1,843 research outputs found

    Determinantes de la tasa de cambio real en Colombia en las últimas dos décadas: un análisis de regresión

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    Este documento tiene como objetivo validar y analizar los determinantes de la tasa de cambio real en Colombia durante los años 1995 – 2014 -- Empleando una estimación por Mínimos Cuadrados Ordinarios (MCO), se encontró que la política fiscal, la política comercial, los activos financieros internacionales, el progreso técnico, la depreciación nominal y el nivel de precios en los términos relativos de intercambio son significativos a la hora de explicar el comportamiento de la tasa de cambio real en Colombia durante el periodo de estudi

    CLT approach as a basis of a learning unit. Unit proposal to promote communication between students in 3rd year of Compulsory Secondary Education

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    In this dissertation a unit plan whose main purpose is to develop communicative skills of students will be analyzed. What is intended with the design of this unit is that learners can develop the different skills in a communicative way, which will allow them to increase their motivation and their ability to express orally and in writing using the target language. Therefore, the development of CLT approach will be one of the most relevant bases of this project. The need to establish a communication-based teaching arises after the Practicum Period in which we did not have the opportunity to teach students face to face. Therefore, the contact with the student is lost and they do not have the opportunity to exchange opinions among them in a fluid way constantly. Moreover, another of the needs that has led to the creation of this dissertation was the analysis of a unit plan of a textbook that I carried out for a master's project. This book is focused on grammar and vocabulary aspects while it gets away from fostering communication between students. The unit plan is designed to develop a topic that can be motivating for students such as crime and punishment. During this unit, learners will also put into practice other skills such as their autonomy to learn, group work, cooperation and ability with technologies among others. To develop some lessons, the PBLL methodology will be used, culminating in a final product. Several materials created and adapted will be used in each session. The analysis that appears in this dissertation on this unit plan consists of a theoretical framework, which has been designed taking into account different readings from the master’s degree and outside it, and a curricular framework elaborated following current laws. <br /

    La cultura del trabajo y la igualdad en la Nueva Granada

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    Basada en los conceptos de Alexis de Tocqueville, esta investigación busca explicar de qué manera la cultura del trabajo influyó en la igualdad de condiciones. Para esto fue necesario analizar cómo la sociedad neogranadina acogía nuevas teorías y prácticas del mundo moderno liberal en su estructura socio-económica y política, haciendo indispensable, en primer lugar, realizar un estudio detallado de la situación de la Nueva Granada en los aspectos mencionados, durante finales del siglo XVIII y gran parte del siglo XIX. En principio se puede deducir que la cultura del trabajo no tuvo influencia en la igualdad de condiciones, porque la concepción protestante de la salvación del alma no halló en los neogranadinos la aceptación que requería para hacer de este un pueblo trabajador y tampoco se pudo garantizar una situación de igualdad de condiciones desde un aspecto cultural, sino que estuvo presente por medio de leyes que no eran respetadas.Based on Alexis de Tocqueville´s concepts, this investigation seek to explain how the work culture influences equal footing. In order to do so, it was imperative to analyze how the New Granada´s society adopted new theories and practices from the modern world with liberal social economy and political structure, making emphasis in detailed studies on the above mentioned aspects of the New Granada, on time frame from the end of the XVIII century and most of the XIX century. At first it can be deduct that the work culture did not influenced equal footing because the protestant conception of salvation of the soul, did not find in the New Granada people the concept needed in order to make out of it a hard working town and there were no guarantees of equal footing at a cultural level, instead it was present in a form of laws that were violated

    Valoración cuantitativa del PROMOVES -Programa de Movilidad Estudiantil – de la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes

