706 research outputs found

    Vigilando a los vigilantes: Los modelos de honradez basados en la vigilancia no logran explicarla

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    Promover la honradez se considera un esfuerzo clave para la mejora de nuestras sociedades. Sin embargo, nuestra comprensión de este fenómeno, y de su gemelo maligno, la deshonestidad, sigue siendo escasa. En este texto analizamos los principales postulados asumidos por los modelos empíricos de vigilancia y sanción. Abordamos nuestro análisis en tres secciones. Inicialmente, investigamos el concepto de honestidad tal y como lo asumen las metodologías comúnmente utilizadas en el estudio de la honestidad. A continuación, esto nos lleva a identificar el elemento previamente pasado por alto pero esencial del privilegio epistémico en la caracterización de la honradez. En la tercera parte, profundizamos en cómo los actuales modelos explicativos de la honestidad no tienen suficientemente en cuenta el privilegio epistémico, lo que da lugar a narrativas incompletas sobre la honestidad. Nuestro análisis de la bibliografía existente sugiere que tanto los modelos de vigilancia interna (incluida la teoría del mantenimiento del autoconcepto) como los de vigilancia externa se quedan cortos a la hora de explicar la honestidad y la deshonestidad debido tanto a problemas conceptuales como a insuficiencias empíricas. La identificación de estas deficiencias nos permite sugerir algunas posibles líneas de investigación.Promoting honesty is considered a key endeavor in the betterment of our societies. However, our understanding of this phenomenon, and of its evil twin, dishonesty, is still lacking. In this text, we analyze the main tenets assumed by empirical models of vigilance and sanctions. We approach our analysis in three sections. Initially, we investigate the concept of honesty as assumed by commonly used methodologies in studying honesty. This then leads us to identify the previously overlooked but essential element of epistemic privilege in characterizing honesty. In the third part, we delve into how current explanatory models of honesty lack sufficient consideration of epistemic privilege, resulting in incomplete narratives about honesty. Our analysis of the extant literature suggests that both internal (including the self-concept maintenance theory) and external vigilance models fall short of explaining honesty and dishonesty because of both conceptual problems and empirical inadequacy. Identifying these shortcomings allows us to suggest some possible directions of research

    Modelo estratégico del océano azul aplicado al área comercial de Davivienda

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    En la historia económica nacional y mundial, la banca comercial ha sido y es base del sistema financiero, sobre la cual se desarrolla una actividad fundamental para el funcionamiento y evolución de todos los sectores productivo y comercial. Desde finales del siglo XIX los establecimientos bancarios han sido protagonistas principales en la vida nacional, cumpliendo una tarea esencial para el ahorro, la inversión y la financiación, a favor del crecimiento personal, familiar, empresarial y comunitario de la nación. De acuerdo con las etapas y características de la economía colombiana la banca ha tenido circunstancias diferentes, pero siempre en constante evolución, unas veces bajo la total administración del estado y, en otras, con predominio de capitales privados nacionales, internacionales y mixtos. El sistema financiero institucional en el país generalmente se identificó, hasta no hace muchos años con la banca comercial, pero con fenómenos como la industrialización, después los modelos proteccionistas y recientemente con la apertura e internacionalización, se registró la profundización y diversificación del mercado con el surgimiento y rápido desarrollo de otras entidades, pero la banca mantuvo su liderazgo, aunque ahora con nuevas estrategias que van más allá de la tradicional intermediación. Actualmente el sesenta y dos por ciento (62%) de la población adulta en Colombia tiene algún producto financiero, mientras que en 2006 el porcentaje era de 48 por ciento, situación que muestra el incremento de la demanda de productos y servicios financieros, la cual es afrontada por los Bancos con múltiples ofertas de productos dirigidas a cubrir diversas necesidades financieras. El interés por comprender los factores que explican el crecimiento de las economías ha llevado a que la ciencia económica trate de identificar las diferentes variables que explican el crecimiento a través del tiempo, con el fin de crear las condiciones para que la producción generada se refleje en el bienestar de las personas, en términos de ingreso, empleo, salud, educación, vivienda y demás bienes y servicios que satisfagan las necesidades del ser humano, lo cual obliga a la creación de productos diferenciadores en el mercado a través de la innovación, práctica que enmarca la creación o modificación de un producto y su introducción en un mercado, como también su aplicación exitosa de forma comercial. No sólo hay que inventar algo, sino, por ejemplo, introducirlo y difundirlo en el mercado para que la gente pueda disfrutar de ello y generen nuevo valor para los clientes. A través del estudio y aplicabilidad del libro La Estrategia del Océano Azul, basado en el estudio 150 acciones estratégicas desarrolladas a lo largo de 100 años en unas treinta industrias, donde los autores plantean una nueva visión sumamente innovadora en relación a la estrategia de negocios: se trata de ganar a través de la no competencia, también concluyen como resultado de la investigación la existencia de dos tipos de estrategias: la del «océano rojo» y la del «océano azul». Con esto pretendemos identificar el océano azul en el sector bancario con el objetivo de identificar un nuevo espacio en el mercado, capturando una nueva demanda donde la competencia sea irrelevante

