191 research outputs found

    The molecular basis of defective lens development in the Iberian mole

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    Background: Fossorial mammals face natural selection pressures that differ from those acting on surface dwelling animals, and these may lead to reduced visual system development. We have studied eye development in a species of true mole, the Iberian mole Talpa occidentalis, and present the molecular basis of abnormal lens development. This is the first embryological developmental study of the eyes of any fossorial mammal at the molecular level. Results: Lens fibre differentiation is not completed in the Iberian mole. Although eye development starts normally (similar to other model species), defects are seen after closure of the lens vesicle. PAX6 is not down-regulated in developing lens fibre nuclei, as it is in other species, and there is ectopic expression of FOXE3, a putative downstream effector of PAX6, in some, but not all lens fibres. FOXE3-positive lens fibres continue to proliferate within the posterior compartment of the embryonic lens, but unlike in the mouse, no proliferation was detected anywhere in the postnatal mole lens. The undifferentiated status of the anterior epithelial cells was compromised, and most of them undergo apoptosis. Furthermore, β-crystallin and PROX1 expression patterns are abnormal and our data suggest that genes encoding β-crystallins are not directly regulated by PAX6, c-MAF and PROX1 in the Iberian mole, as they are in other model vertebrates. Conclusion: In other model vertebrates, genetic pathways controlling lens development robustly compartmentalise the lens into a simple, undifferentiated, proliferative anterior epithelium, and quiescent, anuclear, terminally differentiated posterior lens fibres. These pathways are not as robust in the mole, and lead to loss of the anterior epithelial phenotype and only partial differentiation of the lens fibres, which continue to express 'epithelial' genes. Paradigms of genetic regulatory networks developed in other vertebrates appear not to hold true for the Iberian mole.This work was supported by the Alfonso Martín Escudero Foundation and Junta de Andalucía through Group PAI CVI-109 (BIO-109). Work in JMC's laboratory is supported by Wellcome Trust grant 074127 and BBSRC grant BB/E015840/1

    Mixing body-parts model for 2D human pose estimation in stereo videos

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    This study targets 2D articulated human pose estimation (i.e. localisation of body limbs) in stereo videos. Although in recent years depth-based devices (e.g. Microsoft Kinect) have gained popularity, as they perform very well in controlled indoor environments (e.g. living rooms, operating theatres or gyms), they suffer clear problems in outdoor scenarios and, therefore, human pose estimation is still an interesting unsolved problem. The authors propose here a novel approach that is able to localise upper-body keypoints (i.e. shoulders, elbows, and wrists) in temporal sequences of stereo image pairs. The authors' method starts by locating and segmenting people in the image pairs by using disparity and appearance information. Then, a set of candidate body poses is computed for each view independently. Finally, temporal and stereo consistency is applied to estimate a final 2D pose. The authors' validate their model on three challenging datasets: `stereo human pose estimation dataset', `poses in the wild' and `INRIA 3DMovie'. The experimental results show that the authors' model not only establishes new state-of-the-art results on stereo sequences, but also brings improvements in monocular sequences

    UCO physical rehabilitation: new dataset and study of human pose estimation methods on physical rehabilitation exercises

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    Physical rehabilitation plays a crucial role in restoring motor function following injuries or surgeries. However, the challenge of overcrowded waiting lists often hampers doctors’ ability to monitor patients’ recovery progress in person. Deep Learning methods offer a solution by enabling doctors to optimize their time with each patient and distinguish between those requiring specific attention and those making positive progress. Doctors use the flexion angle of limbs as a cue to assess a patient’s mobility level during rehabilitation. From a Computer Vision perspective, this task can be framed as automatically estimating the pose of the target body limbs in an image. The objectives of this study can be summarized as follows: (i) evaluating and comparing multiple pose estimation methods; (ii) analyzing how the subject’s position and camera viewpoint impact the estimation; and (iii) determining whether 3D estimation methods are necessary or if 2D estimation suffices for this purpose. To conduct this technical study, and due to the limited availability of public datasets related to physical rehabilitation exercises, we introduced a new dataset featuring 27 individuals performing eight diverse physical rehabilitation exercises focusing on various limbs and body positions. Each exercise was recorded using five RGB cameras capturing different viewpoints of the person. An infrared tracking system named OptiTrack was utilized to establish the ground truth positions of the joints in the limbs under study. The results, supported by statistical tests, show that not all state-of-the-art pose estimators perform equally in the presented situations (e.g., patient lying on the stretcher vs. standing). Statistical differences exist between camera viewpoints, with the frontal view being the most convenient. Additionally, the study concludes that 2D pose estimators are adequate for estimating joint angles given the selected camera viewpoints