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    O CONGRESSO DE INTERNACIONALIZAÇÃO DA EDUCAÇÃO SUPERIOR – CIES 2019 é um evento in- ternacional, que reúne professores, pesquisadores e estudantes de graduação e pós-graduação para divulgar a produção científica no campo da Internacionalização do Ensino Superior e fortalecer a cooperação internacional entre diferentes instituições de ensino e grupos de pesquisa no âmbito do MERCOSUL. A iniciativa é fruto de uma parceria entre pesquisadores da Universidade Federal da Integra- ção Latino-Americana (UNILA - Brasil), a Universidad Nacional del Litoral (UNL - Argentina), a Uni- versidad Nacional de Asunción (UNA - Paraguay) e a Universidad de la República (UDeLaR - Uru- guay), que atuam em projetos vinculados ao Setor Educacional do MERCOSUL, no Núcleo de Estudos e Investigações em Educação Superior. O evento será realizado nos dias 4, 5 e 6 de Setembro de 2019 no campus PTI da UNILA, dentro do Parque Tecnológico da Usina Hidrelétrica de Itaipu, na cidade de Foz do Iguaçu, Paraná, Brasil. A UNILA, sede do evento, é uma universidade temática criada em 2010 pelo governo federal do Brasil com a missão institucional de formar recursos humanos aptos a contribuir com a integra- ção latino-americana, com o desenvolvimento regional e com o intercâmbio cultural, científico e educacional da América Latina, especialmente no MERCOSUL. Sua finalidade, portanto, é conver- ter-se em um espaço de encontros, de trocas e de aprendizagem mútua, que reforçam o compro- misso em prol da pertinência, da excelência e da construção sustentável de um mundo melhor.Hacia fines del siglo XX la globalización, la mundialización de los problemas y la emergencia de la “sociedad del conocimiento” crearon nuevas exigencias para las instituciones de educación superior. En pocas palabras, la necesidad de formar ciudadanos y recursos humanos preparados para vivir en un mundo global. Como explica Julio Theiler (2009, p. 10), “la educación superior ya no se puede concebir solamente a partir de situaciones y criterios nacionales. (…) La creciente mundialidad de los problemas, caracterizada por la extrema complejidad de las situaciones, hace que la cooperación interuniversitaria interese a todos.”Núcleo de Estudios e Investigaciones en Educación Superior del Mercosur - NUCLEO Grupo Interdisciplinar de Pesquisa em Educação na América Latina – EducAL/UNILA Instituto Mercosul de Estudos Avançados – IMEA/UNILA Pró-Reitoria de Relações Institucionais e Internacionais – PROINT/UNIL

    BibApp, creation and development of a business plan and design of an application for libraries occupancy

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    Nowadays technology progresses at an unprecedented rate. One of the most important technologies we use at the day of today is the smartphone, and more specifically, smartphone applications. The latest generation of these smartphones comes with an immense variety of applications to get you started, form email and photography editing to navigation, or weather and health services. However, every one of those default apps has at least one alternative on the app stores, and often, there are a dozen more that can represent a huge upgrade. Amongst the many applications that are offered to us daily, the ones that offer a service based on the location of the user are gaining popularity. The following report embraces a precise and complete recapitulation of the all the work fulfilled during this project. Its principal goal is to enter in the applications market with a new idea, trying to fill what we have seen as a little hole in it. As students, we realised there was one problem almost every student in the world has faced at least once: not finding a seat when he/she goes to a library to study. In this present work a solution to this problem is proposed. This solution is called BibApp. An app that can tell its users the occupancy of all the libraries in the city in real time and provides the user with a lot more useful information about the libraries. The app uses a map and the localization of the user to try to provide him/her with alternatives to the fully occupied library he/she wanted to go to. For that matter, we have analysed the state of the art of the necessary technology to implement our solution. Later, we have conducted a market study of the different initiatives that exist or have been in the market and that can be used as an inspiration for the development of BibApp. Finally, we have designed the application and detailed the business plan of our project

    Linking indigenous territorial autonomy and environmental sustainability: a case study of the resguardo El Duya in Colombia

