52 research outputs found

    A Systematic Study of The Optical to X-ray Spectral Properties of Active Galactic Nuclei

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    In this thesis I present a detailed study of the optical to X-ray spectral properties of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN). We propose a new broadband SED model which combines the standard accretion disc emission, low and high temperature Comptonisation components by introducing a corona radius. Applying the new models to broadband spectral data, we found that RX J0136.9-3510 and RE J0134+396 have similar {\it rms} spectra and broadband SEDs, representing a distinct spectral state which can only be attained by super Eddington flows. A detailed optical and X-ray spectral analysis is then carried out for a big sample of 51 unobscured nearby type 1 AGNs. We find that NLS1s tend to have softer 2-10 keV spectra, lower black hole mass, higher Eddington ratio, higher αox\alpha_{ox} index and smaller coronal radius. The edge of Balmer continuum is shifted redwards and smoothed by more than predicted by the FWHM of the Balmer emission lines. A new method called `Correlation Spectra Technique (CST)' is proposed, which is powerful for multi-waveband spectral analysis. We find that among the three Balmer line components, the broad component has the best correlation with hard X-ray emission. Optical oxygen forbidden lines all well correlate with the hard X-ray emission. We conducted a systematic cross-correlation among the 9 key SED parameters: Γ2−10keV\Gamma_{2-10keV}, κ2−10keV\kappa_{2-10keV}, κ5100A\kappa_{5100A}, λEdd\lambda_{Edd}, FWHMHβ_{H\beta}, MBH_{BH}, αox\alpha_{ox}, Lbol_{bol} and L2−10keV_{2-10keV}, and found the driven parameters to be MBH_{BH}, λEdd\lambda_{Edd} and Lbol_{bol} (or equivalently M˙\dot{M}). AGN's intrinsic SEDs exhibit strong diversity and changes similarly with λEdd\lambda_{Edd}, κ2−10keV\kappa_{2-10keV}, κ5100\kappa_{5100}, Γ2−10keV\Gamma_{2-10keV}, FWHMHβ_{H\beta} and MBH_{BH}. However, the SED shape is not sensitive to Lbol_{bol}

    Probing the Interstellar Dust towards the Galactic Centre: Dust Scattering Halo around AX J1745.6-2901

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    AX J1745.6-2901 is an X-ray binary located at only 1.45 arcmin from Sgr A*, showcasing a strong X-ray dust scattering halo. We combine Chandra and XMM-Newton observations to study the halo around this X-ray binary. Our study shows two major thick dust layers along the line of sight (LOS) towards AX J1745.6-2901. The LOS position and NHN_{H} of these two layers depend on the dust grain models with different grain size distribution and abundances. But for all the 19 dust grain models considered, dust Layer-1 is consistently found to be within a fractional distance of 0.11 (mean value: 0.05) to AX J1745.6-2901 and contains only (19-34)% (mean value: 26%) of the total LOS dust. The remaining dust is contained in Layer-2, which is distributed from the Earth up to a mean fractional distance of 0.64. A significant separation between the two layers is found for all the dust grain models, with a mean fractional distance of 0.31. Besides, an extended wing component is discovered in the halo, which implies a higher fraction of dust grains with typical sizes ≲\lesssim 590 \AA\ than considered in current dust grain models. Assuming AX J1745.6-2901 is 8 kpc away, dust Layer-2 would be located in the Galactic disk several kpc away from the Galactic Centre (GC). The dust scattering halo biases the observed spectrum of AX J1745.6-2901 severely in both spectral shape and flux, and also introduces a strong dependence on the size of the instrumental point spread function and the source extraction region. We build Xspec models to account for this spectral bias, which allow us to recover the intrinsic spectrum of AX J1745.6-2901 free from dust scattering opacity. If dust Layer-2 also intervenes along the LOS to Sgr A* and other nearby GC sources, a significant spectral correction for the dust scattering opacity would be necessary for all these GC sources.Comment: 20 pages, published by MNRAS; revised values in Table-1 and Table-B