    Stereo Pictorial Structure for 2D Articulated Human Pose Estimation

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    In this paper, we consider the problem of 2D human pose estimation on stereo image pairs. In particular, we aim at estimating the location, orientation and scale of upper-body parts of people detected in stereo image pairs from realistic stereo videos that can be found in the Internet. To address this task, we propose a novel pictorial structure model to exploit the stereo information included in such stereo image pairs: the Stereo Pictorial Structure (SPS). To validate our proposed model, we contribute a new annotated dataset of stereo image pairs, the Stereo Human Pose Estimation Dataset (SHPED), obtained from YouTube stereoscopic video sequences, depicting people in challenging poses and diverse indoor and outdoor scenarios. The experimental results on SHPED indicates that SPS improves on state-ofthe- art monocular models thanks to the appropriate use of the stereo informatio

    Obatoclax and Paclitaxel Synergistically Induce Apoptosis and Overcome Paclitaxel Resistance in Urothelial Cancer Cells

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    Paclitaxel is a treatment option for advanced or metastatic bladder cancer after the failure of first-line cisplatin and gemcitabine, although resistance limits its clinical benefits. Mcl-1 is an anti-apoptotic protein that promotes resistance to paclitaxel in different tumors. Obatoclax, a BH3 mimetic of the Bcl-2 family of proteins, antagonizes Mcl-1 and hence may reverse paclitaxel resistance in Mcl-1-overexpressing tumors. In this study, paclitaxel-sensitive 5637 and -resistant HT1197 bladder cancer cells were treated with paclitaxel, obatoclax, or combinations of both. Apoptosis, cell cycle, and autophagy were measured by Western blot, flow cytometry, and fluorescence microscopy. Moreover, Mcl-1 expression was analyzed by immunohistochemistry in bladder carcinoma tissues. Our results confirmed that paclitaxel alone induced Mcl-1 downregulation and apoptosis in 5637, but not in HT1197 cells; however, combinations of obatoclax and paclitaxel sensitized HT1197 cells to the treatment. In obatoclax-treated 5637 and obatoclax + paclitaxel-treated HT1197 cells, the blockade of the autophagic flux correlated with apoptosis and was associated with caspase-dependent cleavage of beclin-1. Obatoclax alone delayed the cell cycle in 5637, but not in HT1197 cells, whereas combinations of both retarded the cell cycle and reduced mitotic slippage. In conclusion, obatoclax sensitizes HT1197 cells to paclitaxel-induced apoptosis through the blockade of the autophagic flux and effects on the cell cycle. Furthermore, Mcl-1 is overexpressed in many invasive bladder carcinomas, and it is related to tumor progression, so Mcl-1 expression may be of predictive value in bladder cancer.España, Sistema Público Andaluz Biobanco y ISCIII-Red de Biobancos PT17/0015/004

    Vergence control system for stereo depth recovery

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    This paper describes a vergence control algorithm for a 3D stereo recovery system. This work has been developed within framework of the project ROBTET. This project has the purpose of designing a Teleoperated Robotic System for live power lines maintenance. The tasks involved suppose the automatic calculation of path for standard tasks, collision detection to avoid electrical shocks, force feedback and accurate visual data, and the generation of collision free real paths. To accomplish these tasks the system needs an exact model of the environment that is acquired through an active stereoscopic head. A cooperative algorithm using vergence and stereo correlation is shown. The proposed system is carried out through an algorithm based on the phase correlation, trying to keep the vergence on the interest object. The sharp vergence changes produced by the variation of the interest objects are controlled through an estimation of the depth distance generated by a stereo correspondence system. In some elements of the scene, those aligned with the epipolar plane, large errors in the depth estimation as well as in the phase correlation, are produced. To minimize these errors a laser lighting system is used to help fixation, assuring an adequate vergence and depth extraction .The work presented in this paper has been supported by electric utility IBERDROLA, S.A. under project PIE No. 132.198

    Sertoli cell-specific ablation of miR-17-92 cluster significantly alters whole testis transcriptome without apparent phenotypic effects

