2,017 research outputs found

    Strangeness on the nucleon

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    Observables from parity violation in elastic electron-nucleon scattering and neutral current quasi-elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering are employed as tools to improve the current knowledge on the strangeness content in the nucleon.Comment: Proceedings of International Scientific Meeting on Nuclear Physics, 9-13th September 2012. La R\'abida, Huelva, Spai

    La presencia de las finanzas corporativas en revistas de ámbito turístico

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    Con este estudio pretendemos observar la presencia de investigaciones en finanzas corporativas aplicadas al turismo en el período 1995-2012. Se ha utilizado la base de datos Scopus para revistas turísticas indexadas en el Journal Citacion Reports, y el gestor bibliográfico Mendeley para gestionar los resultados. Se han seleccionado 121 artículos con contenido básicamente relacionado con finanzas de empresa. Los resultados revelan que la tipología de investigación mayoritariamente empleada ha sido la empírica; la temática de mayor interés son la gestión financiera de la empresa, la creación de valor, estructura de capital y decisiones de inversión. También destaca International Journal of Hospitality Management como la revista de mayor presencia financiera en la empresa.The purpose of this study is to observe the presence of corporate finance research applied to tourism during the 1995-2012 period. The Scopus database has been used for tourism journals indexed in Journal Citation Reports and the Mendeley reference manager was used to manage the results. One hundred and twenty-one articles were selected with basically financial content. The results reveal that in the majority of cases empirical research typology was used; the subject matter that aroused most interest was corporate finances and, within this, company financial management, value creation, capital structure and investment decisions. The International Journal of Hospitality Management also stands out as the journal with the greatest presence of finances

    Creación, dinamización y puesta en valor del destino turístico emergente: campiña turística sevillana

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    En el presente artículo intentamos mostrar un modelo de dinamización de La Campiña Turística Sevillana. Para ello, comenzaremos con la creación y justificación del destino turístico, diseñaremos el producto y lo orientaremos hacia la demanda y segmentos turísticos adecuados. Ello está justificado en que esta área geográfica, en los últimos cinco años, ha apostado firmemente por la diversidad y el desarrollo integral del destino, con la vista puesta en un desarrollo turístico sostenible y de calidad, que ha contribuido a mejorar la calidad de vida de su sociedad. La clave turística de este destino está en la diversidad histórica y paisajística que la caracteriza. En estos momentos, Campiña Turística se encuentra en una situación favorable de cara al turismo potencial. Por ello, distintos organismos públicos como Prodetur, S.A., aúnan esfuerzos para unir siete localidades no pertenecientes a una organización territorial determinada, formar el destino turístico emergente Campiña Turística, y dinamizarlo cumpliendo todos los requisitos vigentes en la normativa en materia turística, dotándolo de todos los instrumentos necesarios para poder elevarlo hacia la excelencia.In this article we attempt to provide a dinamization model of the Tourism in the Sevillian Countryside (Campiña Turística Sevillana). To do this, we start with the creation and justification of the destination; we will design the product and demand- driven and appropriate tourist segments. This is justified in this geographic area, as in the last five years, is strongly committed to diversify and arrive at the integral development of destination, in order to reach a sustainable tourism development and quality, which has helped improve the quality of life of their society. The key of this tourist destination is the historic and scenic diversity that characterizes it. At present, Tourism in the Sevillian Countryside is in a good position facing the tourism potential. Therefore, various public bodies as Prodetur SA join forces to connect seven locations without territorial organization determined to form the emerging tourist destination Tourism in the Countryside, doing a dinamization, meeting all requirements in the tourism industry standards, and providing it with all the tools they need to raise it toward excellence

    Between Rationality and Intuition: A Social Psychology Approach to Ex?Combatant Children in Colombia

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    Throughout its history, Colombia has been marked by different forms of violence. The involvement of children as soldiers is a phenomenon that recurs across generations. This article asks how the methodology governing social interventions should be designed so that it becomes possible to interrupt the circuits that lead to the intergenerational reproduction of violence. It reports on a human rights training aimed at children who are no longer active participants in Colombia's armed conflict. The project incorporated an educational approach and a social psychology focus which, taken together, were able to make progress towards overcoming the effects of violence. The article seeks to show the importance of intuition and the coming together of different areas of knowledge in the educational and social psychology models the project employed. A strong focus on active therapeutic listening has been particularly important

    La oferta académica del nuevo grado en turismo en la EUEE de la Universidad de Sevilla y las necesidades formativas demandadas por el sector turístico