    Effects of Interstellar Dust Scattering on the X-ray Eclipses of the LMXB AX J1745.6-2901 in the Galactic Center

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    AX J1745.6-2901 is an eclipsing low mass X-ray binary (LMXB) in the Galactic Centre (GC). It shows significant X-ray excess emission during the eclipse phase, and its eclipse light curve shows an asymmetric shape. We use archival XMM-Newton and Chandra observations to study the origin of these peculiar X-ray eclipsing phenomena. We find that the shape of the observed X-ray eclipse light curves depends on both photon energy and the shape of the source extraction region, and also shows differences between the two instruments. By performing detailed simulations for the time-dependent X-ray dust scattering halo, as well as directly modelling the observed eclipse and non-eclipse halo profiles of AX J1745.6-2901, we obtained solid evidence that its peculiar eclipse phenomena are indeed caused by the X-ray dust scattering in multiple foreground dust layers along the line-of-sight (LOS). The apparent dependence on the instruments is caused by different instrumental point-spread-functions. Our results can be used to assess the influence of dust scattering in other eclipsing X-ray sources, and raise the importance of considering the timing effects of dust scattering halo when studying the variability of other X-ray sources in the GC, such as Sgr A*. Moreover, our study of halo eclipse reinforces the existence of a dust layer local to AX J1745.6-2901 as reported by Jin et al. (2017), as well as identifying another dust layer within a few hundred parsecs to Earth, containing up to several tens of percent LOS dust, which is likely to be associated with the molecular clouds in the Solar neighbourhood. The remaining LOS dust is likely to be associated with the molecular clouds located in the Galactic disk in-between.Comment: 25 pages, 18 figures, 5 tables, accepted by MNRA

    Exploring the Interstellar Medium Using an Asymmetric X-ray Dust Scattering Halo

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    SWIFT J1658.2-4242 is an X-ray transient discovered recently in the Galactic plane, with severe X-ray absorption corresponding to an equivalent hydrogen column density of NH,abs∼2×1023N_{\rm H,abs}\sim2\times10^{23} cm−2^{-2}. Using new Chandra and XMM-Newton data, we discover a strong X-ray dust scattering halo around it. The halo profile can be well fitted by the scattering from at least three separated dust layers. During the persistent emission phase of SWIFT J1658.2-4242, the best-fit dust scattering NH,scaN_{\rm H,sca} based on the COMP-AC-S dust grain model is consistent with NH,absN_{\rm H,abs}. The best-fit halo models show that 85-90 percent of the intervening gas and dust along the line of sight of SWIFT J1658.2-4242 are located in the foreground ISM in the Galactic disk. The dust scattering halo also shows significant azimuthal asymmetry, which appears consistent with the inhomogeneous distribution of foreground molecular clouds. By matching the different dust layers to the distribution of molecular clouds along the line of sight, we estimate the source distance to be ∼\sim10 kpc, which is also consistent with the results given by several other independent methods of distance estimation. The dust scattering opacity and the existence of a halo can introduce a significant spectral bias, the level of which depends on the shape of the instrumental point spread function and the source extraction region. We create the Xspec dscor model to correct for this spectral bias for different X-ray instruments. Our study reenforces the importance of considering the spectral effects of dust scattering in other absorbed X-ray sources.Comment: 21 pages, 13 figures, 6 tables, accepted for publication in Ap

    Super-Eddington QSO RX J0439.6-5311 – II. Multiwavelength constraints on the global structure of the accretion flow

