840 research outputs found

    Results after implementation of a sedoanalgesia protocol for procedures in hospital environment

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    Se analiza la efectividad y seguridad de un protocolo específico de sedoanalgesia para procedimientos, y evalúa la satisfacción del personal sanitario con cada procedimiento. Pacientes y Método: Estudio prospectivo de un protocolo de sedoanalgesia para procedimientos en ámbito hospitalario en menores de 18 años, con una estrategia individualizada según la situación basal del paciente, el tipo de procedimiento y la experiencia del pediatra responsable de la sedación. Se registraron las variables: diagnóstico que motiva el procedimiento, tipo de procedimiento, datos antropométricos, alergias, medicación, estado ASA y enfermedad de base, tiempo de ayuno, auscultación pulmonar, temperatura, saturación de oxígeno, frecuencia respiratoria, frecuencia cardiaca, tensión arterial, lugar de sedación, tipo de fármaco, dosis, tipo de vía, escala de sedación Ramsay, duración de la sedación, tipo y tratamiento de efectos adversos, presencia de familiares durante todo el procedimiento y satisfacción del paciente. Resultados: Se realizaron 279 sedaciones. Los fármacos más usados fueron óxido nitroso (62,7%) y midazolam (16,5%); las vías de administración más utilizadas fueron la inhalada (62,4%) y la intravenosa (15,8%). La satisfacción fue alta para el pediatra (92,5%), el enfermero (94,3%), los familiares (96,8%) y los pacientes (93,6%), con una buena correlación entre ellos, y fue significativamente menor al usar midazolam y las vías nasal y bucal. La tasa de efectos adversos fue del 3,2%, y ninguno fue grave. Conclusiones: La implementación de un protocolo específico de sedoanalgesia para procedimientos en el ámbito hospitalario consigue una alta efectividad y seguridad, además de un alto nivel de satisfacción, tanto en familiares como en personal sanitarioWe analyze the effectiveness and safety of a specific analgosedation protocol for procedures, and evaluate the satisfaction of the health personnel with each procedure. Patients and Method: Prospective study of an analgosedation protocol for hospital procedures in children under 18 years of age, with an individualized strategy based on the patient’s baseline situation, the type of procedure and the experience of the pediatrician responsible for the sedation. The following variables were recorded: diagnosis motivating the procedure, type of procedure, anthropometric data, allergies, medication, ASA status and baseline disease, fasting time, lung auscultation, temperature, oxygen saturation, respiratory rate, heart rate, blood pressure, sedation location, type of drug, dose, route of administration, Ramsay sedation scale, duration of sedation, type and treatment of adverse effects, presence of family members throughout the procedure, and patient satisfaction. Results: 279 sedations were performed. The most commonly used drugs were nitrous oxide (62.7%) and midazolam (16.5%); the most commonly used routes of administration were the inhaled one (62.4%) and the intravenous one (15.8%). The satisfaction was high for the pediatrician (92.5%), the nurse (94.3%), the family (96.8%), and patients (93.6%), with a good correlation between them, and it was significantly lower when using midazolam and the nasal and oral routes. The adverse effects rate was 3.2%, and none was severe. Conclusions: The implementation of a specific analgosedation protocol for procedures in the hospital environment achieves high levels of effectiveness and safety, as well as a high level of satisfaction, both in family members and in health personne

    T-cell intracellular antigens in health and disease

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    T-cell intracellular antigen 1 (TIA1) and TIA1-related/like protein (TIAR/TIAL1) are 2 proteins discovered in 1991 as components of cytotoxic T lymphocyte granules. They act in the nucleus as regulators of transcription and pre-mRNA splicing. In the cytoplasm, TIA1 and TIAR regulate and/or modulate the location, stability and/or translation of mRNAs. As knowledge of the different genes regulated by these proteins and the cellular/biological programs in which they are involved increases, it is evident that these antigens are key players in human physiology and pathology. This review will discuss the latest developments in the field, with physiopathological relevance, that point to novel roles for these regulators in the molecular and cell biology of higher eukaryotes.Ministry Economic Affairs and Competitiveness through FEDER funds (BFU2008–00354, BFU2011–29653 and BFU2014–57735-R). The CBMSO receives an institutional grant from Fundación Ramón Areces.Peer Reviewe

    The flexibility and dynamics of protein disulphide-isomerase

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    We have studied the mobility of the multi-domain folding catalyst, protein disulphide-isomerase (PDI), by a coarse-graining approach based on exibility. We analyse our simulations of yeast PDI (yPDI) using measures of backbone movement, relative positions and orientations of domains, and distances between functional sites. We nd that there is interdomain exibility at every interdomain junction but these show very di erent characteristics. The extent of interdomain exibility is such that yPDI's two active sites can approach much more closely than is found in crystal structures | and indeed hinge motion to bring these sites into proximity is the lowest energy normal mode of motion of the protein. The exibility predicted for yPDI (based on one structure) includes the other known conformation of yPDI and is consistent with (i) the mobility observed experimentally for mammalian PDI and (ii) molecular dynamics. We also observe intradomain exibility and clear di erences between the domains in their propensity for internal motion. Our results suggest that PDI exibility enables it to interact with many di erent partner molecules of widely di erent sizes and shapes, and highlights considerable similarities of yPDI and mammalian PDI

