29 research outputs found

    Identification of molecular biomarkers associated with disease progression in the testis of bulls infected with Besnoitia besnoiti

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    [EN]Breeding bulls infected with Besnoitia besnoiti may develop sterility during either acute or chronic infection. The aim of this study was to investigate the molecular pathogenesis of B. besnoiti infection with prognosis value in bull sterility. Accordingly, five well-characterized groups of naturally and experimentally infected males were selected for the study based on clinical signs and lesions compatible with B. besnoiti infection, serological results and parasite detection. A broad panel of molecular markers representative of endothelial activation and fibrosis was investigated and complemented with a histopathological approach that included conventional histology and immunohistochemistry. The results indicated the predominance of an intense inflammatory infiltrate composed mainly of resident and recruited circulating macrophages and to a lesser extent of CD3+ cells in infected bulls. In addition, a few biomarkers were associated with acute, chronic or subclinical bovine besnoitiosis. The testicular parenchyma showed a higher number of differentially expressed genes in natural infections (acute and chronic infections) versus scrotal skin in experimental infections (subclinical infection). In subclinical infections, most genes were downregulated except for the CCL24 and CXCL2 genes, which were upregulated. In contrast, the acute phase was mainly characterized by the upregulation of IL-1α, IL-6 and TIMP1, whereas in the chronic phase, the upregulation of ICAM and the downregulation of MMP13, PLAT and IL-1α were the most relevant findings. Macrophages could be responsible for the highest level of gene regulation in the testicular parenchyma of severely affected and sterile bulls, and all these genes could be prognostic markers of sterility.SIThis study was financed by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (AGL-2016-75202-R), the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2019-103960RB-I00) and by the Community of Madrid (PLATESA P2018/ BAA-4370). DG-B was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science through a Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral fellowship (FJCI-2016-27875). CD-D was financially supported through a grant from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (BES-2014-069839) and AJ-M through a grant from the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports (FPU, Grant Number FPU13/05481). I. Ferre, L.M. Ortega Mora y G. Álvarez-García are part of the TOXOSOURCES consortium, supported by funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement No 773830: One Health European Joint Programme. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Vascular wall injury and inflammation are key pathogenic mechanisms responsible for early testicular degeneration during acute besnoitiosis in bulls

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    [EN] BACKGROUND: Bovine besnoitiosis, caused by the apicomplexan parasite Besnoitia besnoiti, is a chronic and debilitating cattle disease that notably impairs fertility. Acutely infected bulls may develop respiratory signs and orchitis, and sterility has been reported in chronic infections. However, the pathogenesis of acute disease and its impact on reproductive function remain unknown. METHODS: Herein, we studied the microscopic lesions as well as parasite presence and load in the testis (pampiniform plexus, testicular parenchyma and scrotal skin) of seven bulls with an acute B. besnoiti infection. Acute infection was confirmed by serological techniques (IgM seropositive results and IgG seronegative results) and subsequent parasite detection by PCR and histological techniques. RESULTS: The most parasitized tissue was the scrotal skin. Moreover, the presence of tachyzoites, as shown by immunohistochemistry, was associated with vasculitis, and three bulls had already developed juvenile tissue cysts. In all animals, severe endothelial injury was evidenced by marked congestion, thrombosis, necrotizing vasculitis and angiogenesis, among others, in the pampiniform plexus, testicular parenchyma and scrotal skin. Vascular lesions coexisted with lesions characteristic of a chronic infection in the majority of bulls: hyperkeratosis, acanthosis and a marked diffuse fibroplasia in the dermis of the scrotum. An intense inflammatory infiltrate was also observed in the testicular parenchyma accompanied by different degrees of germline atrophy in the seminiferous tubules with the disappearance of various strata of germ cells in four bulls. CONCLUSIONS: This study confirmed that severe acute besnoitiosis leads to early sterility that might be permanent, which is supported by the severe lesions observed. Consequently, we hypothesized that testicular degeneration might be a consequence of (i) thermoregulation failure induced by vascular lesions in pampiniform plexus and scrotal skin lesions; (ii) severe vascular wall injury induced by the inflammatory response in the testis; and (iii) blood-testis barrier damage and alteration of spermatogenesis by immunoresponseSIThis study was fnanced by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitive‑ ness (AGL-2016-75202-R) and by the Community of Madrid (PLATESA P2018/ BAA-4370). DG-B is funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science through a Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral fellowship (FJCI-2016-27875). CD-D was fnancially supported through a grant from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Com‑ petitiveness (BES-2014-069839) and AJ-M through a grant from the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports (FPU, Grant Number FPU13/05481

