429 research outputs found

    Protein Profile and Simulated Digestive Behavior of Breast Milk from Overweight and Normal Weight Mothers

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    Human milk proteins have shown to vary in concentration and distribution through lactation. However, while some regulatory components, such as hormones, have shown associations with regard to the mothers’ body mass index, there is limited information on the possible influence of this condition on the whole protein distribution. The objective of this study was to evaluate the protein profile of human milk from normal weight and overweight or obese mothers to identify differences in protein expression in colostrum, transitional and mature milk. The mass spectrometry analysis showed the ability to class with a high degree of confidence the lactation state and the milk profile according to the mother’s condition. Individual milk samples were subjected to a digestion in vitro model that takes into account the specificities of the gastrointestinal conditions of full-term newborn infants. The digestion products were compared with available data from the digestive contents in newborns. The behavior of the most abundant proteins and the overall peptide generation and survival, showed good correspondence with in vivo data.PID2019-107663RB-I00 from Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN)FPU grant (FPU15-04549) from the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport

    Neocortical tissue recovery in severe congenital obstructive hydrocephalus after intraventricular administration of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells

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    BACKGROUND: In obstructive congenital hydrocephalus, cerebrospinal fluid accumulation is associated with high intracranial pressure and the presence of periventricular edema, ischemia/hypoxia, damage of the white matter, and glial reactions in the neocortex. The viability and short time effects of a therapy based on bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSC) have been evaluated in such pathological conditions in the hyh mouse model. METHODS: BM-MSC obtained from mice expressing fluorescent mRFP1 protein were injected into the lateral ventricle of hydrocephalic hyh mice at the moment they present a very severe form of the disease. The effect of transplantation in the neocortex was compared with hydrocephalic hyh mice injected with the vehicle and non-hydrocephalic littermates. Neural cell populations and the possibility of transdifferentiation were analyzed. The possibility of a tissue recovering was investigated using 1H High-Resolution Magic Angle Spinning Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (1H HR-MAS NMR) spectroscopy, thus allowing the detection of metabolites/osmolytes related with hydrocephalus severity and outcome in the neocortex. An in vitro assay to simulate the periventricular astrocyte reaction conditions was performed using BM-MSC under high TNFα level condition. The secretome in the culture medium was analyzed in this assay. RESULTS: Four days after transplantation, BM-MSC were found undifferentiated and scattered into the astrocyte reaction present in the damaged neocortex white matter. Tissue rejection to the integrated BM-MSC was not detected 4 days after transplantation. Hyh mice transplanted with BM-MSC showed a reduction in the apoptosis in the periventricular neocortex walls, suggesting a neuroprotector effect of the BM-MSC in these conditions. A decrease in the levels of metabolites/osmolytes in the neocortex, such as taurine and neuroexcytotoxic glutamate, also indicated a tissue recovering. Under high TNFα level condition in vitro, BM-MSC showed an upregulation of cytokine and protein secretion that may explain homing, immunomodulation, and vascular permeability, and therefore the tissue recovering. CONCLUSIONS: BM-MSC treatment in severe congenital hydrocephalus is viable and leads to the recovery of the severe neurodegenerative conditions in the neocortex. NMR spectroscopy allows to follow-up the effects of stem cell therapy in hydrocephalus.España Instituto Carlos III , PI15/00619 (to AJJ), PI19/00778 (to AJJ and PPG), PI15/00796, and PI18/01557España Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte FPU13/02906España, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad RYC-2014-16980España, FEDER Andalucía y Universidad de Málaga UMA18-FEDERJA-27


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    El objetivo fundamental de este trabajo ha sido estudiar y comprender como se regulan las prestaciones del régimen general isfas y plasmar las diferencias con el Régimen General de la Seguridad Social de algunas de ellas

    Prevalence of chronic head, neck and low back pain and associated factors in women residing in the Autonomous Region of Madrid (Spain)

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    AbstractObjectiveTo compare the prevalence of chronic headache (CH), chronic neck pain (CNP) and chronic low back pain (CLBP) in the autonomous region of Madrid by analyzing gender differences and to determine the factors associated with each pain location in women in 2007.MethodsWe analyzed data obtained from adults aged 16 years or older (n = 12,190) who participated in the 2007 Madrid Regional Health Survey. This survey includes data from personal interviews conducted in a representative population residing in family dwellings in Madrid. The presence CH, CNP, and CLBP was analyzed. Sociodemographic features, self-perceived health status, lifestyle habits, psychological distress, drug consumption, use of healthcare services, the search for alternative solutions, and comorbid diseases were analyzed by using logistic regression models.ResultsThe prevalence of CH, CNP and CLBP was significantly higher (P<0.001) in women (7.3%, 8.4%, 14.1%, respectively) than in men (2.2%, 3.2%, 7.8%, respectively). In women, CH, CNP and CBLP were significantly associated with having ≥3 chronic diseases (OR 7.1, 8.5, 5.8, respectively), and with the use of analgesics and drugs for inflammation (OR: 3.5, 1.95, 2.5, respectively). In the bivariate analysis, the factors associated with pain in distinct body locations differed between men and women.ConclusionsThis study found that CH, CNP and CLBP are a major public health problem in women in central Spain. Women have a higher overall prevalence of chronic pain than men. Chronic pain was associated with a higher use of analgesics and healthcare services

