34,184 research outputs found

    A Kelvin bridge for resistance calibrations based on a graphene quantum Hall resistance standard: preliminary implementation

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    none10sĂŹopenMartina Marzano, Mattias Kruskopf, Alireza R. Panna, Albert Rigosi, Dinesh K. Patel, Hanbyul Jin, Stefan Cular, Luca Callegaro, Randolph E. Elmquist, Massimo OrtolanoMarzano, Martina; Kruskopf, Mattias; Panna, Alireza R.; Rigosi, Albert; Patel, Dinesh K.; Jin, Hanbyul; Cular, Stefan; Callegaro, Luca; Elmquist, Randolph E.; Ortolano, Massim

    Uncommon Chords

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    Making music with the power to unite, Sung Jin Hong \u2797 and his One World Symphony offer something different to New York City\u27s crowded cultural scene

    Five Questions (and Answers) About “Autumn Gem”

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    At the beginning of March, Rae Chang and Adam Tow came to UC Irvine to show their docudrama about the life of Qiu Jin, Autumn Gem (see here for their blog post about the UCI event, and here for a list of upcoming screenings around the country). The movie traces the life of “China’s first feminist,” Qiu Jin (1875-1907), who was a leader in both the nationalist and women’s movements and was executed at the age of 32 for her involvement in a plot to overthrow the Qing government. Hailed as a revolutionary martyr in China, Qiu Jin is little known outside the country, but the Autumn Gem screenings are bringing her story to American audiences. After seeing the movie, I wanted to learn more about its development, and conducted this brief interview with Rae Chang by e-mail

    Why Jin\u27s (金ćșž) Martial Arts Novels Are Adored Only by the Chinese

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    In his article Why Jin\u27s Martial Arts Novels Are Adored Only by the Chinese Henry Yiheng Zhao posits that while the martial arts novel has a long history in China and that its modern school boasts of a number of authors of extraordinary popularity. Yong Jin (金ćșž) is the best known among them and his novels are read by Chinese wherever they are. Yet, English translations of his works have failed to impress. Zhao attempts to find out what is uniquely Chinese in Jin\u27s novels and that makes his literary achievements ignored in the rest of the world. Zhao posits that Jin\u27s novels are based on specific Chinese traditional ethical codes, although Jin often subverts them in favor of spiritual values shared in Chinese culture

    Color and Kinematic Interference Influence on the Probability of Color Singlet Chain States

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    In popular event generators of high energy reaction, the large Nc, the number of color approximation is implied, which reduces the possible interference effects, and the probability of color singlet chain reaches to about 100%. In Nc=3Nc=3 real world, we show that not only the color interference decreases this probability to 83%, 77%, 72%, ......, respectively to n=2n=2, 3, 4, ......, {in the process of}e+e−⟶qqˉ+nge^+e^-{\longrightarrow}q\bar {q}+ng final state, but also the accompanying kinematic interference exists, which decreases this probability to about 67%, 58%, ......, further. In the meanwhile, we fin d that the kinematic interference makes the probability of color separate singlet states increases synchronously. Combing and analyzing above facts, we infer that the probability of color singlet chain states in high energy e+e−⟶hâ€Čs{e^+e^-}{\longrightarrow}{h's} reaction would be much smaller than 100%, which is commonly accepted. And the fraction of other color connec tion states, e.g.e.g., color separate singlet states should be significant.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures (in eps) talk given at XXXI International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics, Sep. 1-7, 2001, Datong China at http://ismd31.ccnu.edu.cn