    Causal selection and counterfactual reasoning/ selección causal y razonamiento contrafactual/ seleção causal e raciocínio contrafactual

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    In this paper I defend the view that counterfactual thinking depends on our causal representation of the world, and in this sense, I argue that causal and counterfactual reasoning are tightly linked. I offer some criticisms and experimental evidence against Mandel's judgement dissociation theory (Mandel, 2003b), which claims functional independence between the process of causal selection and counterfactual reasoning in the context of causal selection. In the experiments described, I manipulated some elements of the semantics of the task to show the cases in which dissociation between causal and counterfactual reasoning does not occur. In Experiment 1, the level of description of the target event is manipulated in a list generation and rating task. Experiment 2 replicates Experiment 1 findings using an alternative coding system, whereas Experiment 3 does the same using an alternative answer format. The results of the experiments support the picture of causal understanding proposed by the causal mental models

    Digital Neurocomunication and Public Relations: The case of prevention of suicides in the young population

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    El suicidio es un fenómeno complejo que ha atraído la atención a lo largo de los tiempos de la humanidad. Desde la antigüedad, su historia se ha abordado de manera general. Las civilizaciones mesopotámicas, egipcias, griegas y romanas ya lo consideraban el producto de un estado mental melancólico. Prácticamente todas las religiones coinciden en su rechazo como un medio para terminar con la vida. La base común para este rechazo es que es Dios quien da la vida y Él es el único capaz de quitarla. La mayoría de los escritores coinciden al considerarlo como el resultado de un acto fruto de una situación angustiosa. La realización de este estudio queda justificada ya que, es un tema que llama la atención a nivel mundial, debido al incremento en el registro de los casos, llegando a convertirse en un problema de Salud Pública. Según la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), en el año 2020 morirán 1,53 millones de personas por suicidio, una muerte cada veinte segundos, y el número de tentativas será entre diez y veinte veces superior. Debido a su gravedad requiere nuestra atención, aunque desgraciadamente, la gran cantidad de programas psicoeducativos que existen para su prevención y control no resulta tarea fácil. Con este trabajo, pretendemos comprender su alcance actual en la población joven y dar a conocer hasta qué punto la Inteligencia Artificial (IA) y la Neurocomunicación con contenidos apropiados en las redes sociales, podrían aplicarse a la gestión de las Relaciones Públicas, para ayudar a aliviar, en gran medida, los intentos previstos en la población concernida.Suicide is a complex phenomenon that has attracted attention throughout the times of humanity. Since ancient times, its history has been approached in a general way. Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Greek and Roman civilizations already considered it the product of a melancholic state of mind. Virtually all religions agree in their rejection as a means of ending life. The common basis for this rejection is that it is God who gives life and He is the only one capable of taking it away. Most writers agree when considering it as the result of an act resulting from a distressing situation. Carrying out this study is justified since it is a topic that draws attention worldwide, due to the increase in the registration of cases, becoming a Public Health problem. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), in 2020, 1.53 million people will die from suicide, one death every twenty seconds, and the number of attempts will be between ten and twenty times higher. Due to its seriousness, it requires our attention, although unfortunately, the large number of psychoeducational programs that exist for its prevention and control is not an easy task. With this work, we intend to understand its current reach in the young population and make known to what extent Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Neurocommunication with appropriate content on social networks could be applied to the management of Public Relations, to help alleviate, to a large extent, the envisaged attempts on the population concerned. Artificial Intelligence can be used to take advantage of real-time data to help us make more optimized and informed decisions. The advances made today in the field of advanced analytical techniques and statistical algorithms, to identify and obtain a better evaluation of what may happen in the future, processing data to identify patterns of behavior, managing with the media of communication, the issues derived from strategic consulting, academic research, can bring in various ways, great benefits in their application to Public Relations. This will increase the capacities that add value and can be considered as a prevention tool. New ways of acting that increase the efficiency between the sender and the receiver are necessary, through the contributions of neuroscience and the techniques of Public Relations so that their actions are more effective when the messages are directed towards reward systems of the brain. The new discipline of Neurocommunication as a meeting point between neurosciences and communication, tries to know the brain processes to carry out better strategies, in this case, of Public Relations, that allow decision-making in the adoption behavior in various situations. In-depth knowledge of the processes of the human brain as a decision system in which individuals interpret their realities, depends on the way each subject decodes it, since there is a connection between how we act and the brain system. All this makes us foresee that its application in the field of Public Relations will be essential to mitigate the reality, in this case studied, in the affected groups