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    MicroRNAs are frequently organized into polycistronic clusters whose transcription is controlled by a single promoter. The miR-17-92 cluster is expressed in most embryonic and postnatal organs. It is a potent oncogene associated to several types of cancer and it is involved in several important developmental processes. In the testis, expression of the miR- 17-92 cluster in the germ cells is necessary to maintain normal spermatogenesis. This cluster is also expressed in Sertoli cells (the somatic cells of the seminiferous tubules), which require miRNAs for correct cell development and survival. To study the possible role of miR- 17-92 in Sertoli cell development and function and, in order to overcome the postnatal lethality of miR-17-92-/ mice, we conditionally deleted it in embryonic Sertoli cells shortly after the sex determination stage using an Amh-Cre allele. Mutant mice developed apparently normal testes and were fertile, but their testis transcriptomes contained hundreds of moderately deregulated genes, indicating that testis homeostasis is tightly controlled in mammals and that miR-17-92 expression in Sertoli cells contribute to maintain normal gene expression levels, but is unnecessary for testis development and function. Our results show that significant deregulation of hundreds of genes might have no functional consequences.This work was supported by grants from the Andalusian Government, Junta de Andalucía, BIO-109 to R. Jiménez and P11-CVI-7291 to M. Burgos and grants from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (CGL2011-23368 and CGL2015-67108-P) to R. Jiménez and F.J. Barrionuevo. The authors would like to thank the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation for the 'Ramón y Cajal' fellowship granted to F.D. Carmona (RYC-2014-16458) and the 'FPU' PhD fellowship granted to A. Hurtado

    Carcinosarcoma with choriocarcinomatous and osteosarcomatous differentiation in a patient with juvenile polyposis syndrome

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    Juvenile polyposis syndrome (JPS) is an infrequent autosomal dominant hereditary predisposition to the occurrence of hamartomatous polyps in the colon and rectum. We describe the case of a 12-year-old boy with JPS associated with an abdominal tumor. Histological sections of the abdominal tumor showed components of adenocarcinoma, osteosarcoma, and choriocarcinoma. Immunohistochemistry was AE1/AE3, CK7, HCG and SALL4 positive. Juvenile polyposis syndrome patients are at increased risk of colorectal adenocarcinoma. However, we present a case of an adenocarcinoma associated with other unusual components. This association has not been reported before

    Job-shop scheduling applied to computer vision

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    This paper presents a method for minimizing the total elapsed time spent by n tasks running on m differents processors working in parallel. The developed algorithm not only minimizes the total elapsed time but also reduces the idle time and waiting time of in-process tasks. This condition is very important in some applications of computer vision in which the time to finish the total process is particularly critical -quality control in industrial inspection, real-time computer vision, guided robots, .... The scheduling algorithm is based on the use of two matrices, obtained from the precedence relationships between tasks, and the data obtained from the two matrixes. The developed scheduling algorithm has been tested in one application of quality control using computer vision. The results obtained have been satisfactory in the application of different image processing algorithms

    sSLAM: Speeded-Up Visual SLAM Mixing Artificial Markers and Temporary Keypoints

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    Environment landmarks are generally employed by visual SLAM (vSLAM) methods in the form of keypoints. However, these landmarks are unstable over time because they belong to areas that tend to change, e.g., shadows or moving objects. To solve this, some other authors have proposed the combination of keypoints and artificial markers distributed in the environment so as to facilitate the tracking process in the long run. Artificial markers are special elements (similar to beacons) that can be permanently placed in the environment to facilitate tracking. In any case, these systems keep a set of keypoints that is not likely to be reused, thus unnecessarily increasing the computing time required for tracking. This paper proposes a novel visual SLAM approach that efficiently combines keypoints and artificial markers, allowing for a substantial reduction in the computing time and memory required without noticeably degrading the tracking accuracy. In the first stage, our system creates a map of the environment using both keypoints and artificial markers, but once the map is created, the keypoints are removed and only the markers are kept. Thus, our map stores only long-lasting features of the environment (i.e., the markers). Then, for localization purposes, our algorithm uses the marker information along with temporary keypoints created just in the time of tracking, which are removed after a while. Since our algorithm keeps only a small subset of recent keypoints, it is faster than the state-of-the-art vSLAM approaches. The experimental results show that our proposed sSLAM compares favorably with ORB-SLAM2, ORB-SLAM3, OpenVSLAM and UcoSLAM in terms of speed, without statistically significant differences in accuracy.This research was funded by the project PID2019-103871GB-I00 of the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, FEDER, Project 1380047-F UCOFEDER-2021 of Andalusia and by the European Union–NextGeneration EU for requalification of Spanish University System 2021–2023