293 research outputs found

    The Effect of Prescription Drugs and Alcohol Consumption on Intimate Partner Violence Victim Blaming

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    Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) is a public health problem with harsh consequences for women’s well-being. Social attitudes towards victims of IPV have a big impact on the perpetuation of this phenomenon. Moreover, specific problems such as the abuse of alcohol and drugs by IPV victims could have an effect on blame attributions towards them. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether the external perception (Study 1) and self-perception (Study 2) of blame were influenced by the victims’ use and abuse of alcohol or by the victims’ use of psychotropic prescription drugs. Results of the first study (N = 136 participants) showed a significantly higher blame attribution towards female victims with alcohol abuse compared to those without it. No significant differences were found on blame attributed to those with psychotropic prescription drugs abuse and the control group. Results of the second study (N = 195 female victims of interpersonal violence) showed that alcohol consumption is associated with higher self-blame and self-blame cognitions among IPV victims. However, results did not show significant differences on self-blame associated to the victims’ use of psychotropic prescription drugs. Our findings indicate that alcohol consumption, but not prescription drugs use, plays a relevant role in the attribution of blame by general population and self-blame by victims of IPV.SPANISH MINISTRY OF ECONOMY, INDUSTRY AND COMPETITIVENESS PSI2017-84703-RLOYOLA UNIVERSIT

    Promoting Sustainable and Resilient Constructive Patterns in Vulnerable Communities: Habitat for Humanity’s Sustainable Housing Prototypes in El Salvador

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    The global challenges regarding sustainability and the guarantee of minimum habitability requirements have led to the transformation of construction practices, where research has failed to achieve sufficient dissemination and findings. The purpose of this research is to promote sustainable and resilient patterns in construction in vulnerable neighbourhoods in emerging countries by disseminating techniques and mechanisms through in situ transfer workshops and by raising awareness of the environmental importance of construction. Regarding materials and methods, this paper contributes innovative insights by combining training workshops and awareness-raising sessions to promote both environmental education and sustainable and optimised habits in construction. These methods are applied and tested in a real case study in El Salvador. Subsequent to carrying out a multi-disciplinary assessment analysis, the outcomes and results have led to the design of prototypes that have obtained a global EDGE certificate on sustainable construction and efficient use of resources once the users’ testimonies, weaknesses, and strengths have been addressed. The conclusions indicate that families, volunteers, and technical workers need to be trained by promoting environmental awareness in social housing and establishing a plan for dissemination to communicate across universities and public and private institutions in order to replicate guidelines across American dry-corridor countries.University of Seville US-AYP/18/2022 US-2020UI003 US-d07/201

    Design and implementation of an EyasSat command and control center

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    The report begins with an introduction about what is space systems, what are they composed of and how can they be classified. Besides, it brie y introduces the EyasSat system and the main motivations of the work. In chapter 2 the EyasSat is thoroughly explained. The reader can find an explanation about how its subsystems work and what are their functions, how the satellite communicates with the environment and with its ground station, how it reports information and how it could be commanded. Furthermore, its limitations and some efforts to overpass them will be commented. Since the main subsystem of the EyasSat is the "ADCS" one, the following contents are devoted to explain its study and characterization. This information is encompassed in chapter 3. Once the system and their subsystems are fully understood, chapter 4 and chapter 5 are dedicated to the comprehension of the behavior of the EyasSat and also to develop the way of modifying that behavior, following user's intentions. As soon as the software is fully coded, the following actions are based on testing how the software works and how the satellite response their commanding actions. These different trials are comprised in chapter 6. Finally, the work ends with the conclusions extracted from the process and the experience obtained through it, together with some appendix that complements the information presented in the work.Ingeniería Aeroespacia

    ¿Qué tácticas de violencia sexual predicen el abandono de la relación? El papel de la dependencia hacia la pareja