    enero-junio 2013 issn 0121-5469 impreso | 2344-8644 en línea bogotá colombia pp

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    A r t í c u l o d e i n v e s t i g a c i ó n c i e n t í f i c a Abstract In this paper I defend the view that counterfactual thinking depends on our causal representation of the world, and in this sense, I argue that causal and counterfactual reasoning are tightly linked. I offer some criticisms and experimental evidence against Mandel's judgement dissociation theory Keywords: counterfactual reasoning, causality, judgement dissociation theory Resumen El trabajo defiende la posición según la cual el pensamiento contrafactual depende de nuestra representación causal del mundo y, en este sentido, argumenta que existe una estrecha relación entre el razonamiento causal y el contrafactual. Se lleva a cabo una crítica a la teoría de la disociación de juicios de Mandel Palabras clave: razonamiento contrafactual, causalidad, teoría de la disociación de juicios. Resumo O trabalho defende a posição segundo a qual o pensamento contrafactual depende de nossa representação causal do mundo e, nesse sentido, argumenta que existe uma estreita relação entre o raciocínio causal e o contrafactual. Realiza-se uma crítica da teoria da dissociação de juízos de Mandel Causal selection represents a psychological puzzle: How, amongst the myriad of factors that are present in a given situation, do people select those that are considered causal? Research in psychology has traditionally focused on situations with very simple causal structures A possibility considered in philosophy ( Both proposals represent opposite ends of a spectrum of judgement on causal selection and are impossible to reconcile. In what follows, I claim that counterfactual reasoning does have a key role in causal selection (contra JDT) but based on the idea of Bayesian causal models Mandel uses cases of pre-emption to analyse and criticise counterfactual simulation accounts, echoing the discussion in philosophy In both cases the counterfactuals are false, indicating that eliminating the candidate cause does not eliminate the effect, therefore the simulation fails to identify the cause. In contrast, JDT's actuality principle allows reasoners to identify the specific event that brings about an effect because people acknowledge sufficiency as the hallmark of causality, an element not represented in either counterfactual simulation. The substitution principle predicts that people will focus on preventors during counterfactual resasoning, elements that are also out of the scope of the rival theories. Problems with jdt There are some problems with the way JDT is specified. In what follows, I point out three: the notion of sufficiency and preventor, its interpretation of counterfactual simulation, and the contraposition of mechanism and dependence information. The key concepts of "sufficiency" and "preventor" are underspecified. There is no broad agreement on how to define them, and even more importantly, it has been shown that the concepts of formal sufficiency and necessity On the other hand, Mandel's concept of counterfactual reasoning is based on an illicit generalisation of the idea of the simulation heuristic Finally, Mandel wrongly opposes causal mechanism information to probabilistic information in their importance for causality attribution. Causal selection can rely on either of these sources, and what is more, in many cases they provide equivalent information There are, however, good reasons why the object of counterfactual reasoning can be mismatched with the object of causal reasoning. I believe the key notions that JDT lacks are those of sensitive causation I maintain that counterfactual reasoning only allows singling out causal factors in cases of either insensitive causation or where the relata are modally robust. Psychologically, this simply means that a counterfactual does not identify the cause if the causal events can be instantiated in several alternative ways, and if the causal link itself can be instantiated in several ways. In the end, this comes down to the way a causal relationship is represented in the context of explanation, which in turn depends on the demands of the task or situation. JDT can 183 revista colombiana de psicología vol. 22 n.º 1 enero-junio 2013 issn 0121-5469 impreso | 2344-8644 en línea bogotá colombia -pp. [179][180][181][182][183][184][185][186][187][188][189][190][191][192][193][194][195][196][197] causal selection explain cases of dissociation, clearly, but not the matches, because it lacks the theoretical tools to handle changes in the way the representation of the causal relata are specified. There is also evidence that points to integration, rather than to dissociation of causal and counterfactual reasoning. Byrne (2002) has pointed out that a good guide for understanding counterfactual reasoning is to explore the representation of the factual possibilities associated with it. The appropriate modelling of the causal structure might help to understand how causal and counterfactual reasoning relate, and at the same time to provide a normative framework for studying counterfactuals An Alternative According to the causal modelling framework How is it possible then to reconcile these findings with Mandel's results? Spellman and colleagues An alternative explanation is that the mismatch observed by Mandel occurs because causal and counterfactual queries are not usually specified in the same way. In fact, Mandel's counterfactual probes always refer to undoing the "outcome of a situation" whereas causal questions refer to a particular event (Mandel, 2003a, p. 423). In other words, causal queries relate to insensitive causal relationships, whereas counterfactuals are centred on sensitive causal ones. Similarly, the instructions for the probability ratings he requested were not matched. Second, the mismatch in the description of the events in the tasks also