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    We present a detailed multiwavelength study of an unobscured, highly super-Eddington Type-1 QSO RX J0439.6-5311. We combine the latest XMM–Newton observation with all archival data from infrared to hard X-rays. The optical spectrum is very similar to that of 1H 0707-495 in having extremely weak [O III] and strong Fe II emission lines, although the black hole mass is probably slightly higher at 5-10 × 106 M⊙. The broad-band spectral energy distribution is uniquely well defined due to the extremely low Galactic and intrinsic absorption, so the bolometric luminosity is tightly constrained. The optical/UV accretion disc continuum is seen down to 900 Å, showing that there is a standard thin disc structure down to R ≥ 190–380 Rg and determining the mass accretion rate through the outer disc. This predicts a much higher bolometric luminosity than observed, indicating that there must be strong wind and/or advective energy losses from the inner disc, as expected for a highly super-Eddington accretion flow. Significant outflows are detected in both the narrow-line region (NLR) and broad-line region (BLR) emission lines, confirming the presence of a wind. We propose a global picture for the structure of a super-Eddington accretion flow where the inner disc puffs up, shielding much of the potential NLR material, and show how inclination angle with respect to this and the wind can explain very different X-ray properties of RX J0439.6-5311 and 1H 0707-495. Therefore, this source provides strong supporting evidence that ‘simple’ and ‘complex’ super-Eddington NLS1s can be unified within the same accretion flow scenario but with different inclination angles. We also propose that these extreme NLS1s could be the low-redshift analogues of weak emission-line quasars

    Wavelength Dependences of the Optical/UV and X-ray Luminosity Correlations of Quasars

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    The inter-band correlations between optical/UV and X-ray luminosities of active galactic nuclei (AGN) are important for understanding the disc-coronal connection, as well as using AGN as standard candles for cosmology. It is conventional to measure the X-ray luminosity at rest frame 2 keV and compare to the UV luminosity at the rest-frame 2500 \AA, but the wavelength-dependence was never well explored. In this work, we adopt a well-defined sample of 1169 unobscured quasars in the redshift range 0.13 - 4.51, and apply the direct-correlation method to explore how the correlation with the 2 keV luminosity changes at different optical/UV wavelengths, from 1280 - 5550 \AA\ where the spectral quality is high. We find that the luminosity at all UV continuum wavelengths correlates with the X-ray luminosity similarly to that at 2500 \AA, and that these correlations are better than at the optical wavelengths. Strong self-correlation is also found in the broadband optical/UV continuum, supporting the scenario that it is dominated by the disc emission. Correlations of various emission lines are also investigated (e.g. C IV, C III], Mg II, Hβ\beta, [O III]λλ4959/5007\lambda\lambda 4959/5007), including the Baldwin effect and correlations involving line-widths. We find the forms of these line correlations are different, and they are also different from their underlying continua, suggesting various complexities in the line-generation process. We discuss these results in the disc-wind scenario. Our study confirms that the rest-frame 2500 \AA\ is a good wavelength to represent the optical/UV continual properties of quasars, and shows the advantages of the direct-correlation method.Comment: 18 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    A physically-based model of the ionizing radiation from active galaxies for photoionization modeling

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    We present a simplified model of Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN) continuum emission designed for photoionization modeling. The new model {\sc oxaf} reproduces the diversity of spectral shapes that arise in physically-based models. We identify and explain degeneracies in the effects of AGN parameters on model spectral shapes, with a focus on the complete degeneracy between the black hole mass and AGN luminosity. Our re-parametrized model {\sc oxaf} removes these degeneracies and accepts three parameters which directly describe the output spectral shape: the energy of the peak of the accretion disk emission EpeakE_\mathrm{peak}, the photon power-law index of the non-thermal emission Γ\Gamma, and the proportion of the total flux which is emitted in the non-thermal component pNTp_\mathrm{NT}. The parameter EpeakE_\mathrm{peak} is presented as a function of the black hole mass, AGN luminosity, and `coronal radius' of the {\sc optxagnf} model upon which {\sc oxaf} is based. We show that the soft X-ray excess does not significantly affect photoionization modeling predictions of strong emission lines in Seyfert narrow-line regions. Despite its simplicity, {\sc oxaf} accounts for opacity effects where the accretion disk is ionized because it inherits the `color correction' of {\sc optxagnf}. We use a grid of {\sc mappings} photoionization models with {\sc oxaf} ionizing spectra to demonstrate how predicted emission-line ratios on standard optical diagnostic diagrams are sensitive to each of the three {\sc oxaf} parameters. The {\sc oxaf} code is publicly available in the Astrophysics Source Code Library.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in Ap
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