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    This research was supported by a grant from the Spanish Ministry of Education to the first author (Ref. FPU14-02905) and the funding provided by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry, and Competitiveness (Ref.PSI2017-84703-R; Ref. PSI-2017-83966-R -MINECO/AEI/FEDER/UE).Intimate partner sexual violence has countless consequences for women suffering it. This research analyse the effect of the type of sexual coercion tactic and partner dependence on both the attribution of responsibility and the probability of leaving a relationship. In Study 1, six scenarios for different sexual tactics were presented (coaxing, coercion, and aggression) to 5 experts in order to select those with better evidence of content validity regarding the construct evaluated. In Study 2, the three selected scenarios were presented to 304 Spanish participants from the general population, analysing the effect of the type of tactic and dependence on attributed responsibility and the probability of leaving a relationship. Results showed that in the sexual aggression scenario, participants assigned the highest responsibility to the aggressor and showed the strongest likelihood of leaving the relationship. Further, results revealed that in the coaxing scenario, dependence had an indirect effect on the probability of leaving the relationship through a lower responsibility attributed to the aggressor. As a conclusion, this study emphasises the importance of the sexual tactic used by aggressors in individuals’ perception about sexual coercion, contributing to increasing the visibility of this unacceptable action, especially in its more subtle and normalised form.La violencia sexual en las relaciones de pareja tiene innumerables consecuencias para las mujeres que la sufren. Esta investigación analiza el efecto del tipo de táctica de coerción sexual y la dependencia de la pareja en la atribución de responsabilidad y la probabilidad de dejar la relación. En el Estudio 1 se presentaron seis escenarios sobre diferentes tácticas sexuales (persuasión, coerción y agresión) a 5 expertos con la finalidad de seleccionar a aquellos que mostraran una mayor validez de contenido con respecto al constructo evaluado. En el Estudio 2, 304 participantes leyeron los tres escenarios seleccionados y se analizó el efecto del tipo de táctica y la dependencia en la responsabilidad atribuida y en la probabilidad de dejar la relación. Los resultados mostraron que los participantes responsabilizaban más al agresor y dejarían con más probabilidad la relación en la condición de agresión sexual que en la condición de coerción sexual o persuasión sexual. Además, los resultados revelan que en el escenario más sutil (persuasión) la dependencia tiene un efecto indirecto sobre probabilidad de dejar la relación a través de una menor responsabilidad atribuida al agresor. Como conclusión, esta investigación enfatiza la importancia que tiene la táctica sexual utilizada por el agresor en la percepción de la coerción sexual, contribuyendo a aumentar la visibilidad de este acto inaceptable, especialmente en su forma más sutil y normalizada.Spanish Government FPU14-02905Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry, and Competitiveness PSI-2017-83966-R PSI2017-84703-

    Futuros profesionales sanitarios: Actitudes, gravedad percibida y voluntad de intervención en casos de violencia de género

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    Background/objective: Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a public health problem for which many victims attend to healthcare centers to alleviate the results of violence. The present study aimed to explore the relation between IPV attitudes and willingness to intervene in cases of IPV by future health professionals, considering the influence of perceived severity of IPV in this relation. Method: The sample was composed of 432 students (M = 22.89, SD = 6.36) of psychology (52.60%), nursing (26.20%), and medicine (21.20%). Sexism, IPV acceptance, perceived severity, and willingness to intervene in IPV cases were assessed. Results: The results displayed low sexism (M = 0.61, SD = 0.59) and acceptance of IPV (M = 1.05, SD = 0.06), high perceived severity (M = 9.62, SD = 0.60), and moderate willingness to intervene in cases of IPV (M = 5.20, SD = 1.16). Moreover, a conceptual model showed that more sexist attitudes were related to more acceptance of IPV, decreased perceived severity of IPV, and consequently, the willingness to intervene in cases of IPV. Conclusions: These findings highlight the importance of addressing the attitudinal and perceptive barriers of future healthcare professionals to detect and attend early to IPV from healthcare centers.Antecedentes/objetivos: La violencia de género (VG) es un problema de salud pública por el que muchas víctimas acuden a los centros de salud para aliviar las consecuencias de la violencia. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo explorar la relación entre las actitudes hacia la VG y la voluntad de intervención en casos de VG por parte de futuros profesionales sanitarios, considerando la influencia de la gravedad percibida de la VG en esta relación. Método: La muestra estuvo compuesta por 432 estudiantes (M = 22,89, DT = 6,36) de psicología (52,60%), enfermería (26,20%) y medicina (21,20%). Se evaluaron el sexismo, la aceptación de la VG, la gravedad percibida y la voluntad de intervención en casos de VG. Resultados: Los resultados mostraron bajo sexismo (M = 0,61, DT = 0,59) y aceptación de la VG (M = 1,05, DT = 0,06), así como alta percepción de gravedad (M = 9,62, DT = 0,60) y moderada voluntad de intervención en casos de VG (M = 5,20, DT = 1,16). Además, el modelo conceptual testado mostró que a más actitudes sexistas, mayor aceptación de la VG, menor percepción de la gravedad de la VG y, en consecuencia, menor voluntad de intervención en casos de VG. Conclusiones: Estos hallazgos destacan la importancia de abordar las barreras actitudinales y perceptivas de los futuros profesionales sanitarios para detectar y atender la VG precozmente desde los centros sanitarios.Ministry of Science and Innovation, Spain (MICINN) Spanish Government FPU17/0127

