417 research outputs found

    Computational Study of Tunneling in the Electrocyclic Reactions of Helical Systems

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    Chemical reactions can proceed by passing over the reaction barrier and/or by tunneling through the barrier––the latter being a quantum mechanical effect. From biochemistry to astrochemistry, tunneling dominates the rates of many reactions, provided the reaction barrier is narrow enough. Tunneling by heavy atoms (e.g. carbon) is known to contribute to some pericyclic reactions. Helical systems give rise to electrocyclic reactions that are exceptions to the Woodward-Hoffmann rules. Solomek et al. observed that the electrocyclic ring closure of a cethrene derivative occurs via a forbidden pathway, and they reported a measured activation energy (14.1 kcal/mol) much lower than the calculated energy barrier, suggesting a significant contribution from tunneling. We report computational results on the potential energy surfaces and tunneling contributions for the electrocyclic ring closures of two model systems, C14H12 and C16H12, to further understand the contribution of heavy-atom tunneling in the electrocyclic reactions of helical systems. Barrier heights, distances moved by the reacting carbons, barrier widths, and tunneling transmission coefficients computed with Bell’s formula are presented and compared with the parent electrocyclization of 1,3,5-hexatriene

    Dream Builder

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    Dream Builder es una aplicación que te ayudará de manera cotidiana a materializar tus metas financieras a través del ahorro. Todo al alcance de un "touch"Dream Builder it is an app that will help you, on a daily basis, to realize your financial goals though savings, within reach of a "touch".Universidad del Rosari

    Deciphering Psilocybin: Cytotoxicity, Anti-inflammatory Effects, and Mechanistic Insights

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    A decade of clinical research indicates psilocybin\u27s effectiveness in treating various neuropsychiatric disorders, such as depression and substance abuse. The correlation between increased pro-inflammatory cytokines and the severity of neuropsychiatric symptoms, along with the known anti-inflammatory potential of some psychedelics, suggests an immunomodulatory role for psilocybin. This study aims to understand psilocybin\u27s mechanism of action by investigating the cytotoxic and immunomodulatory effects of psilocybin and psilocin on both resting and LPS-activated RAW 264.7 murine macrophages

    Drying kinetics modeling of apple and zucchini slices vacuum impregnated with anthocyanins

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    The aim of this research was to study the drying kinetics of apple and zucchini slices enriched with anthocyanins and to evaluate the influence of drying temperature on the anthocyanin content of apple and zucchini snacks. Apple (Granny Smith) and zucchini (Cucurbita pepo) slices were enriched with anthocyanins by vacuum impregnation with blueberry juice. Then, slices were dehydrated at 40, 50 and 60 ºC with 1.0 m/s air flow. Dehydrated samples were referred to as anthocyanin enriched snacks. Diffusion coefficient values improved by increasing the drying temperature, within the 2.81×10-10 to 5.78×10-10 m2/s range for apple slices and 2.02×10-10 to 3.99×10-10 m2/s for zucchini slices. The activation energy was 31.19 kJ/mol and 80.33 kJ/mol for apple and zucchini slices respectively. Page, Weibull, Logarithmic, Henderson-Pabis and Lewis models best fitted the experimental data. Snacks obtained at 60 °C retained a higher concentration of anthocyanins, reaching values of 592.81±52.55 and 464.62±48.44 mg of cyaniding-3-glucoside equivalent/kg dry matter in apple and zucchini snacks respectively. Combination of vacuum impregnation and hot air drying was a technological alternative for producing snacks with functional properties

    To Provide a Double Feeder in Growing Pigs Housed under High Environmental Temperatures Reduces Social Interactions but Does Not Improve Weight Gains

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    Heat stress and competition for food are two major challenges in pigs reared in intensive conditions. The aim of the present work was to study the e ect of providing a double feeder for pigs reared under two di erent environmental temperatures. In addition, two types of flooring, of 100% slat and 30% slat 70% concrete, were also considered. A total of 256 pigs in the growing-finishing period (from 27 kg to 110 kg) were housed using two environmental temperatures: control (from 18 C to 25 C) and heat stress (above 30 C six hours a day). They were housed in 32 pens of 8 pigs each, distributed into 4 rooms (16 with one feeder and 16 with two). Pigs subjected to temperatures above 30 C up to six hours had lower body weight gains than pigs subjected to a maximum temperature of 25 C, confirming that thermal stress negatively a ects performance in pigs. In addition, heat stress a ected the final product by decreasing the lean percentage of carcasses by 2.6%. A double feeder reduced the presence of negative social behavior, especially in the feeding area, but body weight was lower than when one single feeder was used. A 30% slat 70% concrete floor showed better results in the pig stress indicators and body weights than 100% slat. It is concluded that providing a double feeder in the pens, although reducing the presence of negative social interactions, negatively a ected body weight, in comparison to pigs fed with just one feeder.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Popularity Comparison between E-Commerce and Traditional Retail Business

