205 research outputs found
The role of the large-scale assessment as political accountability in the mexican educational system
En la actualidad, la evaluación a gran escala que se realiza mediante instrumentos estandarizados de aplicación nacional e internacional es una de las herramientas más utilizadas para el conocimiento y monitoreo del estatus de los sistemas educativos. Los resultados que este tipo de evaluación arrojan suelen ser esperados por los diversos actores educativos, dado que son un insumo importante para conocer los avances de los estudiantes. Con la finalidad de comprender de manera particular el papel de este tipo de evaluaciones dentro de las políticas educativas en México, el presente artículo hace uso de datos teóricos e históricos para analizar la relación entre las políticas económicas de las últimas décadas a nivel internacional y el uso de la evaluación a gran escala como mecanismo de rendición de cuentas dentro del sistema educativo mexicano. Derivado del análisis presentado, se concluye que el uso de este tipo de evaluación por parte del sistema educativo mexicano se da como consecuencia de una constante búsqueda de competitividad económica internacionalAt present, the large-scale assessment that is performed by standardized instruments of national and international administration is one of the most relevant tools for understanding and monitoring the status of the educational systems. The results that this kind of assessment release are usually expected by a diversity of stakeholders, as those results are an important input to understand the progress of students. In order to understand the role of this kind of assessment in educational policy in México, this article makes use of theoretical and historical data to analyze the relationship between the economic policies of recent decades at the international level and the use of large-scale assessment as a mechanism of accountability within the Mexican education system. Derived from the presented analysis, it is concluded that the use of this type of evaluation by the Mexican educational system is given as a result of a constant search for international economic competitivenes
A look at the quality of Primary Education in Baja California, Mexico: School marginalization and equity in its results
El problema fundamental al que se orienta la presente investigación es la equidad en la educación primaria en México, particularmente en el estado de Baja California, al noroeste del país. La investigación hace uso de los resultados del Plan Nacional para la Evaluación de los Aprendizajes (PLANEA) para conocer el nivel de equidad fomentado por la educación del estado. A través del análisis de las diferencias de aprendizaje entre grupos de estudiantes del último grado de primaria que asisten a escuelas con diverso nivel de marginación, la investigación concluye que las escuelas de Baja California que se encuentran en zonas con alta marginación no son un agente de reducción de brechas sociales que se relacionan con el aprendizaje de elementos básicos de lenguaje y comunicación. Se resalta la necesidad de atención a la desigualdad social, en aras de fomentar una vida con posibilidades dignas para el desarrollo.The fundamental problem addressed by this research is equity in primary education in Mexico, particularly in the state of Baja California, in the northwestern part of the country. This research uses the results provided by the National Plan for the Evaluation of Learning (PLANEA), to know the level of equity fomented by the education of the state. Through the analysis of the differences in learning between groups of students of the last grade of primary education that attend schools with different levels of marginalization; the research concludes that the schools of Baja California that are located high marginalization zones, do not function as an agent for the reduction of social gaps that are related to the learning of basic elements of language and communication. This highlights the need for attention to social inequality, in order to foster a life with decent possibilities for developmen
Professional education in Psychology and its national evaluation in Mexico: A case study
El artículo presenta el problema de la formación profesional de los psicólogos en la Universidad Autónoma de Baja California (UABC) y su evaluación al término de sus estudios. A partir de las políticas institucionales que orientan la necesidad de conocer el desempeño de los egresados mediante el Examen General para el Egreso de la Licenciatura (EGEL) –prueba de alcance nacional que se utiliza como referente de competitividad–, se buscó la identificación de factores relacionados con los resultados de un grupo de egresados de psicología, así como indagar en sus condiciones de formación profesional dentro de la universidad. Mediante el enfoque metodológico de la teoría fundamentada y el uso de grupos focales, el análisis inductivo realizado permitió identificar cuatro categorías que sirvieron de sustento para la comprensión de este caso: razones para presentar el EGEL; apoyos y preparación para el examen; opinión sobre el examen; y, opinión sobre la formación. Se concluye la necesidad de valorar si la formación del psicólogo de la UABC debe orientarse o no hacia un estándar nacional, analizar la didáctica utilizada en los procesos de enseñanza y la aparente falta de exigencia en la formación profesionalThe article presents the problem of professional education of psychologists at the Autonomous University of Baja California (UABC) and its evaluation at the end of their studies. Based on the institutional policies that guide the importance of assess the performance of graduates through the General Test for Bachelor Graduation (EGEL) -test of national scope that serves as a benchmark for competitiveness-, this investigation focused on the identification of related factors with the results of psychology graduates, as well, to investigate the conditions of their professional education. With the use of the grounded theory as a methodological approach, and the use of focus groups, the inductive analysis carried out allowed the identification of four categories that served as support for the presentation of results: reasons for presenting the EGEL; supports and preparation for the exam; opinion about the test; and, opinion on their own education. The conclusion presents the need to analyze if the psychologist education should orient to a national standard, analyze the didactics used in teaching processes and the apparent lack of exigency on professional educatio
Approchement to the relationship between emotions and happiness