    Impact of soft-hydrothermal pre-treatments on the olive mill solid waste characteristics and its subsequent amaerobic digestion

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of a soft-hydrothermal pre-treatment (SHP) on olive mill solid waste (OMSW) and its subsequent anaerobic digestion (AD). OMSW was pre-treated in an autoclave at temperatures of 121 ºC and 133 ºC and excess pressures of 1.1 and 2.1 bars, respectively at heating times of 15, 20 and 30 minutes. The digestibility of pre-treated and untreated OMSW was determined in terms of methane potential through using biochemical methane potentials tests (BMP). An important solubilisation of high valuable compounds such us hydroxytyrosol, and 3,4-dihydroxyphenylglycol was observed after pre-treatments. SHP showed a significant reduction on fiber length and width (p < 0.05). A higher polysaccharides solubilisation was observed in treatment at 121 ºC comparing with that observed at 133 ºC. SHP carried out at 121 ºC, 1.1 bar (30 min) (pre-treatment A1), allowed obtaining the highest methane yield (380 ± 5 mL CH4/g VS), which was 12.3% higher than that obtained for untreated OMSW. Pearson correlation (PEC) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) were carried out. PEC showed a positive correlation with phenol vanillic acid and PCA grouped pre-treatment A1 with polysaccharides solubilization. The influence of the SHP conditions on the AD of OMSW was assessed through the monitoring of process performance and calculation of kinetic parameters by using the Transference Function model

    Valorization of Seaweed Wracks : Inclusion as Additive in Diets for Grass Carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella)

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    Macroalgae have been recently described as a potential ingredient for aquafeeds, exerting several physiological benefits. Grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) is a freshwater species, which has been the major fish species produced in the world in the last years. In order to determine the potential use of macroalgal wracks in fish feeding, C. idella juveniles were fed with an extruded commercial diet (CD) or the CD supplemented with 7% of a wind dried-powder (1 mm) from either a multispecific macroalgal wrack (CD + MU7) or a monospecific macroalgal wrack (CD + MO7) obtained from Gran Canaria island (Spain) coasts. After 100 days of feeding, survival, fish weight, and body indexes were determined, and muscle, liver, and digestive tract samples were collected. The total antioxidant capacity of macroalgal wracks was analyzed by assesing the antioxidant defense response and digestive enzymes activity in fish. Finally, muscle proximate composition, lipid classes (LC), and fatty acid (FA) profiles were also studied. Our results suggest that dietary inclusion of macroalgal wracks does not have negative effects on growth, proximate, and lipid composition, antioxidative status, or digestive capacity of C. idella. In fact, both macroalgal wracks caused a general lower fat deposition, and the multispecific wrack enhanced catalase activity in the liver.This study was funded by the European Interreg Programme 2014-2020 (MACBIOBLUE; MAC/1.1b/086). FCT–Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia and as applicable cofinanced by the FEDER within the PT2020 Partnership Agreement by funding the cE3c centre (UID/BIA/00329/2019).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    This paper compiles chorological novelties from SE Spain, new records for Albacete province (Blupeurum gibraltaricum, Crataegus granatensis and Castellia tuberculosa), Almería province (Lathyrus annus and Teline monspessulana) and Murcia province (Cleome violacea, Gagea pratensis, Iberis pectinata, Lepidium villarsii subsp. villarsii, Teline monspessulana, Oxalis articulata y Sparganium erectum subsp. Neglectum). Several taxa located in aloctone siliceous sands are cited, probably introduced in an accidental way, actually like adventitious (Coronilla repanda subsp. dura, Hymenocarpos hamosus, Ononis baetica, Ornithopus compressus). Moreover, it has been amplified the distribution of two rare orchid in Murcia (Ophrys incubacea, Serapias lingua).Se recopilan novedades corológicas para la flora del sureste ibérico, que se corresponden con nuevas citas provinciales para Albacete (bupléurum gibraltaricum, Crataegus granatensis y Castellia tuberculosa), Almería (Lathyrus annnus y Teline monspessulana) y Murcia (Cleome violacea, Gagea pratensis, Iberis pectinata, Lepidium villarsii subsp. villarsii, Teline monspessulana, Oxalis articulata y Sparganium erectum subsp. Neglectum). Asimismo, se citan taxones localizados en arenas silíceas alóctonas, posiblemente introducidos de forma accidental y que en la actualidad presentan un carácter adventicio (Coronilla repanda subsp. dura, Hymenocarpos hamosus, Ononis baetica, Ornithopus compressus). Además, se amplía el conocimiento sobre el área de distribución de dos orquídeas poco conocidas en Murcia (Ophrys incubacea, Serapias lengua)


