451 research outputs found

    “The Monster behind the Monster”: An Alternative Reading of the Family in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein (Branagh, 1994).

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    ABSTRACT: This undergraduate dissertation seeks to explore and reveal the way in which the dysfunctionality of the family in the film Mary Shelley Frankenstein’s (Branagh 1994) conforms a breeding ground for the creation of a monster in psychological terms. The analysis was conducted considering the most relevant patterns and mechanisms that Victor Frankenstein instinctively follows that lead into the creation of the creature’s monstrosity. In order to carry out the analysis, two theories were chosen: the General Strain Theory (GST) and the Family Emotional System Theory (FEST), they gather and provide and explanation for all these patterns. The analysis of the film is divided into three parts. The two first sections (Societal Rejection and Family Rejection) correspond to two of the patterns gathered in the GST and the third part (Deconstructing the Monster: Victor Frankenstein) is an overall answer to the dissertation’s statement. It drives the accountability of the actual monstrosity from the creature to its creator. RESUMEN: Este Trabajo de Fin de Grado tiene como objetivo explorar y revelar la forma en que la disfuncionalidad de la familia en la película Frankenstein de Mary Shelley (Branagh 1994) conforma el caldo de cultivo perfecto para la creación de un monstruo en términos psicológicos. El análisis ha sido realizado teniendo en cuenta los patrones y mecanismos más relevantes que Víctor Frankenstein sigue instintivamente y que conducen a la creación de la monstruosidad de su creación. Para llevar a cabo el análisis se han elegido dos teorías: la Teoría de la Tensión General (TTG) y la Teoría del Sistema Emocional Familiar (TSEF), que recogen y dan explicación a todos estos patrones. El análisis de la película se divide en tres partes. Las dos primeras secciones (Rechazo social y Rechazo familiar) corresponden a dos de los patrones recogidos en la TTG y la tercera parte (Deconstrucción del monstruo: Víctor Frankenstein) es una respuesta global al enunciado de la tesis. Reconduce la responsabilidad la monstruosidad real de la criatura a su creador.<br /

    Non-Lipschitz differentiable functions on slit domains

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    It is proved the existence of large algebraic structures –including large vector subspaces or infinitely generated free algebras– inside the family of non-Lipschitz differentiable real functions with bounded gradient defined on special non-convex plane domains. In particular, this yields that there are many differentiable functions on plane domains that do not satisfy the Mean Value Theorem.Plan Andaluz de Investigación (Junta de Andalucía)Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO). Españ

    Merchants and poets adaptative strategies of Ubeda pottery

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    El objetivo de mi trabajo sería una revisión del mundo de la alfarería desde una perspectiva experiencial , científica y transversal. Me propongo una revalorización de las posibilidades expresivas y performativas de la disciplina alfarera. Realizar un análisis de las aportaciones plásticas, poéticas, socio‐culturales, éticas y turísticas en la sociedad contemporánea (segunda mitad siglo XX a la actualidad). Utilizaremos la experiencia concreta de el taller de Tito (Juan Martínez Villacañas, 1945) en Úbeda como paradigma de los cambios sufridos o provocados en este sector, su metamorfosis desde mediados del siglo XX y la hipotética validez de las aportaciones de este artesano. Su adaptación a los cambios y su aprovechamiento de los recursos turísticos.Pensamos que el trabajo es pertinente dada la escasa bibliografía existente, la parcialidad (siempre desde ópticas económicas, turísticas o antropológicas no conectadas entre si) de los trabajos anteriores, lo que ha impedido una lectura contextualizada de un fenómeno artístico‐turístico tan importante para nuestra sociedad. Creemos que en la disciplina alfarera contemporánea confluyen interesantes factores patrimoniales, artísticos, sociales y antropológicos; por lo que pueden hacer de este trabajo una interesante aportación para sus Jornadas de Investigación y Turismo.The aim of my work can be focused in a complete review about the world of pottery from an scientific and transversal perspective, based on my own experiences. My objective is to reestablish according to the expressive and performative possibilities of pottery, together with an analysis of the artistic, poetic, socio cultural, ethic and touristic contributions in modern society (second half of 20th century ­ present day) We will use the as a frame the experience and history of Tito Workshop (Juan Martinez Villacañas, 1945) in Ubeda as an example of changes occurred in this sector and the metamorphosis this art has suffered from the second half of the 20th century. This artisan, awarded with the National Prize, will provide us with his hypothetical contribution to this world, together with his adaptation and exploitation of touristic resources. We have a very high consideration for this work, as there is scarce bibliography on the topic, together with the biased (taken from non connected economic, touristic or anthropological views) perspective of former works. All this represents a handicap in order to achieve a contextualized comprehension of such an important artistic and touristic phenomenon in our society. We firmly believe that many interesting heritage, artistic social and anthropological values, giving this project an interesting contribution to your Investigation and Tourism Symposium