The article addresses the question of happiness, particularly its relation to emotional states. The reflection starts from the review of various philosophical theories about the constitution of emotions, and later, from the Aristotelian perspective of eudaimonia, and the utilitarian vision of John Stuart Mill, discuss the role of emotional states in the constitution of happiness. The conclusion highlights the way in which happiness maintains an adjective relationship with pleasant and unpleasant emotional states; the discussion focuses on how the moral and intellectual factor favors the consolidation of happiness in practical life, beyond any emotional states.El artículo aborda la pregunta por la felicidad y su relación con las emociones. La reflexión parte de diferentes teorías filosóficas sobre la constitución de las emociones, para, a partir de la perspectiva aristotélica de la eudaimonia, y de la visión de John Stuart Mill, discutir el papel de las emociones en la constitución de la felicidad. La conclusión resalta cómo la felicidad mantiene una relación adjetiva con las emociones agradables y desagradables; la discusión se orienta respecto a cómo lo moral e intelectual favorecen la consolidación de la felicidad en la vida práctica, más allá de los estados emocionales
The National System of Researchers in Mexico as Meritocratic Mechanism of an Evaluating State
En el presente artículo se analiza el problema del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores en México (SNI) como medio de implementación de una política meritocrática del Estado. Primero se presenta una reflexión sobre la eficiencia del SNI, considerando la evolución de la participación de los investigadores mexicanos bajo la mirada analítica de la técnica del poder. Luego se analiza su papel en el capitalismo académico como un agente del Estado Evaluador. Se concluye cuestionando al Estado Mexicano frente a su responsabilidad como soporte de desarrollo de la ciencia con respecto a su actual rol como medio regulador del poder del capitalismo académico y valorándolo como un factor de desarrollo de las condiciones necesarias para mejorar el desarrollo de la investigación.This paper presents the problem of the National System of Researchers (SNI) in Mexico, as a way of the Mexican State a way to implement a meritocratic policy. The analysis that is presented relies on the efficiency of the SNI, considering the evolution of the participation of Mexican researchers, under the analytical framework of the power technique; likewise, it focuses on its role as a mechanism of implementation of the policy of academic capitalism as an agent of the Evaluating State. The paper concludes by questioning the role of the Mexican State in its responsibility as a support for the development of science regarding its role as a way of regulator of the power of academic capitalism and valuing it as a factor of development of the necessary conditions to improve the development of research
A avaliação de graduados de formação profissional no México: Um reflexo da implementação da política de concorrência no ensino superior
The purpose of this paper is to describe the academic-political use of the evaluation of school exit for undergraduate in Mexico. Through a documentary review of Mexican higher education's emphasis on competitiveness and accountability, as well as through the analysis of the regulations of several Mexican universities, the political context in which this evaluation was generated and the institutional uses related with their results are described. It concludes the relationship between the evaluation of school exit examination for undergraduate and the social demand for competitiveness, its use as a way of an external regulation for the obtaining of professional degrees, as well as the need of studies from the perspective of higher education institutions.El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo describir el uso académico-político que ofrece la evaluación del egreso de nivel universitario en México. A través de una revisión documental sobre el énfasis que la educación superior mexicana da a la competitividad y la rendición de cuentas, así como mediante el análisis de la normatividad de diversas universidades mexicanas, se describe el contexto político en el cual se generó la evaluación del egreso de nivel universitario y los usos institucionales que se dan de sus resultados. Se concluye la relación entre la evaluación de los egresados de nivel universitario con la demanda social de mercado y competitividad, su uso como medio de regulación externa para la obtención de títulos profesionales, así como la necesidad de abordar estudios a profundidad desde la perspectiva de las instituciones de educación superior.O presente trabalho tem por objetivo descrever o uso académico-político que oferece a avaliação do nível de universitário em México. Mediante uma revisão documental sobre as energias que a educação superior mexicana da competitividade e rendição de contas, assim como através da análise da normatividade de diversas universidades mexicanas, descrevem o contexto político no qual são gerados a avaliação do nível do universitário e os usos institucionais que se danificam dos resultados. Se concluir a relação entre a avaliação do nível de universitário com a demanda social de competitividade, o uso como o meio de regulação externa paraa obtenção de qualificações profissionais, assim como a necessidade de abordar estudos a partir da perspectiva das instituições de educação superior
From discourse to action: Educational quality as an interpretable concept
El artículo plantea la complejidad e implicaciones de la conceptualización del término calidad educativa en la educación superior. La calidad educativa ha permeado en el discurso y ha sido estandarte de políticas educativas desde hace más de 30 años en América Latina. Bajo ese contexto, el objetivo del estudio fue analizar de qué manera se presenta el término calidad en un contexto institucional específico e identificar la claridad o falta de ella en el discurso. Por medio de un análisis textual en el que se retomaron los conceptos de significante vacío y significante flotante de Laclau (1996), se concluye que la calidad es un término que depende completamente de la interpretaciónThe article poses the complexity and implications of conceptualizing the term educational quality in higher education. Educational quality has penetrated the discourse and it has driven educational policies since more than 30 years in Latin America. Under that context, the study’s objective was to analyze in what way the term quality is presented in a specific institutional context and to identify the clarity or lack of it in the discourse. Through a textual analysis, in which Laclau's concepts of empty signifier and floating signifier were retaken (1996), it is concluded that quality is a term that depends completely on interpretatio
La política de ingreso a la Carrera Docente en México: Resultados de una supuesta idoneidad.