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    People around the world are becoming increasingly busy with their lifestyle and are looking for the fastest, easiest and cheapest way to complete variety of our routine tasks. Because of this phenomenon, the traditional retailers have become an unfriendly alternative for a part of the population for a variety of purchases. The main benefit of e-commerce is that people can purchase wherever they are, without having to leave home, and finding everything they need just by typing a couple of words. This paper investigates the importance of e-commerce in the daily lives of people. In order to do so the paper conducted an analysis of secondary data sources and have undertaken a sample survey. It should be noted that the research is in the global context and survey participants are from various countries in Europe, Americas and Asia. The findings of this research suggest that consumers are still sceptic regarding accurate delivery of products purchased online; suitability of payment methods; and the use of personal data harvested by the online retailers

    Effect of light stress and concentrations of nitrogen and carbon in the production of phytonutrients in the microalga Scenedesmus obliquus (Chlorophyceae, Chlorococcales)

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    Under stress conditions microalgae produce phytonutrients. However, it is necessary to determine the environmentalconditions that stimulate phytonutrient biosynthesis. We evaluate growth kinetic models and the influence of sodium nitrateand sodium acetate concentrations, as well as the irradiance in the production of total carotenoids, total phenols and proteinsin culture of Scenedesmus obliquus (Turpin) Kützing. The microalga was cultivated in Arnon medium in bioreactors with a 16:8light-darkness photoperiod. When the stationary phase was reached, sodium acetate (0, 2.5, 5 g/L) and sodium nitrate (0.27,44.00, 87.73 g/L) were incorporated and the irradiance [36.7, 69.5, 102.3 µmol/(m2s)] was modified to generate stressconditions. Growth was successfully predicted by the Gompertz model. The maximum content of protein was 4.92 mg/g dwcand of total phenols was 2.31 mg/g dwc using 2.5 g/L sodium acetate, 44 g/L sodium nitrate and irradiance of 65.9 µmol/(m2s).The maximum production of total carotenoids was 374.30 mg -carotene/g dwc with 5 g/L of sodium acetate, 0.27 g/L ofsodium nitrate and irradiance of 65.9 µmol/(m2s). The results showed that this microalga has potential application in the foodindustry in order to improve its nutritional and functional properties.Fil: Zapata, Luz Marina. Universidad Nacional de Entre Rios. Facultad de Ciencias de la Alimentacion. Laboratorio de Análisis de Metales En Alimentos y Otros Sustratos.; ArgentinaFil: Jimenez Veuthey, Mariana. Universidad Nacional de Entre Rios. Facultad de Ciencias de la Alimentacion. Laboratorio de Análisis de Metales En Alimentos y Otros Sustratos.; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Zampedri, Patricia Andrea. Universidad Nacional de Entre Rios. Facultad de Ciencias de la Alimentacion. Laboratorio de Análisis de Metales En Alimentos y Otros Sustratos.; ArgentinaFil: Flores, Agustina. Universidad Nacional de Entre Rios. Facultad de Ciencias de la Alimentacion. Laboratorio de Análisis de Metales En Alimentos y Otros Sustratos.; ArgentinaFil: Zampedri, Carolina Ayelen. Universidad Nacional de Entre Rios. Facultad de Ciencias de la Alimentacion. Laboratorio de Análisis de Metales En Alimentos y Otros Sustratos.; ArgentinaFil: Chabrillón, Guillermina. Universidad Nacional de Entre Rios. Facultad de Ciencias de la Alimentacion. Laboratorio de Análisis de Metales En Alimentos y Otros Sustratos.; Argentin

    Lanzamiento de bebida energizante “Boom Power”