    Impact of the happy classrooms programme on psychological well-being, school aggression, and classroom climate

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    Objectives This study sought to evaluate the efficacy of a brief version of the Happy Classrooms Programme in psychological well-being, school aggression, and positive classroom climate. Likewise, this study also aimed to identify which intervention effects could be attributed to the development of mindfulness. Finally, the last target of this study was to evaluate the implementation fidelity and the acceptability of the programme. Methods Multiple linear regression and longitudinal mediation analyses were performed with a sample of 524 students (49.8% boys and 50.2% girls) with a mean age of 13.6 years. Results Results provided evidence of the efficacy of the intervention in the majority of variables. For Mindfulness, Depressive Symptomatology, Perceived Stress, Competence, Emotional Attention, Identified Regulation, External Regulation, and Amotivation, the intervention proved efficacious only when pre-treatment levels of mindfulness were high, and sometimes also medium. For Self-esteem, Satisfaction with Life, Relatedness, Emotional Repair, Physical Aggression, Relational Aggression, Affiliation, and Teacher Support, intervention effects were irrespective of pre-treatment levels of mindfulness. Mediation analyses found evidence of longitudinal mediation effect of mindfulness on the relation between the intervention and most outcome variables. Implementation data showed that total time implemented by the teachers varied among them and that the programme was not highly acceptable by most students. Conclusions Our findings point out that Happy Classrooms Programme may promote psychological well-being and positive classroom climate, and reduce school aggression in students by increasing mindfulness levels

    Arabidopsis AtDjA3 null mutant shows increased sensitivity to abscisic acid, salt, and osmotic stress in germination and post-germination stages

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    "DnaJ proteins are essential co-chaperones involved in abiotic and biotic stress responses. Arabidopsis AtDjA3 gene encodes a molecular co-chaperone of 420 amino acids, which belongs to the J-protein family. In this study, we report the functional characterization of the AtDjA3 gene using the Arabidopsis knockout line designated j3 and the 35S::AtDjA3 overexpression lines. Loss of AtDjA3 function was associated with small seed production. In fact, j3 mutant seeds showed a reduction of 24% in seed weight compared to Col-0 seeds. Expression analysis showed that the AtDjA3 gene was modulated in response to NaCl, glucose, and abscisic acid (ABA). The j3 line had increased sensitivity to NaCl and glucose treatments in the germination and cotyledon development in comparison to parental Col-0. Furthermore, the j3 mutant line exhibited higher ABA sensitivity in comparison to parental Col-0 and 35S::AtDjA3 overexpression lines. In addition, we examined the expression of ABI3 gene, which is a central regulator in ABA signaling, in j3 mutant and 35S:rAtDjA3 overexpression lines. Under 5 RNA ABA treatment at 24 h, j3 mutant seedlings displayed higher ABI3 expression, whereas in 35S::AtDjA3 overexpression lines, ABI3 gene expression was repressed. Taken together, these results demonstrate that the AtDjA3 gene is involved in seed development and abiotic stress tolerance.

    Factors that affect listening comprehension of Advanced Intensive English II students of the Bachelor of Arts in Modern Languages: Specialization in French and English and the Bachelor of Arts in English Language Teaching during semester I, 2018

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    The listening comprehension skill is a very important element for students while studying at the University of El Salvador. The objective of this research is to identify how some external factors such as access to internet, cable service, speakers‘ accents, environmental noise and length of recordings affect students‘ listening comprehension of Advanced Intensive English II students. Moreover, internal factors such as age, gender, lack of knowledge about the topic that is being presented and unknown vocabulary of the recording that is being heard will be analyzed to determine if they influence students‘ listening comprehension of Advanced Intensive English II of the BA in Modern Languages and the BA in English Teaching during semester I, 2018. To gather data, a questionnaire was distributed to four groups of students that represented 50% of the total population, the teachers in charge of each of group were interviewed, and a listening test was administered to the students. The data was analyzed using descriptive analysis and mixed method were applied in this research. The results reveal the participants‘ internal and external factors that affect their listening comprehension. Among the internal factors studied are the following: gender, age, students‘ lack of knowledge about the topic presented and unknown vocabulary of the recording that is being heard. Also, the participants‘ external factors such as, internet and cable service, speakers‘ accent, environmental noise and length of recordings were studied. The Foreign Languages Department of the University of El Salvador can use the results of this research to evaluate the current listening proficiency of the Advanced Intensive English II students enrolled in BA in Modern Languages and BA in English Language Teaching during semester I, 2018

    Efecto de la biofumigación sobre flora arvense del cultivo del fresón

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    Debido a la biodescomposición de la materia orgánica, se producen una serie de compuestos capaces de controlar plagas, patógenos y flora arvense. Este proceso ha sido definido como biofumigación (BF). El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar el efecto de la biofumigación con materia orgánica fresca sobre flora arvense típica de los cultivos de fresón. Los experimentos de campo consistieron en el tratamiento con gallinaza o estiércol de caballo a la dosis de 3 kg m-2 durante 45 días. La biofumigación se combinó también con solarización (BF+S), en un diseño experimental de bloques al azar. Los resultados con gallinaza mostraron un buen control de las principales adventicias Poa annua, Portulaca oleracea y Lolium rigidum con resultados de control/BF/BF+S de 42/4/8, 18/9/12, y 15/0/1 plants m-2 respectivamente. Por otra parte, 20 semillas de varias arvenses se introdujeron en bolsas de tela y fueron sometidas a biofumigación con solarización. La eficacia del tratamiento BF+S fue claro en el control de P. oleracea, Cynodon dactilon y Echinochloa crus-galli con un porcentaje de germinación control/BF+S de 77/0, 50/15 y 30/2. Los experimentos de laboratorio consistieron en simular las condiciones de campo usando una mezcla de suelo, agua y diferentes materias orgánicas frescas. Las materias orgánicas utilizadas fueron restos de fresa, estiércol de caballo y gallinaza. Los mejores resultados se obtuvieron con gallinaza que mostró un control eficaz de Malva parviflora, Medicago sp., E. crus-galli, Amaranthus retroflexus, Chenopodium album y P. oleracea mientras que los residuos de fresa y el estiércol no mostraron inhibición de la germinación. En conclusión, los resultados obtenidos con los tratamientos de gallinaza se encuentran bajo investigación con resultados prometedores en los experimentos realizados hasta la fech

    Effect of food thermal processing on the composition of the gut microbiota

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    “This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, copyright © 2018 American Chemical Society after peer review and technical editing by the publisher. To access the final edited and published work see https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.jafc.8b04077.”Cooking modifies food composition due to chemical reactions. Additionally, food composition shapes the human gut microbiota. Thus, the objective of this research was to unravel the effect of different food cooking methods on the structure and functionality of the gut microbiota. Common culinary techniques were applied to five foods, which were submitted to in vitro digestion-fermentation. Furosine, HMF (5- hydroxymethyl-furfural) and furfural were used as Maillard reaction indicators to control the heat treatment. Short chain fatty acids production was quantified as indicator of healthy metabolic output. Gut microbial community structure was analyzed through 16S rRNA. Both food composition and cooking methods modified the microbiota composition and release short chain fatty acids. In general, intense cooking technologies (roasting and grilling) increased the abundance of beneficial bacteria like Ruminococcus spp. or Bifidobacterium spp. compared to milder treatments (boiling). However, for some foods (banana or bread) intense cooking decreased the levels of healthy bacteria.This study was supported by project AGL2014-53895-R from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER). It was also supported by a Spanish predoctoral fellowship F.P.U. for S. Perez-Burillo from the Spanish Government

    Flujo vaginal. Experiencia con el diagnóstico microbiológico de 1178 casos

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    During the year 1985 we studied 1178 adult women, from the laboratory viewpoint, in order to define the. etiology of their vaginal discharge; in 25,3% we established the diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis (Gardnerella vaginalis associated vaginitis); in 13,9% we found candidiasis and in 2,9% trichomoniasis; the remaining 54,2% did not fit any of these categories; three patients revealed either Geotrichurn or Trichosporon the significance of which in the vagina is unknown and should be further studied.En 1985 estudiamos, desde el punto de vista del laboratorio, 1178 mujeres adultas para definir la etiología de su flujo vaginal; se diagnosticó vaginosis bacteriana (vaginitis asociada a Gardnerella vaginalis) en 25.3% de los casos, candidiasis en 13,9% y Tricomoniasis en 2.9% en tres pacientes había levaduras de los géneros Geotrichum o Trichosporon cuyo significado en la vagina es desconocido y amerita ser estudiado