As a consequence of the Mexican Educational Reform of 2013, the educational system allows the entry into teaching in preschools and primary schools to professionals without preservice teacher education, as long as they demonstrate their suitability through two large-scale tests. This article describes and analyzes the implementation of the tests used in the evaluation of admission to the professional teaching service at these educational levels, and in addition, presents empirical evidence of the results of the process of entering the teaching career as a basis to question the alleged suitability in the evaluation results, both nationally and in a federal entity in the northwest of the country. Two references are observed that define the suitability of the teaching performance. The first is an instrument called Profiles, Parameters and Indicators, which serves as a general ideal of what is expected by the teaching function. The second, the standards defined in the measurement process itself. The conclusion addresses the need to review the process of evaluation of the admission to the teaching career in Mexico, as well as to analyze the implications for the devaluation of the teaching profession and the desired educational quality that the entry of professionals without the appropriate training can bring
La política de ingreso a la Carrera Docente en México: Resultados de una supuesta idoneidad.
As a consequence of the Mexican Educational Reform of 2013, the educational system allows the entry into teaching in preschools and primary schools to professionals without preservice teacher education, as long as they demonstrate their suitability through two large-scale tests. This article describes and analyzes the implementation of the tests used in the evaluation of admission to the professional teaching service at these educational levels, and in addition, presents empirical evidence of the results of the process of entering the teaching career as a basis to question the alleged suitability in the evaluation results, both nationally and in a federal entity in the northwest of the country. Two references are observed that define the suitability of the teaching performance. The first is an instrument called Profiles, Parameters and Indicators, which serves as a general ideal of what is expected by the teaching function. The second, the standards defined in the measurement process itself. The conclusion addresses the need to review the process of evaluation of the admission to the teaching career in Mexico, as well as to analyze the implications for the devaluation of the teaching profession and the desired educational quality that the entry of professionals without the appropriate training can bring
Graduation evaluation of the BA in Physical Activity and Sports of the UABC: A comprehensive achievement
Con la intención de contar con información que permita retroalimentar el programa
educativo de la Licenciatura en Actividad Física y Deportes de la Universidad
Autónoma de Baja California se realizó un ejercicio de evaluación al egreso. A través
de un enfoque de evaluación comprensiva se diseñaron dos instrumentos. El primero
de ellos enfocado en identificar los conocimientos y habilidades profesionales de los
egresados en concordancia con el currículum del programa educativo en cuestión, y,
el otro, centrado en conocer las habilidades interpersonales relacionadas con un
egreso exitoso de este nivel de estudios. Se muestran los resultados psicométricos de
los instrumentos, así como los resultados generales de los participantes en los
diferentes campus de la universidad. Se concluye la relevancia de los resultados como
un insumo para procesos de planeación didáctica y mejora curricular de la
Licenciatura en Actividad Física y Deportes; así como la importancia del enfoque de
evaluación utilizado, el cual antepone la participación de la comunidad académica en
la conformación de la información generada, así como los alcances y limitaciones de
una evaluación de este tipoWith the intention of having information to support evaluation of the educational
program of the Bachelor Degree on Physical Activity and Sports of the Autonomous
University of Baja California an assessment exercise was performed at the end of the
undergraduate education. Through a comprehensive evaluation approach, two
instruments were designed. The first of them focused on identifying the knowledge
and professional skills of the graduates in accordance with the curriculum of the
educational program in question, and the other, focused on identifying the
interpersonal skills related to a successful exit from this level of studies. The article
shows psychometric results of the instruments, as well as the general results of the
participants in the different campuses of the university. Conclusions addresses the
relevance of the results as an input for didactic planning processes and curricular
improvement of the Degree in Physical Activity and Sports. As well, the article
addresses the importance of the evaluation approach used, which highlights the
participation of the academic community in the formation of the information
generated, as well as the scope and limitations of an evaluation of this typ
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