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    The aim of this dissertation is to understand the contributions of indigenous autonomous institutions to environmental sustainability in indigenous territories in Colombia. Past research has neglected to account for the role of indigenous territorial autonomy in spatial environmental planning and the overall goal of environmental sustainability. This gap is approached through the institutional design principles theory, informed by indigenous planning literature and the social-ecological systems framework. This research uses a case study, the resguardo El Duya, and a qualitative approach, where data collection was made through interviews, observation and document analysis. The results for this resguardo are presented in the context of Orinoquia region, which is analysed using the concept of frontier. This research asks about the way in which indigenous institutions mediate the relation of humans and the territory, finding that they have been going through a process of institutional change with several milestones characterised by external disturbances produced by non-indigenous actors. Currently, two institutional arrangements coexist in El Duya, customary and novel institutions, for which the analysis shows that the majority of design principles are present and some of them exhibit implementation problems. Thus, indigenous institutions have kept the integrity of ecosystems; despite changes in the social-ecological system and environmental impacts caused by oil extraction-related activities. This research further asks about spatial environmental planning, finding that it has been implemented by indigenous and non-indigenous actors, where the latter includes external governmental authorities and oil companies. This has resulted in an asymmetrical planning setting, in which the Salia people are deprived from significant planning powers in their territory. Furthermore, non-indigenous environmental authorities have contributed poorly in maintaining the integrity of the ecosystems of El Duya, under a frame in which the notion of environmental sustainability is not used by the people of this resguardo and is understood variably by governmental actors. Finally, this research asks about territorial autonomy concerning nature, which has been found to be partially exercised, since authority, decision-making and their enforcement are hindered by the intervention of environmental authorities. This corresponds to a jurisdictional encroachment over indigenous authorities, enabled by the Colombian State arrangement. Consequently, indigenous institutions do contribute to environmental sustainability in El Duya; however, this should be understood in terms of novel aspects enabled by the distinctiveness of Salia institutions and current territorial autonomy limitations.:Contents 1 Introduction 1.1 Rationale of the research 1.2 Outline of the dissertation 2 Indigenous territories: essentials for their study 2.1 The colonial inheritance 2.1.1 The early years and the disruption of territoriality 2.1.2 Republics and the enthronement of private property 2.2 Current state of indigenous territories in Colombia 2.2.1 Indigenous territorial rights in Colombia 2.2.2 The spatial relevance of indigenous territories 3 Literature review 3.1 Indigenous territories 3.1.1 The rights approach 3.1.2 Boundary-making and indigenous territories 3.2 Environmental sustainability and indigenous territorial autonomy 3.2.1 Subnational arrangements, self-government and autonomy 3.2.2 Indigenous territorial autonomy 3.2.3 The concept of environmental sustainability 3.2.4 Types of sustainability 3.2.5 Indigenous management of natural resources 3.2.6 Environmental planning in indigenous territories 3.3 Research questions 4 Theoretical framework 4.1 Institutional design principles 4.2 The social-ecological systems framework 4.3 Indigenous planning principles 4.4 Dissertation’s approach 5 Methodology 5.1 Research design 5.1.1 Case study research 5.1.2 Unit of analysis and type of case study 5.1.3 Research design limitations 5.2 Methods 5.2.1 Document analysis 5.2.2 Interviews 5.2.3 Qualitative observations 6 Study area: variables in the social-ecological system framework 6.1 Social, economic and political settings; related ecosystems 6.1.1 Economic development; demographic trends; political stability; climate patterns; pollution patterns; flows into and out of focal SES 6.1.2 External governance systems 6.2 Resource systems 6.2.1 Sector; clarity of systems’ boundaries; size of resource system; location. 6.2.2 Human constructed facilities 6.2.3 Equilibrium properties (stable state). 6.2.4 Predictability of system dynamics 6.3 Actors 6.3.1 History or past experiences 6.3.2 Number of relevant actors; socioeconomic attributes; social capital 6.3.3 Location; knowledge of SES (mental models) 6.3.4 Technologies available 6.4 Governance systems 6.4.1 Indigenous organisation; network structure 6.4.2 Property rights systems 6.5 Action situations 6.5.1 Harvesting; importance of resource 6.5.2 Information sharing 6.5.3 Conflicts 6.5.4 Investment activities 6.5.5 Lobbying activities 6.5.6 Networking activities 7 The relation between humans and territory 7.1 The period before the titling of the resguardo 7.1.1 Salia customary rules 7.1.2 Design principles in the customary arrangement 7.2 The period after the titling of the resguardo 7.2.1 Organisational structures 7.2.2 Authorities in El Duya 7.2.3 Rules for natural resources appropriation 7.3 Drivers of institutional transformation 7.3.1 Design principles in El Duya 7.3.2 Robustness of the SES 8 Environmental planning in indigenous territories 8.1 Spatial environmental planning in Colombia 8.2 Planning in El Duya 8.3 Oil exploration and extraction concerning El Duya 8.3.1 Projects of interest for El Duya 8.3.2 Authority over activities related to hydrocarbons 8.4 Environmental sustainability: multiple understandings 8.4.1 State view: a blurry concept 8.4.2 Indicators for environmental sustainability 8.4.3 The ecological function of property 8.4.4 Indigenous view: ‘pervivencia’ 9 Autonomy over ecosystems in El Duya 9.1 Distribution of powers with regard to ecosystems in El Duya 9.2 Authority exercise over ecosystems in El Duya 9.3 Decision-making and agency over ecosystems in El Duya 9.4 Indigenous territorial autonomy in El Duya 10 Discussion of results 10.1 Human-nature relations in El Duya and institutional change 10.1.1 Law of origin, Mother Earth and indigenous ontologies 10.1.2 Salia institutions and change 10.1.3 Interpreting institutional design principles 10.2 Environmental planning: a question of institutional jurisdiction 10.2.1 Indigenous planning, order and territory 10.2.2 Salia way of planning 10.2.3 Looking after the territory 10.2.4 Indigenous jurisdiction and extractive industries 10.2.5 The concept of environmental sustainability in indigenous territories 10.3 Territorial autonomy: the need for further conceptualisation 10.3.1 Authority and decision-making as a component of autonomy 10.3.2 Indigenous territorial autonomy in Colombia 10.3.3 Planning and autonomy 11 Conclusions 11.1 Human relationship with the territory 11.2 Indigenous environmental planning 11.3 Indigenous territorial autonomy and nature 11.4 Contributions to environmental sustainability 11.5 Further research 12 References 13 Appendices 13.1 Appendix A 13.2 Appendix B 13.3 Appendix C 13.4 Appendix D 13.5 Appendix E 13.6 Appendix F 13.7 Appendix G 13.8 Appendix