    Parasitología interactiva: Protozoos y afines

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    Desarrollo de una guía interactiva donde se muestran los ciclos biológicos, imágenes y dibujos de los estadios evolutivos de los principales géneros y especies de parásitos protozoos relevantes en al ámbito veterinario

    Evidence of spatial clustering of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia cases in Greater Mexico City: report from the Mexican Inter-Institutional Group for the identification of the causes of childhood leukemia

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    BackgroundA heterogeneous geographic distribution of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) cases has been described, possibly, related to the presence of different environmental factors. The aim of the present study was to explore the geographical distribution of childhood ALL cases in Greater Mexico City (GMC).MethodsA population-based case-control study was conducted. Children <18 years old, newly diagnosed with ALL and residents of GMC were included. Controls were patients without leukemia recruited from second-level public hospitals, frequency-matched by sex, age, and health institution with the cases. The residence address where the patients lived during the last year before diagnosis (cases) or the interview (controls) was used for geolocation. Kulldorff’s spatial scan statistic was used to detect spatial clusters (SCs). Relative risks (RR), associated p-value and number of cases included for each cluster were obtained.ResultsA total of 1054 cases with ALL were analyzed. Of these, 408 (38.7%) were distributed across eight SCs detected. A relative risk of 1.61 (p<0.0001) was observed for the main cluster. Similar results were noted for the remaining seven ones. Additionally, a proximity between SCs, electrical installations and petrochemical facilities was observed.ConclusionsThe identification of SCs in certain regions of GMC suggest the possible role of environmental factors in the etiology of childhood ALL

    Gestión del conocimiento: perspectiva multidisciplinaria. Volumen 13

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    El libro “Gestión del Conocimiento. Perspectiva Multidisciplinaria”, Volumen 13 de la Colección Unión Global, es resultado de investigaciones. Los capítulos del libro, son resultados de investigaciones desarrolladas por sus autores. El libro es una publicación internacional, seriada, continua, arbitrada, de acceso abierto a todas las áreas del conocimiento, orientada a contribuir con procesos de gestión del conocimiento científico, tecnológico y humanístico. Con esta colección, se aspira contribuir con el cultivo, la comprensión, la recopilación y la apropiación social del conocimiento en cuanto a patrimonio intangible de la humanidad, con el propósito de hacer aportes con la transformación de las relaciones socioculturales que sustentan la construcción social de los saberes y su reconocimiento como bien público. El libro “Gestión del Conocimiento. Perspectiva Multidisciplinaria”, Volumen 13, de la Colección Unión Global, es resultado de investigaciones. Los capítulos del libro, son resultados de investigaciones desarrolladas por sus autores. El libro cuenta con el apoyo de los grupos de investigación: Universidad Sur del Lago “Jesús María Semprúm” (UNESUR) - Zulia – Venezuela; Universidad Politécnica Territorial de Falcón Alonso Gamero (UPTFAG) - Falcón – Venezuela; Universidad Politécnica Territorial de Mérida Kléber Ramírez (UPTM) - Mérida - Venezuela; Universidad Guanajuato (UG) - Campus Celaya - Salvatierra - Cuerpo Académico de Biodesarrollo y Bioeconomía en las Organizaciones y Políticas Públicas (CABBOPP) - Guanajuato – México; Centro de Altos Estudios de Venezuela (CEALEVE) - Zulia – Venezuela, Centro Integral de Formación Educativa Especializada del Sur (CIFE - SUR) - Zulia – Venezuela; Centro de Investigaciones Internacionales SAS (CEDINTER) - Antioquia – Colombia y diferentes grupos de investigación del ámbito nacional e internacional que hoy se unen para estrechar vínculos investigativos, para que sus aportes científicos formen parte de los libros que se publiquen en formatos digital e impreso