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    El trabajo que se presenta realiza un estudio comparativo entre la oferta académica del Grado en Turismo en la Escuela Universitaria de Estudios Empresariales de la Universidad de Sevilla, en fase de aprobación, y las necesidades formativas que demanda el sector turístico. Mediante una encuesta a entidades, empresas y corporaciones, con las que la EUEE mantiene acuerdos de práctica, se intenta detectar los puntos fuertes y débiles que la oferta formativa del Centro tiene para el sector profesional. Los resultados muestran que los módulos que desarrollan competencias transversales son más valorados que los que desarrollan competencias específicas modulares. Además, todas las materias del Grado tienen una valoración media o alta. Finalmente, los estudiantes realizan actividades de prácticas en empresa que poseen escaso nivel creativo y baja responsabilidad en la organización.This paper presents a comparative study between the offer of an academic Tourism degree at the Business School in the University of Seville, in the process of adoption and the training needs required by the tourism industry. Through a survey of institutions, companies and corporations, with which EUEE maintains placement agreements, we try to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the training Center for the professional sector. The results show that the modules that develop transversals skills are more valued than those that develop specific modules. In addition, all subjects have a medium or high assessment. Finally, students execute work placements that have little creativity and low-level of responsibility in the organization

    Ranking Alternatives on the Basis of the Intensity of Dominance and Fuzzy Logic within MAUT

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    We introduce dominance measuring methods to derive a ranking of alternatives to deal with incomplete information in multi-criteria decision making problems on the basis of Multi-Attribute Utility Theory (MAUT). We consider the situation where the alternative performances are represented by uniformly distributed intervals, and there exists imprecision concerning the decision-makers¿ preferences, by means of classes of individual utility functions and imprecise weights represented by weight intervals or fuzzy weights, respectively. An additive multi-attribute utility model is used to evaluate the alternatives under consideration, which is considered a valid approach in most practical cases. The approaches we propose are based on the dominance values between pairs of alternatives that can be computed by linear programming, which are then transformed into dominance intensities from which a dominance intensity measure is derived. The methods proposed are compared with other existing dominance measuring methods and other methodologies by Monte Carlo simulation techniques. The performance is analyzed in terms of two measures of efficacy: hit ratio, the proportion of all cases in which the method selects the same best alternative as in the TRUE ranking, and the Rank-order correlation, which represents how similar the overall rank structures of alternatives are in the TRUE ranking and in the ranking derived from the method. The approaches are illustrated with an example consisting on the selection of intervention strategies to restore an aquatic ecosystem contaminated by radionuclides

    Parity violation in quasielastic electron-nucleus scattering within the relativistic impulse approximation

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    We study parity violation in quasielastic (QE) electron-nucleus scattering using the relativistic impulse approximation. Different fully relativistic approaches have been considered to estimate the effects associated with the final-state interactions. We have computed the parity-violating quasielastic (PVQE) asymmetry and have analyzed its sensitivity to the different ingredients that enter in the description of the reaction mechanism: final-state interactions, nucleon off-shellness effects, current gauge ambiguities. Particular attention has been paid to the description of the weak neutral current form factors. The PVQE asymmetry is proven to be an excellent observable when the goal is to get precise information on the axial-vector sector of the weak neutral current. Specifically, from measurements of the asymmetry at backward scattering angles good knowledge of the radiative corrections entering in the isovector axial-vector sector can be gained. Finally, scaling properties shown by the interference γZ\gamma-Z nuclear responses are also analyzed.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figure

    Parity violation and dynamical relativistic effects in (e,eN)(\vec{e},e'N) reactions

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    It is well known that coincidence quasielastic (e,eN)(\vec{e},e'N) reactions are not appropriate to analyze effects linked to parity violation due the presence of the fifth electromagnetic (EM) response RTLR^{TL'}. Nevertheless, in this work we develop a fully relativistic approach to be applied to parity-violating (PV) quasielastic (e,eN)(\vec{e},e'N) processes. This is of importance as a preliminary step in the subsequent study of inclusive quasielastic PV (e,e)(\vec{e},e') reactions. Moreover, our present analysis allows us to disentangle effects associated with the off-shell character of nucleons in nuclei, gauge ambiguities and the role played by the lower components in the nucleon wave functions, i.e., dynamical relativistic effects. This study can help in getting clear information on PV effects. Particular attention is paid to the relativistic plane-wave impulse approximation where the explicit expressions for the PV single-nucleon responses are shown for the first time.Comment: 39 pages, 9 figure

    Global analysis of parity-violating asymmetry data for elastic electron scattering

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    We perform a statistical analysis of the full set of parity-violating asymmetry data for elastic electron scattering including the most recent high precision measurement from QQ-weak. Given the basis of the present analysis, our estimates appear to favor non-zero vector strangeness, specifically, positive (negative) values for the electric (magnetic) strange form factors. We also provide an accurate estimate of the axial-vector nucleon form factor at zero momentum transfer, GAep(0)G_A^{ep}(0). Our study shows GAep(0)G_A^{ep}(0) to be importantly reduced with respect to the currently accepted value. We also find our analysis of data to be compatible with the Standard Model values for the weak charges of the proton and neutron.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in PR