    The impact of Faraday effects on polarized black hole images of Sagittarius A*

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    We study model images and polarization maps of Sagittarius A* at 230 GHz. We post-process GRMHD simulations and perform a fully relativistic radiative transfer calculation of the emitted synchrotron radiation to obtain polarized images for a range of mass accretion rates and electron temperatures. At low accretion rates, the polarization map traces the underlying toroidal magnetic field geometry. At high accretion rates, we find that Faraday rotation internal to the emission region can depolarize and scramble the map. We measure the net linear polarization fraction and find that high accretion rate "jet-disc" models are heavily depolarized and are therefore disfavoured. We show how Event Horizon Telescope measurements of the polarized "correlation length" over the image provide a model-independent upper limit on the strength of these Faraday effects, and constrain plasma properties like the electron temperature and magnetic field strength.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Una visión participativa del adulto mayor en la Educación Superior

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    En los albores del siglo XXI, el envejecimiento poblacional constituye una realidad social ineludible. Se trata de un fenómeno natural y social que incumbe a todos, corolario del desarrollo de la humanidad. Sin lugar a dudas, el aumento de la esperanza de vida y la reducción de la natalidad caracteriza las sociedades contemporáneas. Desde esta perspectiva, una nueva mirada participativa define la situación jurídica del adulto mayor: el Convenio de 13 de enero de 2000 sobre Protección Internacional de los Adultosconstituye el epicentro fundamental, del cual se derivan importantes postulados y principios que, de ser implementados de manera adecuada, bien podrán contribuir a una efectiva satisfacción de los derechos de los adultos mayores. En estrecha vinculación con lo anterior, la sociedad contemporánea demanda la existencia de mecanismos encaminados a fomentar el trabajo formativo y pedagógico de los ancianos a la Universidad, y, por tanto, a una vida laboral estable. Desde lo anterior, constituye objetivo de este trabajo: proponer estrategias concretas que permitan una adecuada inserción social de adultos mayores a la Educación Superior, a cuyo efecto, se emiten consideraciones generales sobre el envejecimiento poblacional. Se valora la defensa del adulto mayor en la actualidad, previa fundamentación del Convenio de 13 de enero de 2000 sobre Protección Internacional de los Adultos, así como el papel de la Educación Superior en la formación pedagógica del adulto mayor, haciendo especial referencia a su tratamiento en México