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    Chorological novelties are introduced in the flora of Murcia (Inula salicina, Jasione crispa subsp. segurensis, Lonicera arborea, Phagnalon x murbeckii, Sideritis chamaedryfolia subsp. chamaedryfolia, Tragopogon pratensis) Albacete (Epipactis cardina, Epipactis microphylla, Ferulago ternatifolia, Fraxinus excelsior, Tragopogon pratensis) and Alicante (Stapelia variegate), in the South-East of the Iberian Peninsula. On the other hand, it has been amplified the distribution of several rare plants in Murcia, like some orchids (Epipactis cardina, Epipactis tremolsii, Himantoglossum hircinum and Ophrys incubacea).Se presentan novedades corológicas para la flora de Murcia (Inula salicina, Jasione crispa subsp. segurensis, Lonicera arborea, Phagnalon x murbeckii, Sideritis chamaedryfolia subsp. chamaedryfolia, Tragopogon pratensis), Albacete (Epipactis cardina, Epipactis microphylla, Ferulago ternatifolia, Fraxinus excelsior, Tragopogon pratensis) y Alicante (Stapelia variegata), en el sureste de la Península Ibérica. Por otro lado, se amplía el conocimiento sobre el área de distribución de diversas especies raras en Murcia, entre ellas varias orquídeas poco citadas (Epipactis cardina, Epipactis tremolsii, Himantoglossum hircinum, Ophrys incubacea)

    Biodiversity Assessment and Geographical Affinities of Discards in Clam Fisheries in the Atlantic–Mediterranean Transition (Northern Alboran Sea)

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    This study focused on the assessment and quantification of discards generated by clam fisheries along the northern Alboran Sea (western Mediterranean). Discard samples (n = 278) were collected throughout one year on board nine commercial vessels. A total of 129 species were identified, mostly represented by molluscs (72 spp.), arthropods (20 spp.) and echinoderms (12 spp.). Molluscs dominated in terms of abundance (67.5%) and biomass (94.2%). The superfamily Paguroidea (i.e. hermit crabs), together with undersized target individuals, were the most abundant taxa. The abundance and biomass of discards displayed significant maximum values in winter, which could be partly related to biotic factors including population dynamics of some dominant species. Multivariate analyses indicated the presence of different assemblages related to the targeted bivalve species, reflecting the transition between a fine surface-sands biocoenosis exposed to wave action and a well-sorted fine sands biocoenosis below 5 m depth. Analysis of biogeographical affinities showed that most discarded species (73.2%) have an extensive Atlantic range, whereas 7.1% have a restricted distribution within the Mediterranean. The presence of subtropical species highlights the uniqueness of this area (the Atlantic–Mediterranean transition) in European seas. The usefulness of discard analysis for biodiversity assessment is discussed.Postprin

    Use of rivaroxaban and acetylsalicylic acid as a combined treatment for peripheral arterial disease in Central Military Hospital

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    Background: The objective of this research was to evaluate the behavior of 3 risk indicators for peripheral arterial disease in patients under oral treatment with rivaroxaban 2.5 mg every 12 hours plus, acetylsalicylic acid 100 mg every 24 hours. It was hypothesized that the oral combination of rivaroxaban and acetylsalicylic acid presents a therapeutic advantage over other treatments.Methods: A prospective longitudinal and non-randomized study of a single center was performed. 59 patients with peripheral arterial disease were included and treated with acetylsalicylic acid + rivaroxaban. Peak systolic velocity, ankle-brachial index and C reactive protein index were evaluated.Results: Significant changes were found at month 1 and 3 of follow-up in maximum systolic velocity, ankle-arm index and C-reactive protein index. The baseline peak systolic velocity (PSV) in the anterior tibial artery had significant differences after one month of treatment (p=0.001) and after 3 months (p=0.001). The baseline PSV in the posterior tibial artery had significant differences compared to the values found at the month of treatment (p=0.001) and 3 months (p=0.001). In the ankle-brachial index a baseline median of 0.790 was found, one month after the treatment of 0.795 (p=0.147) and 3 months after 0.800 (p=0.019). The mean baseline C-reactive protein obtained was 73.142 mg/l, at one month 87.233 mg/l (p=0.001) and at 3 months at 79.009 mg/l (p=0.294) with a standard deviation of 67.18, 74.78 and 69.69 respectively.Conclusions: The combined use of acetylsalicylic acid and rivaroxaban allows a clinical improvement in patients with peripheral arterial disease