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    En Tumbaco, Pichincha a 2460 m.s.n.m., se evaluó el efecto de la suplementación alimenticia con sistemas nutricionales constituidos por la combinación de: levadura de cerveza (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), Indumix (mezcla mineral y vitamínica) y A-V 25 (complejo vitamínico con antibiótico) durante las etapas de gestación y recría de cuyes (Cavia porcellus). Se utilizó un diseño completamente al azar, el número de tratamientos fueron ocho, durante la etapa de gestación se utilizaron de cuatro a cinco animales por tratamiento y durante la etapa de recría se utilizaron cuatro animales machos y cuatro animales hembra por tratamiento que fueron seleccionados al azar. Las Variables analizadas fueron: incremento de peso, incremento de longitud, conversión alimenticia, consumo de balanceado, consumo de forraje,mortalidad, peso de los gazapos al nacer y análisis financiero. Durante la etapa de gestación no se presentó significancia estadística en incrementos de peso; durante la etapa de recría en gazapos machos, el tratamiento que alcanzó mayor incremento de peso y longitud fue t7 (Testigo + Levadura de cerveza + Indumix + A-V 25) con 821 g/cuy y 11,92 cm/cuy respectivamente; para el caso de gazapos hembras, el mejor tratamiento fue t7 (Testigo + Levadura de cerveza + Indumix + A-V 25) con incremento de peso de 816,5 g/cuy y un incremento de longitud de 11,80 cm/cuy . Finalmente la mejor Relación Beneficio/Costo tuvo el tratamiento t7 (Testigo + Levadura de cerveza + Indumix + A-V 25) y t6 (Testigo + Indumix + A-V 25) con un valor de 1,13 USD,B/C. // In Tumbaco, Pichincha, at 2460 meters above sea level,we assessed the effect of food supplementationwith nutritional systems constituted by the combination of: brewer’s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), Indumix (mineral and vitamins mix) and A-V 25 (vitamin complex with an antibiotic) during the gestation and rearing stages of guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus). A completely randomized design was used, with eight treatments; 4 to 5 animals were used per treatment during the gestation stage, and 4 male and 4 female subjects were used per treatment for the rearing stage; these animalswere selected randomly. The variables analyzed were:weight-gain, length increase, food conversion, concentrate consumption, fodder consumption, mortality, weight of newborns and financial analysis. There was no statistical significance during the gestation stage for weight-gain; during the rearing stage in male pups, the treatment with highest weight-gain and length increase was t7 (Control + brewer’s yeast + Indumix + A - V 25) with 821,00 g/guinea pig and 11,92 cm/guinea pig, respectively; for female pups, the best treatment was t7 (Control + brewer’s yeast + Indumix + A - V 25) with a weight-gain of 816,50g/guinea pig and length increase of 11,80 cm/guinea pig. The best Benefit/Cost ratio corresponded to t7 (Control + brewer’s yeast + Indumix + A -V 25) and t6 (Control + Indumix + A - V 25), with a B/C ratio of 1.13 USD

    Cultural diversity in social sciences. An anthropological approach to the degree of elementary education

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    Se analiza el papel de las Ciencias Sociales ante la diversidad cultural en el aula, y la ayuda de la Antropología para conocer otras realidades culturales del pasado y del presente. Desde la perspectiva de la Educación Patrimonial y la Didáctica del Objeto, en el grado de Educación Infantil, se han creado recursos que generen discursos positivos en torno a la diversidad cultural, y se presentan los resultados del trabajo con piezas americanas del Museo Nacional de Antropología.The role of the Social Sciences in the face of the cultural diversity of the classroom is analyzed, as well as the help of Anthropology to learn about other cultural realities of the past and present. From the perspective of Heritage Education and Object Didactics, the degree of Early Elementary Education, we have created resources that generate positive discourses around cultural diversity, the results of a practice with American pieces from the National Museum of Anthropology are presented

    Monte Carlo method to machine tool uncertainty evaluation

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    Currently machine tools are not only a way to make different parts based on material removal processes. These ones can be used as a measurement system too. In this way, overall inspection time is reduced and equipment productivity is increased. Nevertheless, the use of machine tool probes as measurement tool in manufacturing parts required previous works. Firstly, the machine tool accuracy should be improved, in order to reduce the influence of its geometric errors. This way, volumetric verification based on laser tracker measurement has increased strongly in the last few years, especially in long range machine tools. Secondly, calibration uncertainty should be calculated to provide measurement uncertainty. This way, the paper presents a new tool able to analyze the effect of different influence verification parameters in calibration uncertainty based on Monte Carlo method. Using real tests carried out on a milling machine and its geometric errors, the influence or laser tracker measurement noise in calibration uncertainty is studied using Monte Carlo method