    An Overview of Wireless IoT Protocol Security in the Smart Home Domain

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    While the application of IoT in smart technologies becomes more and more proliferated, the pandemonium of its protocols becomes increasingly confusing. More seriously, severe security deficiencies of these protocols become evident, as time-to- market is a key factor, which satisfaction comes at the price of a less thorough security design and testing. This applies especially to the smart home domain, where the consumer-driven market demands quick and cheap solutions. This paper presents an overview of IoT application domains and discusses the most important wireless IoT protocols for smart home, which are KNX-RF, EnOcean, Zigbee, Z-Wave and Thread. Finally, it describes the security features of said protocols and compares them with each other, giving advice on whose protocols are more suitable for a secure smart home.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Enfrentarse o no: la percepción del acoso sexual por parte de la mujer

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    Current research has postulated that sexual harassment is one of the most serious social problems. Perceptions of sexual harassment vary according to some factors: gender, context, and perceiver’s ideology. The strategies most commonly used by women to cope with harassment range from avoiding or ignoring the harasser to confronting the harasser or reporting the incident. The aim of this study was to explore women’s perception of sexual harassment, and to assess the implications of different victim responses to harassment. A total of 138 women were administered a questionnaire where the type of harassment, and victim response were manipulated. Moreover, the influence of ideological variables (i.e. ambivalent sexism and the acceptance of myths of sexual harassment) on perception was assessed. Results show perception of sexual harassment was lower in gender harassment than in unwanted sexual attention and participants believed women who confronted their harasser would be evaluated negatively by men. Furthermore, effects of ideology on perception of harassment were found. The results underscore the complexities involved in defining certain behaviours as harassment, and the implications of different victim responses to harassment.La investigación actual postula que el acoso sexual es uno de los problemas sociales más graves. La percepción de acoso varía de acuerdo a factores como: género, contexto e ideología del perceptor. Las estrategias más utilizadas por las mujeres para hacer frente al acoso van desde evitar o ignorar al acosador hasta enfrentarse a él o denunciarlo. El objetivo de este estudio fue explorar la percepción de las mujeres sobre el acoso sexual, y evaluar las implicaciones de las diferentes respuestas de las víctimas de acoso. A 138 mujeres se les administró un cuestionario en el que el tipo de acoso y la respuesta de la víctima, fueron manipulados. Además, se evaluó la influencia del sexismo ambivalente y la aceptación de los mitos de acoso sexual en la percepción. Los resultados muestran que la percepción de acoso sexual fue menor en el acoso de género que en la atención sexual no deseada y las participantes creen que las mujeres que confrontan el acoso serán evaluadas negativamente por los hombres. Además, se encontraron efectos de la ideología sobre la percepción de acoso. Los resultados ponen de relieve las complejidades involucradas en la definición de ciertos comportamientos como el acoso y las implicaciones de las diferentes respuestas a las víctimas de acoso.This research was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness with the R&D projects “Sexist ideology and power inequality in the development and maintenance of Sexual Harassment” (PSI2011-29720) and “Psychosocial analysis of sexual harassment: new ways and contexts” (PSI2014-59200-R) by Grant SEJ-6225 “Psychosocial analysis of legitimacy and prejudice in the maintenance of asymmetrical social relationships” from the Andalusian Regional Govemment