    Funcionalidad protésica y condición nutricional en adultos mayores

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    65 p.OBJETIVO: Conocer si la funcionalidad protésica de prótesis dentales totales influye en la condición nutricional de AM autovalentes y en riesgo de dependencia, de 65 y más años, pertenecientes al sector norte de la ciudad de Talca, durante el año 2012. SUJETOS Y MÉTODOS: Se realizó un muestreo de tipo consecutivo de 100 adultos mayores, del CESFAM Dr. José Dionisio Astaburuaga, de la comuna de Talca, de 65 y más años, con condición funcional autovalente o en riesgo de dependencia, portadores de prótesis totales; a cada uno de ellos se les realizó una ficha clínica recopilando características biodemográficas y odontológicas y además un examen oral para determinar funcionalidad protésica según los criterios de estabilidad, retención, extensión y oclusión. Para determinar condición nutricional y diagnóstico funcional de los sujetos se recaudó información del examen preventivo del adulto mayor (EMPAM) desde sus fichas clínicas. Para el análisis estadístico de los datos se utilizó SPSS 14.0 para Windows. RESULTADOS: Los adultos mayores fueron en su mayoría autovalentes (68%), de sexo femenino (76%), de 70 a 79 años (53%), de nivel socioeconómico bajo y medio bajo (54%), con escolaridad básica (58%), que viven acompañados(76%). Poseen mal nutrición por exceso (sobrepeso u obesidad) (61%) y funcionalidad protésica maxilar y mandibular insatisfactoria, sobre todo a nivel mandibular, lo cual fue aportado principalmente por la deficiencia en el parámetro retención en maxilar y tanto por retención como por extensión en mandibular. CONCLUSIÓN: En este estudio no se encontró asociación entre funcionalidad protésica y condición nutricional.PALABRAS CLAVES: adultos mayores, autovalentes, en riesgo de dependencia, condición nutricional, funcionalidad protésica./ABSTRACT: OBJECTIVE: To determine if functionality of total prosthetic dentures affect the nutritional condition of elderly independent adults and at risk of dependence, over 65 years of age, belonging to the northern sector of the city of Talca, in 2012. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: We performed a sampling of 100 elderly adults at a consecutive rate, from the Family Health Center Dr. José Dionisio Astaburuaga, in the commune of Talca, of 65 years of age or older, with independent functional status or at risk of dependency, carriers of dentures; a clinical record was made for each one of them collecting biodemographic and dental characteristics also an oral examination was carried out to determine prosthetic functionality according to the criteria of stability, retention, expansion and occlusion. To determine nutritional status and functional diagnosis of the individuals the information collected was from the preventive checkup for elderly adults (EMPAM) from their medical records. For the statistical analysis of the data SPSS 14.0 for Windows was used. RESULTS: Elderly adults were mostly independent (68%), female (76%), 70 to 79 years old (53%), of low socioeconomic status and medium-low (54%), with primary school (58 %), living accompanied (76%). They are malnutritioned for excess (overweight or obese) (61%) with unsatisfactory maxillary and mandibular prosthetic functionality, especially in the mandible, which was contributed mainly by deficiency in the maxillary retention parameter given by both retention and by extension in the mandibular. CONCLUSION: This study found no association between nutritional condition and prosthetic functionality.KEYWORDS: elderly adults, independent, at risk of dependence, nutritional condition, prosthetic functionality