leads to obscuring the underlying causal structure of the situation. Once the structure is clear (causally insensitive), it is feasible that counterfactual and causal tasks can have the same targets (they are modally robust). Causal queries convey cues that somehow specify the content of the causal answer(s) they are intended to receive. Thus, a question about what is the cause of a theoretical outcome has more room for interpretation than a question about the cause of a glass bottle breaking yesterday. In summary, ambiguous elements that involve a certain degree of pragmatic interpretation can be responsible for some of the cases of dissociation between causal and counterfactual reasoning. The experiments reported below manipulate these elements, the probe and the specificity of the description to contrast the results with Mandel's. Method Participants Seventy-two undergraduate students (43 female and 29 male) from different programs at the University of Warwick took part in the experiment in exchange for payment (£ 3.50). The mean age was 20.2 (SD=2.4) and all participants successfully completed the task. Materials and Procedure Participants were tested individually in a cubicle with a computer-based experiment. The selected stimuli were presented to participants on a computer screen using a program written by the author in the Delphi programming language (Texeira & Pacheco, 2001). Participants worked on the task at their own pace and all of them completed the tasks requested. The complete display included eight screenshots and followed the structure of Mandel's experiments. The first screenshot contained the general instructions, where it was emphasized that they would have the opportunity to read a vignette only once and then they would be asked questions about it. The vignette was presented in the second screenshot, where a criminal falls prey to two assassination attempts. Briefly, the first assassin puts poison in his drink, which should take one hour to have any effect. However, before the poison has killed him, the second assassin runs the criminal off the road. The criminal dies because of the explosion of the car. Once the participants had read the scenario, they proceeded to complete the causal, the counterfactual and the probability tasks. The order of the tasks was randomly counterbalanced. The causal and the counterfactuals tasks consisted of option listing and rating the answers participants wrote. For the causal task, participants were asked to list up to four factors that they "regard as causes of the 'event'". In the next screenshot they were asked to rate the importance of these factors (from 0 to 10): "Now please rate the importance of each factor you listed with regard to causality on a scale of 0-10 where 0 'not at all causal' and 10 'totally the cause'". The counterfactual task exhibited the same structure, with participants first asked to propose four ways "in which the event would have been different", and then invited to rate from 0 to 10 "how likely those alterations would have been in changing the 'event': 'Please rate the importance of each of the changes you listed with regard to how likely that change would have been in altering the event on a scale of 0-10 where 0 'not at all a good way to undo the event' death and 10 'absolutely the best way to undo the event'". The description of the "event" varied in three levels and for each level both causal and counterfactual tasks were matched. Three levels of specificity were defined for the event description: For the first or low level, the questions were about the "outcome of the situation". For the second or medium level, the judgements required were about the "death of the main character". For the third or high level, participants were asked about the "death of the main character due to the fatal burns". Participants were randomly assigned to one of the three versions defined by the specificity level of event description. Notice that the main difference between these tasks and Mandel's is the variation of the event description and the matching of the description across tasks. In the counterfactual task, Mandel (2003b) asked people about ways the "story could be changed so that the outcome would have been different" and 185 revista colombiana de psicología vol. 22 n.º 1 enero-junio 2013 issn 0121-5469 impreso | 2344-8644 en línea bogotá colombia -pp. [179][180][181][182][183][184][185][186][187][188][189][190][191][192][193][194][195][196][197] causal selection then rate how effective these were in undoing the "character's premature death". In the causal task the questions were simply about the death of the character. In the probability task, participants were asked to estimate four probabilities (from 1 to 100) for the outcome, given four conditions, defined by the presence/absence of the actions of the assassins: 1. None of them occurring. 2. Poisoning but not car run off the road occurring. 3. Car runoff road but not poisoning occurring. 4. Both of them occurring. For example, the sentence corresponding to condition 1 was: "What is the probability of the victim dying given that neither Mr. Vincent added poison to Mr. Wallace's drink nor Mr. Bruce pushed Mr. Wallace's car into a ravine. " Coding of Causal and Counterfactual Listings The coding was done according to the categories of interest: crime life, poison, crash and other. Two additional elements were recorded: first, in the case of the counterfactuals, whether or not the manipulation actually undid the death of the main character; second, the frequency with which participants mentioned the conjunction of any of the targets (e.g., poison and crash). Each participant provided at least one answer for the causal and the counterfactual listings. Coding was performed by the author and by an independent coder. Inter coder agreement was 88% (Raw agreement index. 