812 research outputs found

    La gramática en los manuales de la ESO: actividades sobre morfosintaxis

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    En este trabajo nos proponemos realizar un análisis y reflexión didáctica sobre las actividades gramaticales incluidas en los libros de texto correspondientes a los cuatro cursos de la etapa de educación secundaria obligatoria a partir de la revisión de dos proyectos editoriales de gran difusión en el ámbito educativo.In this work we propose to realize an analysis and didactic reflection on the grammatical activities included in the textbooks corresponding to four years of the secondary education from the review of two publishers of important diffusion in the educational areaÀ ce travail nous proposons de réaliser une analyse et une réflexion didactique sur les activités grammaticales incluses dans les manuels scolaires correspondants aux quatre cours de l’enseignement secondaire à partir de la révision de deux éditoriaux de grande diffusion dans le domaine éducatif

    Acerca de Los Textos Orales Infantiles

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    En este trabajo nos proponemos una aproximación al ámbito del discurso oral de una población infantil muy determinada (niños de 11 a 14 años). En primer lugar, nos referimos a las dos modalidades en las que se desarrolla la lengua: la oral y la escrita pues ambas se configuran en ejes fundamentales del desarrollo lingüístico durante los primeros años. Posteriormente, nos situamos en la parte central de nuestro estudio con el análisis de algunos de los fenómenos más significativos que hemos registrado.In the present study we intend to approach the field of the oral discourse of a particular young population (children aged from 11 to 14). In the first place, we make reference to the two modalities in which a language develops: oral and written, since both are fundamental axis of the linguistic development in the first years. Later, we will pursue the central part of our study with the analysis of some of the most significant phenomens we have recorded.Le propos de notre travail est celui d'un rapprochement au cadre du discours oral d'une population infantine très déterminée (des enfants de 11 à 14 ans). Nous nou rapportons, tout d'abord, aux modalités dans lesquelles la langue se développe: la modalité orale et la modalité écrite, car toutes les deux se configurent, dans les premières années, en axes fondamentals du développement linguistique. Ensuite nous nous situons, dans la partie centrale de notre étude avec l'analyse des phénomènes les plus significatifs que nous avons registres

    Load-independent characterization of trade-off fronts for operational amplifiers

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    Abstract—In emerging design methodologies for analog integrated circuits, the use of performance trade-off fronts, also known as Pareto fronts, is a keystone to overcome the limitations of the traditional top-down methodologies. However, most techniques reported so far to generate the front neglect the effect of the surrounding circuitry (such as the output load impedance) on the Pareto-front, thereby making it only valid for the context where the front was generated. This strongly limits its use in hierarchical analog synthesis because of the heavy dependence of key performances on the surrounding circuitry, but, more importantly, because this circuitry remains unknown until the synthesis process. We will address this problem by proposing a new technique to generate the trade-off fronts that is independent of the load that the circuit has to drive. This idea is exploited for a commonly used circuit, the operational amplifier, and experimental results show that this is a promising approach to solve the issue

    Characterization and Classification of Collaborative Tools

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    Traditionally, collaboration has been a means for organizations to do their work. However, the context in which they do this work is changing, especially in regards to where the work is done, how the work is organized, who does the work, and with this the characteristics of collaboration. Software development is no exception; it is itself a collaborative effort that is likewise affected by these changes. In the context of both open source software development projects and communities and organizations that develop corporate products, more and more developers need to communicate and liaise with colleagues in geographically distant places about the software product they are conceiving, designing, building, testing, debugging, deploying and maintaining. Thus, work teams face sizeable collaborative challenges, for which they have need of tools that they can use to communicate and coordinate their Work efficiently

    Spike-based control monitoring and analysis with Address Event Representation

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    Neuromorphic engineering tries to mimic biological information processing. Address-Event Representation (AER) is a neuromorphic communication protocol for spiking neurons between different chips. We present a new way to drive robotic platforms using spiking neurons. We have simulated spiking control models for DC motors, and developed a mobile robot (Eddie) controlled only by spikes. We apply AER to the robot control, monitoring and measuring the spike activity inside the robot. The mobile robot is controlled by the AER-Robot tool, and the AER information is sent to a PC using the USBAERmini2 interface.Junta de Andalucía P06-TIC-01417Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TEC2006-11730-C03-0

    An AER-Based Actuator Interface for Controlling an Anthropomorphic Robotic Hand

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    Bio-Inspired and Neuro-Inspired systems or circuits are a relatively novel approaches to solve real problems by mimicking the biology in its efficient solutions. Robotic also tries to mimic the biology and more particularly the human body structure and efficiency of the muscles, bones, articulations, etc. Address-Event-Representation (AER) is a communication protocol for transferring asynchronous events between VLSI chips, originally developed for neuro-inspired processing systems (for example, image processing). Such systems may consist of a complicated hierarchical structure with many chips that transmit data among them in real time, while performing some processing (for example, convolutions). The information transmitted is a sequence of spikes coded using high speed digital buses. These multi-layer and multi-chip AER systems perform actually not only image processing, but also audio processing, filtering, learning, locomotion, etc. This paper present an AER interface for controlling an anthropomorphic robotic hand with a neuro-inspired system.Unión Europea IST-2001-34124 (CAVIAR)Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIC-2003-08164-C03-0

    Live demonstration: Neuro-inspired system for realtime vision tilt correction

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    Correcting digital images tilt needs huge quantities of memory, high computational resources, and use to take a considerable amount of time. This demonstration shows how a spikes-based silicon retina dynamic vision sensor (DVS) tilt can corrected in real time using a commercial accelerometer. DVS output is a stream of spikes codified using the address-event representation (AER). Event-based processing is focused on change in real time DVS output addresses. Taking into account this DVS feature, we present an AER based layer able to correct in real time the DVS tilt, using a high speed algorithmic mapping layer and introducing a minimum latency in the system. A co-design platform (the AER-Robot platform), based into a Xilinx Spartan 3 FPGA and an 8051 USB microcontroller, has been used to implement the system