    Revisión de las propiedades psicométricas de las versiones larga y reducida de la Escala sobre Ideología de Género

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    La ideología de género es un constructo de gran relevancia en el análisis psicológico del género, que se ha mostrado relacionado con multitud de comportamientos, creencias y actitudes de hombres y de mujeres, especialmente con aquellos relacionados con la discriminación de género. Tras definir el constructo que se pretende medir, en este estudio instrumental se revisan los estudios realizados para la elaboración y evaluación de las propiedades psicométricas de las versiones larga y reducida de la Escala de Ideología de Género (EIG). Los estudios revisados muestran que: a) los valores del coeficiente alfa para ambas versiones varían entre 0,70 y 0,90; b) el patrón general de las medias de las puntuaciones totales se inclina hacia el polo igualitario de la escala; y c) las evidencias convergentes y discriminantes de las mediciones aportadas por ambas versiones de la EIG son coherentes con la teoría sobre el constructo. Por último, se apuntan futuras investigaciones sobre la estructura factorial de las escalas y la utilidad predictiva del constructo ideología de género.Gender ideology is a very important construct in the psychological study of gender. Research has shown that gender ideology is related to many behaviours, believes, and attitudes of men and women, specially with those related to gender discrimination. Firstly, the construct ‘gender identity’ is defined. Secondly, in this article studies conducted to elaborate and evaluate the psychometric properties of the long and the short versions of the Gender Ideology Scale are revised. Results of these instrumental studies show the following: a) alpha coefficients for both versions range from.70 to .90; b) the general pattern of total scores is biased toward the equalitarian pole of the scale; and c) convergent and discriminant evidences related to the use of both versions are consistent with the theory about gender ideology. Finally, future research about the scale factorial structure and the predictive utility of the construct gender ideology are suggested.A ideologia de género é um construto de grande relevância na análise psicológica do género, que se tem mostrado relacionado com uma variedade de comportamentos, crenças e atitudes de homens e mulheres, especialmente com aqueles relacionados com a discriminação de género. Depois de se definir o construto que se pretende medir, neste estudo instrumental revêem-se os estudos realizados para a elaboração e avaliação das propriedades psicométricas das versões larga e reduzida da Escala de Ideologia de Género (EIG). Os estudos revistos mostram que: a) os valores do coeficiente alfa para ambas as versões variam entre 0,70 e 0,90; b) o padrão geral das médias de pontuações totais inclina-se para o pólo igualitário da escala; e c) as evidências convergentes e discriminantes das medições fornecidas por ambas as versões da EIG são coerentes com a teoria sobre o construto. Por último, indicam-se futuras investigações sobre a estrutura factorial das escalas e a utilidade preditiva do construto ideologia de género.Este trabajo se ha realizado dentro del proyecto de investigación “Diferencias de poder y género: aspectos psicosociales” (Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, referencia SEJ2004-02817/PSIC)

    Microtargeting and electoral segmentation in advertising and political communication through social networks: case study

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    Western political debate, like other areas, has entered the digital world. Political actors have had to adapt to new communication strategies linked to technology in general and to social networks in particular. A new debate has opened that has provoked changes in the traditional system of political communication with its different audiences. Thus, the configuration of negotiation and dominance in democratic systems is linked to technological change. This research aims to provide a descriptive interpretation of the role of social networks, specifically Facebook, by the Popular Party to win the elections of June 26, 2016 in Spain. How the strategies of microtargeting, data mining and geolocation were hollowed out in order to capture the indecisive vote and thus obtain the seats necessary to expand the electoral advantage. To this end, a comparison will be made with Barack Obama's campaigns in 2008 and especially 2012, which were also carried out by The Messina Group (TMG) and whose results were a great success. The results show that Facebook is one of the social networks more successfully used in the campaigns