498/549=90% Overall. For causal answers 92%, for counterfactual 88%. Kappa coefficients are .92, p<.01 and .96, p<.01 respectively.). Results Importance ratings were computed by dummy coding participants' causal and counterfactual listings as 0 if the target was absent and as 1 if the target was present. Then each of the answers was weighted on the basis of the importance rating given to it and averaged if any target was selected more than once. Mean counterfactual and causality scores for each participant were then calculated by averaging the sum of the scores by the number of answers. In Mandel's study, listings and ratings followed the same pattern, so the analysis focused on the ratings. This finding was not replicated. In what follows, I first present the overview of response frequencies followed by the modal responses and the importance ratings analyses, and finish with the probability ratings. Proportions of Answers Participants produced 269 and 289 answers for the causal and counterfactual listings. The difference is not significant [χ 2 (1, n=549) =0.22, p=0.63]. Contrary to JDT predictions, overall crime life was not the preferred modal answer for counterfactual task, nor crash for the causal task. There is a significant difference between the frequencies of people who chose a counterfactual target [Χ 2 (4, n=289) =86.06, p<.01]. Overall, most of the answers focused on undoing the crash to undo the event, followed by poison and the combination of both. There is also a significant difference among causal targets [Χ 2 (4, n=269)=57.37, p<.01]. There is a large number of participants who manipulated both the car accident and the poisoning in the counterfactual but not in the causal task. The highest number of responses was given in the category crash, for both types of judgements. Surprisingly, crime life was chosen more frequently as the target in causal compared to counterfactual listings. There was also a large difference between the number of responses that do not fall into any category in the causal and the counterfactual task: Whereas this accounts for just 10% of the counterfactual answers, it is relevant to 25% of the causal answers. A log linear analysis was conducted to test for differences across categories according to the level. It included specificity level (3), judgement type (2), and target (3) 1 . The three way log linear analysis produced a final model that retained the specificity level, target and the judgement type and target interactions (but not the specificity level x judgement type interaction). The likelihood of this model was [χ2(6) =3.75, p=.71]. The interaction between the specificity level and the target was significant [χ2(4) =15.16, p<.01], which indicates that the number of responses for target differ across the specificity level. In particular, the highest difference between crash and crime life occurs in the high specificity level, independent of the judgement type, indicating, first, match in the importance attributed to this factor 1 It is important to bear in mind that the log linear analysis was performed on the distribution of the total number of answers across categories, and not the number of respondents in each category. Log linear analysis was also run with 4 targets, showing no significant difference. in both causal and counterfactual judgements, and, second, that its importance increases with the specificity of the question. The interaction between the type of judgement and the target was also significant [χ2 (2)=24.91, p<.01]. It can be seen that the percentage of answers for crime life was higher for causal than for counterfactual judgements. The odds ratio suggests that a participant is 3.95 more likely to judge crime life causally relevant than counterfactually efficient in undoing the outcome of the story compared to the other targets (collapsing the other 2 categories). This clearly diverges from Mandel's results, where the frequency of judgements on crime life was clearly higher for counterfactual than for causal judgements. Analysis of the proportion of participants per target, not answers, was also performed. The same results were observed (Model: χ2 (6)=4.43. p=.61 and the same effects (specificity level X target and judgment X target). Proportions of Participants and Importance Ratings Post hoc comparisons performed on the counterfactual ratings showed that crime life is considered more effective in undoing the event William jiménez-leal in the low and medium levels, that is, the more ambiguous phrasings (significant at p<.05, Bonferroni corrected). A complementary finding is that undoing both the crash and taking the poison also got a high rating at the most general level of description, considering that was an option chosen by very few participants. For the causal task, in the high level, more people consider the combination of both important factors (crash and poison) to be the cause. This category had a similarly high rating compared with crime life in the same level. Finally, crash was rated causally effective independently of the level of description. Lastly, in order to examine the presence of the order effect, the mean within-target Pearson correlation was calculated. When the counterfactual judgements were presented first, the results show correlation values of . 29 [df=70, p=.3]. When the causal judgements were presented first, correlation results were .24 [df=70, p=.09] (drop to 0.25 and 0.20 if the fourth target is not included). The results are then evidence for the absence of order effects. Effectiveness of Counterfactual Responses Effectiveness of the counterfactual responses can be considered by examining the proportion of answers that actually undid the intended event. In this case, the proportion of counterfactual responses that failed to undo the death of the protagonist reached 30%. They represent 30%, 6%, and 1% of the low, medium and high description specificity factors, respectively, and the participants were not equally distributed across the levels of specificity [χ