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    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo el lanzamiento al mercado de la bebida energizante “Boom Power” hecha a base de insumos naturales como la maca, el ginseng y el extracto de Yacón, productos que funcionan como excelentes estimulantes y antioxidantes para el consumo humano. Boom Power está dirigido al segmento de consumidores del nivel socioeconómico A, B y C, los cuales están interesados en repotenciar su energía y aumentar su resistencia física y mental manteniendo su estilo de vida saludable y natural. Según el informe de Tendencias clave 2022 de Lima, Perú, Passport Euromonitor, los niveles de conciencia sobre la salud, acelerados por el covid -19, influyeron en la compra de bebidas reducidas en azúcar y naturales. [Además], alentó a las personas a practicar deportes y ejercicios. Aprovechando tales oportunidades que brinda el mercado, una bebida energética con insumos naturales como Boom Power, cumplirá la función de ofrecer la misma energía con el valor agregado de presentar menos calorías. Para lo cual se ha desarrollado un análisis del público objetivo, y basados en sus preferencias, se ha realizado una propuesta de estrategia integral de lanzamiento, una campaña publicitaria y un spot.The objective of this work is to launch the energy drink "Boom Power" made from natural ingredients such as maca, ginseng and Yacon extract, products that work as excellent stimulants and antioxidants for human consumption. Boom Power is aimed at the consumer segment of socioeconomic level A, B and C, who are interested in boosting their energy and increasing their physical and mental resistance while maintaining their healthy and natural lifestyle. According to Passport Euromonitor's Key Trends 2022 report from Lima, Peru, levels of health awareness, accelerated by covid -19, influenced the purchase of lowsugar and natural beverages. [In addition], he encouraged people to play sports and exercises. Taking advantage of such opportunities offered by the market, an energy drink with natural inputs such as Boom Power will fulfill the function of offering the same energy with the added value of presenting fewer calories. For which an analysis of the target audience has been developed, and based on their preferences, a comprehensive launch strategy proposal, an advertising campaign and a spot have been made

    Treatment of an agro-industrial effluent using the native freshwater microalgae Scenedesmus obliquus from the Salto Grande Reservoir (Entre Ríos, Argentina)

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    Los efluentes agroindustriales presentan elevados niveles de contaminantes, los cuales deben removerse antes de su vertido a las cuencas receptoras para prevenir el fenómeno de eutrofización. Es por ello que los países establecen regulaciones ambientales cada vez más exigentes. Actualmente, los procesos tecnológicos para remover contaminantes de los efluentes son muy costosos y requieren un elevado consumo energético, por lo que resulta indispensable el desarrollo de tecnologías más eficientes y sustentables. En este contexto, la ficorremediación se considera una tecnología prometedora. El objetivo del trabajo fue evaluar la eficiencia de remoción de nitrógeno total (NT), demanda química de oxígeno (DQO), fósforo total (PT) y Escherichia coli, en un efluente avícola, empleando la microalga Scenedesmus obliquus aislada del Embalse Salto Grande. Los ensayos se realizaron en biorreactores tipo columna de burbujeo, a una tasa de dilución del 20%, empleando efluente avícola y la microalga de Scenedesmus obliquus. Los parámetros evaluados a la entrada y salida del proceso fueron NT, DQO, PT y Escherichia coli. Los porcentajes de reducción alcanzados fueron 90,15%; 93,63%; 96,73% y 99,94%, respectivamente. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran la efectividad de la ficorremediación en el tratamiento del efluente empleado antes de su descarga a los recursos acuíferos.Agroindustrial effluents have high levels of contaminants, which must be removed before being discharged into the receiving basins to avoid the phenomenon of eutrophication. That is why countries establish increasingly stringent environmental regulations. Currently, technological processes to remove contaminants from effluents are very expensive and require high energy consumption; therefore, the development of more efficient and sustainable technologies is essential. In this context, phycoremediation is considered a promising technology. The aim of the work was to evaluate the removal efficiency, in poultry effluents, of total nitrogen (TN), chemical oxygen demand (COD), total phosphorus (TP) and Escherichia coli using Scenedesmus obliquus microalgae isolated from the Reservoir Salto Grande. The assays were carried out in bubble column type bioreactors, at dilution rate of 20%, using poultry effluent and Scenedesmus obliquus microalga. The parameters evaluated at the inlet and at the outlet streams of the process were TN, COD, TP and Escherichia coli. The reduction percentages achieved were 90.15%; 93.63%; 96.73% and 99.94%, respectively. The results obtained demonstrate the effectiveness of the phytoremediation in the treatment of the effluent used before its discharge in acoustic resources.Fil: Jimenez Veuthey, Mariana. Universidad Nacional de Entre Rios. Facultad de Ciencias de la Alimentacion. Laboratorio de Análisis de Metales En Alimentos y Otros Sustratos.; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnologico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnologia de Los Alimentos de Entre Rios. - Universidad Nacional de Entre Rios. Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnologia de Los Alimentos de Entre Rios.; ArgentinaFil: Zapata, Luz Marina. Universidad Nacional de Entre Rios. Facultad de Ciencias de la Alimentacion. Laboratorio de Análisis de Metales En Alimentos y Otros Sustratos.; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Flores, Maria Lujan. Universidad Nacional de Entre Rios. Facultad de Ciencias de la Alimentacion. Laboratorio de Análisis de Metales En Alimentos y Otros Sustratos.; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin