817 research outputs found

    A Binary Neural Network Framework for Attribute Selection and Prediction

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    In this paper, we introduce an implementation of the attribute selection algorithm, Correlation-based Feature Selection (CFS) integrated with our k-nearest neighbour (k-NN) framework. Binary neural networks underpin our k-NN and allow us to create a unified framework for attribute selection, prediction and classification. We apply the framework to a real world application of predicting bus journey times from traffic sensor data and show how attribute selection can both speed our k-NN and increase the prediction accuracy by removing noise and redundant attributes from the data

    2015 U.S. Transgender Survey: Report on the Experiences of American Indian and Alaska Native Respondents

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    This report highlights the specific experiences of transgender American Indians and Alaska Natives in many areas of life. It builds upon NCTE's groundbreaking 2015 U.S. Transgender Survey—the largest ever survey of transgender people in the nation, with nearly 28,000 respondents.Findings from the full USTS report revealed the disturbing patterns of discrimination and mistreatment that transgender people in the survey faced. These experiences were amplified for transgender people of color, including transgender American Indians and Alaska Natives, who faced deeper and broader forms of mistreatment in many of the most basic elements of life

    Geodynamic implications for zonal and meridional isotopic patterns across the northern Lau and North Fiji Basins

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    We present new Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf-He isotopic data for sixty-five volcanic samples from the northern Lau and North Fiji Basin. This includes forty-seven lavas obtained from forty dredge sites spanning an east-west transect across the Lau and North Fiji basins, ten ocean island basalt (OIB)-type lavas collected from seven Fijian islands, and eight OIB lavas sampled on Rotuma. For the first time we are able to map clear north-south and east-west geochemical gradients in 87Sr/86Sr across the northern Lau and North Fiji Basins: lavas with the most geochemically enriched radiogenic isotopic signatures are located in the northeast Lau Basin, while signatures of geochemical enrichment are diminished to the south and west away from the Samoan hotspot. Based on these geochemical patterns and plate reconstructions of the region, these observations are best explained by the addition of Samoa, Rurutu, and Rarotonga hotspot material over the past 4 Ma. We suggest that underplated Samoan material has been advected into the Lau Basin over the past ∼4 Ma. As the slab migrated west (and toward the Samoan plume) via rollback over time, younger and hotter (and therefore less viscous) underplated Samoan plume material was entrained. Thus, entrainment efficiency of underplated plume material was enhanced, and Samoan plume signatures in the Lau Basin became stronger as the trench approached the Samoan hotspot. The addition of subducted volcanoes to the Cook-Austral Volcanic Lineament material, first from the Rarotonga hotspot, then followed by the Rurutu hotspot, contributes to the extreme geochemical signatures observed in the northeast Lau Basin

    DataONE: Identity Management System Review

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    This document is a product of the Center for Trustworthy Scientific Cyberinfrastructure (CTSC). CTSC is supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Number OCI-1234408. For more information about the Center for Trustworthy Scientific Cyberinfrastructure please visit: http://trustedci.org/. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation

    Trusted CI Experiences in Cybersecurity and Service to Open Science

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    This article describes experiences and lessons learned from the Trusted CI project, funded by the US National Science Foundation to serve the community as the NSF Cybersecurity Center of Excellence. Trusted CI is an effort to address cybersecurity for the open science community through a single organization that provides leadership, training, consulting, and knowledge to that community. The article describes the experiences and lessons learned of Trusted CI regarding both cybersecurity for open science and managing the process of providing centralized services to a broad and diverse community.Comment: 8 pages, PEARC '19: Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing, July 28-August 1, 2019, Chicago, IL, US

    Ariel - Volume 8 Number 1

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    Executive Editor James W. Lockard, Jr. Issue Editor Michael J. Grimes Business Manager Neeraj K. Kanwal Managing Editor Edward H. Jasper University News Richard J. Perry World News William D.B. Hiller Opinions Elizabeth A. McGuire Features Patrick P. Sokas Sports Desk Shahab S. Minassian Managing Associate Brenda Peterson Photography Robert D. Lehman, Jr. Graphics Christine M. Kuhnl