    Creación de un espacio web 2.0 como punto de encuentro para debatir fórmulas de creación de empresas de comunicación y mejora de la formación en cretividad publicitaria

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    Las innovaciones docentes y nuevas concepciones sobre la enseñanza universitaria parten del hecho de que el alumno pasa a ser el centro del proceso didáctico, pasa de ser un sujeto pasivo en el aula a ser un sujeto implicado en el proceso de aprendizaje, con una serie de responsabilidades sobre la toma de decisiones. El estudiante se hace partícipe de sus propios recursos y establece relaciones de ayuda con el profesor y con los propios compañeros de aula. El papel del profesor también varía; de ser el sujeto protagonista asume un nuevo papel como colaborador en el proceso de la enseñanza. Por ello, la intención partió de la puesta en práctica del Aprendizaje basado en un proyecto real” que cumpla dos objetivos: creación de una idea de negocio y cumplimentar la formación en Creatividad Publicitaria. Lo cierto es que estamos ante una tecnología diferente, un nuevo modo de de entretenernos e informarnos, de comprar y de consumir medios y de informarse. Estamos en la era del marketing interactivo, de la web 2.0 donde la unión creatividad - tecnología es un par indisoluble. Así, durante el curso académico 2008/2009 se realizó en la Universidad de Cádiz un proyecto piloto de creación de una web 2.0 como espacio de trabajo para crear e intercambiar ideas en el contexto de la licenciatura en Publicidad y RR.PP. La experiencia fue tan positiva que, con posterioridad, en el curso 2009/2010 se realizó un proyecto similar con alumnos de un perfil parecido pero en otra universidad, la Universidad de Sevilla. Este estudio analiza las necesidades 2.0 del mercado actual y pone de manifiesto la experiencia de este proyecto piloto y sus consecuencias en la docencia en comunicación.Innovations in teaching and new ideas about university education based on the fact that the student becomes the center of the learning process, goes from being a passive subject in the classroom to be a subject involved in the learning process with a series of responsibility for decision making. The student becomes part of their own resources and help build relationships with one's teacher and classmates. The teacher's role also changes from being the subject protagonist that assumes a new role as a partner in the process of teaching. Therefore, the intention was based on the implementation of “Learning based on a real project” meet two objectives: creating a business idea and complete training in “Creatividad Publicitaria” subject. The truth is that this is a different technology, a new way to entertain and inform, to buy and consume media and information. This is the era of interactive marketing, web 2.0, where the union creativity-technology is an inseparable pair. Thus, during the academic year 2008/2009 was held at the Universidad de Cádiz a pilot project to create a web 2.0 working space to create and exchange ideas in the context of a degree in Advertising and Public Relations experience was so positive that, subsequently, in the 2009/2010 academic year a similar project was conducted with students of a similar profile but at another university, the Universidad de Sevilla. This study analyzes the current market needs 2.0 and highlights the experience of this pilot project and its impact on teaching communication

