305 research outputs found

    Resistance of uropathogenic bacteria to first-line antibiotics in mexico city: A multicenter susceptibility analysis

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    AbstractBackgroundGrowing antibiotic resistance demands the constant reassessment of antimicrobial efficacy, particularly in countries with wide antibiotic abuse, where higher resistance prevalence is often found. Knowledge of resistance trends is particularly important when prescribing antibiotics empirically, as is usually the case for urinary tract infections (UTIs). Currently, in Mexico City, ampicillin, cotrimoxazole (trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole), and ciprofloxacin are used as “first-line” antibiotic treatment for UTI.ObjectiveThe aim of this study was to analyze the resistance of bacterial isolates to antibiotics, with a focus on first-line antibiotics, in Mexican pediatric patients and sexually active or pregnant female outpatients.MethodsIn this multicenter susceptibility analysis, bacterial isolates from urine samples collected from pediatric patients and sexually-active or pregnant female outpatients presenting with acute, uncomplicated UTIs in Mexico City from January 2006 through June 2006, were included in the study. Samples were tested for susceptibility to 10 antibiotics by the disk-diffusion method.ResultsFour-hundred and seventeen bacterial isolates were derived from sexually active or pregnant female outpatients (324 Escherichia coli) and pediatric patients (93 Klebsiella pneumoniae). We found a high prevalence of resistance towards the drugs used as “first-line” when treating UTIs: ampicillin, cotrimoxazole, and ciprofloxacin (79%, 60%, and 24% resistance, respectively). Ninety-eight percent of K pneumoniae isolates were resistant to ampicillin, whereas 66% of the E coli isolates were resistant to cotrimoxazole. Resistance towards third-generation cephalosporins was also high (6%–8% of E coli and 10%–28% of K pneumoniae). This was possibly caused by chromosomal β-lactamases, as 30% of all isolates were also resistant to amoxicillin/clavulanate. In contrast, 98% of the E coli isolates and 84% of the K pneumoniae strains (96% of all isolates) were found to be susceptible to nitrofurantoin, which has been in clinical use for much longer than most other drugs in this study.ConclusionIn these urine samples from laboratories in Mexico City, resistance of K pneumoniae and E coli isolates to first-line treatment (ampicillin, cotrimoxazole, or ciprofloxacin) of UTI was high, whereas most E coli and K pneumoniae isolates were susceptible to nitrofurantoin and the fourth-generation cephalosporin cefepime. (Curr Ther Res Clin Exp. 2007;68:120–126) Copyright © 2007 Excerpta Medica, Inc

    Valoración didáctica del Parque Natural del Valle de Alcudia y Sierra Madrona (Ciudad Real)

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    En esta aportación se analiza el valor didáctico de los diferentes componentes que integran los paisajes del Parque Natural del Valle de Alcudia y Sierra Madrona. Para ello, se ha partido de la confección de un inventario de lugares o puntos de interés didáctico para los que se han considerado el interés docente de sus valores geográficos, la representatividad y buen estado de conservación de sus elementos, la accesibilidad y las condiciones de observación para la práctica docente en el campo. Con la selección de los puntos más relevantes, se propone una red de lugares de interés didáctico que se complementa, finalmente, con una propuesta de itinerarios didácticos, útiles para varios niveles educativos

    Cognition and the five-factor model of the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale in schizophrenia

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    Different exploratory and confirmatory factorial analyses of the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) have found a number of factors other than the original positive, negative, and general psychopathology. Based on a review of previous studies and using confirmatory factor analyses (CFA), Wallwork et al. (Schizophr Res 2012; 137: 246–250) have recently proposed a consensus five-factor structure of the PANSS. This solution includes a cognitive factor which could be a useful measure of cognition in schizophrenia. Our objectives were 1) to study the psychometric properties (factorial structure and reliability) of this consensus five-factor model of the PANSS, and 2) to study the relationship between executive performance assessed using the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) and the proposed PANSS consensus cognitive factor (composed by items P2-N5-G11). This cross-sectional study included a final sample of 201 Spanish outpatients diagnosed with schizophrenia. For our first objective, CFA was performed and Cronbach's alphas of the five factors were calculated; for the second objective, sequential linear regression analyses were used. The results of the CFA showed acceptable fit indices (NNFI = 0.94, CFI = 0.95, RMSEA = 0.08). Cronbach's alphas of the five factors were adequate. Regression analyses showed that this five-factor model of the PANSS explained more of the WCST variance than the classical three-factor model. Moreover, higher cognitive factor scores were associated with worse WCST performance. These results supporting its factorial structure and reliability provide robustness to this consensus PANSS five-factor model, and indicate some usefulness of the cognitive factor in the clinical assessment of schizophrenic patients

    Induction of engineered residual stresses fields and enhancement of fatigue life of high reliability metallic components by laser shock processing