    AUTUMN GEM: The Story of Modern China’s First Feminist Interactive Textbook

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    With all my heart I beseech and beg my two hundred million female compatriots to assume their responsibility as citizens. Arise! Arise! Chinese women, arise! - Qiu Jin The story of the Chinese revolutionary martyr Qiu Jin comes to life in an interactive textbook for the iPad. A key figure in China\u27s nascent feminist and nationalist movements, Qiu Jin (1875-1907) boldly spoke out against foot binding and other oppressive practices and demanded equal opportunities for women. She attempted an armed uprising against the Qing Dynasty and became the first female martyr for China\u27s 1911 Revolution. Qiu Jin is celebrated as a national heroine today. Based on an original documentary film, the AUTUMN GEM iBook uses narrative text, video clips of scholar interviews, dramatic reenactments based on Qiu Jin\u27s original writings, and image galleries to explore the life and work of Qiu Jin and her significance in the history of the women\u27s movement in China. We will discuss our creative process as artists working in an emerging electronic book format, spotlighting the potential of digital media publishing as a new distribution avenue for authors, artists, and filmmakers. The presentation will be illustrated by a demonstration of the interactive features of the textbook

    Eksistensi Jin Perspektif Fakhruddin al-Razy dan Ibn Arabi

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    Al-Qur’an menjelaskan bagaimana wujud dari segala ciptaan (makhluk) Allah, diantaranya manusia, malaikat, jin, syetan, iblis, dan lain sebagainya. Makhluk yang kasat (ghaib) masih menjadi bahasan menarik karena terjadi perbedaan pendapat daripada filsafat dan tasawuf. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini akan membahas dari tafsir Al-Qur’an yang akan menjelaskan perbedaan corak penafsiran, khususnya pada Tafsir Mafatihul Ghaib karya Ar-Razi dan Tafsir Ibn ‘Arabi karya Ibnu ‘Arabi dalam Q.S Ar-Rahman [78]: 56 dan Q.S al-Jin [72]: 8-9. Jenis Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan library research dan metode deskriptif analisis. Hasil Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa eksistensi Jin menurut Fakhruddin ar-Razi dalam Tafsir Mafatih al-Ghaib disebutkan sebagai makhluk yang diciptakan dari api panas dan memiliki kemampuan untuk menembus angkasa dan mendengar percakapan penghuni-penghuninya tetapi kini langit telah dijaga dan ada semburan api yang dapat membakar mereka bila jin itu mendekat. Sedangkan menurut ibn Arabi eksistensi jin adalah hawa nafsu manusia yang memiliki kemampuan mencuri (pikiran) manusia agar mengikuti pada keraguan, kembali kepada masa yang belum ada adab dan tidak ada syariah

    Marianne Fangting Chen, violin and Yu Jin, piano, February 4, 2017

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    This is the concert program of the Marianne Fangting Chen, violin and Yu Jin, piano performance on Saturday, February 4, 2017 at 4:00 p.m., at the Concert Hall, 855 Commonwealth Avenue. Works performee were Sonata for Violin and Piano in A major, OP. 162, D. 574 by Franz Schubert, Violin concerto NO. 2 in G minor, Op. 63 by Sergei Prokofiev, and 3 Preludes for Violin and Piano by George Gershwin, arranged by Jascha Heifetz. Digitization for Boston University Concert Programs was supported by the Boston University Humanities Library Endowed Fund

    Explanation on “Xue Bi” syndrome in Jin Kui Yao Lue

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    ‘Xue Bi’ syndrome was first described in the book ‘Jin Kui Yao Lue’ (Synopsis of Prescriptions of the Golden Chamber’), originally a part of ‘Shang Han Za Bing Lun’ (Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases) written by Dr Zhang Zhong-jing in the East Han Dynasty. In Chapter 6 “On Pulse and Symptoms and Treatments of Xue Bi èĄ€ç—č’ and Xu Lao è™šćŠłâ€ Dr Zhang Zhong-jing said that, “the patient suffering from ‘xue bi’ syndrome with weak pulse palpable both superficially and deeply on the ‘cun’ and ‘guan’ positions, a thin and tense pulse on the ‘chi’ position, and an external symptom is numbness of the limbs like that of ‘feng bi’ ( wind paralysis), 
.’. On the reason of ‘Xue Bi’, Dr Zhang Zhong-jing said that, “powerful and wealthy people generally have weak bone and fat muscle. If they slept without cover after being exhausted with sweating, they could be attacked by slight wind; as a result, Xue Bi may occur.” Today, most of scholars believe that ‘Xue Bi’ belongs to categories of symptoms of peripheral neuritis and other conditions