    Percepción de salud, autoestima y autoconcepto físico en persones mayores en función de su actividad física

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    El propósito de este estudio es analizar la relación existente entre la Autoestima y las dimensiones que definen el Autoconcepto Físico, y la percepción de la salud en personas mayores, en relación con el nivel de práctica de actividad física que realizan. Para ello, 130 participantes de entre 63 y 75 años (M = 67.3 y DT = 3.14), fueron clasificados en dos grupos, personas físicamente activas y personas físicamente inactivas, en función del nivel de actividad física que realizan; a todos se les aplicó la Self-Esteem Scale de Rosenberg, el Physical Self-Perception Profile de Fox y Corbin y el Cuestionario de Salud SF-36 de Ware y Sherbourne. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto la relación positiva que se establece entre ser una persona físicamente activa y los mejores niveles en autoestima, condición física y competencia percibida. Además, se determina que el rol físico y emocional que desempeñan las personas en las rutinas diarias, están en relación respectivamente, con la competencia percibida y la apariencia física.The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between self-esteem and the dimensions that define physical self-concept, and the perception of health in older people, in relation to the level of physical activity practice they perform. To do this, 130 participants between 63 and 75 years old (M = 67.3 and DT = 3.14), were classified into two groups, physically active and physically inactive, depending on the level of physical activity they perform; Rosenberg's Self-Esteem Scale, Fox and Corbin's Physical Self-Perception Profile, and SF-36 Health Survey from Ware and Sherbourne were all applied to them. The results show the positive relationship established between being a physically active person and the best levels in self-esteem, physical condition and perceived competence. In addition, it is determined that the physical and emotional role played by people in daily routines, are respectively related to perceived competence and physical appearance.O objetivo deste estudo é analisar a relação entre auto-estima e as dimensões que definem o auto-conceito físico, e a percepção de saúde em idosos, em relação ao nível de atividade física que executam. Para isso, 130 participantes com idade 63 a 75 anos (M = 67,3 e SD = 3,14), foram classificados em dois grupos, fisicamente ativos e fisicamente inativos, dependendo do nível da actividade física que realizam; A Self-Esteem Scale de Rosenberg, Physical Self-Perception Profile de Fox y Corbin e o Cuestionario de Salud SF-36 de Ware e Sherbourne, foram todos aplicados a eles. Os resultados mostram a relação positiva estabelecida entre ser uma pessoa fisicamente ativa e os melhores níveis de autoestima, condição física e competência percebida. Além disso, determina-se que o papel físico e emocional desempenhado pelas pessoas nas rotinas diárias esteja relacionado, respectivamente, à competência percebida e à aparência física

    Analysis of the geometric parameters influence in PCB fixtures for 2D multipole magnetization patterning of thin layer micro-magnets

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    Magnetic actuators, magnetic gears, vibrational energy harvesters and other micro-electromagnetic devices requires micro-magnetic rotors with alternant magnetizations to optimize their performance. Different approaches have been used for multipole magnetization of micro-magnets like fixed micro-fixtures, thermomagnetic patterning or laser machining. The main limitation of the previous techniques is that the inversion of the magnetic polarizations is only partially done. In this work, a concept based on 2D multipole magnetization printing of micro-magnets is proposed and analyzed to overcome current limitations. The fixtures are designed to be printed on a standard 35 μm PCB. The dependence of the magnetizing field with respect to the geometrical parameter of the fixture is analyzed. Maps of the required current for the magnetizing fields are also given. Some design recommendations to optimize the magnetizing field and to minimize current, thus the heat, are given.Universidad de Alcal

    Miniaturized high gain flexible spiral antenna tested in human-like tissue

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    A miniaturized helical antenna is presented in this work. The antenna is flexible, it is 6100 μm long and it has a diameter of 352 μm. This antenna has such a small cross-section, that permits to be implanted in the human body with fine syringes and minimally invasive surgeries. The antenna can be used to receive power and/or send information in medical devices. The antenna is made of biocompatible materials: polytetrafluoroethylene (PFTE) and copper. The fundamental parameters of the antenna have been simulated and experimentally measured in animal human-like tissues, showing good agreement. The resonant frequency of the antenna is 4.7 GHz, with a reflection coefficient of −25.1 dB, and a gain of −4.7 dBi. As expected, the resonant frequency decreases inside biological tissues comparing to the free-space open-air measurement. Reducing the resonant frequency is an advantage because power signals can penetrate deeper into body tissues