    Mild cognitive impairment

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    Abstract Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) is a disease between normal cognitive ageing and dementia. In recent years the term MCI has been recognized as a pre-dementia state, raising an important subject for investigation in the prevention of dementia. There are various terms related to pre-dementia MCI, such as isolated memory complaint and pre-Alzheimer’s disease; most of them do not comprise all the areas related to MCI. A central cholinergic deficit is present in amnestic MCI with neuronal loss in the Meynert basal nucleus. It is estimated that the rate of progression to dementia is about 10% every year. The prevalence of MCI is 10%-11% and the risk of progression to dementia is about 5%-16%. The continual development of pharmacologic approaches to modify and delay the natural history of progression of the disease motivates a great interest in an earlier diagnosis

    El uso de la metodología DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) para la evaluación del impacto de las TIC en la productividad del sector hotelero

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    El objetivo principal de este trabajo es analizar una técnica no paramétrica para la construcción de fronteras de producción que es aplicada en muchos estudios sobre eficiencia y hotelería. El DEA (Análisis Envolvente de Datos) permite la utilización de múltiples inputs y outputs sin imponer ninguna forma funcional a los datos o hacer suposiciones de ineficiencia. Para proporcionar la medición total de la eficiencia económica (Economic Efficiency) se combinan tanto la eficiencia técnica (Technical Efficiency), que se refiere a la capacidad de un hotel para obtener el máximo output para un determinado conjunto de inputs, con referencia a una determinada función de producción; como la eficiencia asignativa (Allocative Efficiency), que se refiere a la capacidad de un hotel para utilizar los inputs y generar outputs en proporciones óptimas, considerando sus respectivos precios. El modelo DEA permite la medición de las dos cuando tenemos información sobre los precios y queremos considerar un objetivo comportamental, como minimizar los costes y maximizar los ingresos. En los modelos orientados al output, DEA propone identificar la ineficiencia con un aumento proporcional en la obtención de la producción. En los modelos orientados a los inputs, la ineficiencia técnica se identificaría con una disminución proporcional en el uso de las entradas. En cuanto a los hoteles, las orientaciones de mercado parece ser la elección natural debido a su posición competitiva.The main objective of this paper is to analyze the nonparametric technique used in many studies of hospitality. The econometric frontier approach, DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) allows the use of multiple inputs/outputs without imposing any functional form to data or make assumptions of inefficiency. (Technical Efficiency) refers to the ability of a hotel for the maximum output for a given set of inputs, with reference to a function of production. Conversely, (Allocative Efficiency) refers to the ability of a hotel to use the inputs and produce outputs in optimal proportions given their prices. These two measures are combined to provide the measurement of total (Economic Efficiency). The DEA model allows measurement of both when we have information about prices and we want to consider a behavioral objective, such as minimizing costs and maximizing revenues. In the production oriented models DEA is to identify the inefficiency as a proportional increase in production use. You can use an input oriented model to technical inefficiency with a proportional decrease in the use of the entrances. With regard to the guidance market hotels seem to be the natural choice due to its competitive position

