9N2 viruses. All 8 segments of the H3N2 viruses formed a single phylogenetic cluster with 99.1 to 100% homology. The H3N2 viruses replicated in chickens and mice without preadaptation, but the H6N1 virus did not. Our results show an increasingly diverse pool of avian influenza viruses in Korea that are potential pandemic influenza agents