    Com o diabo no corpo: os terríveis papagaios do Brasil colônia

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    Desde a Antiguidade, papagaios, periquitos e afins (Psittacidae) fascinaram os europeus por seu vivo colorido e uma notável capacidade de interação com seres humanos. A descoberta do Novo Mundo nada faria além de acrescentar novos elementos ao tráfico de animais exóticos há muito estabelecido pelos europeus com a África e o Oriente. Sem possuir grandes mamíferos, a América tropical participaria desse comércio com o que tinha de mais atrativo, essencialmente felinos, primatas e aves - em particular os papagaios, os quais eram embarcados em bom número. Contudo, a julgar pelos documentos do Brasil colônia, esses voláteis podiam inspirar muito pouca simpatia, pois nenhum outro animal - exceto as formigas - foi tantas vezes mencionado como praga para a agricultura. Além disso, alguns psitácidas mostravam-se tão loquazes que inspiravam a séria desconfiança de serem animais demoníacos ou possessos, pois só três classes de entidades - anjos, homens e demônios - possuíam o dom da palavra. Nos dias de hoje, vários representantes dos Psittacidae ainda constituem uma ameaça para a agricultura, enquanto os indivíduos muito faladores continuam despertando a suspeita de estarem possuídos pelo demônio. Transcendendo a mera curiosidade, essa crença exemplifica o quão intrincadas podem ser as relações do homem com o chamado “mundo natural”, revelando um universo mais amplo e multifacetado do que se poderia supor a princípio. Nesse sentido, a existência de aves capazes de falar torna essa relação ainda mais complexa e evidencia que as dificuldades de estabelecer o limite entre o animal e o humano se estendem além dos primatas e envolvem as mais inusitadas espécies zoológicas.Since ancient times, parrots and their allies (Psittacidae) have fascinated Europeans by their striking colors and notable ability to interact with human beings. The discovery of the New World added new species to the international exotic animal trade, which for many centuries had brought beasts to Europe from Africa and the Orient. Lacking large mammals, tropical America participated in this trade with its most appealing species, essentially felines, primates and birds - especially parrots - which were shipped in large numbers. It should be noted, however, that at times these birds were not well liked. In fact, according to documents from colonial Brazil, only the ants rank higher than parrots as the animals most often mentioned as agricultural pests. On the other hand, some of these birds were so chatty that people suspected them to be demonic or possessed animals, since only three classes of beings - angels, men and demons - have the ability to speak. Nowadays, several Psittacidae still constitute a threat to agriculture, and the suspicion that extremely talkative birds were demon possessed has also survived. More than a joke or a mere curiosity, this belief exemplifies how intricate man’s relationships with the “natural world” may be. In this sense, the existence of birds that are able to speak adds a further twist to these relationships, demonstrating that the problem of establishing a boundary between the animal and the human does not only involve primates, but also includes some unusual zoological species

    "In vitro" models of "Besnoitia besnoiti" infection and their application in molecular patrogenesis and drug screening studies

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Veterinaria, Departamento de Sanidad Animal, leída el 18-11-2019.La besnoitiosis bovina es una enfermedad de curso crónico y debilitanteo casionada por el protozoo apicomplejo formador de quistes Besnoitia besnoiti. Esta enfermedad ocasiona considerables pérdidas económicas, fundamentalmente en las explotaciones de vaca nodriza. En la actualidad, dicha enfermedad se considerare emergente en Europa debido a su notable expansión geográfica desde zonas donde la enfermedad ha sido tradicionalmente endémica (como los Pirineos y la región del Alentejo en Portugal), y a un aumento de su prevalencia. Uno de los factores que ha contribuido en gran medida a esta diseminación es la ausencia de tratamientos o vacunas eficaces. Con estos antecedentes, el desarrollo de modelos in vitro es clave para estudiar la interacción patógeno-hospedador y para identificar posibles candidatos terapéuticos y vacunales. Por tanto, el objetivo de esta tesis doctoral fue el desarrollo y estandarización de nuevos modelos in vitro de infección por B. besnoiti y su empleo en estudios de patogenia molecular y cribado de fármacos...Bovine besnoitiosis is a chronic and debilitating disease caused by the cyst-forming apicomplexan parasite Besnoitia besnoiti. This disease is responsible for considerable economic looses, mostly in suckler-cow farms. Currently, this disease is considered as reemerging in Europe due to its geographical expansion from areas where the disease ha sbeen considered as traditionally endemic (Pyrinees and Alentejo region in Portugal) together with an increase in its prevalence. One of the factors that has contributed greatly to this dissemination is the absence of efficient treatments and vaccines. With this background, the development of in vitro models of infection arises as a key tool in order to explore the parasite-host interaction, as well as to identify new therapeutic and vaccinal targets. Thus, the objective of the present doctoral thesis has been the development and standardization of novel in vitro models of B. besnoiti infection and their applications for molecular pathogenesis studies and drug screenings...Depto. de Sanidad AnimalFac. de VeterinariaTRUEunpu