    Las TIC y la productividad: una revisión crítica

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    Este artículo tiene como objetivo principal el análisis de las TIC y su relación con el desempeño económico, realizándose a través de la modelización del proceso de producción y de una extensa revisión de la literatura. También se analiza el estado de la investigación sobre esta temática y se realizan algunas cuestiones de investigación pertinentes. En esta revisión crítica claramente emergen tres conclusiones. En primer lugar, la paradoja de la productividad, tal como fue formulado originalmente por Solow (1987), ha sido revisada y un gran número de estudios han documentado el impacto significativo de las inversiones en TIC sobre la productividad de las empresas, sectores y países, mostrando que la utilización de las TIC sí aparece de hecho en las estadísticas sobre la productividad. En segundo lugar, a pesar de que la nueva economía y la alta rentabilidad de las TIC han captado la atención de los medios de comunicación desde finales de los noventa, las inversiones en las TIC han aumentado la productividad desde hace más de dos décadas. En tercer lugar, y más significativo para las empresas, es que a pesar de que en promedio los rendimientos de las inversiones en TIC son positivas, existe una amplia variedad de rendimientos entre las diferentes empresas, obteniendo algunas resultados mucho mejores que otras. Este hecho se explica en parte debido a la diferente idiosincrasia entre ellas, lo que se traduce en diferentes oportunidades para utilizar las TIC de manera productiva. En síntesis, el uso de las TIC no es simplemente una herramienta para la automatización de procesos, sino, lo que más importante, es un instrumento que facilita los cambios organizacionales y que puede conducir a ganancias de productividad adicionales.The main objective of this paper is an analysis of ICT (Information Communication Technologies) and its relationship with economic performance through a modeling of production processes and an extensive literature review. In addition, this paper analyzes the current state of research and proposes some relevant research questions. From this review, three clear conclusions can be drawn. First, the productivity paradox, as originally formulated by Solow (1987), has been revised and a great number of studies have documented the significant impact of investment in ICT on the productivity of companies, sectors and countries. This shows that what computers do in fact does appear in productivity statistics. Second, although the so-called New Economy and the high returns on ICT investment only captured the attention of the average person in the late 1990s, investment in ICT has now been increasing productivity for more than two decades. Third, and most significantly for businesses, although the returns on investments in ICT are on average positive, there has been a wide range of performance levels for different companies so that some achieve much better results than others. These results can be explained by idiosyncratic differences between companies which translate into different opportunities for using ICT productively. In short, ICT is not only a tool for the automation of processes but, more importantly, it facilitates organizational changes and can lead to additional gains in productivity

    Análisis de la productividad de los hoteles portugueses mediante los índices de Malmquist

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    El trabajo presentado pretende analizar la evolución de la productividad de los hoteles portugueses utilizando el denominado Índice de Productividad de Malmquist (MPI) calculados mediante la técnica no paramétrica DEA. Esta metodología reconoce que la eficiencia técnica se puede mejorar y permite tomar decisiones para ello. Para utilizar dicha metodología se necesita definir las entradas y salidas de los servicios ofrecidos por los establecimientos hoteleros. La caracterización de las entradas y salidas implica mirar el proceso de generación de los servicios como una "caja negra". De hecho la mayoría de los enfoques sobre productividad adoptan este punto de vista en las primeras etapas del análisis, con la calificación del proceso, pudiendo ser contemplado como un compendio de varias unidades empresariales, cada una utilizando las mismas clases de entradas para producir los mismos tipos de salidas. El enfoque utilizado en la presente investigación fue ampliado para incorporar los rendimientos variables de escala en la tecnología (VRS). El resultado de esta extensión es, según Färe, Grosskopf y Lovell (1994, pp. 231-232) y Färe, Grosskopf, Norris y Zhang (1994, pp.74-75), la descomposición de la variación de la eficiencia técnica en variación de la eficiencia técnica pura, calculada sobre los retornos variables de escala de la tecnología y una componente residual que capta los cambios en la desviación entre la frontera tecnológica de retornos constantes de escala y los retornos variables de escala (cambio en la eficiencia de escala).The paper presented intends to analyze the evolution of productivity in portuguese hotels using the so-called Malmquist Productivity Index (MPI) calculated using the non- parametric technique DEA. This methodology recognizes that technical efficiency can be improved and allows decisions to do so. To use the methodology is needed to define the inputs and outputs of the services offered by the hotels. The characterization of the inputs and outputs involves looking at the process of generation of the services as a "black box". In fact most of the approaches to productivity adopt this point of view in the early stages of the analysis, with the qualification of the process, and can be seen as a composite of several business units, each using the same kinds of inputs to produce the same types of outputs.The approach used in this research was expanded to incorporate the variable returns of scale (VRS) technology. The result of this extension is, according to Färe, Grosskopf and Lovell (1994, pp. 231-232) and Färe, Grosskopf, Norris and Zhang (1994, pp.74-75), the decomposition of the variation of the technical efficiency in variation of pure technical efficiency, calculated on the technology of variable returns of scale and a residual component that captures changes to the deviation between the technological frontier of constant returns of scale and variable returns of scale (change in the efficiency of scale)