    Teaching Foundational Aquatic Skills to Children in Open Water Environments

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    Learning to swim in a swimming pool might not prepare water competence sufficiently for different aquatic environments. The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of teaching children water safety knowledge and skills in open water environments (i.e., harbor, river, and surf). The aquatic knowledge and skills of 98 children (7-11 years old) were tested in a swimming pool before, immediately after, and three months after receiving a three-day intensive education program. At pre-test, typically fewer than 50% of children achieved a high level of water safety competence. After the program, competency in each of the six tasks assessed had increased with up to 80% of participants completing the tasks unassisted. Three-month retention of these skills was generally high (i.e., competency levels were either maintained or improved). A key challenge for future research will be to untangle the influences of maturation, order effects, and the open water education

    Caracterizaci?n sociodemogr?fica y cl?nica de las intoxicaciones agudas por plaguicidas en el hospital Federico Lleras Acosta del municipio de Ibagu? desde 2013-2016

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    97 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEl presente trabajo, describe las caracter?sticas sociodemogr?ficas y cl?nicas de los pacientes diagnosticados con intoxicaciones agudas por plaguicidas que ingresaron al Hospital Federico Lleras Acosta del municipio de Ibagu? desde enero de 2013 a diciembre de 2016. El estudio fue de tipo observacional descriptivo, de corte transversal retrospectivo con historias cl?nicas seg?n los registros notificados tanto en el sistema de vigilancia en salud p?blica SIVIGILA como los registros Individuales de Prestaci?n de Servicios de Salud (RIPS) del Hospital, durante el periodo de tiempo mencionado. Se analizaron 137 casos, de los cuales se observ? que el 50% correspond?an a personas con una edad inferior a los 20 a?os; se observ? que el 81,5% presentaron alg?n nivel educativo hasta la secundaria; el 83% pertenec?a al r?gimen subsidiado, el 60% de los pacientes proced?an del municipio de Ibagu?; el 86,8% de las intoxicaciones se presentaron en el hogar. Principalmente, las intoxicaciones fueron con fines suicidas (79,6%) y de estos el 54,1% eran mujeres; la v?a oral fue la fama de exposici?n m?s frecuente (84%). Seg?n las variables cl?nicas, el 60,6% de los plaguicidas involucrados en las intoxicaciones pertenec?an a los inhibidores de la colinesterasa, cerca del 90% no presentaban antecedentes fisiol?gicos de enfermedades, lo cual es concordante con las edades j?venes registradas que no presentan enfermedades cr?nicas; se observ? adem?s que el 45% realiz? un intento de suicidio previo; el 30% de los pacientes requiri? atenci?n en alguna de las unidades de cuidado intensivo del hospital; el 3,6% de los pacientes fallecieron. Lo anterior evidencia la necesidad de cooperaci?n entre las autoridades competentes de la salud e instituciones p?blicas para implementar medidas efectivas que prevengan las intoxicaciones agudas con plaguicidas en particular la exposici?n voluntaria y dem?s estrategias empleadas para este fen?meno de crecimiento en el municipio. Palabras clave: caracter?sticas cl?nicas, datos de exposici?n, sociodemogr?ficas, suicidio, t?xico.The present study describes the sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of patients diagnosed with acute pesticide poisonings who entered the Federico Lleras Acosta Hospital in the municipality of Ibagu? from January 2013 to december 2016. The study was descriptive, cut-type observational retrospective cross section with clinical histories according to the Individual Health Service Delivery Records (RIPS) of the Hospital, during the aforementioned period of time. 137 cases were used, of which 50% corresponded to people under the age of 20; that 81.5% undergo an educational level up to secondary school; 83% belonged to the subsidized regime, 60% of the patients came from the municipality of Ibagu?; 86.8% of poisonings occur in the home. Mainly, intoxications were with suicides (79.6%) and of these 54.1% were women; the oral route was the most frequent exposure fame (84%). According to the clinical variables, 60.6% of the pesticides involved in the intoxications belong to the cholinesterase inhibitors, about 90% did not present a physiological background of diseases, which is consistent with the young ages registered that do not present chronic diseases; it is also recorded that 45% made a suicide attempt; 30% of the patients required attention in the intensive care units of the hospital; 3.6% of patients died. This demonstrates the need to implement programs to prevent suicide in the municipality, as well as the competent authorities of health and public institutions cooperate to implement effective measures, in addition to highlighting the importance of HFLLA to attend the subsidized regime. Keywords: clinical characteristics, exposure data, sociodemographic, suicide, toxic
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