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    Laser shock processing (LSP) is being increasingly applied as an effective technology for the improvement of metallic materials mechanical and surface properties in different types of components as a means of enhancement of their corrosion and fatigue life behavior. As reported in previous contributions by the authors, a main effect resulting from the application of the LSP technique consists on the generation of relatively deep compression residual stresses field into metallic alloy pieces allowing an improved mechanical behaviour, explicitly the life improvement of the treated specimens against wear, crack growth and stress corrosion cracking. Additional results accomplished by the authors in the line of practical development of the LSP technique at an experimental level (aiming its integral assessment from an interrelated theoretical and experimental point of view) are presented in this paper. Concretely, follow-on experimental results on the residual stress profiles and associated surface properties modification successfully reached in typical materials (especially Al and Ti alloys characteristic of high reliability components in the aerospace, nuclear and biomedical sectors) under different LSP irradiation conditions are presented along with a practical correlated analysis on the protective character of the residual stress profiles obtained under different irradiation strategies. Additional remarks on the improved character of the LSP technique over the traditional “shot peening” technique in what concerns depth of induced compressive residual stresses fields are also made through the pape

    Analytical pyrolysis evidences the presence of granaticins in the violet stains of a Roman tomb

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    6 páginas.-- 5 figuras.-- 14 referenciasThe walls of the Circular Mausoleum tomb (Roman Necropolis of Carmona, Spain) exhibit an important number of violet stains of unknown origin. Analytical pyrolysis detected in the tomb walls granaticin A, a violet pigment with an isobenzochromanequinone structure, as well as in the extracts of two bacterial strains isolated from the walls. The bacterium was tentatively identified as Streptomyces sp. High performance liquid chromatography confirmed that this Streptomyces synthesized as major pigments dihydrogranaticin A, granaticin A and granaticin B.This research was funded by projects GCL2010-17183 and 201230E125. M.D.H. and A.Z.M. were supported by a JAE Research Fellowship from CSIC, and a Marie Curie Intra-European Fellow-ship of the European Commission’s 7th Framework Programme(PIEF-GA-2012-328689), respectivelyPeer reviewe

    Analytical pyrolysis evidences the presence of granaticins in the violet stains of a Roman tomb

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    The walls of the Circular Mausoleum tomb (Roman Necropolis of Carmona, Spain) exhibit an important number of violet stains of unknown origin. Analytical pyrolysis detected in the tomb walls granaticin A, a violet pigment with an isobenzochromanequinone structure, as well as in the extracts of two bacterial strains isolated from the walls. The bacterium was tentatively identified as Streptomyces sp. High performance liquid chromatography confirmed that this Streptomyces synthesized as major pigments dihydrogranaticin A, granaticin A and granaticin B.JAE Research Fellowship from CSIC GCL2010-17183 and 201230E125. M.D.H. and A.Z.M.Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship of the European Commission’s 7th Framework Programme PIEF-GA-2012-32868

    Desarrollo colaborativo de competencias en la escuela tic 2.0 (PIV-040-11)

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    Este proyecto de investigación educativa (piv-040-11) pretende desarrollar las competencias básicas en el primer curso de la eso en el marco del programa escuela tic 2.0 y las áreas instrumentales de matemáticas y lengua, mediante el trabajo colaborativo de más de 200 alumnos y alumnas de ocho institutos pertenecientes a cuatro provincias andaluzas, intercomunicados por un aula virtual creada con Moodle y un blog. Para su desarrollo se han usado materiales digitales interactivos y herramientas de la Web 2.0 para la generación de contenidos, difusión de los materiales producidos y de la experiencia, acompañados de una metodología integradora y personalizada que facilite a cada alumno o alumna el desarrollo de sus potenciales

    Un viaje al Cosmos en 52 semanas

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    230 p.Este libro se plantea como una serie de artículos que dibujan un recorrido por el Universo, desde lo más cercano a lo más distante. Constituye una herramienta útil y actualizada para los interesados en la astronomía, y combina el conocimiento básico con los resultados científicos más novedosos. La astrofísica constituye una ciencia viva y en permanente avance por ello nos encontramos con un Plutón que ya no es considerado planeta; con nuevos datos sobre la posible presencia de agua en Marte; con géiseres en Encelado, un pequeño satélite de Saturno que se creía geológicamente inactivo; con una miríada de nuevos planetas girando alrededor de otras estrellas; con, quizá, un nuevo tipo de agujero negro y fascinantes resultados sobre las explosiones cortas de rayos gamma, uno de los eventos más energéticos del Universo y, hasta hace poco, también uno de los más desconocidos; con la mision COROT, y otras, como BepiColombo, que ya se encuentran en su fase de desarrollo instrumental.Peer reviewe

    NWP Activities at the AEMET (Spain): 39th EWGLAM & 24nd SRNWP Meetings

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    Póster presentado en: 39th EWGLAM & 24nd SRNWP Meetings celebrado del 2 al 5 de octubre de 2017 en Reading, Inglaterra.A verification of the global horizontal irradiance(GHI),direct horizontal irradiance (DHI) and direct normal irradiance (DNI)forecasted by the Arome-Harmonie and ECMWF models has been conducted as part of the H2020 PreFlexMS Project