    RNA-seq analyses reveal that endothelial activation and fibrosis are induced early and progressively by Besnoitia besnoiti host cell invasion and proliferation

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    The pathogenesis of bovine besnoitiosis and the molecular bases that govern disease progression remain to be elucidated. Thus, we have employed an in vitro model of infection based on primary bovine aortic endothelial cells (BAEC), target cells during the acute infection. Host-parasite interactions were investigated by RNA-Seq at two post-infection (pi) time points: 12 hpi, when tachyzoites have already invaded host cells, and 32 hpi, when tachyzoites have replicated for at least two generations. Additionally, the gene expression profile of B. besnoiti tachyzoites was studied at both pi time points. Up to 446 differentially expressed B. taurus genes (DEGs) were found in BAEC between both pi time points: 249 DEGs were up-regulated and 197 DEGs were down-regulated at 32 hpi. Upregulation of different genes encoding cytokines, chemokines, leukocyte adhesion molecules predominantly at 12 hpi implies an activation of endothelial cells, whilst upregulation of genes involved in angiogenesis and extracellular matrix organization was detected at both time points. NF-κB and TNF-α signaling pathways appeared to be mainly modulated upon infection, coordinating the expression of several effector proteins with proinflammatory and pro-fibrotic phenotypes. These mediators are thought to be responsible for macrophage recruitment setting the basis for chronic inflammation and fibrosis characteristic of chronic besnoitiosis. Angiogenesis regulation also predominated, and this multistep process was evidenced by the upregulation of markers involved in both early (e.g., growth factors and matrix metalloproteinases) and late steps (e.g., integrins and vasohibin). Besnoitia besnoiti ortholog genes present in other Toxoplasmatinae members and involved in the lytic cycle have shown to be differentially expressed among the two time points studied, with a higher expression at 32 hpi (e.g., ROP40, ROP5B, MIC1, MIC10). This study gives molecular clues on B. besnoiti- BAECs interaction and shows the progression of type II endothelial cell activation upon parasite invasion and proliferation

    Repurposing of commercially available anti-coccidials identifies diclazuril and decoquinate as potential therapeutic candidates against Besnoitia besnoiti infection.

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    Repurposing of currently marketed compounds with proven efficacy against apicomplexan parasites was used as an approach to define novel candidate therapeutics for bovine besnoitiosis. Besnoitia besnoiti tachyzoites grown in MARC-145 cells were exposed to different concentrations of toltrazuril, diclazuril, imidocarb, decoquinate, sulfadiazine and trimethoprim alone or in combination with sulfadiazine. Drugs were added either just prior to infection of MARC-145 cells (0 h post infection, hpi) or at 6 hpi. A primary evaluation of drug effects was done by direct immunofluorescence staining and counting. Potential effects on the host cells were assessed using a XTT kit for cell proliferation. Compounds displaying promising efficacy were selected for IC and IC determination by qPCR. In addition, the impact of drugs on the tachyzoite ultrastructure was assessed by TEM and long-term treatment assays were performed. Cytotoxicity assays confirmed that none of the compounds affected the host cells. Decoquinate and diclazuril displayed invasion inhibition rates of 90 and 83% at 0 h pi and 73 and 72% at 6 h pi, respectively. The remaining drugs showed lower efficacy and were not further studied. Decoquinate and diclazuril exhibited IC values of 100 nM and 29.9 μM, respectively. TEM showed that decoquinate primarily affected the parasite mitochondrium, whilst diclazuril interfered in cytokinesis of daughter zoites. The present study demonstrates the efficacy of diclazuril and decoquinate against B. besnoiti in vitro and further assessments of safety and efficacy of both drugs should be performed in the target species